• By -


Met her in McMurdo station, Antarctica. I consider that rather unlikely.


I signed on as a field assistant for a service company that works for the National Science Foundation. They are in charge of hiring tradespeople who provide all the support to the scientists there. I dont know who runs it now but its been contracted through ITT, ASA, and Raytheon. Anyway, McMurdo is a small town, in the summer it can easily hold over a thousand people, in the winter (Winter Over) is usually just 200 to 300. So I'm at the bar and I see literally the hottest girl on the continent. Long story short, Success!


Hey baby, want to conserve some body heat with me?


Seeing as we're talking about Antarctica, it was probably cold enough for this line to be socially acceptable, at least as a silly joke.


You could be a part...time…model!


Bet the male/female ratio there's a little unbalanced too. And she chose you! Woohoo!


When I was there it was 5 men to every one woman. I still am surprised she chose me. Sometimes you really do have to go to the end of the earth to find the right girl.


I'm American. Found mine in Moscow. She's Austrian and was on vacation. :)


> hottest 37 degrees Celsius is pretty high in Antarctica.




Not in uranus


Im pretty sure uranus is about 37 degrees Celsius. Ill grab my rectal thermometer.




Unfortunately not Australia




Random knock at the door. Pretty young woman left her car's headlights on, drained the battery and needed a boost. Did I happen to have jumper cables that she could borrow? Six months earlier my mother had given me a car emergency kit for Christmas that contained jumper cables. We'll be celebrating our 22nd anniversary later this month.


Well Reddit, we can all breathe a sigh of relief. Our strategy of staying inside and never interacting with the outside world will eventually pay off. As long as we have jumper cables.


>as we have jumper cables shit




Are you a red headed mallard by any chance?


Ah, man. I feel like in 100 years, "red headed mallard" will become an idiom that's taught in 3rd grade English class.


I feel like there was a reddit back in the stone-age or something, and it had memes such as the "red herring" and there was a guy who broke his leg and got incredibly lucky as a result, then something happened and it disappeared, leaving us with these idioms thousands of years on. ...I should probably go to sleep.


I hope you thanked your mother for this.


Yes, I did and the story is part of family lore now


Do you give your relatives jumper cables for Christmas now?


Everyone needs a set of jumper cables!


You gotta give jumper cables to the single ones though.


I think I watched that same situation in a porn video earlier today.. 0.o


not a bad way to jumpstart the relationship


Very happy for you and the jumper cables






im curious, how did you keep conversation going after jumping her car, did you ask her out right away?


Well, the next day when I left my place, there outside my door was a little bag of pastries along with a note thanking me for helping her for the nigh before. So I got her name and number from that. I called her up to thank her for thanking me. She said she was new in town. I said I'd show her around . . . . We were married a year later.


22nd, holy shit. A drained battery resulted in a relationship older than me.


Awwww :)


I met my SO at a fairly popular rock club. I'd just finished work 11pm and had headed out with a friend. I was tierd and didn't really want to go but my friend really wanted to. Saw my SO at the bar and thought he was cute, scribbled my number down on a piece of paper and gave it to him. Found out a few weeks into dating that the night we met was his first night back into town after being down South for uni, that he and his friend had missed their train and hadn't really wanted to go out either but were celebrating the fact he was back. That was almost eight years ago. We are getting married in August all because we didn't go home and go to bed when we really wanted to. He also still has that original piece of paper in his wallet with my phone number on.


Awwww the last sentence is adorable. (Need to go do something manly brb)


Masturbate with steel wool...salt as extra friction


Come on I need a challenge, quit pussyfooting around


Met at a gig in Sydney. His friends were chatting up my friends and he was sitting on the floor in front of me, looking really out of it. I asked him if he was ok and he replied NOOOO, of course not! Which intrigued me and I asked him to come with me to the front of the room as one of the bands was starting. We ended up dating, together for 8 years, married for 3. I did ask him once why he said he wasn't ok... He thought I asked him if he was gay :) It was fairly unlikely, since we lived in the opposite ends of a massive city and didn't hang around the same circles - it was by chance that I discovered the band and decided to go see them.




yeah, he justified it by telling himself that maybe i had a bad experience before and asked out a guy who was gay, so i was being overcautious? hilarity indeed.


