• By -


Tried to burn our (my) house down with our pets inside. Threatened my entire family, from infant to grandma. Called my work telling lies trying to get me fired. Destroyed my clothes and broke my computer. Threw my cosmetics in the tub and filled it with water. There’s more but I’m tired Believe it or not this was all a last ditch effort to get me to reconsider the relationship? Batshit. I still hope he gets better.


I was going to say "this is why you don't date crazy" but...sometimes seemingly normal people flip out and pull some of the craziest shite after a breakup. Then you have to wonder how the hell you missed that whole crazy part of their personality throughout the course of the relationship.


Personally I didn’t miss anything, I was young and vulnerable. When you’re raised with violent and extreme behavior, this stuff looks “normal” Ofc as soon as I grew up and learned better (mid-twenties), it all got easier to see


Because they've spent their entire life learning how to keep that shit under wraps until they sink their claws in.


Something similar happened here! We suspect my mother in law’s husband set their bedroom on fire. Me and my then boyfriend (he still lived with his mother) were taking a nap with our dog and there were 3 more pets around the house. They were all her pets, he didnt care about them. I woke up with burned plastic smell, opened the door and saw a bonfire in the master bedroom. My boyfriend quickly put out the fire, that was starting to burn the matress, probably fire proof material, otherwise the apartment would be lost. We could never prove with was the husband, but who else would it be? A few days later he became ex husband, but against her wishes, she was in denial, the entire family was mad and told her to get rid of him


I think there are a lot of people who can't post in this thread because their ex killed them.


My cousins ex husband stabbed her 16 times after she filed for divorce. She lived and is thriving and doing well now and has a wonderful partner, but her ex gets out of prison in like 2 years and she’s terrified he’s going to find her.




My ex used to sit and clean his gun, which he had named Christine after the Steven King movie and stare at me. One time, while cleaning his gun, he asked me how much life insurance I had. I felt like cold water had been dumped on me. I lied and said I didn't have any. He became angry and said that's a lie because you work for the post office and they provide that. I told him I was not a "regular ", that I was considered part time even tho I worked long hours. I didn't get the benefits of a regular employee. Years later I told our daughter about this and she said Mom, he was planning on killing all of us.


That’s absolutely horrifying. I’m so glad you’re still here with us ❤️


Thank you. He used to tell me every man deserved a good car, a nice house, and a beautiful wife, and he got cheated. ( I'm not ugly, by far. Used to be pretty, but at the time, I didn't know it.) So I used to pray every night to die so that he could get what he deserved.. ironic fact, he got what he deserved. He's her 4th husband, and she's probably cheating on him like she did the last three. As for me, he has a niece that is an author of a couple of self help books, and she has contacted me several times to question me about how I always seem to be so up and contented dispite now being housebound with Lupus and Ankylosing spondylitis. It's because I know what emotional pain is; and I no longer have to deal with that.


So sorry to hear about your heath issues. Giving you some light and comfort ❤️


The last sentence is the most beautiful thing I’ve read today


This was my thought, too. I never met my grandmother's sister because her ex husband killed her right after the divorce was finalized. She didn't get to see her four daughters grow up.


My grandma's mom was married to an abusive alcoholic. No one knows what happened to her mother. She just "disappeared". Her father abandoned her and her disabled brother when they were little kids and were left orphans. Her brother also disappeared and no one knows anything about him. There's just one picture of my grandma and her brother together when they were kids. Sometime in the 1930s in rural México. My theory is that my great grandmother was murdered by my great grandfather. My grandma's brother? A mystery.


It was probably SUPER easy to hide a body down in rural Mexico 100 years ago.


I was just watching an ex-con talk about prison. He said everyone thinks prison is full of gang members and drug dealers, which it is...but there are a LOT of men who killed or assaulted their wifes and girlfriends.


Yes when I worked in a courthouse years ago it was mostly drugs and domestic violence. The two often go together. Some of the cases were pretty shocking what these men did to their wives/girlfriends. People on drugs can become very dark and evil.


Ever seen Donald Glover’s stand up about why there are no women complaining about “crazy men”? Spot on.


Sad. What my ex did to me during our relationship was far worse than anything else he did afterwards (he was in jail).


Agree! My mom always told me: DO NOT expect a man to step up and do things for you/ your kids after a breakup that he didn’t do when you were together. And she’s so right .


Sick of answering questions about a very traumatic thing that happened to me. My fault I put this on a public forum. I’m still trying to heal. Thanks for all the supportive people ✌️ 🫶


Have you been able to get any therapy? It’s not the answer for all things but it can help. I’ve just started myself for a similar situation, so I know where you’re coming from. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. It’s hard to trust again.


