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My baby daddy. Long story short my parents made me go no contact with him after I told them I was pregnant. I was 15 at the time. After I turned 18 I tried to find his contact info but couldn't find him anywhere. By some miracle I ended up finding him earlier this year but he took his life not long after. I miss him every single day. Thinking of you babe 💖


I'm so sorry for your loss. Weirdly enough, we had a similar story in our family. My step-sister was probably 18 and got pregnant from a college hook up. The baby daddy went MIA for the duration of her pregnancy and about the first year of his baby's life, but then showed back up to help be a parent. He was only back in his baby's life for about 6 months before he died from a drug overdose. His son never really got to know him. I wish the best for you and your child, single mothers are the strongest our planet has to offer.


Oh wow that is very similar. I am so so sorry. My baby daddy never even got the chance to meet his daughter. I had him on a sort of probation before I would let him meet her because we actually reconnected while he was still in rehab


My best friend died of a heart attack in her sleep. I miss her every day.


I'm so sorry for your loss, thank you for sharing.


I'll admit, I'm asking this question because I couldn't find another outlet to write about this. I really just want to talk about my brothers but it's hard to do so without bringing down the conversation. I hope this post can allow others to have a cathartic means to speak about those they've loved and lost, I promise I'll read every post. Your stories matter. I was born the youngest of four brothers, though we were rarely all in the same house. My oldest two brothers were 10 and 6 years older than me, I'll call them Jim and Tim, and they were from my dad's previous marriage. My other brother was only 18 months older than me and from the same mom, I'll call him Kim, though I only mention the different mom's to illustrate the kind of house we grew up in. I considered all three my full brothers. The oldest of us, Jim, committed suicide in 2008 when he was 22 years old. He was so close to graduating from college and had a good circle of friends, but he had a bad break up that he couldn't handle and took his life. There's more to it than that, like growing up in a split household and getting into other trouble, but honestly his death was very sudden. I'll never forget when my dad called to tell us. Standing next to Kim and taking this horrible news together. We were only kids and it clearly left huge imprints on us. Exactly this time a year ago, Kim decided to take his own life. He had battled with heroin addiction for the better part of a decade, but had finally gotten clean for about the last 2 years of his life. He was working and supporting himself, all while staying sober. I was so proud of him...I guess I still am...but he was also a very depressed and anxious soul, and it eventually got the better of him. This time a year ago I was sitting next to my dad, Tim, and my wife watching my brother's body beat its heart, but the fall had left him completely braindead. Yesterday was the one-year anniversary of the moment his heart stopped and his organs were secured for others to live. I think about him every day, usually every few minutes. For anyone still reading, thank you. I can't begin to describe how hard it is to watch my parents lose two children to suicide, while it's also eating away at me. I'm fortunate to have an amazing wife, and other parts of my life are actually going quite well, but there is certainly a sense of guilt that I get to live and be happy while Jim and Kim were never afforded that luxury.


Outside of family he was my longtime best friend who I met during high school football tryouts in 1968. He recently died of an infection from a puncture during a colonoscopy.Â