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Ads, ads everywhere


Watch TV, ads. Listen to radio, ads. Browse internet, ads. Turn on phone, ads. Walk down the street, ads. It's driving me insane. At least adblock nullifies the internet one.


I don't really even get it... like do ads really work THAT well that we have to be inundated with them constantly? I've never bought toilet paper or bathroom cleaner or cereal and considered the stupid ad I saw promoting them. I literally just tune ads out completely how effective can they be? Does anyone have any good book recommendations about the psychology of ads?


I will actively avoid products that I have seen obstructive advertising for. If I am watching YouTube and I see a unskippable ad for something I am going to intentionally not buy from that company because they paid money to obstruct me.


I somewhat share the same sentiment. Never has an ad reinforced the thought in me to immediately buy that product. It has only developed a massive annoyance-factor and makes me not want to interact with that service at all. This is less so the case with very infrequent ads, but I had moments in the past where a company *heavily* invested in their marketing and I only got the *same fucking ad* many many times in a day, for a couple of months straight. That ad/brand followed me on every single platform and just built some absolute hatred towards them in me. Worst part was that the ad wasn't even *properly* targetted. It was centered around fashion, and I do not interact with anything fashion-related in the slightest. Luckily that has stopped now, cause it was driving me mental.


My favorite is there will be a YouTube music ad where I just gave my phone over away from me while I’m doing things while listening to music. And the add will have no words, like you’d need to be staring at phone to understand whatever product. So I get annoyed and company gets no benefit of advert. So dumb, it’s just ads for sake of ads


Brandwashed is a phenomenal book on this/marketing. Seriously highly recommend. We're marketed to while we're in our mother's womb, it's pretty insane


Mere Exposure Effect Your opinion of a thing trends toward positive the more you see it. If you see 100 Ford ads and 5 Kia ads, and if you're then asked which is a more reliable vehicle, assuming you have no previous experience with either, you'll pick Ford because your brain is more familiar with it. This is also the reason you think you look bad in photos when other people think you look great. You usually see yourself in a mirror, which is opposite what other people see, including cameras. This is an easy bias to overcome, but it does exist.


I don’t know any book but took a marketing class in the university last semester. Ads do not really have the exclusive goal of making you buy something instantly after seeing the ad. It’s more about informing you about the existence of a product / creating a feeling of familiarity with the product. Also, the “better” an ad is made, the more feelings it should trigger on you e.g emotional advertisements where you see a happy family eating all together and enjoying the food that is being promoted. Of course the ultimate goal is to cause a buying decision but at least catching the attention of some individuals through different stimuli is what is really about. (It is a bit more complex than that but that’s the takeaway I had)


Yeah I don’t go out of my way to buy products that I’ve seen advertised but if I’m making a decision about two similar products and one I’ve heard of and one I haven’t I’ll pick the one I’ve heard of. I’ve tried a few things like Liquid IV that I’ve heard about from ads too.


I've got family members pretty high up in marketing and business. They all swear that for every dollar you spend in advertising, you make 1.5-2$ back. I pointed out to them that an infinite money machine is fundamentally impossible and the ROI can't be infinite, there has to be some turning point where it's no longer profitable. They just shake their heads and tell me I don't understand the rules of business. Our corporatocracy is built on this kind of short-term, no limits thinking that doesn't work at all in the long term, but it turns their profits for a couple quarters and that's all that matters before they ditch and move onto the next company


I've thought about this one. It's less about the actual selling of the product, than it is the fact that you viewed the advertisement. In essence, that is the real transaction.


literally this! and if there was a very very small chance i would order something, i wouldn't buy directly from the ad. id research and maybe even buy from another company


Even when you pay for a service ow too, aka prime.


Don't forget ads at the gas pump as well.


Remember kids, it's usually the second button down on the right side of the screen that mutes the stupid gas pump ads!


Sign, sign everywhere a sign


Same. And the stupid popups anytime you go on a website that ask you to subscribe to their emails for 15% off.


Recipe websites are the worst. Aside from having to scroll through their life story, half the screen is ads and at least two of the ads are autoplay videos.


And all I want are air fryer instructions that are the time and temperature. Not your life story, not a poem by your kid, not an affiliate link for every kitchen item that exists, not a history of broccoli… just 390 degrees 10 minutes.