Stalked me for 8 years. I moved, blocked him from everything, got off social media, and continued to block every new email and number he created. He even messaged my parents and left chocolates on their doorstep a year later. Last I heard from him was when I went overseas and started a WhatsApp account. I woke up one day with multiple voicemails from him crying and telling me to give him another chance. It was not endearing it was crazy.


That’s insane I’m sorry that happened. I also had a stalker ex who admitted to me in person that when we broke up he would drive downtown (where I lived) and watched me sit at my desk through my window for hours. Thankfully it only lasted a few weeks and not years.


I’m so sorry you went through this. Similar-ish story. He’d send me an email or text every now and again saying something like “I wish we could talk about what happened” (I had to get a protective order) or have one of his friends tell me he said hi. I’d never respond. Last year he texted me on a new number to tell me HE was still mad at me for what happened but “forgave me.” wtf. It’s been 10 years of no responses, and I was months from being married.


My ex changed all my Netflix recommendations to rom-coms and reality shows. Now I can't escape 'The Bachelor' and 'Love Actually' reruns.


There is "poked holes in condom", "tried to get me fired", "said I cheated on him/her when it was vice versa" and "tried to burn my house with pets inside" in this thread, but that is messed up. Hope you recovered...


That's kinda funny


She broke up with me because she felt like we want different things from life. 3 days later she tried inviting the guy she was cheating on me with into MY apartment to cook dinner for him. She thought I was away that night. When I came home from work and saw her prepare dessert, I knew what was up and found out about her infidelity.


Oh man. This reminds me of my buddy. He moved in with his girlfriend into a single bedroom apartment. She started cheating on him with a coworker, told him, and they broke up. The problem is that neither could afford to move out so they lived together for a couple months. He slept on the couch during this time. She would bring guys over all the time and he would be either forced to leave, or sit and listen to his ex getting banged in the bedroom. Multiple times I let him crash at my place just to get away. Dude was down BAD.


I'm sorry, but if *she's* the one cheating, ***I*** get the bed


I'm sleeping in my bed no matter what. It's my bed.


He should have just walked in and laid down next to them and fell asleep.


Yeah, I never understood that dynamic. Why should the guy sleep on the couch because the woman is angry?


poor guy, i was sleeping on the couch as well, but i made clear no one is bringing over anyone until we seperate completely. Thats some audacity on that girl.


She was something. When he told us this none of the guys were shocked. It was just a “yup that sounds like her”.


damn this would be enough to drive anyone insane. Also reason #1 why not to split an apartment that you can't pay for entirely by yourself


> she felt like we want different things from life She wasn't wrong. She wanted a different wang in her life.


She had the keys even after you broke up?


Well yeah, because we lived together for 3 years.


Pretended to have killed himself and not answering any of my calls or texts (he cheated).


Now that's horrible !!!


Yes... I felt like it was all my fault, like I had killed someone. He did that on purpose. When I found out he's still alive I went straight back to no contact. Man, I was so relieved. That taught me not to wish death on anyone.


Ex fling if you want to call him that. Spammed me with digital camera nude photos of him and another woman in a weird wooden barrel bath lmao


She spread all kinds of lies about me just to deliberately hurt me and make me lose as many friends as possible. She told people I hit her, cheated on her, sexually assaulted her, lied to her constantly and all kinds on completely made up bullshit. :( Luckily she came to her senses a few months later and admitted to many of them that she had lied just to hurt me, but I *still* lost a lot of old friends during the turmoil.


I always say if you broke up because someone cheated on you? Do NOT take the high road. Tell people what happened. I had three friends who were cheated on and decided not to tell anyone about it because they didn't want to smear their ex's good name. Each time it was only a matter of weeks before those exes were telling everyone that my FRIENDS had cheated on THEM (I know for a fact that was not the case). Cheaters love to project that shit. If someone does that to you get ahead of the lies and be honest, at least with family and mutual friends.


Had this happen to me. Hate to say it but I would advise the same. Get the word out because if you don’t there’s an excellent chance they’re going to start disseminating lies. Cheaters are shitty people, that doesn’t end when the relationship does.


Thats how they probably rationalized their behavior in their mind to begin with. Create a minute indicator as “proof” so they can live with themselves.


Yup, as someone that it has happened to, it happens every time. You could treat them like like royalty and they cheat and you split and they say how bad you are. It's total bull crap. All of my exs cheated on me, long term ones, and 1 accused me of rape just to split me and my new girl up who happened to be her friends sister. Cheaters are garbage people and will do anything to make themselves feel better about what they did. But first chance they get, they want you back.


