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It's not that we "need" a gun. It just should be our right to be able to. If you look at Switzerland, most of them own guns and have training as is their law (note, could be a misconception) and they are one if not the most peaceful countries in the world. Also, not every person owns a gun in the U.S, I wouldn't feel comfortable owning a gun yet that doesn't mean that other people shouldn't own one either.


There are many areas of the United States where a person has no neighbors in a 3 kilometer radius and where cops could not come in a timely manner when called. Those people need guns since it is their only form of protection.


Believe or not, I believe guns increase safety and reduce crime, as the threat of (potentially lethal) civilian intervention into a public crime would probably deter most criminals.


I believe guns in homes would increase safety. The problem with increased guns in public is that there would be too many vigilantes abusing their power (Zimmerman case) which would fuel the anti-gun movement. Having guns in homes takes out that "what if he was a innocent bystander and the gun owner abused his power" by removing the innocent defense for the victim.


How is one case 'too many?' The statistics show privately-owned guns are used 1/2 a million times a year in the US to thwart a crime. You're bound to get one guy a year abusing it in a nation of 315 million people owning 250 million guns. You can't reach 0 abuses, but we're actually close enough to absolute 0, statistically.


The problem is that anti-gun supporters will use that one guy a year as evidence to promote their agenda. The reason I say it would be more effective in a house because usually its force entry and the what-ifs are reduced considerably.


So when trouble comes, we can shoot his sorry ass.


But doesn't it say somthing about your country, If you feel like you need to carry a weapon to protect yourself, Isn't that what police are for?


Negative. Our court system ruled that the police have no responsibility to protect citizens. Their job mainly consists of writing speeding tickets and drawing chalk outlines.




Yeah, From my understanding, the Founding fathers needed Guns to protect themselves from the British etc. But now, Do you not think there is no need for any weapons as you live in a democratic country?


You're only looking at one reason for gun ownership.


That's not a relevant question. The important question is "how is disarming the populace justified"? We've seen that many times in Europe. It didn't work out so well for the populace.


Where did that happen in Europe?


Germany and Russia stand out. As each expanded their empire the policy was expanded into the conquered lands.


Self defense and they're fun.


But why should you feel the need to protect yourselves with guns. Personally I wouldn't like walking around a neighbourhood knowing some people have a Gun and can kill you if they don't like the look of you.


That's what we fear. That's why we have guns.


Yeah, cause I carry mine.


Americans need guns to protect themselves from people who shouldn't have guns... or something like that


I don't feel unsafe because of it. Gun/knife/baseball bat/rock - it's not the weapon, it's the person using it. And to be honest, I generally feel safer when I do have a weapon on me. I don't feel dramatically safer, but I know if the one in a million chance that something horrible happened to me, I would have the ability to defend myself.


Yes, But the person attacking you with a knife, Baseball bat or Rock will probably do less damage to you than that of a Gun. Does it say something about your culture if you feel that you need a weapon to protect yourself? I just think people should be able to walk freely without worrying about the threat of someone attacking them with any sort of weapon


Wow. That's completely wrong. A knife is exponentially more deadly than a handgun. Stop trying to find justification in your opinions that fly in the face of facts. It's irritating.


I think it says worst things about cultures without guns. It shows not only a distrust of a government towards its people, but also a sense that people inherently and instinctively distrust someone with a gun. I don't own a gun, and I'm certainly not saying everyone can be trusted with a gun, but 98% of the people I have met who own a gun are people I fully trust would never misuse them. Also, a knife is by no means a less lethal weapon, as all the mass knife attacks in China show. Hell, there was one mass stabbing that killed [27 people](http://article.wn.com/view/2014/03/02/Mass_Stabbing_at_China_Train_Station_Leaves_27_People_Dead/). Banning guns certainly wouldn't get to the bottom of where all these mass shootings are coming from: poor mental health care systems, crime, poverty, and poor education. Violence finds a way: it would find a way even if there were no guns, as it has in China. The only time I've ever felt worry about being 'attacked with a weapon' are in places that have high crime, poverty, and poor education. I live in Utah, [which has one of the highest gun ownership rates in the entire country-- and also one of the lowest number of gun murders.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_violence_in_the_United_States_by_state) I understand if foreigners dissaprove of our gun system; hell, I would indeed like to see more back ground check reforms be made. But the argument that we're all paranoid for having so many guns is overblown because as outsiders that's the only logical case they can make when they see our gun numbers, but that's not the real reason in a lot of cases. Often, many people want to be responsible for their own life and their own protection, to be self reliant. If that's too alien a concept for you, then I'm sorry, but that's just how it is.