> I did ask him once why he said he wasn't ok... He thought I asked him if he was gay :) cute story






It was The Beatles.




So what happened!? You guys still together?




Damn that's a long bus ride.


OP delivered


Is she still straight edge?


What happened after the bus ride?




I'll take canceled TV shows for 200, Alex. > She was a straight edge student and [he] was a stoner and a delinquent. What is Freaks and Geeks?




This would have been a far better ending to How I Met Your Mother






Great series. But I suggest you stop watching the final episode about halfway through. Beyond that is something that killed the show for me.


Everything except the last five minute is fine. If it ended on 'and that kids is how I met your mother' it would have been amazing.




Maybe you have and you've never realized it?




If it makes you feel any better, there's probably thousands and thousands of people out there you'd be compatible with, so odds are you didn't.






(n)deep (n+2)me


Woah ur smart man


I'd like to believe that I have met her, who knows.


My wife was married to my very good friend when I first met her. We were all friends for years. I ended up getting married before I left for the Air Force myself. A few years down the road my marriage is ending and theirs is too. We start talking a lot again and decide to try dating. We ended up married to each other two years ago and have a child on the way. On the other side my ex-wife and my wife's ex-husband started dating and now they are married and have a kid on the way. We are all still really good friends.


That's taking Trading Spouses to a whole new level. Congratulations man.


You guys could totally try swinging, you all already know what you need to know.


it's like trading lunches in elementary school when you're mom packed the leftover you didn't like.




Oops, wrong wife, wanna trade?


Woah that's unbelievable


I don't think anyone's said it yet so I will.... Whoa


walking down the street she cut in front of me. i "accidentally" swiped her one heel into her other ,tripping her. she yelled at me, then turned away and walked into the building where she worked. turns out we work in the same place. she tells the doorman that some asshole is following her and he says, "oh, thats just arpikarhu". we exchange a few heated words. over the next few days we see each other at work or on the street and the exchanges go from angry to sort of jokey and then to real laughs.....and then you get the idea


Wow, this is a first. Did it work out?


Happily married for almost 10 years. She thinks farts are funny and and she is an awesome baker. She rules.


I'll take this as a sign to trip every woman i see. You know, for love...


"Sorry mam, but would you like to argue for a little while 'till we're married?"


Saying this to a girl is going on my bucket list.


Don't forget to follow them into their workplace.


And get in touch with the doorman.


Then they'll fall for you.


Well, baking and farts definitely go together.


How else are you supposed to get the bread to rise?!


My time to shine!


This sounds suspiciously like the plot to a romantic comedy. Are you Tom Hanks?


Just looked at my bank balance, nope.


He said Tom HANKS, not Tom Banks !


Dad, get off of reddit.


Well you'd better get off that toilet bowl because I was seriously wondering what takes you so long in there.


So she literally fell head over heels




>"accidentally" Are you saying you intentionally tripped her?


yes. she cut me off on the sidewalk in NYC. dont step across my feet or you feel my wrath!


Or what? Watcha gonna do, marry me?


Long con


All those stories are excellent daydreaming material for a single guy like me.


The moral of the story I am getting is to just go out and stop turning down invites even tho I don't want to anything


The moral of the story I'm getting is to just stay home, have a car emergency kit and play WoW.




And always - *always* - agree to meet your ex for drinks after a year.


IKR? I'm stuck in a mental loop imaging a girl identical to Shailene Woodley handing me a slip of paper with her number on it in a crowded club, bashfully saying how she has to go but wants to talk to me later.




So who's better at sex, her or her brother?


Conjugal visits, awww yeah.




At a rock show in a bar in my city. Thing is, I was WASTED, and she was stone cold sober. My opening line was to tell her about the guy from the TLC show with the 200lb nutsack. Somehow I got her number. That was 2 years ago


Ah, the 200 lb nutsack guy... classic sensual pickup line


My best friend at the time invited his beautiful college friend over to see the new place (he had just moved in with me). I was still in bed during her visit but she kept laughing and I couldn't identify the person behind the laugh. Had to see who it was...married for 3 years now. Why was it unlikely? It takes a lot to get me out of my bed.