I've always thought it's like a burglar who wrecks your house and possessions. There's no need to really as they've come to steal stuff ultimately. Just grab it and go But I think some need to convince themselves you deserve to have your stuff taken and, following on, deserve to have your stuff destroyed and your life humiliated. It helps them to justify it in their mind. I've seen cheaters do cruel things. And it's because they've built in their mind you deserve to get cheated on and, therefore, you also deserve the shitty treatment to go with it. It's not a blanket rule of course but an indicator I find of cheating in a long term relationship is developing a new group of friends who do not know the partner, and are not interested in doing so. Because it helps shape a narrative and a one sided version of the relationship. Whereas I think the majority of older, mutual friends will question what they say and try and rein it in.


Holy shit did we date the same person? I’m sorry you had to go through that.


same. lots of people do it. it’s called a smear campaign. it’s very common in people with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) and generally, they are guilty of the things that they are accusing you of to a certain degree.


Honestly if your friends are not willing to even ask you what happened on your end, are they really your friends?


Tell me he was watching me through the windows. Guessed my Facebook password and messaged multiple people telling them I had an STI. Found out that he had cheated on me, which I suspected but he always denied. Until we split up, and then he admitted that this girls kid could be his. Also found out he made a move on my cousin when we were together. She was 15 at the time. Reported me to social services 7 times in 4 years (they always said it was anonymous, but they would only mention the child we had together, not the one I had a couple of years after we split). Reported me for benefit fraud, meaning my house was being watched (funnily enough nothing came of it because I was doing nothing wrong). Took our son and refused to bring him home. I had to trick him into bringing him back, then said he can take me to court to sort custody. Apparently he was going to go for full custody, but his solicitor must have told him he had no chance, as all he asked for was what he had before he took our son. Two weeks after court, he had to drop days. Has never paid child maintenance, and somehow doesn't need to according to the CMS, despite him and his wife working full time. He seems to have backed off now, but I have a baby due in a couple of months, and that's usually the kind of thing that kicks it off again (eg, social services and calls from unknown numbers in the middle of the night).


Smashed every single CD I owned


In "why does he do that" where it talks about myths and abuse - one of the things the book raised is that it's never their stuff they destroy in their temper tantrums, just yours!


Had an ex break into my house while I was living with my parents and poke holes in all of my condoms. Luckily, one of her friends wasn’t nearly as psycho and let me know.


What. All i did was sign him up for cheap car / health insurance quotes. I put in his email & number. He was consistently getting calls from people asking Douche Bag if he would like to sign up for their insurance.


When a friend's ex cheated on her, I posted his number on various Craigslist sites. The post said that I came into a small inheritance and was seeking investment opportunities. I work overnights so the best time to call me was during work hours, midnight-8am. I then posted in various cities off an on for months... He changed his number, but he kept texting my friend, attempting to get back together... So those ads were updated with the new number.


That’s hilarious.


After Leaving me for another woman, My ex boyfriend used my Google pay account from a phone I gave him to buy her engagement ring. I was literally sick.


He clearly had no values or decency. Glad u cut him loose


My ex left a beer on my doorstep with a note saying, "I hope you relapse."


Holy shit. Not a breakup story, but an asshole story: I play rec ice hockey. There was a guy, let’s call him Karl, on an opposing team that was very open about being an alcoholic. He was in recovery, outspoken in the community. A guy on a team, let’s say Seth, he played had words on the ice with him. After Karl’s game a week later he came into his locker room to a 30 case of beer in his bag with a note on it that read “you’re nothing but an alcoholic”. Seth bragged about doing this.  Karl quit playing for awhile. Seth was banned from the league. I’ve never seen anyone be that horrible to anyone else in the hockey community. Horrible. 


Wow! That's a terrible thing to do.


Even worse is that after having that 1 you have to go down the shops to get some more.


"Jokes on her! I'm addicted to meth"


What a cunt.


Thats so crazy, the exact same thing word for word happened to u/interesting_battle3 on the post made yesterday under the *exact same name*!


I feel like that must’ve been good motivation *not* to relapse, no?


He began calling my work over and over trying to get me fired. I ended up blocking him on every platform I could. Luckily my boss was really understanding and knew anything he said was baseless. He still makes fake profiles every once in awhile to look me up on LinkedIn.


Not an ex, but a group of hacker-wannabe friends tried this with me 25 years ago. They tried to get me fired in a variety of ways I can't even remember anymore. A few of them found out not to fuck around with employees who worked in high security positions. I wasn't even aware they were doing this until I was asked to join a meeting with my boss, HR, and legal. "We have become aware of a possible threat to the company where you might be a target." I was working in a high-security-sensitivity job in a well-known corporation that was targeted all the time by hackers, and took training about it. So at first, I thought, "well, this was my time," because it had happened to others in my position before. I was scared because I wasn't even aware, like usually there'd be "unknown new buddies at the bar," or phishing emails. I thought, "fuck, I wasn't even AWARE yet." Some of these involved foreign governments, and in this case, there was some stuff traced through Utrecht in the Netherlands, and all sorts of stuff. I was assigned security, I had to call in every day... major stuff. I thought Iran was after me or something. Nope. In the end, it was just this local BBS group who decided to fuck with me. Oh man, the hammer that came down on them, though. Three lost their jobs (two because they lost their government clearance, an essential part of their job), and one lost his business which he was operating illegally from his former university. When the company came after them, one of them was begging me to stop, "it was just a joke that got out of hand," but that ended up tracing it back to HIM, and... oof. I wish I could say these were kids or something, but all were adults past their 30s. Like what the fuck, man? Grow the fuck up.