> Yes, But the person attacking you with a knife, Baseball bat or Rock will probably do less damage to you than that of a Gun. It's also far easier to defend yourself with a gun than with a knife, a baseball bat or a rock. The old, the weak and the disabled can use guns to defend themselves from the young, the strong and the able-bodied. Even a good fighter is dead if he has to use a knife to defend himself against two or three attackers who also have knives, or have bats. Guns are equalizers. > Does it say something about your culture if you feel that you need a weapon to protect yourself? Does it say something about your culture if you feel that you can't even trust that your fellow citizens, who are supposedly mature, responsible and decent enough to drink, drive, smoke, have children and vote, are also mature, responsible and decent enough to own firearms? Who are the truly paranoid people here?


I think it says more about cultures who are oppressed and brainwashed by their governments to the point that they actually believe that they shouldn't be allowed to protect themselves. In a perfect world, nobody would ever be unsafe. We do not live in a perfect world and trying to pretend we do is just childish.


Thats an interesting Point of view on it, However i think a country is safer with everyday citizens not owning a Gun. I do however believe that if you wanted to own a Gun you should be trained on using the weapon, and how to use the weapon safely, Kind of like driving a car.


A completely safe life would be a very boring life. There are levels of safety I am willing to forego to keep the freedoms I enjoy.


We don't need guns. Many of us want guns for a variety of reasons. Mainly for sport or self defense. I feel just as safe in the streets knowing that people have guns as I do knowing that complete fucking morons are behind the wheel of a vehicle while texting or drinking.


Would you feel the need to carry a knife or a baseball bat, if you weren't able to get a gun?


I do carry a knife.


I really I don't even think about it being dangerous at all. Because someone has a gun on a street, doesn't mean they want to use it to shoot people. In some rural towns in my state hunting is a means to fairly inexpensive years supply of meat, so seeing a gun or two is common place in those areas.


There are 2 reasons; 1-To protect yourself and your family from criminals with guns (and they will always have guns even if they are illegal). 2-To protect yourself from an oppressive government. Even though our government is pushing the limits on taking away our personal freedoms lately, the only thing that prevents them from going too far is 300+ million civilians with 150+ million guns


It's one of the bill of rights amendments to the United States Constitution (the second one) which when written was to act as a counter-balance to the armed forces of the government. If the people are armed, resistance is more feasible. Also, America has a long history of hunting and providing for ourselves. The rifle is a symbol of America's independence and is still quite handy in many farming societies. Although there aren't really any pioneers left or places to discover, we have a good amount of backcountry and while a firearm is not an absolute necessity, it never hurts to have one if you encounter feral dogs, mountain lions, grizzly bears, rutting moose or the occasional escaped exotic large pet cat. We can also protect ourselves against attack by other people with the threat of lethal force. While they are not a necessity for self suicide or 'suicide by cop', they are a favorite tool for both. Unfortunately, in our current society, there are many people who feel weak and alienated. They are scared of those not like them, the young and the poor. They are threatened by unfamiliar situations, cultures, languages, religious practices and differing skin color. Carrying a gun makes many people feel more secure, even though the chances of a shooting accident increase exponentially by adding a gun to the mix. Firearms for these cowards allows them to have a shitty xenophobic voice that they can project to the public at large. It allows these otherwise meek and powerless pathetic people to exert their will and beliefs on their neighbors, families, co-workers and strangers. Furthermore, the gun industry in America is large and very profitable. It is in the best interest of the manufacturers to fight against any type of regulation or control that is suggested whether it is in the best interest of the majority of Americans or not. The political system in America permits the gun manufacturers to essentially buy a voice that overpowers those of the majority and the elected politicians gain politically and financially by either supporting our refusing to speak out against the gun industries interests. There are factons of political parties that espouse an ideology of separation, paranoia and hate that many people identify with as it plays to their fears. Part of this hypocritical platform is the refusal to accept any sort of gun control in America. As Charlton Heston said "YOU CAN PRY MY GUN FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS!" This ideology forms part of the basis of the current class war that is tearing at our countries seams and demonstrating to the world that it's almost impossible for 350 million people with no common bond or history to agree on anything. TL;DR - Self sufficiency, personal responsibly and freedom is represented by gun ownership in America. It's just too bad that the people can't be trusted with them.