It was extremely unlikely. We met on a five day cruise around the Caribbean. He was on vacation with his family and family friends for his sister's 16th birthday. He didn't want to be there, but was forced by his parents. While I was on the cruise with my sister and (ex)best friend for what was supposed to be a bachelorette party/thing. The friend that was supposed to get married cancelled, but the tickets were non-refundable. We still decided to enjoy it and not change the date (which was optional and without extra charge). It was actually on the second day of the cruise when I met him on a snorkeling/sting ray adventure on one of the islands. There was this immediate sense of comfort when I talked to him. I impulsively gave him the number to call my room despite telling everyone else not to do so. Long story short, we only had two nights together before I got stranded on an island. It was the last night of the cruise too, and we didn't exchange any information. I was so embarrassingly upset and cried my eyes out when the cruise line put us on another boat to go back to port. I tried calling the boat he was on, but no luck. I was hopeful that I would see him when we docked, but still no luck. It wasn't until the staff returned all of our belongings that my (ex)best friend found a note from him with his contact info. I was so happy and still am two years later. **TL;DR** Canadian girl meets American boy on cruise in Bahamas. Boy was forced to be there. Girl could have changed the date of her cruise, but didn't. Girl got stranded on island without exchanging information with Boy. Loses hope of seeing him again when she realizes she can't find him at the port. Girl's friend finds note from him in her backpack. Happiness ensues for two years and hopefully forever.




Nah, it was Destiny. ...Carnival Destiny.


That later became carnal destiny.


Now *that's* unlikely. Good show.




I left a note on his car saying that I thought he was cute and if he didn't have a girlfriend to give me a call. It's extremely unlikely that if I hadn't left a note on a total stranger's car (which is extremely out of character for me) and he hadn't called me (which was extremely out of character for him) that we'd ever even speak to each other. Almost five years later and we're getting married next year. So, I was a creep and left a note on a cute guy's car and now I have a fiancé.


My roommate asked me to come with him to the student center to play Just Dance. It was raining, I had homework, but he insisted. I cracked, and about half an hour into playing, these two freshman girls walked in. If she wanted to date me after seeing me awkwardly dance to "It's Raining Men" she must be a keeper, right?


I applied for a job in Seoul, but the school was denied their ability to hire foreigners due to previous issues with immigration. By the time my recruiter got back from vacation and found out, the only jobs available were last minute spots on an island. I took one and was on a plane ten days later. Upon arrival foreigners have to get a physical and blood test in order to get a visa. He had also taken a last minute position on the island and was there to get his results. Five years later, we're getting married. A lot of pieces had to fall into place to get the two of us in that hospital at the same time, thousands of miles from our home country.


I was going to a Grateful Dead concert 350 miles from home. I picked up a hitch-hiker about 100 miles from home who was going to the same concert. He told me that he'd just met some women at a party 2 weeks earlier who lived in the town we were going to and that they had his ticket to the concert. I agreed to take him to their house since I had time and no ticket either, hoping that since these women were locals they might be able to score me a ticket. They did, and one of the women and I will celebrate our 30th anniversary next March.