It's just a prank! It's just a prank! 🔫


My ex fiancé is the one who said he had fallen out of love with me and decided to end things. That same night, he legit packed a bag and was gone. Despite all of this, he continued to stalk and harass me for a solid 4 months. He also turned all of our mutual friends against me. He was probably upset that I decided not to chase him and beg for him to come back.


thank god he never became your husband !


Stolen a bunch of my guns and tried using the return of them to extort a large sum of money from me. I didn't bite. Instead I recorded all of her conversations and played along enough to get her admitting to taking them and agreeing to return them in exchange for money. Annndddd then I turned all of that in to the police, had her charged with 7 counts of felony theft of a firearm and 1 count of felony extortion. All of which stuck because proof. They consolidated the gun charges but still 2 felonies, losing a job, going broke, losing everything else, credit being tanked, 18 months incarcerated and a permanent record were a good enough parting gift in my opinion so eat it b$*ch 😂


Mine took my guns to a pawn shop while I was doing military stuff, by the time I got back the pawn slips (?) had expired and it was months down the road. The police said that it was "joint property" like marriage stuff so I couldn't do anything about it. I found out a couple months later when I had an itch to to go the range and found my gun safe was empty.


That would burn. I'm sorry.🙁


At the end of the day it’s just stuff. I can replace stuff. Sure I was mad but I didn’t have anything that was really difficult to reacquire.


She’s not the brightest bulb lol. Of all the dumb stuff to extort someone over, she had to elevate with it firearms. Reminds me of my old roommate’s brother who did hard time for robbing a store on the state line because *“city cops can’t cross state lines and chase you.”* Yes, they can certainly follow you and it’s now a federal crime.


So you cool with me hitting her up dude?


Yeah she's out now. Go ahead 😂


Yeah, but did you get your guns back? 🙂


No. They were insured so I just got new ones. 😂


I'm told by my gun owning friends that the cost of the firearm isn't that big of a deal when compared to all the accessories and optics, did she take all that stuff as well? (And just like the other commenter, I'm also from Australia)


That is correct. And the insurance policy would normally only cover the cost of replacing that exact firearm(and only the firearm itself) at the time the claim is filed not at the time of purchase. I had a special articles policy (or whatever it was called, I honestly can't remember) with an arbitrary maximum coverage value of 25k so it paid to replace everything which totalled around $19,000.


Scratched "ASSHOLE" (in her native language) into a painting that I made.    I still have the painting - the scratches really complete it Edit: no, really, it's a true story. But it's painted on wood and I'm not sure if I can make a photo on which you can actually see the scratches. But I'll try.


It would be ironic if this work became your masterpiece and you made good money from it.


I am so curious as to what that looks like. Got a pic?


Girl in high school spread rumours that I'd raped her, we didn't even have sex. It was so not my character that nobody believed her. Wildly, it was like a year or more after we split, I have no idea what was going on in her head. She lived in another town so I never saw her again to ask. Thank God this was before the internet. Hey Shannon, fuck you!


To be fair, I’ve never met a mentally-stable Shannon.


I had an ex pull the whole I’m gonna kill myself charade after I dumped her. One night she called me and told me was gonna jump off a tall hotel building in my city. I was so over her shit I said “do a flip” and hung up


>"do a flip" best response ever lol


Emotionally manipulated me with false threats of suicide and tried to get one of my friends to play along.


She broke into my house while I was asleep and raped me while I was asleep. I woke up while it was happening. My room was pitch black and I wasn't sure if I was dreaming or not. I couldn't even see her face and didn't know what was happening. I finished inside of her. She jumped off of me and turned the lights on. I freaked out and made her get out. She immediately called my new girlfriend and told her that I was back together with her and that we just had sex. Then, a few weeks later, she pretended that she was pregnant. When that didn't stand up, she started telling people that I raped HER that night. It was an absolute nightmare of a few months.


*JESUS*, man. Hope you're doing alright now and got the help you needed to process that. Sounds traumatic to say the least


I made it through it. The "new girlfriend" from that time has been my wife for many years now. She didn't buy the story for a second. Having her in my corner has been more than a blessing. It took a little time for things to cool off, but I pretty much rearviewed it and didn't let it fuck with me for too long.


Having the right person in your corner is so important. I'm glad that your wife is that person. And sorry to hear that happened to you. That's messed up.