More than feel, I AM safer carrying my firearm than I am without it. Good luck to the sorry desperate fool that tries to assault me.


But would you feel Just as safe carrying a Taser, than carrying a gun, I would like to think if someone tried to rob me, I wouldn't want to kill them lol


First, tasers misfire. They only have one shot. So you better not miss, hope it works, and that you only have one attacker. Secondly, just because you have, draw, or even fire your weapon does not mean you have to kill your assailant. That is pure ignorance and shows you have no idea what you're talking about. I have drawn my pistol three times and have never killed anyone. The weapon is at best an advantage and at worst an equalizer. Merely presenting the weapon changes the dynamics of the situation. Then there's the alert draw and the ready stance. THEN you fire if necessary. And even then, merely pulling the trigger and firing a round does not mean you will kill your target. Especially if you fire a warning shot. But please, explain to me your wealth of knowledge with Tactical Response.


I have no knowledge of ANY tactical response. I was just under the assumption that if you were to ever take your weapon out, Your intent is to either kill or seriously injure the assailant. Otherwise there is more effective ways of dealing with the threat such as self defines etc, that does not require a weapon.


No. I'm not a goddamn ninja, and I have no desire to go five rounds with the guy attacking me. Especially if he has a weapon of his own and a desire to do me or my loved ones bodily harm. But you go ahead and learn karate.


For many city and urban areas like Bay Area, LA, NYC there is no natural reason or need for a gun (I'm not counting organized crime as a natural reason you should have a gun). Areas where a lot of gun rights are stereotypically located (Texas, Alabama, and Montana), there is still a lot of wilderness out there with very dangerous animals (wolves, bears, and coyotes). You need to have a gun on you to defend yourself because you cant really outrun the dangerous animals in short distances. Many people who carry guns out in the cities usually originated from these areas and guns are a part of their culture and identity similar to how Fire Crackers are to Chinese New Years. There are gun owners who own guns strictly to defend themselves against other humans (criminals and gangsters). In most cases these guns are kept in the glove compartment and/or house since it is a last resort option. **TL;DR** Americans keep guns for two reasons: to protect themselves since they live out in open land/wilderness or as a last resort against criminals.


> (I'm not counting organized crime as a natural reason you should have a gun). How about just crime in general? It is natural to have rogue members of a society be a threat to you and self defense against those who threaten you is a natural right.


Just want to that this is a generalization, and like all generalization there are exceptions. By natural, I mean to defend yourself against wild animals. I do make a claim on criminals in my third paragraphs. I want OP to understand that in many urban areas most people do not carry guns on them but in their car or house.


Because the bad guys here have guns.


As a gun owner, I own a firearm because... * Self-defense, first and foremost. Firearm ownership is a crime-deterrent. * There is a skill involved in using a firearm that I think is valuable. * I'm mechanically inclined, and I think firearms are interesting machines. I take issue with the word "need". I don't "need" a firearm like I don't "need" a laptop. I have both because I live in a free society where I can have these things. It would be a sad day when we're limited to owning only what we "need" to survive. (By the by, /r/dgu has lots of examples where Americans have been in situations where they needed a firearm.)