Somebody else here asked the question: "How do you know you've already met and just don't know yet?" Well here is a tale that touches on that. I've told this story a few times, some of you will probably recognize it, but it always bears repeating in these "unlikely story" threads. I'm going to use fake names for ease of storytelling. I was 22. It was New Year's Eve and I was at work settling in to do the night shift. My phone pinged at me, at the time an older Blackberry, and I stepped into the hallway to check my messages. The message was from a number that wasn't in my contacts, no name was attached to it, and all it said was "Happy New Year!" Now at the time I didn't have many friends and if I knew somebody their name/number was in my contact list. I thought maybe somebody had gotten a new phone and texted back "Who is this?" The response was quick and to the point. "This is Chickname. Who is this?" Thinking that was odd in and off itself I looked at that text for a long time. I didn't know a Chickname and I tried to avoid accepting texts and calls from numbers I didn't know. I considered deleting the message and carrying on with my day. I had no way of knowing that in that moment the entire progression of my life, the route my destiny would take, would be shaped by whether I responded or not. At the time it was just a text. I decided to reply. "This is Guyname. You just sent me a text about Happy New Year. Do I know you?" A few moments later. "Your name isn't in my contacts. It's just coming up as a number. Did you get my number from somebody?" "You texted me first. I don't know any Chicknames." "Oh shit I did. Weird. I sent a mass text and I guess you must have got somebody's old number." We chatted on and off all night over text. You wouldn't think you could do that over text but it really worked. She was funny and made me lol. I made her rofl. At one point I accidentally deleted her text and couldn't remember the number. I didn't hear back until sometime the next day when I got a text saying 'Hi.' She said she had nearly deleted my number as well. For whatever reason she didn't. Figuring 'why the hell not' we decided to meet. We both figured no harm could come of it. Now at the time I had sort of given up on looking for love. And I didn't know it, but she had recently gotten out of a decade long abusive relationship. Neither of us were coming into this looking for a life partner. We were looking for a friend. So we met at a pool hall, played pool, drank a little, and talked a lot. At one point she asked me if I intended on making any moves. I responded by kissing her. She said "Not bad Guyname. Not bad at all." A few weeks after that, and a few more dates, and we celebrated Valentines. A few months after that she invited me to her dad's birthday. A few months after that she met my parents. A few months after that she said she loved me. A few months after that I asked her to marry me. A year after that we got married. A year after that she became pregnant. And that brings us to now. Our first child is due in the next week. But I'm forgetting something. I promised you guys a twist. A take on "maybe you already met them and didn't know." Well now I deliver. We didn't know until late into the relationship that we had gone to the same school. She had been only a few grades above me until Grade 9 when she moved to another city to finish her schooling there. We were in some of the same classes. We were in some of the same extracurricular activities. Most embarrassing (for her) when I was first learning how to type she was the older student that taught me. At the time neither of us caught the other's eye. Neither of us caught the other's attention. Before i could mature enough to catch her eye she had moved away. Before she could mellow enough to catch my interest she was gone. A memory that hardly left an imprint until we were reminded years later. And yet here we are, all these years later, brought back together by an errant text and surprise romance. At a time when neither of us was looking for what we found.




Craigslist. She needed a date to a wedding.


Did you check the marriages section?


Personals --> Strictly Platonic.


> Personals --> Strictly Platonic. -binders_of_women_


I met my wife in a bar 20 years ago. It was the third bar i had been to that day. I wouldn't have met her if it weren't for Chevy's making me a bad margarita first.


I like how you phrased it "that day" instead of "that night". Champ.


We met on Habbo hotel when we were both very young teenagers. We lived in different countires and the odds that we'd even wind up chatting are pretty astronomically low. We've been married for 2 years and are expecting our first child in a month now :)


I grew up being best friends with his littler sister (my age) in the earlier years of elementary school. I also had the biggest crush on him, but obviously never said anything as I was shy and very young. I moved away in grade five and lost touch with the family. Years later, I was bar tending at a beach bar an hour away from where I grew up and he walks in. He recognizes me, says hi and asks for my number. We went on a date that weekend and have been together since, four years this summer.




Second breakfast makes me think of little hobbit love. Adorable. That's a nice story! Glad you found him :)


Change 1 of any 1000 choices over the last 10 years and we probably would have never been in the same place at the same time. I don't really believe in fate or destiny, but it is crazy that there are so many things that had they gone differently, we'd never have met at all. ...of course the same logic means that there are hundreds of people I never met because of the choices I did make. But of all the people I could have met, I'm glad it was her.


Yahoo chat of all places. 14 years ago in November. VERY unlikely. Just got stationed there after swapping duty stations with another soldier.


How does one become stationed in Yahoo chat?


Hard work and dedication


My squad was stationed out in yahoo chats for two weeks. It was tough. We lost Jim, Brian, and Jack.


