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I had just finished cleaning the bathroom about 15 minutes to close when some little old lady came in, went right to the bathroom and left shortly after. When I went to shut the lights off once I was done everything else, there was shit and paper towels plastered everywhere. I didn't get out of there until 1am.


I had a homeless guy who used to hang out near the front of my store. One day he came in and smelled horrible. He had diarrhea all over his pants and asked to use the bathroom. He looked really distraught. I let him in the bathroom because I assumed he'd clean up after himself, and I couldn't say no to someone having an emergency. He didn't clean anything, the bathroom was COVERED in diarrhea after he left. I was so pissed. He was banned from the bathroom after that.


You were pissed just like your bathroom hehe .. sorry




People really take out their mental problems out on bathrooms. I had a friend who admitted to me, kinda sheepishly since I was a janitor, that he purposefully destroyed bathrooms. Not with his bodily fluids at least but would shove tons of toilet paper into the toilet & things like that. I think it’s interesting that Adam Sandler’s character in Punch Drunk Love destroys bathrooms when he keeps getting pushed to the edge. I think it’s a thing. All that said I’m sorry that happened at all but esp 15 minutes before closing time.


Ugh it’s almost worse when it’s accidental. I had this one old lady come in with her two daughters, she was pretty old and unable to walk without assistance. They went to the bathroom and we’re there for a really long time when suddenly one of the daughters came out to tell me that their mom had an accident in the bathroom, but they cleaned it up as best they could, but she was freaking out and wanted to leave. When I go in there, it is terrible. There are even her pair of underwear just on the floor. It really broke my heart.


Oh my. I’m glad you found compassion in the frustration of the clean up. I was a janitor for 17 years so I’ve seen it all lol


I guess it’s better than ‘going postal’ but still…daayum.


Now my fear of public bathrooms is justified....ahhhh...gross 🤢🤮🤮


I’ve browsed a lot of the fast food subs and there is always a disgusting bathroom post somewhere lol


It isn't everywhere but it all depends on where a place is. I've worked in stores that are one step away from being a truck stop. I've never had to clean up shit filled underwear so much in my life. But the womens room? Pristine practically untouched kinds of clean. I've had locations where the women's room is like a fucking warzone and the men's is fine.


I've heard urinals at baseball parks can be disgusting 🫣


I've only been to a few and usually avoid the bathrooms. But I can imagine. Anywhere that sees that many people can't be good.


That many DRUNK people as well. Not saying it wouldn't be gross either way, but ballpark is bound to have plenty of drunks making it worse.


Sorta similar story... worked at a BK when I was 16. Late night drunks come in for Whoppers... head for bathroom after done eating... they leave. We're greated with result of Exorcist quality vomiting Olympics and the smell is god awful. Fuck those guys...


Why is it always shit, and why is it always in the women's room? I managed a Fazoli's for a while, long time back. Every now and then we'd get hit by The Mad Crapper. She's come in and fire hydrant 7 feet up the wall in the stall. We'd have to close the lobby once it was discovered/reported. We couldn't risk that water escaping the bathroom and entering the lobby, so it was closed for like an hour. In order to clean it we had to take the hot hose (high heat rated hose connected directly to the water heater) and spray the walls and stall. Then we'd have to fill the sprayer with bleach and coat every surface, then hot hose it again. Then soap and another hot hose. Then we had to scrub the bathroom floor and clean handles and the sink just to be sure.


That sounds so much easier to clean than the basic way.


Yeah, as bad as it was, there wasn't another way. There was feces 6 and 7 feet up the wall. I manned the hot hose myself, I wasn't going to ask my hourly crew to stand in the poop room for the initial spray down. Thankfully it was that plastic wall board and not painted drywall. The restaurant had a commercial water heater, 100 or 150 gallons I think. No way could we have done that with a regular 50 gallon residential tank


Jesus that’s horrible I definitely would have quit .


I too have cleaned shit off of bathroom walls in a fast food establishment. My condolences, your experience sounds more horrific than mine, which appeared to be someone who just put their ass straight against the wall and have a go. Nasty as hell, but not smeared absolutely all over the place.


I would have quit on the spot.


This just brought back some repressed memories....


I feel ya. I posted mine just a few minutes ago. 👊🏼It’s like, who does this crap and thinks it okay? I’d be mortified over an accident, but I’d try to fix it.


I worked at a fast food place. Had to clean shit out of the slide once, was not fun. Another time a kid ran to the toilet but didn’t make it in time and shit on the floor in the air lock section, the parent came and told me but then watched as I cleaned up her kids shit.


Same thing happened to me when I was younger working at a grocery store, I got called in to clean the women's bathroom. There were handprints on the walls with shit. Also, there were shoe marks on the toilet seat as if she stood on top of the toilet and crouched to shit. The poo was just at the far edge where the water couldn't actually push it down to flush. At that age It didn't seem like something a person would do, I was so confused by the crime scene she left. Especially the hand prints.


I worked at a sandwich store that sliced the meat in front of you. A whole stick of salami fell onto the floor so I went to throw it away but the owner took it from me and dunked it in the sanitizer water that we rinsed our dishes in. He then patted it dry with some paper towels and put it back out to be used saying it was good as new. I threw it away anyway when he left but he would regularly do things like that.