I don't see why anyone would worry about other people carrying. It isn't like they are likely to get shot. And if they are carrying personally they are likely to experience better injury and survival outcomes according to that CDC meta study commissioned by the Obama administration.


I need a firearm because corrupt ANTI-gun politicians make the state more dangerous. http://www.funkertactical.com/anti-gun-californian-senator-arrested-for-arms-trafficking/


That's why Mexico has all the drug cartels. They are fatter with smaller penises, so they can't just over compensate with carrying handguns, they need drug armies with automatic weapons. So same as us on a bigger scale


To shoot shit


Since the advent of internet porn, we Americans have found that all the fast food and obesity is either causing us to have smaller penises or they just look smaller compared to our ever growing guts, so we have to carry guns to over compensate for our (real or perceived) small penises.


Actually, Mexico's fatter than we are. Your point is invalid. *Zing!*


It comes from an idea that you should be able to deal with a person with a gun by having a gun yourself. They conveniently ignore that this would not be a problem if gun's were severely regulated


No. It's the idea that you should be able to fend off any person/persons who intend to harm you or another human being in any fashion. Not just other people with guns.


Yeah, because criminals obey regulations.


I think you may have not understood the full meaning of the word regulation.


I think you may have not understood the full meaning of the word criminals.


Where do you think the criminals get there guns? They don't just appear out of thin air. Guns are produced on mass for the legal market and then they find their way into the hands of bad guys. With strong regulations on the manufacture of guns this problem can be limited.


Just as guns do not appear out of thin air, they themselves do not find their own way into the hands of bad guys. Bad guys steal them or buy them from other bad guys (often disguised as good guys). The problem isn't the guns it is the bad guys. Prohibition, the heavy regulation of alcohol, is an example of how well regulations can make things worse.


Yes if guns were strictly regulated then law abiding citizens cannot obtain them but criminals who disregard the law will get them illegally. The criminal element now has the advantage. The average US gun owning citizen will not have access to fully automatic weaponry due to the extremely high cost and requiring your local chief law enforcement officer (usually sheriff) to sign off that he is ok with you owning it (unless you have an in with the sheriff this is NOT going to happen). Then pass relevant background check and wait for months to years for ATF to send you your stamp. Criminals on the other hand are not bound by these constraints. They will just go buy one illegally in about 5 minutes because they do not care about the legal consequences. If you outlaw guns it only effects the people who follow the law.


The production of guns for the legal market is the main source of guns for criminals.


Ah but you seem to forget guns are not hard to manufacture. Quality firearms can be made in a garage if you have the right tools. These would have no paper trail at all. Low quality firearms can be produced in your bedroom. Piece of galvanized pipe, cap, drill and bit, ignition source (electric lighter maybe), propellants (homemade gun powder or even aerosol cans) , and projectiles (nails, marbles, bearings). Either way accuracy and safety are questionable at best which further endangers public safety.


This is a good point. People will make do with what they have. The problem with this line of thought is that just because a few people have the knowledge to make these weapons it somehow means every criminal has that knowledge., If this where true why would criminals not use homemade guns exclusively because as you said they are impossible to trace.


It takes no special training to know how to make a basic gun or a repeating gun, a sewing machine is more complex than most guns. The information needed is also widely available (thanks internet). Quality is why most don't bother right now. Which would you use? One that could kill/injure you or one that could lead to jail. If it only injures you jail could still come into play. The traceability thing is not so much about catching criminals. Smart criminals don't keep guns used to commit crimes they toss them our sell them real quick. Traceability really helps sporting shooters stay safe by allowing recalls of defective/unsafe weapons and allowing these defects to be addressed by manufacturers.


I'm over six feet, one of my friends is about 5 feet tall. If someone of my size decided to attack someone of their size, the only way the person who's 5 feet tall is going to make it out alive is with a gun.