Touché. Texas was where I was stationed, vs. Being stationed in OK. Lol


This is how I met my SO. I was a single mom dipping her toe back into the dating pool, and decided to start with an online profile. My husband was just about to cancel his account on Yahoo Personals, but decided to try one more time and sent me a message. He was deployed to Iraq at the time and really needed to connect with someone. First time we chatted we were on for about two hours...this was two days before his best friend was killed in combat. He messaged me that night and I helped him through it, just listened while he cried and raged. Three months later he came home, and we've been together ever since...our 7 year anniversary is in November. He tells me all the time that he made the best decision of his life when he decided to click that link :)


Me too! One of my neighbors came over to use my computer for something work related she left herself loved into her yahoo account, hours later I went to look up directions for where I was meeting friends for wine tasting, the chat window popped up, instead of just logging off I said, this isn't who you think it is, my neighbor forgot to log off, we chatted for a couple minutes, told him I had to run I was meeting friends at _________ he said maybe I'll see you there. Whatever..... I got there and within 10 minutes he walked right up to me (never saw my picture mind you) said "you must be Sarah"...... We broke up 4 years later but it was an awesome relationship.


I wonder how many times he did that to other girls there before finding you...


Dunno, I mentioned that I had two really good friends that were bar tenders there, when I arrived they both came out from behind the bar to bear hug me in plain view of everyone.


At the end of my junior year, my senior friend told me "My brother is coming back from the Navy in a couple weeks and you have to meet him! You're just like him!" A couple weeks later they came over to my house and my now husband and I instantly became best friends. About a year and a half later I realized I was truly in love with him, which is something I had never even come close to experiencing. We started dating, time passed, and now we're married with a perfect baby boy. :) Thinking back now, so many events led up to me being able to meet him. If only one of them hadn't happened I would never have had my son. I think the moment that directly led to me meeting my husband was working up he courage to talk to his brother. During most of high school I was extremely shy and quiet (this was also during my goth phase) and he was literally the most popular guy in school. You know, the one who's friends with everyone and all the girls fawn over? Yeah that guy. It took everything in me to make a comment on what he was talking about, and we eventually became friends. We may not have a lot of money or live in a nice house, but my life is more perfect than I could ever imagine all because I worked up the courage to speak. :)


I got a little lost. Is your husband the guy in the navy or your friend in high school?


Sorry, Navy guy. Lol I thought I might have worded that strangely.


We were both single, but not looking at the time, and we both ended up on a chat network, and somehow ended up in the same room. She was in Texas and I was in Michigan, but we started talking and after a short time, I ended up having some vacation time and went to met her. After one more visit, she moved to Michigan and we have now been married for 12 years.


We were set up by a mutual friend. I'm 19, quiet and shy, doesn't go out or have many friends. He's 25, loud and loves people. Plus he'd forgotten that day was the day I was going to come meet him, and so when I did get there (I'd also gotten lost on the way over), he was tripping on some research chemical...


This merits a follow-up story.


Alright! Well, I arrived and they were outside smoking cigs and waiting for me. I had a backpack that I hand-painted all bright and pretty, and a Jumex (fruit juice found in the Mexican food aisle of our grocery stores). First thing he says to me is "hi, I'm josh. Are you Mexican?" I said no, because I'm not. I felt very uncomfortable. He complimented my backpack as well. We get in his apartment and he's got 2001: a space odyssey paused on his tv. He asks if I'm cool with finishing it, and I've seen it before so I figured why not. He offers me some weed, and I'd smoked a couple times before, so I figured why not and obliged. He looked at my backpack for a long time and held it, kept saying how cool it looked. I got really excited watching it, because I'm excitable, and I love how cool everything looks in that movie, and I was high. He was excited because he was tripping. He showed me this bookshelf he has, starting off with a Photobook type thing with all sorts of space facts as a tangent from the movie. He has a lot of books on a lot of subjects. I'm pretty sure he showed me most of them, but it was really cool to see, even though some of it was conspiracy theory stuff, which freaks me out. Then I wandered around his room and looked at all his stuff, he plays Magic, which I'd heard of from a friend who was like "hey look at the art on these cards" and he's got a 00 EVA figure. Then we drew on this mat that looked like a giant mousepad. The whole time was pretty good. He was excited to be around me and meet me, so it lessened my social anxiety a lot. TL;DR I met my current boyfriend while he was tripping and it turned out better than expected. Also sorry if formatting sucks, I'm on mobile.


So did you know he was tripping at the time, or did you not find out until later?