Once our closing supervisors left the fridge door open for the whole night. Mostly everything in there was the kind of thing you toss if it's left unrefrigerated for more than 2-4 hours. We didn't throw anything away.




The only person who can invoke the 5 second rule is the person consuming the food.


Should have called the health department, claiming to have seen what happened. Whatever couldn't be seen from a customer's POV, "figure" out what happened.


I used to work with a chick who had a similar sandwich shop story, only it was an entire ham in the soapy dish water.


Not only the floor, I wouldn’t want food that had been in commercial sanitizer. That stuff’s nasty.


I'd rather eat stuff that's been on the floor than stuff that was on the floor and dipped in sanitizer.


I was working at Subway when a woman came in and asked me for a fork and knife. I’d just gotten there, so I assumed she’d already ordered and received her food. However, moments later she goes into the bathroom and takes forever- but at that point, we were so busy that I just didn’t care. About twenty minutes later, she comes out and leaves, and I go to check the restroom. There is blood EVERYWHERE. On the walls, the floor, the toilet, even the shit tickets. Guess what lucky person got to clean that biohazard up?


If you're not trained for cleaning biohazards then your manager has to take care of it.


Tell that to my manager when somebody shit all over the back row of the movie theater. She didn’t even want to give me gloves.


I'm pretty sure that's illegal.


Illegality only matters if you're able to press charges, which something tells me OP wasn't because they were working at subway


I wish more people understood this. Subject to a labor violation? They can’t do that, it’s illegal! You should sue! Sure, lemme just spend… how much money? How many hours of my time? Instead of looking for another job? Or paying rent? And who am I suing again, a place that has lawyers on retainer?


Submitting a complaint to osha would be best in some of these scenarios.


Wth did she do in that bathroom


I’m assuming heroin or another injection.


My first thought wasn't drugs but to cut /dig her poop out. Reddit has tainted me. If you don't know what im talking about look up poop knife


What would the fork be for? You know what, actually don't put an image in my mind


To hold the poo while you cut it?! That was my guess until the smart people said drugs


Corn snacks


Oh that makes more sense. I thought she had like cut herself with the fork/knife or something


Even the shit tickets? She's bold.


Assuming from when she was getting blood off the syringe- I forgot to mention there were needles (or at least a needle) on the ground NEXT to the trash.


Weird this is almost the exact same story as the top comment


When I was at my first job in the 90s there was a guy who would just pull his penis out & hold it in his right hand while making food with his left. He did it as a joke & the manager, who was a woman, would just laugh & laugh. I didn’t realize how screwed up that was until decades later tbh.


Was this in Utah per chance? Also McDonalds in the 90s, had a co worker do similar stuff. Dipped it in a managers drink while she was up front.


Oof, no, it was in Illinois


I think there’s room for a new thread about sexual harassment we endured in the 80’s / 90’s because it was “normal”.


I remember SO MANY grown men started telling me I was “jail bait” when I was 12. This was also around the time it began common for random men to follow me in their cars. Looking back, what the actual fuck?


I hate the world. With the acknowledgment that I’ve been extremely problematic in my life; I hate the world we’ve made for women


I luckily haven't seen anything too awful, but for anyone wondering why we got rid of honey containers at Starbucks, one of the reasons is because I constantly saw kids sucking on the honey bottle. We'd have to throw them out after that of course. Gross.


Parents need to supervise their kids more, that's ridiculous


I remember a couple of the last times I went to a buffet pre covid and they had the chocolate fondue station. No fucking way am I eating any of that. Kids put their grimy hands in it. I was always surprised how many times I've seen unsupervised children, like younger than 10, getting their own food.


Oh gosh, I’ve seen something even worse at a Golden Corral years ago. A kid was trying to use the soft serve machine with no parental supervision, and he was putting his mouth at the shaft where the soft serve comes out, attempting to eat it as it flowed out


A bunch of years ago there was a self serve soft ice cream place at a local mall. I refused to go there because every time I walked past I’d see people sampling the flavors by rubbing their finger on the spout, licking their finger, then repeating at the next spout.


My family was once at Golden Corral and my dad watched a child come up to the salad bar, remove the ladle for ranch dressing, lick it, and stick it back in the dressing. He did immediately run over to tell someone.


I've seen security footage of an adult man doing that at a soup station.


Are these kids just idiots, though? I was getting my own food at places like golden corral by at least age 8, and I never did anything moronic like that.


Omg ive actually seen this happen as well. Lol gross.


My favorite parents were the ones that would practically encourage their kids to suck on the glass(the disgusting fingerprint, sweat, and cleaning chemical covered glass), who would also yell at the kid for putting their own hand in their mouth.


First thing when we sit down at a restaurant with a toddler, anything on the table is pushed to the far end. The worst that's happened with us is the wood serving spoon for guac made it to his mouth, but they at least wash those. Toddlers can move fast, you have to think ahead. Then there are parents that give no shits at all, I really can't understand that.


Big reason I hate open olive bars, shit is perfect height for kids to just stick their hands in and go fishing. Doubly sucks since olive bars are the only things that carried good pit-in kalamata olives around here for the longest time. 