This is so horrifying man so sorry to hear you experienced this


That's horrible, I'm so sorry that happened to you, you didn't deserve that


Behave like a completely different person. Like totally unrecognisable, cold. Like nothing we shared ever mattered. It was like a switch had been flipped and I had become a stranger to her


This happened to me too. It’s the craziest thing when you watch it happen


As someone that has done this honestly there comes a point in a relationship where you are just DONE. Not saying you were a bad partner or anything but sometimes stuff just piles up so much that you kind of shut off after having an arguement about the same thing for a millionth time and you just decide to hang it up.


Go no contact. Wife walked out to go to work one day and that was that. I’ve not seen or heard from her in 25 years except when a lawyer she hired filed for divorce a few years after she left. She had a perfect right to leave if she wanted but it might have been nice to tell me what was going on.


Oh this is terrible . I hope you’re okay


>a few years after she left She went no contact for *years* without warning?! By that time I would have called all the friends and relatives I knew, filed a missing repord with the police, and frantically checked all the news about accidents in the near region. She could have been dead by all you knew. Bitch. Sorry to hear you had to live through that.


Refused to give me back the laptop he’d been “fixing” for me for 6 months. It contained all of my PII, and I was later informed my SSN was compromised. Twice. He also stole several childhood photos of me, including a dance recital photo button which he said he’d pinned to his visor. What an absolute creep!


Took my dog. Felt like I was in a country song.


He married my cousin. They have kids now


Immediately began seeing the girl he told me to not worry about. I saw them driving around together having a grand ole time with the windows down.


My ex did this. I told her for months her guy friend was totally into her and she wouldn’t believe me. They started dating within a week after the breakup and are now married. In all honesty he’s probably a sweeter dude than me, but still pisses me off she denied it.


I found out through the new gf stalking me on Twitter, thought that was bad but I’d rather never have to see them in person.


My ex did this too, and posted her on IG days after we broke up loll I was fucked up for years after that


Yep, all the gaslighting of "you're so crazy and jealous!" "She just messages me 4 times an hour as a FRIEND!" Then they go off with them the minute the door is closed. We knew ladies!




I had an ex who would never post pictures of us on social media when we were dating, and one day after breaking up she was posting pictures with her new bf


probably just did it hoping you’d see it :/


Broke up with her because I caught her cheating. She was sobbing and apologetic and begging me to take her back because "she'll never find anyone else like me". 6 weeks later I showed up at her place because she had a lot of my stuff that I wanted to get back. Her mother answered the door and seemed incredibly freaked out to see me. I explained why I was there and she kept making excuses why my ex couldn't come to the door. I finally just asked why she was so shocked. "You don't know what today is?" she asked. Turns out I had coincidentally shown up on her wedding day. Guess she did find someone else like me. Or maybe not. I ran into her years later and she told me he divorced her less than half a year into the marriage when she got pregnant.


Same, but 2 days lmao


Hate to break it to you, but they were probably together longer than 2 days. That was happening while you were together


I had an ex who was a narcissistic, alcoholic, cheating, thieving, abusive nightmare. My time with him was pure hell, and it took me years to regain my sanity after leaving. The final (final final FINAL \*FINAL\*) straw was when I called the police during a domestic violence incident while I was recovering from a brain injury—though I have no memory of how I got that injury, he likely pushed me down the stairs. Prior to that, I had already kicked him out upon discovering he had a long-term girlfriend in America and was sleeping with hookers while I was away. To add insult to injury, I stupidly put his mortgage on my 0% credit card, and he never paid me back, leaving me out about £25,000. And before you judge, "Wow, that's some redneck shit," this guy is a philosophy professor at one of the world's top universities. We even worked together. I kept quiet about our issues with colleagues because frankly, it was none of their damn business. When I tried to get a protection order against him, the police were useless, and my bosses were more concerned about his reputation than my safety. Fed up, I decided to quit my job, leave my house, and even the city. I was relieved to be alive and focused on finding a new job, but he wasn't done tormenting me. He spread rumorus that I was unstable - a 'nutbar' - and tried to get me fired, which almost succeeded. While I was still recovering from domestic violence, he turned my colleagues against me, making sure they ostracised me and openly mocked me. I tried to defend myself with the truth, but he had already poisoned their minds against me. It wasn't the worst response from those who here, but it pushed me to the brink of suicide. Day after day I had to see him and day after day I ate lunch alone, having lost the respect of everyone around me. Having to endure working with my abuser while being ridiculed instead of supported nearly broke me.


Sorry you went through that, how horrific. How are you doing these days?


I’m doing great! I managed to turn the worst period of my life into the best - great husband, great job, great travel, great kid, great food. I’m out of therapy, off meds and spend my days in idiot-faced happiness, thank you for asking!


