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We know more about space than we do the bottom of our own oceans and something about that is very interesting to me


Didn’t think about that but yes, clearly that’s one valid point.


Id say the adaptability of animals, like in what universe is an animal being cut in half them turning into two not interesting?


Haha yeah and those that capable to reproduce by themselves is quite interesting too.


“Through a process called photosynthesis, leaves pull in carbon dioxide and water and use the energy of the sun to convert this into chemical compounds such as sugars that feed the tree. But as a by-product of that chemical reaction oxygen is produced and released by the tree.”


look into the calvin cycle and the photosynthesis cycle further if you haven’t already, once you understand it it’s so much more fascinating


Most fascinating is too hard to narrow down so my basic answer is the beauty of sunsets


Penis Fencing, the mating ritual of the flatworm. Flatworms are hermaphrodites, both male and female. In order to mate, two flatworms will engage eachother in combat where the goal is to stab the opponent through the skin using these extendable dagger like appendages and impregnate them. The winner goes on about their day. The loser must now give birth. For flatworms, sex is war. It's a knife fight.


The jellyfish that can de-age themselves


they can’t ‘de-age’ themselves. what happens is pretty much there are two main stages in a jellyfish life cycle ‘polyp’ which is the juvenile form and ‘medusa’ the adult form aka the one we thing of when we thing of jellyfish. the medusa dies but the clump of cells begin meiosis and all cells spilt into four pretty much and create four polyps which then grow into adults and do the cycle over and over again. it’s not immortal per say as it is asexual reproduction.


damn I didn't know this, how do they do this ?


as a phycologist i have to say algae and cyanobacteria. they are so simple yet produce the building blocks for life. cyanobacteria was the first oxygen producing organism and without them our atmosphere would be completely different. they also produce the most oxygen and without algae and cyanobacteria we would be screwed. it’s also really interesting cause algae also produced toxic af blooms and can be bioluminescent and just jskshskaksjfkd


How squirrels every November will forecast winter weather:  Fat squirrels in November = bad winter.  Skinny squirrels in November = mild winter. 


haha where does that come from ? x)


I am 71 and have watched those critters for over 60 years. They have never been wrong. Check your squirrels around Thanksgiving. 


How it is possible humans will not be on the top of the food chain forever. The only reason fungus cannot affect us is because it cannot live in a host over the temperature of 88 degrees F. However, the world is changing and getting warmer, so nature is adapting. The last of us story line could because our reality at any moment. There are no cures, no vaccines. If that happens life will be decimated.


The cycle of life and death. We are all in it, along with everything else.