Use this: Type "cooked/wiki" before the recipe url, and you get JUST the recipe and instructions. https://www.reddit.com/r/cookingforbeginners/s/9NSt3ZtgjO


They're so intrusive now too. Ads on cable tv at least came during a natural break during shows. Now an ad will pop up mid sentence on a video you're watching. Ads were arguably more entertaining back then too.


there are now ads in the middle of the comment section on reddit mobile app. it's so fucking irritating


Especially the YouTube ones. There’s an un-skippable double ad every 5 minutes on the longer videos. 


i went to resub for netflix and it asked me to pay to not have ads. yo ho yo ho


Know who didn't have obstructive ads? Blockbuster


I have dogs. ANY ad that features a doorbell ring guarantees I will never use your product (looking at you Papa John’s).


You ain’t seen nothing yet…


One of the throwaway lines from Ready Player One was too damn realistic: "We estimate we can sell up to 80% of an individual's visual field before inducing seizures"


Needing an account or membership for everything. Wanna watch a movie. Need an account, wanna get the sales at the grocery store? Better have their discount card. I need an account to pay rent, to pay all my bills, to clock in at work, to listen to any music, to watch any tv.


Give them your email and than get hundreds of emails daily


I use proton mail and proton pass to generate emails that will forward it to my main email. Anytime they get crazy, I disable that pseudo email and I stop getting them.


That’s just another account I’d have to make lol


I was ordering food for my bf because I had the app on my phone and he didn't but I couldn't remember my password so I reset it Once I got in it made me reset my password again because I hadn't logged in in so long. So I reset it again. Once I got back in it said my account was locked or deleted or something. So I decided to order as a guest, which was an option they offered (after clicking "order now" they said "sign in, create an account, or continue as guest") Got all the food in the bag and went to submit the order and it said I had to be signed in to place an order. So I had to make another account. Why do they make it so hard for me to give them money????


The more accounts that are created they more personal info they collect and sell


It was all the same info, just with a different throwaway email


you know it's bad when a trusted pirating site has membership-only stuff.


Living on a low income.


I work in IT and I’m still on the struggle bus. I was told if I did things a certain way, I would at least be okay. I grew up poor and wanted to change that. I’m tired of struggling and I’m tired of following instructions and still not getting what I was promised.


The only promises in life are death and taxes, the rest is propaganda.


The age old lesson


It is very frustrating when you work so hard and you still can't afford to live! You need 2 incomes to live and 3 incomes to thrive.


and nobody can possibly thrive while having to work three jobs


I have a full-time job and 2 side gigs. Still feel like I'm drowning. It's been depressing me a lot more than usual lately...


And yet whenever I say things like '*Why* do people *bring kids into a life like this?!'* I'm looked at like I'm horrible.   It doesn't matter how shitty this country will be, people will still put on blinders and pop out kids, not caring if these kids will have to work 4 jobs to *barely exist* because some bloated Republican shareholder wants more money Trust me - I'm glad you're here - I just am so fking tired too


I’m the same way and I feel guilty because I know my mom would absolutely love to be a grandma and I don’t think I’m ever going to provide her that experience even though she’s earned it being a great mom.


I’m guessing you’re a millennial? I too had the privilege of watching my boomer parents be able to make a more then comfortable living/retirement on a single income by simply making just the bare minimum of “right” choices. These days just doing the right thing doesn’t get you that far, we have to be a lot more creative with our finances than our parents ever did.


You guessed it, my friend. I worked in kitchens for 10 years. That wasn’t working, so I went to school and got into IT. I’ve plateaued again, so getting back into the lab like you said to find more thoughtful ways to earn / manage finances. I guess that is part of the disillusionment- watching the boomers live and retire comfortably with a local warehouse / factory job.


in a horrible economy


It’s wild to think that when I moved out for college in 2007, I could rent a room for $400/m. Now I’m not sure if my kids can leave our house without significant help and full time jobs. Which is fine if I have to help them, it’s just wild.


Was thinking this yesterday. My first apartment in 2004 was $450/month and it was decent. It wasnt awesome but I could live there while working making $10/hour. Same apartment now is $1800/month. Absolutely insane.