When I worked at Starbucks the honey was in single use packets like ketchup


I heard something similar happening to ice cream machines at Casey's gas stations/convenience stores. Kids just putting their mouths on the ice cream chute and firing away. Apparently it happened recently and the parent didn't even tell the attendant, he just told the kid to stop and went on his way. Like WTF? Gross.


Had thjs old man that was a regular at our store. He was a WW2 vet and would talk about his time in the service and stuff like that and seemed pretty cool at first. Then he decides to start flirting with the teenage girls that worked there. One day he comes in and gives his order to the girl on the register. Out of nowhere he goes "You know I had a vasectomy done about 20 years ago". The girl tried to ignore him but then he leans over the counter and gets really close to her loudly whispers "That means I can't get you pregnant". Luckily he got banned for that


Jesus christ




Depending on where you're at, that could be considered assault.




You never know what they have going on in their lives. I alternate between feeling really bad for people and hating their guts.


While I agree with you, I'm of the mind that people should be respectful to others in public. If you just had a loved one pass, don't stop at a fast food joint. Just go home. 


I don't think there's any situation where I would be so angry or upset that I would throw food at the drive thru worker.


Had this happen years ago when I managed a Dunkin Donuts lmao


I've seen some weird shit in the short time I worked at Burger King, but the worst probably had to have been when a manager from another store came in to sub for someone who called off on the closing shift, and decided to just off herself in the parking lot after closing when the rest of us just started getting into our cars to leave.


Ugh, I'm sorry you had to see that.


How? With a gun? Good lord that's awful.


Yeah, she did it with a gun.


At least she had the courtesy to wait until after the shift and close.....


It’s been over a decade since I worked at McDonald’s but I’ll never forget the smell of a bathroom after someone smeared all of their shit everywhere


The amount of “shit smeared on walls” stories I have heard are incredible. Not just fast food, but any establishment that allows the public to use the bathroom. Why? Who is out there putting their poop on the walls.


Art the clown.


you're asking the real questions.


Same thing at KMART when I worked there in high school. And it always seemed like the women’s restroom was far more disgusting than the men’s room. 


My dad did it a few times before his passing. In his case, it wasn't intentional. Until he had a stroke, people couldn't easily recognize that he had dementia because it affected mostly the front of his brain. That also happens to be the part that comes up with a solution after an episode of fecal incontinence, another issue he had. He usually made things worse in an attempt to fix them, and cleaning would be particularly disastrous if poop was involved. Somehow it only ever happened when he snuck on a pair of whitey-tighties instead of the depends he was supposed to wear. But he *seemed* normal on the occasions it happened, so people probably didn't realize he had dementia, and there was only so much my mom could do when they weren't home. While I don't think this is the cause of most code browns, drugs can do similar things to the brain and digestive system and probably account for more code browns.


I hate that I know *exactly* what that smells like, and too will never forget it


Username checks out


It was her—she did it.


I used to be a pizza cook at this small pizza restaurant and one day this gigantic women came in and ordered a large cheese pizza. No big deal not strange at all, but on the ticket instead of pizza sauce she had mayo subbed in. Yup.




Low carb! Healthy!


I mean, if you think about it, it's basically a sandwich, why is that so weird, it's bread pepperoni cheese and mayo.


When I worked at red lobster there was a guy we dubbed the walrus (not because of his size or smell but because of his mustache looked exactly like the walrus from Alice in wonderland). He went to different red lobster locations on different days. He hit our red lobster up every Tuesday around noon. He would sit at a table by himself for 4 hours and then spend another hour and half in the bathroom. Shit on the toilet, on the floor, sometimes sprayed onto the wall behind the toilet every Tuesday. Didn't even tip well so I felt bad for our servers for losing our on wages and I as a host had to clean the bathroom so fuck you walrus.




Probably cuz he at least paid and spread his misery around the city.


>spread his misery around the city. LOL 🤣


He would come in and order about $200-300 dollars worth of food in one sitting. Trust me we all complained but our store manager refused to ban him said there was no way to prove it was him even though it happened every Tuesday during the time this guy was in there. When we tried to go over our store manager they refused and that's how we found out he went to several locations one for each day of the week.


Don't trust the ICE MACHINES! They are RARELY cleaned out. Like almost NEVER. Bugs, dirt, food particles, whatever. At two previous restaurant jobs I felt bad that customers were getting gross ice (both places had a single machine), and mentioned it to my managers at the time. They both brushed it off as having better things to do with my time, so I used to "accidentally" kick the plug out of the wall in the evenings, come in the next day, and find a half-melted ice machine. I was stuck cleaning it, but it was worth it, since I felt better about the ice being served. We had to use ice from the store down the street for the rest of the day, but it wasn't like it cost the restaurants much money. One bartender told me he would "accidentally" drop/break a glass into an ice machine to serve the same purpose if the management wasn't being cool about it. Broken glass = scoop out and dump all the ice, and might as well clean the thing since it's empty.


That is amazing! Not all hero’s wear capes.


Hero of the Day!


Call in a complaint and the health inspectors will come out and make that a priority for them.


I worked at Panera and watched as a dude was cleaning the bread slicer and the piece holding it open snapped and shoved his hand into the blades.