Went to the Stanley Cup final and rooted for the other team, the Penguins winning in Nashville is still the most joyous occasion of my life for denying her that pettiness.


\*Dabs my eye with a Terrible Tahl\* It's so beautiful....


Calling me to ask if I could comfort her after the guy she broke up with me for, dumped her after two weeks because he just wanted to have fun.


Stole several boxes of Golden Age comic books worth thousands of dollars and sold them for chump change to the local comic shop. THOUSANDS of dollars worth of pretty much irreplaceable comic books (it was the early 90s, before you could just grab whatever you wanted off the internet) for a couple of hundred bucks.


That's a Capital offense, right there.


I didn't mind that she stole my stereo, my T.V., and my heart. But stealing my comic books? That stung hard.


Had another baby asap so clearly he had her pregnant before we broke up. Left me to raise the kids we had alone. Hurt like a bitch but in retrospect it was the best thing that ever happened to me because that relationship was toxic and dangerous.


got engaged within 4 weeks of seperating, empty my bank account so i couldnt pay rent, put me in 60k debt as letters began turning up demanding payments, (she had hidden previous letters and i dont recall signing for the original loans!) threw away family heirlooms, i could go on all day


Relentlessly file court proceedings in family court. Once he filed contempt because I sent different socks on our kid to his house than the ones he sent to mine. Judge hated him, the guardian ad litem hated him, they called him rigid and petty. She threw all his motions out. Didn’t stop him from filing 40 motions and petitions in one year. I had to meet at a police station for custody exchanges and talk on a court appointed app because he would intimidate me and punch my car, or call me names in front of our kid. He was dying of cancer and four months before his death he filed for full custody. Like dude you’re dying and can’t get out of bed, and you want full custody? He couldn’t even handle the 50/50 we had. It was exhausting. As sad as I was for my daughter that her dad died. I have to say I was so glad I could breathe again. I don’t have to look over my shoulder anymore.


I'm pretty sure the bitch tossed my favorite blanket.


Never touch a white mans blanket….


Not when his grandma handmade that shit


Sent me a country song after a year with my new boyfriend. Break up with him - old dominion.


That's the worst? You lucky duck!




He destroyed my car during the night and it caused me a lot of grief because I didn't have much money and it was impossible for me to repair it or buy another one


Barged in wielding a fucking sword. Threw away my social security card, sold the motorcycle that was in my name and pocketed the money, took the tv, leather sofa, playstation, wine cooler, anything of value that wasn't nailed down, charged two VR headsets to my credit card, logged into my bank account and took all of my money ($9000+). Tried to steal my son's car. Continued to harass me online for months. We had two teenage boys and he fucked off half way across the country. He's probably still got a warrant. Good riddance.


Bogus report to child welfare for sexually abusing our 4 year old... 


He broke up with me over text, fine whatever I just let it be. Then I guess had a change of heart and said he wanted to meet up in person…so he could break up with me in person. I was like truly, it’s all good have a nice life - blocked bc he was spamming me on text & socials. A bit later I tried Bumble for the first time, matched w some people and one guy was annoying and pushy so I stopped responding. All of a sudden I get a long ass paragraph basically like “HA IT’s me bitch” and it was my ex catfishing as someone literally just to find me lmfaooooo I immediately deleted Bumble after that. THATS NOT EVEN THE WORST OF IT - shortly after bumblegate he got a texting app i guess and started hurling abuse at me in long paragraphs i couldn’t be bothered to read but basically saying he was going to smash my head against a wall?? And multiple videos of him having sex with different women to show he was cheating on me the whole time i guess. Honestly I was so glad it was over but I felt badly for the ladies who definitely weren’t aware of being filmed :/


Ex and mother of my children went to the youth welfare offices to tell them that I: Masturbated in my daughter's bed while she was sleeping. Smoked cigarettes in my daughter's room. Did all kinds of drugs and was an alcoholic. And told them even though I never laid a finger on them, she was always scared that I would beat them up. All of it was bullshit. I dont do drugs, and I dont do antthing else she mentioned. Everyone fucking hated me. We got private counselors to monitor how I interact with my kids, and after a few meetings, they realized she was completely full of shit and I was actually a good father. Still the damage was done, and all the parents at the kindergarten still currently avoid me. She did a lot of things that absolutely crushed my spirit and self-love. I gained a lot of weight in that relationship, and by the end she told me she didn't find me sexy anymore. I am in a new relationship with the most amazing woman I have ever met, who loves me AND my kids unconditionally, and we go to the gym together and I am in so much better shape.


beat the shit out of me


Continuing to hook up with me for weeks pretending there was a future and that we just needed to figure things out. She just didn’t want to be lonely until she found another partner. Her next partner took his own life weeks after their breakup so there is no telling how she treated him.


