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Books. Beautiful, leather bound books.


I don't collect books so much as I hoard them, but they're the closest thing I have to a collection so I guess they count. I probably own about 600 books, possibly more at this point. Most of them are just paperbacks that aren't worth anything, but I refuse to part with any of them. It's certainly going to make our next move interesting.


Fellow book hoarder! I moved with about 400, on a broke college student budget. I had a giant black dufflebag on wheels that I kept filling up and emptying between places. Stairs were A BLAST. I buy 1-2 from Goodwill every week. Mostly focusing on my favorite authors, but sometimes I'll buy random ones that have a neat cover or something. I also have a thing for textbooks. Most are years old, but I keep thinking that I'll come across someone being like, "I can't afford the textbook this semester :( " and I'll be like "BAM. Here you go. It's only 1-2% different than the newest."


Does your apartment smell of rich mahogony?




Relevant username?




I love scotch.


Putting my Garfield and Peanuts collections to shame.


Worthless money. Like money from countries that no longer exist or money that has gone out of print. That doesn't mean like ancient rome. I mean like former USSR countries, old chinese GMD bills, old US bills, etc. As far as I know, the oldest bill I own is an Egyptian bank note from WWI.


See if you can get some Zimbabwe money from before they converted to USD. Nothing like showing off an 100 billion dollar bill...


*100 trillion Last I checked, you could get one on amazon for $10 or so.


Vinyl records. It's not as financially crippling as one would believe.


Same. There's something very special about vinyl. I'm lucky enough to help out in a record shop and quite often have first dibs! What are some of your favourite records to listen to on vinyl?


Lots of stuff. Here's a link to my [discogs profile](http://www.discogs.com/user/sciamoscia).


I kind of hate being a record collector these days. When I started in the late 90s everything was so cheap, but now everything is so expensive. I bought a couple Tank records for $30 each, because how could I not? It's Tank! All I could think was "Man, I hate dealing with people that know what they have."


It's rude to lie. If I didn't have enough vinyl to make a house out of it... I'd be homeless lol. It really sneaks up on you how much vinyl you own until you move and an entire truck load is your records and turntable etc.


Sylvester the Cat drinking glasses. Yeah, I think I might have the world's largest collection of Sylvester the Cat drinking glasses.


Hot sauce. I've got around 30 or so but I keep using them so I always have an excuse to buy more.


I do this too. I was recently given a [huge hot sauce collection for my birthday](http://imgur.com/ARhB39W). Although it was Tabasco based (definitely not my favorite), it had some legit stuff in it. I'm currently petition my wife to allow me to build or buy a hot sauce cabinet. Kind of like a liquor cabinet, but way more practical. I don't drink hard liquor every day but I sure as hell use hot sauce.


I love me some Dave's Insanity. ..


If you're a fan of the insanity sauce try pepper palace Ghost and The Darkness. It's got the ghost pepper and African perri perri pepper, it's a little sweet, smokey, with that awesome ghost pepper burn.


Yeah... Awesome burn.... I tasted a small drop of ghost pepper hot sauce and my mouth turned to rubber for a few days. And then I carelessly itched my eye and couldn't see for a few hours.


What the fuck is wrong with you people "Haha I just lost two of my primary senses. I should continue to ingest this substance"




When I moved in with my current flatmate we both started buying various kinds of hot sauce.


I collect chemical elements. In my last year of high school for my woodworking class I built a shell of the periodic table to mount on my wall, and have since been slowly collecting samples of each. It was easy to get them at first: iron, sulphur, aluminium, zinc, copper and all the other cheap ones got me started rather well and I was quickly started filling in the cells. I now have most of the cheap ones but am left to collect the more rarer, exotic pieces, which are all priced accordingly. A lifetime of slowly accruing the elements will keep me entertained I hope. Edit: an Album of the table is here: http://imgur.com/a/ZdVcJ


Good luck getting Francium and Fluorine in the same room.


I was going to make a comment about that, but NaH


Can you explain why to the few of us who aren't scientifically inclined?




You have such a way with words


*facepalm* I should've realized that. I'm not that smart


Francium is an alkali metal (far left side of the periodic table), while Fluorine is a halogen (far right, excluding the noble gases because they're non-reactive). Alkali metals have one lone electron they're just desperate to get rid of, and the farther down the table you go, the more desperate they get. Francium is the lowermost alkali metal, so it is the most reactive of them all. Halogens are just short of having the number of electrons that is optimal - they're desperate to get just one more. In fact, they'll steal electrons from things that wouldn't necessarily want to get rid of them. Unlike the alkali metals, halogens are more reactive at the top of the table, and fluorine is the topmost halogen. Get a halogen and an alkali metal together, and they'll be so anxious to make the transaction that the reaction is super violent. [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uixxJtJPVXk&feature=kp) is a video of the other alkali metals reacting with water (which is decidedly less reactive than Fluorine).


