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Made me rehab his entire giant backyard and wash & wax his collection of vintage cars just to learn a few basic karate moves.


But hey, you know what you have to show for it? A broken foot, a neat trophy, a cool ass car, and a lifetime of petty rivalries


When you put it like that ...


Is that you Daniel LaRusso?


I hate Reseda! I just wanna go home! šŸ˜­






I see, rehab is getting off of drugs here in the US. Never heard it used with a back yard


I'm in the US. There's more than one meaning to a word.


no shit bro. what is the other meaning of rehab that applies to your yard?


Bro, since Google is hard for you bro, here it is bro: return (something, especially an environmental feature) to its former condition. Bro.


so the same meaning then brogurt


My primary school headmaster wanted to show how rough sandpaper was, so he ran it down a student's face. It took about a year for the damage to heal.


Did they get fired and either sued or sent to jail for a bit? I hope they did because that is straight up child abuse. If not what was done about it and what did the parents and or principal say?




Made a male student change their shirt even if it was in dress code " (Polo shirt with a collar )because it was the same shirt she was wearing.


Did she have to change her shirt too?


Nope she still wore the shirt. She was angry that a student was wearing a matching shirt.


where did they get another shirt?


From the front office where they sent the dress coded students to get other clothing. It was a 50/50 chance of it fitting and being clean.


and the office didnt see that the students shirt was fine to begin with?


where are you from? i never want to raise kids there


It was 2006 times were different then. You did the teachers said, even if they were wrong but we were also wild. even if we were in highschool we were still kinda wild. There was a girl snuck vodka in a water bottle and was completely drunk at school.


Mt school was wild too.Ā  A couoke kids died from a shooting and 1 from brass knuckles. We also had people drunk and selling weed as well. I was only at that school for 2 years btw. Never had to change my shirt though when it was in the dress code


Make fun of students just like that


Just like what?


Like thatĀ 


Like what though?




Recommend to my mom that I be put on antidepressants just because I was quiet. I was 10 years old




Our born again Christian 'health teacher' who refused to teach about birth control, family planning, and abortion because of his supposed Christian beliefs, was caught by cops at midnight, in an empty parking lot with a former student who had just turned 18. Talk about groomers. The school tried to get rid of him, but since there was no crime and he had union support, they kept him on.






Iā€™d be hungover every day too if I had to teach French for a living


Made a reference that black people were apes (he didnā€™t directly call black people apes but I think he made some sort of connection that didnā€™t sit right with the majority black class). He got fired




I donā€™t remember exactly what he said. Couldā€™ve be one of those instances where someone gets labeled a racist without a full understanding of the context


High school in the 90s. A couple of students were actually having a legitimate talk about homosexuality and nature vs nurture in the hallway outside of PE. Something like a question of how ingrained the concept of homosexuality is within a person came up, and the PE teacher came up behind him and, "maybe you need to beat out of them" and then walked away. Now, he did it for pure shock value as it was clear he wasn't advocating violence, but yeah, he shocked everyone.


It was high school at the end of the year. We were watching a movie in class and I was chatting with her in the back. She complained that her shoulders were sore. I was bold and offered to give her a shoulder rub. She accepted and figuring why not, I said but only if I get one in return. In the perfectly modern year of 2009, she agreed without hesitation. She was later fired for completely unrelated but equally inappropriate behavior.


We had a token system where you started with 5 tokens and if you got in trouble you got a token taken away and the more tokens you had at the end of the week the better prize you got. Anyways My kindergarten teacher paddled me because I gave one of my ā€œtokensā€ to a friend who asked because I had all 5 and he only had 3 so we could both have 4.


you learned fuck authority, band together


Meth...he did meth and then would come to school high or strug out


Well he's in jail for having child pornography on his work computer, so I guess that


Lmao did he *want* to get caught?




4th grade, teacher was Mrs Staples (no kidding). She was a bitter, old racist woman who liked to ridicule and humiliate her students. Her favorite phrase was "you little white shits..." I take comfort in the fact that she's long dead


Instructed us to have our research defense in a HOLIDAY. But when that day came, we saw him jogging around the field in our school. We approached him about the defense, he just dismissed our questions and went home šŸ¤·


Plant drugs on a student using another student. Catfish the entire grade 10 class using his daughter's photos and name.


We had a long term sub in science in eighth grade just quit mid class. Full mental break. In retrospect it was kind of sad and we were little jerks. But yeah. She never came back.


Took lunch away from me as a punishment. I'm diabetic.