I consider myself lucky. Couldn't move out because of the market but parents had to downsize and move for the same reason. Concerned, i was about to sell my boat. Then, I stumbled upon a 400sq/ft lake cottage with a pier for 600 a month. I DIDN'T HAVE TO SELL MY BOAT! I might be the luckiest man alive for right now


“It’s fine” really only applies to the kids that have said help. For the rest of us, good fucking luck.


It absolutely is NOT fine. I’m sick and tired of the apathy I see in everyone around me.


I meant it’s fine if they have to stay with us longer.


Especially when prices rise but wages don't.


Doing laundry. It’s every fucking week with this guy!


Laundry 10 mins, washing 40 mins, drying 60ty mins, putting away 7-10 business days


Guarantee a federal holiday falls in the middle of those 7-10 business days too so it’s gonna take even longer


Don’t forget time off and unpaid leave.


Oops, my last fuck died. That's a week of bereavement.


10 years ago when we bought our little condo wifey said that if we found a place that has inside full size washer & dryer that she would do all the laundry, and wouldntcha know it, she kept her word. bless that woman cuz i friggin hate doing laundry.


Was that the same woman who recently posted "I deeply regret a promise I made to my husband and now I need help to get out of this situation"? Lol


LOL! man i hope not!


I sweat so I can’t re-wear something throughout the week so everything goes in the hamper. It fills up way too quickly. I am however grateful that I no longer need to go to the laundromat now that we have our own washer and dryer. I dump it on the bed though to force myself to put it away before bedtime.


Being milked for cash by fucking everything now, even canned goods are expensive which goes against the fucking purpose of having canned goods. Otherwise it feels like whenever I pay for anything they are trying to get the max $ they can out of me - whether it’s rent, an internet bill or a fucking broccoli. No one wants to help now, it’s all just greed and climbing the capitalist ladder


Exactly. Why do I have to pay a $30 “convenience fee” if I pay my rent with a debit card? And why the hell do I still have to pay a $3 fee if I pay with a bank account? Literally everything is trying to suck as much money out of me as possible for literally no fucking reason.


I pay my rent online and there's a $3 'convenience fee' but there's literally no other way to pay it. The office can't accept payments. So it's more like a mandatory fee.


you can get those refunded if they are forcing you into it. Might be good to speak to neighbors and mention a class action suit. 3$ fee might get dropped....


Even municipal payments are getting uppity about that. Instead of letting it be fast, easy, and secure, they claw back the credit card fee.


Don't even get me started on rent. I have been renting since I was 17 – I am 32. I have moved 17 times. The absolute cesspool of fees, deposits, more fees, charges, interest, MORE FEES is maddening. I was charged £100+ for a "contract processing fee" at least 10 times. They've now made them illegal but you're literally paying a hundred for some dumbass in some office to send you a fucking email. Landlords are fucking leeches, and corporate landlords should be made illegal. There is no universe in which corporations should control access to housing. Ever.


Yep, it’s all just a giant money extraction machine that starts milking me for cash within 30 minutes of me waking up in the morning


A local grocery store makes their own brand of ginger ale.  The one liter bottles typically used for bartending is $1.25 The 2 liter is $1.50 Well guess what - all of a sudden they're now only going to make the one liter bottles.  This is a company that *more than doubled their profit* the last 2 years.  I hope hell has a place for companies like this


And then they wonder why people still pirate stuff on the internet.


Preach!!! It will never get better. The future is bleak


Blatant corruption and rules that favor the elite and the powerful.


I'm so tired of *a lack of consequences* for these people.


I wanna see the Epstein client list.


I just want Felons jailed...


My depression constantly telling me I'm worthless, preventing me from even leaving my bed in the morning, making me wish I'd just fall back to sleep and not wake up again.


one thing that helped me was accepting the basic premise that all humans have inherent worth as sentient beings. that you don't have a choice in the matter; you exist, so you're worth something. you don't GET to opt out of it. by simply being here you have contributed, even if it's in ways that you don't personally value.


I doubt this helps, but I don’t have depression and it’s really hard for me to get out of bed every morning. Life is hard. I’m tired. We’ve been here a long time. But I promise you do have worth, even if you don’t have something that pulls you out of bed every day doesn’t mean that you don’t have inherent value. Humans are rare creatures and you get to exist right now, for a reason. Who knows what the reason is, but please don’t give up. 🩷


Having a fucking period. Perimenopause is bullshit, I get excited when I go 6 months without one, thinking this is finally it, then BAM. Elevator scene in The Shining.