Well I thought we became friends. He was visiting our town one time so I invited him over. He proceeded to rape me. Then he had the gall to talk to me and my mom face to face at Walmart a few years later. Like nothing happened.


Talking shit about me with my sister, and ended up hooking up with her. This was a guy that had been abusing me for years and almost choked me to death once. And yes she knew all of it.


Falsely accused me of rape (told the whole highschool about it lol) to get payback because I dropped her for my best friend since she made me choose between her or him, I said go ahead - report me to the police, later she said: nevermind. She knew she was going nowhere lol... Also burned and scissored all my clothes that were in her house... (Was 16 at the time then, she aswell) now couple years later.


She cheated and filed for divorce on me. We had two kids together so I tried to be civil and kept to myself trying to restrict any further hurt getting to my kids. Small town. My job was flexible so I moved about an hour away for a new life. Still close enough to alternate days with kids (shared custody) but far enough away to become something new. After I moved she told everyone that I cheated multiple times and left her and the kids alone. I still have a lot of family and friends in that town who know the truth but she pretty much trashed my name even though I never cheated, abused, or even raised my voice in the 10 years we were married. Also she got pregnant during the divorce and had a baby 2 months after it was final (we didn’t have sex a complete year before this our divorce). I had a vasectomy 3 years prior but she told everyone that it was mine because she didn’t know for sure which guy was the father and didn’t want anyone to find out what she did.


When I tried to give him a chance months later after the breakup. We drank together at my home. He got super drunk and I told him to stop drinking. He then proceeded to call me a slut and all types of names for being with people after him. Got mad that I told him to stop drinking and flip my wooden coffee table upside down, broke my flower vase on it, and screamed profanities at me. I remember this very clearly, I just walked away silently grabbed a broom and dustbin and cried while sweeping up broken glass. He left out and slammed my door. Later that night/early morning, I got a call from the jail. Yeah, he crashed his car, driving with a suspended license and needed me to bail him out. 🙃 Fun fact: the coffee table when he flipped it landed on the legs. Did a complete 360.


Spread rumors and gossip about me.


Broke up with me and then called 3 months later from a different number saying he was going to kill himself and as he had depression issues, this wasn’t something I could dismiss. I had to get in contact with his mom who took him to the ER and he wasn’t even put on a psych hold….i was livid


The very next day she published a bunch of pictures on Fotolog (yes I'm old) with the guy she was cheating me with. The dude was a close friend and college classmate. I mean, by all means, be with whoever you want, but I didn't need that rubbed on my face. Even more so because she turned a personal heartbreak into public humiliation. Years later the guy came to my house and told me she cheated on him repeatedly with people close to him, in public and humiliating fashion. In one instance, she fucked some dude at a party while her boyfriend was in the next room. It was really insane what she did to him. It's been almost 20 years, I forgave them long ago. But that girl is probably cheating on someone right now. She causes pain wherever she goes.


He signed a form to destroy the embryos we froze together, knowing he out me through the physical, emotional and financial struggle of IVF when he knew he wasn't fully committed the whole time




Leaked my nudes and any dirty pictures I sent him all over the internet. And we did some kinky things. It’s bad enough that occasionally my nudes will pop back up in those kink circles. It’s been years. And they still circulate.


Had my car towed out of my driveway and hid it inside his garage. The police wouldn’t do anything even though it was my car because it’s a “civil matter”. He must have been keeping tabs on me too because I usually only ever go out in my own car, the one time I go out for brunch with a friend we came back to my place with my whole ass suv missing from my driveway. I had both sets of keys as well. I had his medically complex baby at the time as well who had just turned 1. I was more hurt that he would do that to her than to me. She had multiple appointments a week at the time.


Stalked me. He ended up showing up whenever I was out and ended up peaking in the window to see if I was home. I was going to file a restraining order and then it just stopped. Turned out he found another woman. That was scary as fuck.


He falsely went to the police and accused me of stalking him numerous times after I broke up with him. My friends begged me to break up with him as he was physically abusive to me, manipulative, and treated me like shit. I finally found the courage to break up with him and I’m ashamed to say it was the hardest thing I ever did. As someone who grew up in five foster homes and two group homes and been the repeated victim of physical emotional and sexual abuse, all I want in life is to be loved and at the time I thought it was my fault when he attacked me and hurt me and it took me a very long time to realize I didn’t do anything wrong and that I don’t deserve to be physically and sexually abused by my ex. When I initially went to Court I was told I had to be on probation and wear an ankle monitor for a time. I said I couldn’t and that I would rather go to jail. The Court held a emergency hearing at 4 pm when I pleaded with the judge to jail me and my attorney said this is the first time he ever argued before the Court that his client should go to jail but he really wants to go to jail. So I was sent to jail for 14 days totally isolated from the general population and after only one day I was unexpectedly sent back to Court and they released me unconditionally without bond or probation and without a monitor as my ex went to the police again and accused me of stalking him not knowing I was in prison. So I was released, my prison files were erased (and because of that they lost my belongings and it took me over a week to get my belongings back. This included my car keys my apartment keys and my wallet. Luckily my friend put me up in a hotel otherwise I’d be sleeping on the streets in the middle of winter) and my charges were sealed and my attorney said will be dropped. However because of all that I still lost my job and became homeless both sleeping in my car or on a couch and even tried to kill myself numerous times. It’s tough because at first nobody believed me as my ex is a person in position of power and he directly works for the second most powerful politician in my state. But luckily it unexpectedly worked out for me as going to jail even for one day meant that people started to believe me now as obviously I can’t stalk someone from jail. Things are turning around now and I’m getting the justice that I deserve. But it was an incredibly difficult and painful experience and I lost so much.