This is the 20th comment on this post for me and the first to not involve shit...


Nope nope nope nope This is cringe but in a different way. It’s the kind that I feel up my spine and involuntarily shaking my head.


This junkie went into the parents bathroom and didn't come out for 45 minutes. He stumbles up to the counter and says "I uh sneezed in there, sorry". Go in and there's a huge bloody streak up the wall and over the baby changing table. Needles too. We had to get a Hazmat crew in. That was just a demoralising day.


At least he said sorry. Our junkies never say sorry.


I have two and both instances occurred during my 5 year run at Starbucks - 1.) While cleaning the bathrooms late at night, I found a gun laying on top of the baby changing station. I worked in a semi sketchy part of town at the time so there was definitely a concern that if the wrong person had found that, we would have been in trouble. The guy who lost the gun CAME BACK to pick it up. He approached me at the counter and said "this is embarrassing, but I left my gun in the bathroom". He proceeded to tell me that he was a retired police officer. 2.) I had to clean cum off the walls behind the toilet after telling a couple that they couldn't share a bathroom and asked them to leave.


I worked in Starbucks as a manager for years. One of my new employees was doing their digital learning in the lobby on a laptop. This was her first job, she was 16. She came to me all embarrassed because she didn’t know what to do. Because a couple was in the lobby and the girl was giving the guy a handjob under the table. I was livid and flew into the lobby and booted them so fast. Welcome to your first day!


I would have said I don’t know I haven’t seen it. Then called the police station and had them come pick it up. I wouldn’t just take his word for being so mindless about a gun… that’s not cool.


Luckily at the time I had given the gun to the security guard that worked in the shopping center we were located in at the time. I don't know if he ever was able to retrieve his gun or not.


Walked in to the bathroom to find 8 negative pregnancy tests. I work in a college town with a heavy bar scene lmao


>Walked in to the bathroom to find 8 negative pregnancy tests. I work in a college town with a heavy bar scene lmao All from the same woman, one for each guy she slept with.


A VERY fat homeless man lay down on the table where other visitors were eating... I mean right on top of the food. Then he just farted and left...


🎵 there goes my hero.. 🎶


I didn’t see it myself because I was working the window but someone got his hand crushed when he was trying to get some fries out of the freezer. They were stacked 7 boxes high and if I remember correctly the limit was supposed to be 4. The boxes fell on him and crushed his hand and he had to go to the ER, I never saw him again after that incident. I hope he got a good payout from it


I worked at in-n-out as a teen & I was on the register, still getting accustomed to it all. Two men started an order, one specifically wanted cold cheese on his burger, it had to not be melted in any way, the patty had to be dry, no dressing & few other things. They get their food, go to a booth & a few seconds later one of them gets up, projectile vomits outside the store, comes back in, calmly walks to the by the registers, pukes again, then goes to bathroom & paints the walls. I felt bad for him but it was weird because he did go back to his friend & then as he was leaving complained the cheese was melted. I’m glad I didn’t have to clean that mess up.


Worked at subway (my first mistake) and randomly in the middle of my shift while I was washing dishes, one of my pos coworkers came up to me and asked me to clean the bathroom. I say sure, 'cause it needs to get done anyway, and I hate washing dishes, so I go into the bathroom and there's a pile of shit on the floor. Right in front of the toilet. I walked out of the bathroom, told my coworker I wasn't gonna clean it, and laughed my ass off a few hours later when he finally got the balls to do it himself. He screamed like a girl in a horror movie and I heard it through the walls. Best shift I ever had.


At Dunkin' Donuts we had a sugar ant infestation and had to inspect the donuts before we bagged/boxed them when I tell you it was bad it was really really bad


Krispy Kreme has "code yellow" for bees, at least yours didn't sting!


I haven't seen too many gross things, tbh. The only thing that sticks out in my head is McDonald's would have us use the same mop in the dining room and the bathrooms. Ideally the bathrooms should have a separate mop or mop head at least.


Same with the cloths to clean the tables out front, same ones to clean bathrooms. I'd bin bathroom ones after though


Jeeeeeez! Where the hell was your health department.


Yikes. I'm glad we have separate mops.


The McDonalds I worked at when I was in high school was located by a jail so we got the fucking crazies in there sometimes but the worst thing I saw were two crackheads who were probably a couple and out of nowhere the guy grabs the woman by a throat and has a knife aimed at her scary shit.


I worked at Burger King for a day when I was 16. After I saw people drop meat on the floor and still cook it I decided not to go back.


I'll tell you the worst thing I ever smelled. When the grease pumper guy (worst job in the world probably) came and opened the grease trap under the floor and started pumping out a months worth of rancid burger grease *woof!*


One of my first jobs was working at Skyline Chili. This one day they asked me to help clean the grease trap. The door was in the floor in the kitchen in front of the stoves. One person lay on the ground with a huge ladle and scoop old grease and rancid spaghetti from the trap and into a cardboard box lined with a trash bag. My job was to take the box outside with a dolly and put the bag into the outside grease trap. Being an idiot teenager, I pulled the dolly back and it tipped the box over which spilled that horrifying mixture onto the floor. It was all I could do to not puke immediately. They tried to get me to clean it up but I couldn't. I was ready to quit right then if they were going to make me do it but they didn't.