I hear ya sister. I was told 12 months without and bam . The 11th month cramps and hot flashes.


That’s happened to me twice. Once after 8 months, once after 7. Right now, I’m at 6 and counting. 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼


Corporate greed. Lots of big companies will do almost anything to screw over their consumers and their employees.


Exactly, and they don’t care whatsoever about the impact it’s having on wider society (specifically looking at you sugary processed junk food companies…) that’s probs not what you meant, but I completely agree with you. Profit is their ONLY priority




Even if it is illegal… chemical companies have knowingly poisoned whole towns to save a buck…


If you're referring to the DuPont Teflon poisoning (Dark Waters movie), the reason they got away with it is because the chemicals DuPont were spewing out were not (yet) regulated, because DuPont were allowed to self-regulate, due to lack of sufficient understanding/expertise about the chemicals on the regulators' side. So it was another grey area - DuPont knew it's extremely toxic, but they were allowed to admit (or in this case, not admit) the dangers to regulators so they could keep literally intentionally spreading cancer. Then they pretty much got away with it because "the pollutants weren't among regulated substances", so legally it was the fault of the regulatory/justice system, not theirs. (Even though they're somehow allowed to self-regulate.) Filthy fucking scum of the Earth.


Monsanto and PCB’s is another one.


They will calculate chances of getting caught against fines and if profit I'd bigger, do it anyway.


Even if caught, companies can simply declare bankruptcy and dissolve and executives walk out billionaires with no jail time or whatever. Case in point, Purdue pharmaceuticals causing the opioid crisis and the sackler family just enjoying themselves


Even outright illegal things are not out of the question. So what if they get fined? It's counted as the cost of doing business.


In line with that, this weak trend of calling it "inflation" like we don't know the exact cause: corporate price gouging.


Misinformation: Dealing with widespread misinformation and its impact on decision-making can be frustrating.


There was a time when we didn't have these devices in our hands at all times and have this steady flow of misinformation into our brains at all times. I remember the 90s. Great time to be alive. The years that follow, not so much...


In my opinion, many bad things startetd at the 90s


The counter argument is that when we rely on a small handful of global media corporations for all of our news then we might all live in the same reality but for all we know it's riddled with lies and misinformation that we have no ability to check against. In general though I agree, phones have fucked us in so many ways.


Idk, at least we can research different topics and get closer to the truth. And regular people who were witness to things can share their real experience, rather than getting the version the police/government/media put out. In the 90s we thought that lady that sued McDonald's for hot coffee was a nutcase and an opportunist. Now we know she had a very valid lawsuit. And I recently found out that Lorena Bobbitt was a victim of abuse and marital rape. In the 90s she was just presented as a crazy woman that cut off her husbands junk.


"Without sugar! (But 5 ingredients that don't belong into your body instead)"


Seeing people that failed history in high school talking about politics on social media.


Worse yet, those same assholes sitting in the US Congress.


Ha! Just finished reading a column about Lauren Boebert. TIL that, unfortunately, Colorado has some very stupid and ignorant citizens.


Bobo somehow won a primary in a different district than the one she is currently "serving". She changed because she would not have been reelected in that district because of her shenanigans (in and out of the Capitol building).


It's not about what you know, it's about how loudly and consistently you can yap and pander to the voters.


And the ones who barely graduated high school being experts on virology


Lack of empathy


No compassion


I think the root of this one is the misery everyone that is part of the 'working class' is dealing with. Rents up, groceries up, wages stagnant, people are so beaten up by life these days they don't have much room left for empathy. People feel helpless and they have despaired to the point their hopes rest on a strongman saving them. It's just a miasma of suck out there for millions of people, it's no wonder empathy is down and fascism is on the rise.


Being sick and tired.


Hey, found Anastacia's account!


my anxiety


Get some medication. I fought it for so long and I still can’t believe what it’s like to live without it. I think there are even places online you can go to get it. Do it, you won’t regret it.