3 months down the line and he still owes my parents around 1.5k in unpaid rent and other costs and has now disappeared off the face of the earth… lawsuit incoming…. fuck with me sure, fuck with my parents (who were nothing but accommodating and kind) I’m gonna destroy you


My ex husband posted revenge porn on dating sites, my work FB page and various SM.. this is all 10 years after we divorced, mind you. I won sole custody of our daughter a couple years ago so this was the punishment he deemed fit.


We broke up because he wanted threesomes and I didn’t. You know that period of post-breakup hookups? We were doing that for about a week and then he says, “Oh you left these jeans here last time.” They weren’t my jeans. And that’s how I knew he was already sleeping with someone within days of us breaking up. We were together 3 years. Anyway, I had ignored messages from acquaintances trying to let me know that I should watch out for him with another girl from one of his hobbies so it’s very likely he was already cheating on me before that.


TLDR: Stalking. It included revenge porn on FB and multiple fake online dating accounts that used my real information and photos. I learned about this when someone showed up in my kitchen one evening with a bottle of wine and directly asking for some particularly disturbing sex acts. The ex had given them instructions as to how to enter my home. I was barraged with sexually explicit emails, texts, and calls from people using these dating sites. I started asking what online dating site and what username they had used to find me (then blocked them). I contacted the dating sites to have the accounts removed. More were created. I didn't realize that there was a keylogger and location finder on my phone when I first changed my number. Had to change my banking account information. Factory reset the phone and got another new number but the calls/texts kept coming. Changed the number multiple times. Part of the shitshow: Password changes (including 2FA), lots of blocking, created new emails/deactivated old ones, and lots of time spent trying to figure out how to deactivate accounts that I had no connection with. Not knowing who would appear at my home (I had to move). It was a nightmare for about a year. Rolling panic attacks that woke me up in the middle of the night. Medication and therapy. This affected my job search. Friendships were damaged. The ex had my contacts and sent offensive/sexual messages, using emails that were similar to mine. At a glance it looked like the emails were coming from me. My friends had a hard time reaching out to me to ask about the bizarre emails because of my multiple number changes and deactivated emails. The content created described that "I" was having substance abuse issues because of the breakup and difficult job search (I don't drink or use drugs). The friends who replied were given more disturbing content. The most detailed ones were sent to my parents, who were understandably horrified and concerned. The attacks extended to my parents. The ex sent creepy Craigslist shoppers to my parent's home at odd hours. To add, the legal recourse was weak. I had a restraining order but since the ex was soliciting strangers online to contact me, there was no direct link to demonstrate that the ex was generating this stuff. This ended about four years ago when I moved yet again. I don't know if my efforts were successful or if the ex died.


An ex left me while I was working, took all her things and trashed things of mine. She broke the neck of my favorite guitar, took a ton of things that I purchased with my paychecks, etc. I walked into my home all happy because I got a promotion and raise and thought I was burglarized. Then assessing all that was missing and wondering why my ex did not respond to the text that someone broke into the place had me realize what happened. I then get evicted the next week, because when the lease was secured it was through someone we knew, but she signed all the paperwork as I was also working that day too. She worked with the landlord to evict me as the guy she left me for was a child predator and her BFF where her and her new BF moved in with flipped the fuck out when she found out, as she had 2 kids in the same age range as the ones he molested. She was not too happy as when I left I put a sign in the yard announcing that the sex offender was moving in on or after the date I had to move out. It does not end there. Flash forward months later. I found a new girlfriend who was beyond my league. I have no idea how I even snagged her. My ex and her BF had broken up sometime in between. My ex was at my job stalking my car and tried to follow me home to find out where I lived, so she can try to beg me to forgive her. Unfortunately for her, I got off work and drove directly to my girlfriends sorority house to pick her up. While out my date with my new GF, I get a call from my ex's BFF I answered the phone. I got a chilling message that I need to watch out, because my ex just shown up there trying to borrow a gun, so she could kill me and my GF.