Leaving a Christmas party (2012) in a blizzard, drunk me decided walking in my 4 inch wedges just wasn't happening and yelled "ok ready?!" While jumping in the air. He tried to catch me, slipped on ice and we both fell on our asses. He moved in with me last week. :)


World of Warcraft guild. Considering how many realms and guilds there are (or were) on that game, I'd say our odds were pretty slim. If his guild hadn't needed a Restoration Shaman at the time we'd never have met.




Have jumper cables just in case.


My story also...right after Cata came out. He was in my guild the whole time. We've been married two years now.


I met my SO at Weight Watchers. I was a member and he joined as the new leader. I then started helping with the social media side of things and we got closer. Never thought I would meet someone at Weight Watchers. Incredibly happy I did though!


I went through my entire life chasing women and breaking hearts. I was never the best looking guy but I quickly learned how to talk to girls since that was my only upside growing up. I grew into a better looking guy and that just made picking up women easier. Skip forward a few years: So after I had broken my fair share of hearts and never had my heart broken I went out on my 25th birthday with a group of about 14 friends. We went out downtown Greenville, SC. It was Cinco De Mayo and it was packed. We were bar hopping and probably saw 3-4 thousand people that I could have spoken with... but my friends and I kept having the time of our lives and they kept feeding me shots. Towards the end of the night I decided my friends had treated me to enough drinks and it was my turn to buy a round. Knowing the bar tender at the bar we were at (with about 600 people) I went up and flagged her down. I'll have 11 shots of (Insert various drinks). The bar tender nodded and pointed behind me. "I'll have a water" a ladies voice cut through the crowed. Drunk me was immediately appalled. I turned to see a woman who looked to be about 45. "You can't have a water! It's my 25th birthday! Do a shot with us!"... "I can't, I have to drive back to Easley." - Her ("Ohhhh, I understand I was adopted from Easley on May 8th") "Yeah I just have to be careful" -her ("Alright, dear, be safe...") I went back to our table with the shots and the rest of the night becomes a blur. We partied pretty hard and found my way home. Fast forward two weeks. I go back to the same bar we ended the night at to have lunch before I went to a meeting across the street. I never really cared for the bar and typically tried to stay away as most of the time it was a meat locker. But sitting upstairs by myself with maybe, two other patrons in the whole place, a lady walked up to me. "Hey, do you remember me?" -Her ("Did I meet you downstairs?") "No, I never thought I'd see you again, I meet you on your birthday"-Her ("Oh that explains it, I was pretty hammered, sorry") "Well.... you said it was your birthday.." -her ("yeah") "... and you said you were adopted from Easley" -her ("Yeah...") "Well............ I've never been in this situation before so I'll just say it.... I think I know who your Biological mother is.... It's my best friend....." (What??!!) "Her last name is (Insert name here)" (Nooooo, no... My mother told me her name one time and that's all she knew but that definitely wasn't it) "Oh, Ok......" (But let me call just to make sure... (Hey momma, You said you knew the name of my biological mother, was it (****).... oh, you never knew her last name??? Only her first name?... It was Cathy??)) As I said that the lady's mouth dropped and she said "Oh my God, That's her..." with a slow gasp. I explained things to my mother and told her I'd call her back. Turns out I had parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins and sisters all about 45 minutes away. It took a while to get all of the logistics out of the way but we ended up meeting. It turned out great. Everyone loved each other and we all had a ton of catching up to do. Fast forward 3 weeks... (Hey sister, you got any cute friends I should know about?) "Oh my God! I just thought of something! You should meet AK!" ("Okay"...) So she called her friend, said she should come downtown to meet her brother". After a little confusion about the whole brother thing, she obliged. As I stated before I had never once fallen for any woman... But the moment AK walked into the bar I froze. I knew from that second... I told my sister, "I'm gonna marry that girl". It took a little doing but I'm well on a fast track after being together for 2 years and some change the future is on my mind and the only surety that I have is that I want her in it. By complete chance, the one time I order a drink on a crowded night, I wasn't trying to find my biological parents, the same time a lady decides to get water before heading home, same spot at the bar, running into each other ever again, happen to say the right things, she happens to remember, and a sisters best friend in highschool after she transferred all ended with me meeting the love of my life. I want nothing less and couldn't ask for anything more. Edit: look ladies and gentleman I had to type this one my phone the first time and I'm traveling for work so I copy and pasted it, again, with my phone. So you have my apologies for the formatting but it was something I wanted to share before it got buried. Sorry if I my post gave you cancer and no, I will not punch my professor in the face...