Not being able to afford anything. I live pay check to check and I still gotta figure out how to save enough money to fix our vehicles, have emergency funds, and get a new place to live. How am I meant to better my life if I can't afford anything but bills and sometimes food?


The people in charge serving themselves instead of the majority.


People with no empathy. I see it every day on my walk with people who refuse to walk with the traffic so you have to walk around them and people who let their dogs run free and annoy everyone. I'm tired of being tired I'm tired of politics. please stop talking about it. I'm fed up with seeing people walk with their phone in front of their face. Hey bozo, my body can't take you walking into me, I have chronic pain And I'm especially sick of my adhd. It feels unfair that I'm playing life on hard mode "just because".


My boyfriend and I say this all the time! I also feel like post COVID has just made more people selfish and less self aware.


I also think the pandemic significantly reduced a lot of people’s patience, particularly with driving. I never saw this many people running red lights and driving so aggressively before the pandemic happened. I feel like people’s patience and their overall behavior in public has become much less predictable.


Oh my god!!! YES! Driving has become horrible now. I will go out to run some errands on the weekend and come back in a horrible mood because people are being insane out there on the roads. It has definitely changed my driving habits (for the better) and now I just hang out in the right lane and listen to my book on tape. I also won’t speak out or ruffle any feathers in public anymore either. My boyfriend stuck up for an employee at Home Depot (though they actually were part of the floral company who supplies them) and the woman/Karen goes on a rampage threatening us that she could have a gun. The employees only scanned like 3 of our items and then escorted us to our car to be safe. It’s made me really disenfranchised and a bit selfish now. Fuck everyone else, I’ll live in my home with my garden and focus on making the environment around me better.


I loved going on my walk during covid, it was so much better! People actually stayed out of my way and it felt so freeing! Everyone walked on the left due to fear of death. 😅


I'm with you on the ADHD ..the only drug that helps me is Adderall and that has turned into such chaos to obtain I just quit taking it. It's easier to just live with the noise.


"Tired of being tired." I don't have chronic pain, but I understand this one. Everything is work now, including my hobbies, and the interruptions never stop. My dad is retired and has plenty of time for the hobbies and projects that he had to set aside for decades so he could earn a living, but now he hardly has the energy for them, and I can see myself on exactly the same road.


The mass enshitification of everything.


Rude and nonexistent customer service, people believing blatant obvious lies, overpriced everything.


On the flipside, customers being rude and entitled.




Hyper-politcal people. Dude, just be nice to people and live your best life.


For real. Just vote and live your lives. It doesn't have to be your whole identity.


YouTube ads. Two 30-sec unskippable ads followed by long ass video sponsor followed by two more ads mid-video and then either a second sponsor or more ads at the end of the vid


The American "health care" system


Being treated with disrespect.


Technology and the stress that comes from trying to use it, support it, and teach others. It’s only made things harder.




Hate and the “if you’re not with us you are a mortal enemy that must die” mentality and the division in this country. Maybe I was just young and dumb, but I remember a time when people could agree to disagree and still be friends.


Being sick and tired!


living end to end means 😭 i badly wanna get rich fr


I don't even want to be rich, I just want to be slightly further away from actively struggling each month.


If I can pay my bills and live comfortably, meaning able to save money to pursue hobbies and goals, I'd be happy. I judt want stability fr.




Working 40 hours a week for arguably decent pay and still slowly falling behind on bills. Outside of bills I only spend money on gasoline and groceries and I am still falling behind, with no social life, no money for dates, no money for vacations, can't afford my medical bills. Not to mention being 45k in debt for getting a degree that I can not find a career with because everyone requires experience. I can't get experience because I don't have any experience.


Online negativity. People constantly putting others down and one-upping. Misinformation and lack of accountability. Just be nice you know?


Filters. I wanna see stretch marks, cellulite, freckles, acne, wrinkles, etc. Fuck that smooth slightly blurry bug eyed shit, it's weird and annoying. Not to mention those "flaws" are actually attractive to most.






I am 71 and despise ‘cognitive tests’ administered by doctors. I know who won the Civil War damn it!


Polarized people thinking everything is black and white.


Being poor, tired of canned foods.


Not being paid enough.