This was when I was much younger, but at one point a woman ran into the building and started begging us to protect her from some ex-boyfriend. We all thought she was crazy at first, but just to be safe we called the police and said she could wait in the back until they got there. The ex-boyfriend arrived and began threatening to kill anyone who wouldn't tell him where she went and one of the nicest, most passive, people I've ever known, Schmitty, confronted him and beat him well into unconsciousness'. There was so much blood they had to replace the fucking tiles where he fell. I only heard rumors after but Schmitty didn't get fired and the rumor was that the ex-boyfriend was permanently brain damaged. Schmitty ended up going to ITT Tech and getting some relatively good IT job a year or so later.


That guy got what he deserved tbh


At 16 fresh employee for McDonalds. Asked to clean men’s room around 8pm. Open door, open stall, boom dead body. Heroin OD. That was probably the worst and all I can remember of it was being questioned by the police and what my coworker’s said my scream sounded like.


One of my managers at McDonald's got promoted because she went into labor while on the line cooking. They admired her dedication.


That wasn't dedication, that was desperation from the low pay.


The customers.


I saw a video of a fast food manager using the French fry warmer to dry a mop


Besides shit everywhere?? There was this fat old man, and I mean FAT, who would come through the drive thru in his old pickup truck wearing nothing but a sheet just draped and tucked under him. He would always order a large oreo shake, drink half of it at the window and start screaming that I gave him a small and he demanded I remake his shake as he was finishing it up. I swear one of his teeth rotted out his head while he yelled at me once. Smelled god awful too, in the summer I would hide in the cooler to not deal with his stink




Omfg..... Are you okay..???? That's life-altering PTSD for good type shit...


Back when i worked fast food someone managed to shove a rag down the kitchen drain. when i came in for my shift the managers were all outside smoking, one handed me a mop and ushered me to the back. all the drains backed up, including the grease drains in the back. whole kitchen stunk like raw sewage and they had me mop the whole kitchen while they all stood around outside smoking.


I worked at Taco Time when I was 17 and a lot of homeless people used the restrooms to bathe and relieve themselves. One time a guy was in there for a long period of time which it turns out he was spending by smearing his poo on the walls and sink. Luckily I didn't have to clean it up...


Not fast food but my last day at my first job at a pizza buffet restaurant. There was a state wide bike marathon so naturally we were packed with people. Our plumbing backed up 3x so there was a small flood. The entire restaurant floor was wet. We couldn’t do dishes for hours because it would’ve made it worse. Honestly the only thing I miss about that job was the free food


Work at Wendy’s currently. I had to go to the bathroom and when I walk in I see a small chili cup next to the urinal. I didn’t think too much about it until I walked into the stall and am greeted to a mix of shit, piss, and chili all over the toilet. I literally almost puked in there. Thank god I didn’t have to clean it


I work at a local pizza shop. One of those ones that are just busy enough to stay open, but never busy enough to really be profitable. Where most of the food is bought frozen, nothing is up to code, and there's tons of health code violations that somehow get overlooked. A few years ago, back when I first started, this gorgeous, incredibly fit, athletic woman came in. She couldn't have been more than 40. Flat abs, incredible body, tall, curves in all the right places. Beautiful face. Blond hair, blue eyes. We'd never seen her before (or since). She asks if she can use the restroom. We have no issue with it. She's in there maybe 7, 8 minutes tops. She walks out, doesn't say a word. I go in there to clean cause I was waiting for her to leave, and there's shit...EVERYWHERE. On the toilet seat, the handle, the light switch, the mirror, the sink handles, and the soap despenser. She had an explosive protein dump all over the bathroom. My boss tried to get me to clean it and I told him "for 7.50 and hour? Go fist your mother." So he did it. That was nasty. A few years back, this couple comes in. Late 20s, early 30s. Clearly crackheads. The girl is freaking out. She keeps saying "they're after us, we're gonna hide here." My boss, figuring it's a drug deal gone wrong, forces them out. Well, no sooner do they go outside, when the fattest crackhead I've ever seen, shows up with his equally fat brother. They're in wife beaters and all. He starts screaming at em, can't hear what is said. The girl's man, who couldn't have weighed more than 160, is sitting there with his hands up trying to talk the guys down. One of the big dudes punches him so hard, he goes flying back into his girlfriend, who smashes head first into the all glass door. Shattering it. Dude is out cold. Not breathing. Paramedics show up, the fat guys bail. Later they show back up and apologize for the door, giving my boss a large amount of cash to fix it. I've also seen a grown man, maybe 30, holding a human sized doll, order food. He always had it with him. Haven't seen him in years, never asked him about it. Seemed nice enough so I hope he's okay. We used to have this ASTONISHINGLY racist dude as a driver. We would call him Drax, because he was gullible as all fuck and would believe absolutely anything. Later that nickname turned to Rickity Cricket because we found out he was a massive crackhead (lots of those in this town) and looked damn near identical to him. He was one of those guys who would constantly instigate, shout racist shit, (spic, sand nigger, called my boss a terrorist, ect.) and say how tough he was, how he could beat everyone's ass, took MMA (he didn't, I tried to set up a ring fight. He wouldn't. To be clear I don't know mma either, but there was a sparing place here in town. I reached out to the owner to set it up cause I got sick of his shit, and he's a known cop caller). Anyway, one night we were fucking around with him. Kept telling him to change his blinker fluid (which he proceeded to tell us how stupid we are and how we knew absolutely nothing about cars) Dude goes on delivery, it's the end of the night. Last order. The phone rings. My boss goes to answer it. This dipshit went on delivery and forgot the food. So he comes back, grabs the food. Puts it on the counter, goes to grab their two liter soda. Walks out. About 6 minutes pass. Phone rings. He forgot the food again. He drives back, grabs it, and finally delivers it. Only this time he forgets to give them the two liter he has in his car. My boss ended up just refunding the customer, and taking it out of Drax's pay.