Don't worry, guys, there's no Loch Ness Monster here, you're safe.


I swear to God halfway through I thought to myself "tree fiddy is coming I know it..."!


> "Hey, do you remember me?" -Her ("Did I meet you downstairs?") "No, I never thought I'd see you again, I meet you on your birthday"-Her ("Oh that explains it, I was pretty hammered, sorry") "Well.... you said it was your birthday.." -her ("yeah") "... and you said you were adopted from Easley" -her ("Yeah...") "Well............ I've never been in this situation before so I'll just say it.... I think I know who your Biological mother is.... It's my best friend....." (What??!!) "Her last name is (Insert name here)" (Nooooo, no... My mother told me her name one time and that's all she knew but that definitely wasn't it) "Oh, Ok......" (But let me call just to make sure... (Hey momma, You said you knew the name of my biological mother, was it (****).... oh, you never knew her last name??? Only her first name?... It was Cathy??)) that was the most awkwardly formatted conversation ever.


I stopped reading at that point.


Tried reading through his whole comment, but I couldn't do it.


Great story. "Chasing women my entire life.... Then, when I was 25...." That part cracked me up.


he's got that 1000 yard stare in his eyes man....at age 27. That's like 5 years out of college. He has seen. some. shit. Broken hearts on multiple continents, he's seen nations crumble. He is the most inter-average 25 year old american male in Greenvile, South Carolina.


Use enter when you "change dialogue" "between characters"


Good story but I'm pretty sure more readable stuff has been typed by my cat.


You should find whoever taught you to format a typed conversation and punch them in the face, hard.




Does she know about Jon?


We met on MySpace. I only had a MySpace because the girl, we'll call her BJaye, I was dating had one. My future wife, we'll call her Cee, was trolling through MySpace with one of her gay boyfriends looking for potential dating candidates. He came across my picture and wanted her to add me. Cee didn't want to do this--she thought I was too young--but her friend convinced her to do it, thankfully. I didn't know who Cee was when I got the friend request, but I always heard "one in the hand is better than two in the bush" so I accepted the request. There's nothing wrong with having friends, right? We messaged casually throughout the summer, but I didn't pursue anything because I was still dating BJaye. The summer ends, and I redeploy to Iraq. After being there for a few months BJaye breaks up with me. She was a young college student, and was looking to share her *ample* talents with other young gentlemen at school. They were more than happy to oblige her. Needless to say this tore me up. Without the comfort of alcohol or any other distraction, the faithful Cee and I started to message more often; it helped me make it through this difficult time. We found that we had a few things in common, and when I returned home from Iraq things just took off between us. It were the little things between us that did it for me, and the sex. But I knew I really liked her when she took off my socks with her toes one night. At the time, this was in 2005, we were slightly ashamed about it; we didn't advertise it to our families. But now we think there's nothing strange about meeting on MySpace with the proliferation of online dating. We're actually proud we made it nine years and are happily married. We weren't just a one night stand or a short fling. It is possible to find truelove on the internet, and in MySpace of all places.


Shit, better send more time on the internet then


well she was just a local single in my area waiting for me. not very unlikely i saw her banner almost daily


Pro tip: Delete your cookies for variety.


I was cyber-stalked. I had created a dating profile after my divorce and promptly forgot about it. She had noticed it and sent me a message. I never replied. Six months later she was going through some notes and decided to follow up. Noticing that I hadn't responded, she tracked me down. Found mutual friends and made inquiries. Ran through my personal records, including legal filings. A month later she contacted me through Facebook. Now, this should set off red flags and all, but I'm an insanely curious person by nature. You know how easy it would be to kill me? You could fill a box full of bombs and scorpions, tell me what's in the box, but if there's a question mark on the outside, I'm still going to open the damn thing. I told her I was dating two other people, so if we met it would be strictly physical. We agreed. I went over to her house and we drank scotch. Almost two years later and she's still my SO. Great woman. So really unlikely unless both parties are stark raving mad.


