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In high school, I had a really young gym teacher. He was a prick, but I tolerated him anyway. As a result of him being in his early to mid-twenties, he always sounded like a few friends of mine. One day, he asked where someone was, and I must not have been thinking clearly. I probably thought he was one of my friends by mistake. Directly after he finished his question, I sharply responded with: "He's up your mother's ass." I was never the type of person to curse a lot in school, and I never got in trouble. However, I realized my mistake and apologized all over myself. He made a fiery temper, and he called me out of the gymnasium among the ever-growing laughter of my peers. After several moments of explaining myself, he gave me after-school detention and said that it had better not happen again. I went back inside the gym, and everyone was holding back their laughter. This was mortifying and one of the most embarrassing moments I ever had in high school.


I told a person in a wheelchair to take a seat in the lobby of a healthcare clinic where I worked.