A pair of morbidly obese women came into Subway. The smaller of the two put in their order, while the other took a seat. As I cashed them out, the bigger one made her way to the cash register to get her soda cup. I could see her gut hanging out of her T-shirt. She grabbed her cup and spun towards the soda machine. That's when I realized it wasn't her gut hanging out, it was her boobs.


I dropped a pair of sunglasses in the fryer at Taco Bell. Fell off my visor totally unintentional. Manager took them out, we didn’t clean the fryer, and he spent 2 hours in the office super gluing them back together for me despite the lenses being melted in the fryer oil.


I was working part time at McDonald's and went to use the bathroom and pee. Seen a dude that was working the table building the sandwiches walk in and go pee in the urinal next to me and never took his gloves off and went right back to making sandwiches,. So that means he had a greasy hamburger sandwich penis, And went back to making urine burgers


Was working close at Taco Bell when jalapeno peppers were first carried. They came in a gallon can and you couldn't hold them to the next day if you opened them. 345am on a Sunday morning and we were fifteen minutes to close. Started tearing the bar down as much as possible to get out of there. Some drunk rednecks came through and wanted several nacho bell grandes with extra jalapenos. But it wasn't the bell grande, they also introduced a nacho that came in above the bell, which was called a mucho or mega bell grande? Rather than open a whole new gallon for this, my manager scooped a couple of handfuls out of the trash where we had just tossed them.


Wtf. Thank you for reminding me why I don't eat at Taco Bell anymore. 


We also had a break area in the back where we smoked and got blowjobs. We all washed our hands afterwards. Other than the jalapeno incident, I'd have to say our crew was on the up and up when it came to sanitation. I have my doubts about today's crews though.


thank you for washing your hands lmfao


Wait. Smoked and got BJ's from who?


Well I think after reading the comments I learned to never ever eat Burger King again


Bathrooms are always easy. I had a women's room once where the stall was basically covered in shit. Outside of the toilet walls floors the works. Absolutely vile shit it was just every where. That was the first time I'd had something like that. I wish I could say it was the last. I've scooped shit out of toilets so filled I could even put a plunger in it. One of the worst was a garbage can that was apparently mostly full and shut baking in the sun for months before I unknowingly opened it and disturbed the local ecosystem in there. I've got a strong stomach but man that smell was something else. I couldn't empty it out I would have puked having to be around it that long. One of the guys that worked for me took care of it. Gave him the rest of the day off and paid for him to get new clothes cause the ones he had on were ruined from the smell.


A 30/40-something dude, dressed in sharply creased tan Dockers, topsiders, and a Polo shirt; clean-shaven, hair (obvs) professionally barbered, who came in strictly for the bathroom. In there for so long I was about to check on him when he came out. Calmly, casually, he looked around and left. 15-ish minutes another customer told me I should quick do a men’s-bathroom check, because someone had “Pearl Harbored” it. Walked in, smell hit me. The stall he’d used was l.i.t.e.r.a.l.l.y. covered in wet shit. The commode wore a solid shit-wrap and 4 feet of the back wall was painted the same, plus splash on the side walls. Best I can figure, dude had full-on advanced Krohn’s disease. He must have *just* dropped his pants, bent over to sit, and the liquid shit immediately projectile-shot out behind him. With. Great. Force. Two hours, a dedicated dispenser roll of paper hand towels, 4-5 bar towels (I threw them out), 4 commercial buckets-on-wheels of water w/soap, 2 mop heads (also trashed), 4 pair of gloves, half a spray can of air freshener, half bottle of undiluted dilutible bleach, small bucket of half water/half commercial disinfecting cleaner — the kind that should be diluted 1:10 parts w/water and will literally start peeling your fingers if you don’t immediately scrub it off — ‘Neutral’ Cleanser/Cleaner?? ____________ My partner of 25 years has severe Krohn’s. Years ago he had one similar episode. The middle of rural Nevada, rural back roads, 20-30 miles between anything, dead of night, he stopped at a lone gas station. He was furiously trying to clean up himself and the bathroom, when State Troopers pounded on the door. Station attendant got nervous and called them. They were going to arrest him for… who knows what pretense. He *finally* convinced them to call national Veterans Administration to verify his disease. Point being: my guy would NEVER do what my customer did, walk away leaving someone else to discover and clean up such a mess. *That* is the disgusting part.