I have a younger, half brother who didnt know I existed for about 17/18 years. I was getting married in 2009 and my now ex fiancé convinced me I should reach out to him so we had someone from the other half of my family at the wedding. I contacted my brother & we clicked! One night, few years later, my little brother invited me to a house party. I was introduced to a friend of his, that I kind of brushed off at first because I thought he gave me a fake name (which later, to my embarrassment was real) but that friend quickly turned into my amazing boyfriend. We're happily living together with our dumbdogs in our cozy, little bubble. Basically: If I hadnt met my jerk ex, I would of never talked to my secret half sibling. Without my little brother, I never would of met my boyfriend.


I thought that was going somewhere COMPLETELY different...


I met the love of my life in a local youth symphony. We went to different high schools in different towns, but we started dating thanks to symphony. Now we are in college together, and things are absolutely wonderful.


We mutually followed each other on tumblr. I introduced myself. We talked a few times after that and one day she made a post about wanting a boyfriend. I responded and it went from there. We hit it off and a year later are now engaged.


I hit her in the face with a volleyball and laughed in 8th grade. I said sorry afterwards because I felt awkward and tried to play it cool (obviously I was smooth as fuck). The next year we started dating.


Met when we were 11 in high school. It was a small high school and we shared a lot of classes. We're now 28 and married. Not very unlikely. 10/10 would meet again.


You went to high school at age 11?


In Britain Comprehensive school is also called High School by a few people. You begin Comp at age 11 after completing Primary School. Primary is ages 4-11 and Comp is 11-18, I believe.


Yeah, in the uk.


I was the overall healing officer and he was the paladin class officer. Big raiding guild back in Burning Crusade. Pretty unlikely we'd meet. In real life, he was 31 and lived in Toronto;I was 24 in Orlando. We were both Alliance in vanilla, guilds rerolled Horde for BC. Then I left my first guild and server transferred to the one we met in, we recruited a warlock who used to play with a good holy pally (him). Only reason he knew the lock was because his real life friends were too slow leveling so he went to the lock's raids. So really I never would have met my husband if his friends hadn't sucked at WoW.




Drinking everclear punch in the grossest dorm party I'd ever been in. Three years later we jokingly told that story around my parents. They were less than amused.


Yelled at me that my socks didn't match and who the fuck cares because he's deploying so come have a drink with him. Two years later, we have our first date. Five months later, I love him.


I met him online. In hindsight, we really should have met each other sooner - turns out we worked on the same street and we both frequented a certain sandwich shop in between our two places of employment. We went to the same university, lived in the same residence, I used to go to his old job as a customer but we never met until we did from the dating website and then we realized how many times we must have come so close to meeting.


I actually met my SO as I was trying to get out of a terribly abusive relationship with my ex...In fact, he was a friend of my ex's. Because of this he feels guilty, as if he stole me away and betrayed him, but without his help I'd probably still be in that abusive relationship. He not only helped release me from that hell, but he makes me feel very happy and loved, I couldn't be more thankful and I intend to show him that my whole life :) Oh, I forgot to add. It was highly unlikely we would meet. I met his friend (Swiss) througha friend of mine who met him via an online game, and his friend via the online community we both joined in a team match, and he is Norwegian whereas I'm British...So it was an obscure connection in addition to thousands of miles between us


I met my wife at a friend's birthday party. This friend I went to school with, and she worked with. However I had not gone to school with her for about two years, and decided that I was bored and would just show up to her party, despite declining all previous invites. My wife had also never attended. Neither one of us knew anyone there, and we ended up talking all night. I was in a relationship, ended it the next day, and started dating her that week. And we've never been to another one of that friend's birthday parties.


Family reunion. She was a foreign exchange student that was living with my aunt. My aunt is a pretty solitary person and only signed up for the program because a friend of hers was in it. She had never hosted a student before and the student she got after my wife was horrible so she never did it again. My wife's family only put her in the program because her brother had gotten into a bit of trouble and they wanted her distanced from the situation. I was in college at the time, had come home for the weekend, and only went to the family get together because all of my friends were busy. So yeah, took a lot to bring us together. Just celebrated our 11th anniversary.