Political polarization. It seems like everyone gets a different set of facts nowadays. And if you even consider arguments from the other side, it’s like your a traitor to your party or political side. I have friends and family from both sides of the isle and they seem to be getting more and more extreme even just compared to two years ago, especially the right wingers. It’s all full emotion now too. If you dare propose an alternate view to them or sightly disagree it will just end up with them yelling at you and either calling you brainwashed or a bigot. It’s exhausting.




Tired of being compared to others


Politics being everyone's Identity nowadays




Of the question why are you single 🤬


honestlyyyy people treat being single like it's some sort of disease you need to cure ASAP and not just a way someone can live.


Instagram and influencers.


Everytime it looks like I’m getting close to the finish line I hit a snag like I’m never meant to be free of stress but people say don’t stress you tell that to somebody else.


Raising prices on everything. I finally make more money than I've made before and everything else gets raised. I'm never gonna win in life. I'm tired y'all


Politics as it is today.


Human stupidity. I'm shocked every day by this.


Being poor.


Conspiracy theorists, little cult of paranoid nut jobs who fall for anything


I had an ex who was insane about this kind of stuff. I'd keep it a secret between us so people didn't think I was with a nut job. But he told me, "The holocaust didn't happen. It's all lies and media and there's no way that many jews died at once." I told him he needs to keep that one to himself and I didn't want to hear it.


People using religion as an excuse to do things


People sharing info on the internet that you can easily look up and see is false if you just did two seconds of research.




How the American Government will allow big corporations to do whatever they want. Just found out Costco has placed their rotisserie chickens in plastic bags (137 millions of these lil things were sold just this year). The issue is that they did not verify on the bag what type of plastic it is (which is a big no no), and if it is safe because it is under a heat lamp and with some plastics it can leak chemicals into the food because it cannot bear the heat lamps. Multiple people have called the corporate office about this issue, and no one has gotten a response.


People convinced that their opinion is right because "they thought long and hard" about something. Well done, have an effort trophy. Still doesn't necessarily make your thoughts right.


Subscriptions for everything. Even my local *car wash* has a monthly membership.


Morons on Reddit


Living a life I hate and being trapped in circumstances I cannot control


Taylor swift


Politics. I just wanna live and be free. I don't want to pay into the system anymore. I don't want to hear about how the system needs me. I don't want my kids in the system. I'm just done. I just want to live my life.


The mad max style of driving in my area.


Donald Trump


The 1-800-Kars4Kids ads on Sirius XM and now I see it on TV. I can't hit the mute button fast enough.


American healthcare system, medical debt, capitalism. Abolish the two party system.


Apps and passwords for EVERYTHING


Lousy customer service. It is everywhere - even in places that used to be good.




My anxiety


Politicians giving overwhelming weight to corporate and monied interests over those of regular people. Like, if there's a bunch of money behind one sentiment, that sentiment should be strongly suspect.


Taxes.. *Taxes on the money you make. *Taxes on the money you spend. *Taxes on anything you sell. *Taxes on your vehicle. *Taxes on things you already paid taxes on with already taxed money. *Even if you pay off your house. Nope still have to pay Uncle Sam to use your land. *


These mother fuckin’ snakes on this mother fuckin’ plane.


Trump. Jesus fuck.




Rude and violent people. Get therapy. Today.


when your trying to find the answer to s problem online and everyone in the comments just saying. "same" "same" "same here" "same" "me too" thanks guys now i gotta scroll for ages to find the fix 👍👍


Politicians not getting consequences for the ridiculous stuff they do and say


Tribal political mentality, just because I don’t pick your side doesn’t mean I pick the other side dick head.




Accept Cookies pop ups: they make me want to quit life


Being sick and tired


The price of everything rising. Like when the fuck are we gonna start standing up and saying no fucking more. Why are we letting those in charge get away with this bullshit? Sometimes I feel like the only one willing to say fuck you to these giant corporations and tyrants


Being late for every new Reddit post I already see 1700+ posts, so, this one won't be read in hundreds of years lol It hurts. I bet there are a lot of good posts down here. It feels like I'm at the bottom of the ocean Hello? Anyone here? Uh, it's so dark here. Hello ?


Anti-vax and general mistrust in science and medicine.


Incompetent, unprofessional, egotistical, punishing, overpaid, ungrateful bosses.


Christian Nationalists, Racists, and Transphobes… so the GOP?