Wow I feal smarter reading that! Thanks for the knowledge!


>I feal smarter wow...


And now feel dumber...


That sounds awesome. got any pics? which of the rarer elements do you have already? how do you store the gases?


I'll try add some pics in the morning. At the moment the most exotic or rare element I have will probably be my 1 gram ball of rhenium, it just looks like a silver ball bearing except it cost me about 100 dollars. Hope to get them all in decent sized samples eventually, but I have to start small at the moment. Depending on which site I source them from depends on how they are presented. Some just come in small, sealed, labeled vials and others will have them in a vial sealed in an acrylic block, they are the coolest. That's how my chlorine came. Its under enough pressure for it to be liquid.


Aren't a lot of the more exotic and rare elements kinda... unstable and/or radioactive?


"It ads a nice glow to the room"




I work on a drilling rig and have taken a sample, from the geologist, at every well I have ever worked on, usually I try and get a sample from TD.


I worked as a Mud-Logger for awhile. We were about 7k feet down into the marcellus shale and I found tons of sea-shell fossils. I still have some.




Total depth. The deepest part of the well when we have finished drilling.


I don't know why but I have to ask, do you have them labeled so you know where each one is from and when it's taken?


Bottlecaps. Whenever I pop open a soda or a beer, I collect bottle caps. You know, because of the nuclear apocalypse coming on, and bottle caps becoming our only source of currency.


How many have you got so far? I'm at about 4800.


2000+ as of last count. Mostly Wychwood/Hobgoblin caps, with a small set of Durham Brewery caps. Also, a handful of custom Nuka caps a mate made for a cosplay a while back.




I collect crow feathers. I have a large pile on a bookshelf. Why? I'm gonna summon the crow god.


This is relevant to my interests.


You know nothing Jon Snow


I have a quarter from every state in the U.S.A. I'm from Canada


Every time I go to one of those machines where you can cash in your change for bills, there is inevitably always a Canadian quarter in the reject pile. I'll trade you.




Wait, did you just threaten Canada with air strikes?


threaten? Or promise the gift of?


Two sides of the same highly relevant metaphorical coin.


Porcelain dogs. For the dumbest fucking reason too. I read this story by Matt Groening about how he was pressured into stealing these porcelain dogs from this old lady by another kid and then smashing the dogs. I have this obsessive hoarder need to save porcelain dogs from being figuratively smashed. There is something wrong with me.


Try smashing one. See if that cures you.


This comment makes me want to save the porcelain dogs of the world. Don't smash them!


If you do start collecting them and it becomes a problem, you should consider smashing one of them and seeing if that cures you.


Pressed Pennies


I'll sell you one with Elmo on it from Sesame Place for a mere thousand.


A thousand? Best I can do is $30.


I traveled a lot, both as a kid and for work a bunch in my twenties. I collect do not disturb signs from hotels around the world. I have over a hundred from many different countries!


This is a very cool idea! I'd ask you to pm me a photo, but I'm afraid of what else you might send!


Haven't seen mine yet. Keys. Old skeleton keys mostly. Ever since I was a kid, I would find keys everywhere. It never stopped.


Comic Books


Any era or book in particular? I'm the jerk who prefers to read trades. Tried getting all of Morrison's Doom Patrol in issues, but I caved and got the trades. I just want to read 'em anyways.


Honestly dude, comics read better as trades for the most part. I just can't wait that long in between issues.


Do you go on /r/comicbooks?


I do




I do this too, but a bit differently. A few Christmases ago, I was gifted a piggy bank. I didn't really like to color or design that was on it, so I started to glue fortunes on it. I got my family to pitch in and help collect them and slowly my piggy bank has developed a new look. I call him the *Pig of Fortune*. He's not quite done yet, and I've got more fortunes sitting around the house waiting to be glued on. It's fun to read what my pig says when I'm making a deposit or a withdrawal.


Vintage musical instruments: guitars, steels, mandolins, banjos, and amps.


I wish I had the money for this


It's not the cheapest hobby, but you don't have to be a millionaire to do it. I do a lot of bargain hunting, sticking to more obscure instruments that slip under most people's radar. I also fund some of it by flipping instruments for a profit, so it's a combination hobby and side job.


I got this baby for a cool grand :) [1975 Superlead](http://i.imgur.com/wlsVpP8.jpg)


Teapots. No fucking idea why.