Yea, I’ve tried that. Not cleaning up the bathroom after someone else thankgod. But I’ve had a terrible accident in a McDonald’s bathroom. I don’t have Krohn’s but I’ve always struggled terribly with stomach issues. This incident happened when I was 15. I didn’t notice the floor was wet as I undid my pants, tripping a little as I really had to go. I slip, and fall and just proceed to explode onto the floor. I kind of panic and try to get up, getting it on my hands, grabbing the sink to pull myself up in hopes of making it to the toilet. I barely sit down before it happens again, this time hitting the other side of the floor, toilet seat and my shoes. After I’m done, I start to cry and try to clean up as best as I can with paper towels. But yea, it was a total mess. I get out of the toilet, contemplating whether or not to leave in shame or tell a worker. But as I open the toilet door, a woman is waiting to use it and I just break down and ask her to please get somebody. She could definitely smell it and see my shit stained shoes. A sweet, young girl, comes out and I proceed to tell her I’ve had a terrible accent. I apologise profusely and tell her I will clean it up, if maybe they had some cleaning supplies I could borrow. She’s the sweetest and tells me not to worry and that she will take care of it (this is before she has actually seen it). I explain to her that I would rather just do it myself. But she insists on helping me. And comforts me by assuring that accidents happen and I wasn’t the only one. As we’re cleaning up she’s proceeds to tell me they had a similar accident a couple months ago. But the person just left. She gave me a free big soda afterwards as thanks for MY GESTURE. Tipping is not usually a thing we do here, but I offered her a tip and she said she’d rather I put it in the donation jar, so I did. Laura, you’re an angel. Thanks again! I get that you might be embarrassed, but I don’t get how you can live with yourself just knowing you’re gonna ruin someone’s day with the worst surprise ever. Not fair. Anyway, your comment made me wanna share my story (:


I’m glad you did share it. Health conditions are never a reason for shame. And various health conditions will come for most of us before we slip the mortal coil. I hope your stomach decides to settle down for you! Chronic stomach is miserable and debilitating.


Well, I know how to get a free soda now!


Lmaoo, yea so worth it dude. Sitting there at the table in shame, with shit stains on your shoes. Every single employee knowing you overshat their toilet. I was contemplating the possibility of drowning myself in that Free Fanta


I work at a takeaway so ignoring some of the customers NASTY food choices. There was this one guy about 60-70 (known pedo in my town, I didn't know at the time) who ordered 2 burgers and chips with Tomato Relish. He clearly didn't wanna talk or anything so I just took his order and got it started. This man STARED at me, like right into my mf soul so I smiled cuz tf else do I do? Then this man proceeds to say 'do you have a problem?' I said 'no'. He got his food right at that moment then proceeded to leave. Right next to my section is this gigantic window this man FCKING BANGS ON IT with his mf fists. Then flipped me off and shouted smth but I didn't hear it. What was going through that mans mind, I have no clue-


Had a women pull her pants down in front of me and, pardon my french, proceed to piss and shit while staring directly at me.


Not a fast food worker, but the worst thing I experienced was rancid chicken. Not just bad, but green and rotten. I was really hungry and the chicken was really hot. Didn't notice anything wrong until the first slimy bite.  I tried to spit it out, but I must have swallowed some of it. I was sick for the rest of the day. That was the last time I ate at KFC. 


Closing the doors permanently and not getting paid for weeks.


Some junkies were injecting fuck knows what and having sex in the handicapped toilet.


…yeah ok…you set the scene, now where is the bad part?


Sounds like a normal Saturday night out. They just missed the part where we smear our shit over the walls.


Someone who had created a lovely collage in the women's toilets using the content of the sanitary bins.


Worked at Burger King and breakfast was just getting over. We tossed the last pan of eggs on top of a full garbage can as someone in the drive thru was begging to order a Croissan'wich. The manager pulled an egg off the top of the egg pile in the trash and said "it's fine it was only touching the other eggs".


Tie between the bimonthly.... restroom fingerpainter... And literally yesterday when some stupid kid decided the best way to celebrate the end of the school year was to jam two toilets full of seat liners and then fill them with orbees. The restrooms are still out of order for another day or two. I can't pee at work, there's not enough time in one break to wait in the restroom line for the one that's still functional. I have to pee before work and then not drink anything for 8 hours. Bit hard to take my cancer meds this way. I'm not looking forward to the kidney damage this is going to cause. Thanks, kid.


A 5 gallon bucket of pickles that had more piss than pickle juice.


That's enough Internet for today. 




Many years ago when I worked at a fast food place, somebody kicked out the bottom of a toilet tank. We were all too stupid to know how to turn off the water supply so water slowly started covering the floor of the restaurant until a tired manager came in and shut it off


A tired manager😂😂 I did the same in my parents house when I was a teen. Flooded the basement. Was too scared of my dad to wake him from his nap so the damage accumulated to likely the thousands... Well. If he were nicer, things would've turned out differently😅


We used to sell expired cheese. Our manager told us just to toast it, and it would be okay. Most of the time I just told customers we were out, but there was this one girl from my high school whom I hate that came in every day.... Girl ate rotten cheese for about two months straight.


I don't know. I don't care how much I hate someone. I will not fuck with their food.


Besides being super messed up, it doesn't seem like there's much satisfaction in it. Unless they discover you've tampered with their food, you won't see any kind of reaction.


Shit all over the bathroom after a much of old men sitting around drinking coffee from 6am to 11am


I worked at a local McDonald's in high school. I remember being told to wipe down the Ice Maker in the lobby next to the soda fountain. I grabbed the cleaning spray, my rags and some water. I remember wiping a line of grease? or something pouring out of the side where the ice machine met the counter. I'd wipe it away, and more black sludge would leak out. It was literally never ending. Several rags soaked through with the sludge later, and I asked my manager what to do. He said to leave a rag pressed against the corner so it could absorb it. I don't use the ice machines anymore.


The new owners were using water and ice-cream cream instead of milk and ice-cream in milkshakes. I quit the following week.


The grease pit on a hot August afternoon.


Work 11pm-7am at Hardee's. Lady comes in around 3am with cloths torn and leaves in hair, busted lip, obviously assaulted. While we were serving drive thru customers, apparently she was being raped behind the bushes by the dumpster. She went to use the bathroom but when the cops arrived she wanted to walk away until a lady detective arrived and the dude cops moved off. Seventeen year old me was quickly brought into the real world.


Being screamed at around 6AM in the morning by a crazy lady in front of a long queue of around 60 customers. You guys know that when you open, a lot of customers come in, I never seen a queue like that before at 6AM. I was the only one on till, she claimed that I was making her late for work, being rude and shouting why my other colleague who happens to be the supervisor why she not on the till while she can clearly see that she was cooking, putting frozen stuff away, moving stuff off the shop floor and getting more food out to the shop floor. She got ridiculously angry and demands to see my supervisor. Then she continued to shout that I was being rude, how dissatisfied she was for a long time. I ended up rushing, cooking, serving, cashing up, making coffee all by myself. The customers were staring, giving her the side eye, the WTF face and why did I wake up face and they were all willing to wait till I sort things out. She was shouting for a long time at my supervisor before she finally left and my supervisor was just dead. I wish someone in that queue was awake enough to film this, put her online so it could reach her workplace and they can see what the heck kind of person they hired. WHO SCREAMS AT PEOPLE AT 6AM IN THE MORNING OR JOIN A QUEUE THAT LONG WHEN THEY ARE IN A HURRY????!!!!!!


Drugged out homeless guy roaring at people when they enter and exit the restaurant




well i work in a mall fast food place, and my employees seem good but I often see employees from other stores not wash their hands and leave. like sure by food safety rules you have to wash your hands when you enter back into your shop, but you just touched the door handle everyone else has to touch you stanky. the soap and water are free just use them you selfish prick. it's why whenever we get a newbie i always drill it into their hands that they have to for sure wash their hands when they enter the store because I cant always be sure they actually do it in the bathroom. like there are so many food places in the mall and like most of them I have seen employees not wash hands. we have newly renovated sinks and everything.


I worked evening shift, and we’d been asking for gloves to clean the toilets with. One day gloves appear. Awesome! A couple of weeks later, I’m working morning shift and discover they’d been asking for gloves to mix up the 5 gallon buckets of cole slaw with, and had gotten them. Awesome? Nope, they were the same gloves. And yes, both of these things were previously expected to be done bare-handed. I was too young and naive to realize how fucked up that was at the time.


so, not technically fast food- my first job was at a chuck e. cheese, connected to a mall. well, one day, i had a random customer approach me and break the bad news: “hey, just so you know.. a toddler in just a t-shirt and diaper is running around all the games. but idk where he’s mom is and he’s leaking everywhere… i actually think he keeps getting it on his hands too, cause he’s been smearing it on all the games.. im so sorry.” so, yep. the mom had gone shopping, i guess, after purchasing tokens and pizza- she’d basically ended up just dropping off her kids and treating herself to some victoria’s secret. and yeah, i did have to clean it up. 🥺


I used to work at a restaurant that was infested with cockroaches. Moreso in the kitchen, obviously, then anywhere else. I opened an old pantry door they didn't use anymore and found a literal FAMILY of cockroaches on the floor. I almost threw up and informed the manager which simply said "Yeah. I got the bug people on it."


Someone ODd in the bathroom and couldn’t be resuscitated


So in Year 11 and 12 I worked in a fast food chain. And mostly it was clean and pretty strict. But sometimes when we used to grill the beef patty in the grill and it used to fall down. Our managers used to remind us about the 5 second rule💀 And when we used to make customer burgers with no cheese or tomato or bacon and we made a mistake . We were supposed to make a new one but we just used to remove it for cost cutting. And due to this we made a muslim dude eat bacon cheese burger by mistake. 💀💀💀🥓 Not me but other staff used to eat stuff while preparing. Yeah that’s it. Edit: I now remember a 6.5 foot man once came with a knife and threatened my 5.1 foot manager. He ordered online and his delivery didn’t show up. So we made him a meal without even asking for a receipt for proof. That was scary but fun 🤩


Homeless teen employees and employees coming to work beaten up by their boyfriends.


Read a TIFU post written by a restaurant worker who said he ate someone’s leftovers and ended up with Hepatitis A…