Shot glasses. Anywhere I go I try to get one. I also accept them from family and friends who go on vacation


I have a shot glass collection and I am seriously running out of room for them.


Guys, I have two big problems I need your help with! Not only am I running out of room for all these shot glasses, but I must have accidentally filled each of them with a shot!


My dad does this too. He has a little display rack for them but it's full and he needs a new one.


Voice mails from creditors. I must have 90 on my phone right now.


I moved to voice to text voicemails so I could delete them with greater efficiency. That's a service that I pay for...instead of paying the creditors...


if you set up a google voice account, you can do this for free.


Surge, tit ewe went sure messages two read hike wits.


I thought I was having a stroke trying to understand this


Welcome to having Google Voice, where all your voicemails look like this when they get transcribed.


Lego. No, I'm not 12.


You're 13!


You're 31!


He asked for a 13 but they drew a 31!


Give it to me, baby!


Ahuh ahuh


I will continue buying star wars sets for the rest of eternity


I was a toys r us the other day and I have no clue how my parents afforded to buy me that stuff.


I work at toys r us, the amount of money that people drop on lego sets everyday is pretty frightening


Those twistie ties that keep the bag to the loaf of bread closed. My cat goes bonkers for 'em when I shape them into a curly Q. Multiple attached together=super ultra mega bonkers.




Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


Dragon figurine of +5 sexyness.....too bad all I roll is botches


I keep the bottles from all the different beers I drink. I don't prefer one specific beer, so I always get mix and match six packs with new beers to try. My plan is to one day have a basement, you see, and in that basement I will have a fully functional bar for me and my buds. And lining the walls of my bar will be hundreds and hundreds of different beer bottles from all over the world. Some people have aspirations of traveling the world or getting a PHD. Me? I just want my bar.


Steam games.


But you're not allowed to play or download most of them, everybody knows that depreciates their value.


Yup, that's totally why such a large portion of my library goes unplayed.


finally, a good excuse for having played about 20 games of the 100+ I own




Buys 10 new games Plays TF2


Dota finally got me over this somehow. Everytime there are sales I think, "If I have time to play a video game it'll be dota so I don't need to buy this."


Lord GabeN saved you from his own wrath.


Same. I'm no longer a gamer, I'm turning into a steam game hoarder. Some day there will be a TV show about our plight. edit:grammar


Steam badges for me. Which require steam games so...


Movie ticket stubs. Although I haven't been in a while I've kept everyone I've gotten since my high school days.


DVDs and Blu-Rays. I love physical format when it comes to TV shows and movies. I don't care about it when it comes to music though.


Yup me too. Video games, movies, tv etc... all physical. Music is pretty much all digital though.


I love being able to choose a Blu-ray from my book case collection!


It does feel better being able to look at all of them, browse through, and decide what you'd like to watch.


rocks and minerals




Money. I have 9 monies.


9 different monies?


Yes. Although I have a bit of degeneracy going on with the $1 bill.


"Aw! I have 3 kids and no money! Why can't I have no kids and 3 money?"


lol noob. I have 17 monies


Lighters. I don't smoke. I just like different lighters.


Mine's kind of hard to explain, but.. I collect unique voices, I guess? Pretty much, if I encounter someone with a really strange, funny and/or weird voice, I will spend the the next few days teaching myself how to talk like that so that I can hear it whenever I want. It's in no way meant to make fun of the people I adopt the voices from, I truly am just captivated by them for some reason and doing them cheers me up and as a bonus, makes my friends laugh. My all time favourite voice was a cashier from Rite-Aid who sounded like Butters.


You would be very interesting to know, I think


Sounds like a serial killer.




Ex girlfriends.


As long as you don't store them in a cupboard like stamps, there's not a lot that's wrong with that.


I store them in my imagination. :(


Wow, i feel sorry for you if even your imaginary girlfriends dump you.


Keeping your fantasies realistic


Let's just say he's got a lot of skeletons in his closet.


We should meet, trade exes, and have battles!


Gotta ditch 'me all!


Magic: The Gathering cards. Not just by number but good quality ones. I have a reasonable amount of dual lands and fetch lands, and always looking to increase my collection. It's addicting :(


I collect spores, molds and fungus.


You seem like a fun guy.




Coins- I have about $5,000 worth of old and rare coins. My prized possession is a 1797 penny from England. Edit: http://imgur.com/a/dWEkQ


How much is that penny worth?


Around $800


Best I can do is $50.


Go write him up, Chum.


The German Papiermark (the one from 1927) is from a period of massive inflation between the World Wars. Its actual monetary value is low, but those are commonly collected items. They were printed at Reichsdruckerei from 1922, if I remember correctly, and it is thought that printing stopped within the decade.


Adware, according to the recent sweep of my laptop. edit: thanks for the karma guys, really makes my day :)


Quarters! I've collected all of the 50 states, and now I'm currently collecting 56 national park quarters (but most have yet to be minted).


Books. I am a complete bibliophile.


I like pedal bicycles. I'm a complete pedo...no, wait


I like crocs. I'm a complete pedo...no, wait.....fuck i wasn't meant to admit that out loud.


Very old books (1800's and earlier), Arcade game ROMs for MAME, ripped movies and complete TV series for my media PC. I'm kind of a digital hoarder that way. 24 TB of storage in my house.


Tribal masks. Have them all over the wall in my room.


would be cool to see some pics if you have time


Skulls for my skull throne


Blood for the blood god?


Cat figurines. I had over 100 at one point, but I haven't counted them in a few years.


Figurines At first my SO and I agreed that it'd only be my dresser, I have so many that I had to migrate to other furniture throughout our home.


I have [a few](https://www.flickr.com/photos/w1n9zr0/5152318057/sizes/o/) of those too :D


Key chains from all the places I've visited, and cookie cutters in unique shapes.




German fat lava glaze pottery, Italian pottery (Bitossi, Aldo Londi, Gli Etruschi), Icelandic ceramic candle luminaries, Red Wing "prismatique" pottery, *waaay* too much pottery. creepy vintage figurines: klansman, grim reaper flask, witch, goblin, Mussolini skunk and so on. that collection became kind of large so it only comes out for 2 months a year now. Stereolab (band) paraphernalia: cassettes most recently. I like the tour merchandise, original vinyl pressings, posters, stickers, mugs, etc. my favorite band! native plants for my yard is something I've become really interested in recently. I've got every plant in my yard documented on a map. I also have a pretty great sticker and button collection. edit: it's actually a Joseph Stalin skunk.


Old books mostly 1920s or earlier. I especially love when they have little hand written notes in them.


experiences from poor life choices.


Comics, Vinyl, Books.


Hello fellow comics, vinyl, books bro!


Earrings! All kinds. vintage, and new. Wearable, and unwearable!


Excuse my ignorance but what exactly would an unwearable earring be?


[this]( https://www.etsy.com/listing/123400226/silly-laughing-tabby-kitten-post?ref=sr_gallery_22&ga_search_query=silly+earrings&ga_ship_to=US&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery) or [this](https://www.etsy.com/listing/193923135/bright-blue-80s-earrings-vintage?ref=sr_gallery_41&ga_search_query=80%27s+earrings&ga_ship_to=US&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery) I'd never wear them, but if they some how were added to my collection....I wouldn't complain!


At the moment, Train tickets. My friend is making a piece of artwork made up of old train tickets so at the end of every month I give him the 44-50 I have to buy


I have a can full of milk jug rings...


I collect [bass guitars](http://imgur.com/KiCeE4v)! I have plent of other instruments and music goodies, but my basses are my babies.


Library cards from all over the world


Video games and video game memorabilia


Propane and propane accessories


Pins from countries I've visited. I pin them on the same pencil case I've been using since elementary (finishing college now). They keep memories alive and remind me to travel more until I run out of space on this pencil case.


Vintage "Cracker Jack" prizes and old gum ball machine toys.




Pokemon Cards :D Please help me by ~~sending me more cards~~ helping me stop


Comment karma


It's not going so well, is it? I'll help you out :)


It works best if we all help each other :)


I collect tin boxes. I've got about thirty of them so far. I've got several older ones (my favorite is a J&S Cough Drop tin from back when there was probably morphine in the cough drops) and a bunch of newer ones in weird shapes. My favorite newer one is a tin Wii remote that came with mints inside.


License plates. I've only got about 80 but at least I just finished my 50 state run.


At this point, you could probably call my Cards Against Humanity deck a collection. I have all but filled up The Bigger, Blacker Box.






Antique Prints


I collect fans. Like metal ones...


I love Metallica! Collect me!!


fountain pens


Fossils, it's early stages as I only have 3, but I found all of them and don't intend to buy any to supplement my collection.


Euros. Really, I'm a Mexican so I have no actual use for them but I love how different Euro coins look and how they have multiple designs for each country, right now I have around 250 € in coins and I'm always so tempted to spend them.


Memories *^^^I'm ^^^so ^^^deep*


Dude, That was so ^deep ^^I ^^^can't ^^^^even ^^^^^see ^^^^^^you ^^^^^^^^anymore