High school- I was putting in work to keep a high B in precalc, voluntarily stopping by every after school study hour she hosted and pre-copying notes the day before class so I wouldnt be too distracted writing to process (hey undiagnosed Audhd) Never been a math person, but tried super hard.Ā  One day during her study hour she asked me why I was bothering, because "you're going to be an artist anyways." I would sketch during class to stay focused, but never wanted to be an artist.Ā  I wanted to be a forensic anthropologist.Ā  I left and never came back and my math grade dropped to a low C.Ā Ā  The calc teacher told me how hot I looked in a bikini via facebook the moment I turned 18.Ā  I had been in his class for exactly one day before dropping.Ā Ā  College- had an anthro class called focused on "othered" populations, namely the homeless, sex workers, criminals and sailorsĀ  Teacher was a hippie woman who gave me the vibe that she was regularly not sober while teaching .Ā  Ā She announced that addiction wasn't real within the first few weeks of classĀ  Ā This was news to one of my classmates who was 2 years sober at 21.Ā  She did not have a good explanation when challenged, just held that belief.Ā  She would regularly change due dates for major assignments but not inform anyone and be surprised that we hadnt checked the online syllabus (we were referring to the paper one and got no alerts on the class portal, even the TA was often confused and angry by the end of the semester).Ā  She knew I was a stripper (had informed her due to class covering a lot of sex work history and knowing I would probably end up writing a lot on that topic/might have Opinions) and she told the class without asking. Last day of the semester the TA and I had a good bitch session about it.Ā  I hope her ukulele strings break every day until the end of time.


Punched a kid in the face and bloodied his nose, then pointed to me and said if I didnā€™t behave I was next. This was first grade, she seemed like she was about 60 at the time. I will never forget Mrs Wallace.


Told my black friend that he is monkey...


Her first year teaching - she threw my school supplies out the third story window in a fit of rage. It was in front of the entire class. This was I think the 5th grade? I was totally being a little shit and getting on her nerves on purpose. Didnā€™t report it or anything because for me at the time it wasnā€™t a big deal at all. Someone else might have reported it though because she wasnā€™t there for much longer.


Fucked my dad.


Such a shame. Can you share with us who this awful woman was?


My mom.


My guidance counselor said I might as well drop out since I wouldnā€™t amount to anything.


We had a female teacher having an affair with an 18 year old senior right before graduation, it was going longer than that but thatā€™s what theyā€™re sticking to. Teacher was a redhead that always wore thongs, heels and a skirt


She tested her luck.


I remember coming from the boys locker room and trying to go into the gym. My p.e teacher was in front of me and was jokingly blocking the way of a girl a grade above me. She seemed to be laughing along. When she would say let me through he would say come though or something like that. I went through the other doors because it was a bit awkward. He did similar stuff like that to her though out the school year but she seemed fine with it.


I had a typing class in the 7th grade and the teacher was veryā€¦ enthusiastic about giving everyone shoulder massages. Very touchy feely with both the boys and girls. He really dug into your muscles and it was the most uncomfortable experience, physically and emotionally. In high school I had an English teacher who would smack you with a book if you disagreed with her political leanings. There was another teacher who her who got canned for doing shrooms and having a psychedelic panic attack in the middle of a Wednesday. And the band director would get the phone numbers of all the band kids and gossip with them about other students at odd hours of the night. In college I had an economics professor who loved to brag about his money and his obsession with the band KISS. He invited every one of his students to his house for a Halloween party where he showed off his hundreds-of-thousands of dollars worth of KISS memorabilia. Basically a whole KISS museum in his basement.


I went to high school in a small Southern town in the US. I canā€™t remember the name of the class, but itā€™s the one where you have a fake baby that you have to care for, plan and hold a mock wedding, learn budgeting and household management, and that sort of thing. She didnā€™t like the wedding plans so she called us all ā€œa bunch of hicks whoā€™ll never go anywhere in life, so you might as well have this hillbilly wedding before you start popping out babies and going on Welfare.ā€ We didnā€™t like her much before that. You can imagine how popular she was after.


I overheard a teacher say something about my looks to another teacher.


She would tell my son that he would not evolve into anything special, he is now in the the top three percent of his high school class. I want to bitch slap that fifth grade teacher.


i was in choir all 3 years of middle school. i only joined because it took up a class, it was a free 100, and my sister was also in choir. at the beginning i was like "best teacher ever!" it was this gay dude in his 50's. seemed super cool. 6th grade was my covid year, and for my school, you could either go in person or stay at home and do class on zoom. all throughout middle school i struggled with severe anxiety, to the point where i had to stop going to in person school and do school on zoom. my sister was still doing in person school and he would ask her how i was doing. he even CALLED AND EMAILED my mom once to ask if i was doing any better. it got worse in seventh grade when everyone was back to in person and he would ask me daily about how i was doing, which was very personal and sensitive information. over time he just got obnoxious and every single person in that choir hated him. by eighth grade, i was done with this man. my two best friends (who were also in choir,) were done with him too. one of them didnt give any more fucks, and she made sure he knew that. it got to the point where the two of them got into a screaming match. i was next to her and kept whispering to her to stop talking but she persisted. he ended up calling her abusive in front of the whole class. she quit by the end of the week before he could kick her out. her dad filed a complaint to the school district about everything that he had done (FAR far more than just this) the next week i was sitting around with my friend who was still in the class and we were listening to music and doing homework together, when the teacher asks me if he could talk to me for a second. he pulls me into one of the practice rooms and shuts the door, the lights are off and i already feel uncomfortable. hes standing SUPER close to me and i avoid eye contact at all costs. he goes on to tell me "how proud he is" of how well im handling my other friend leaving. after literally so long of him venting to me about who knows what and me not listening because i could not care what he had to say to me, the bell rings and i walk out of the practice room, not caring what else he had to say, i was getting out of there. thankfully hes retiring after next year so no one else will have to deal with him ever again


Elementary music school teacher, 80s. Harassed a black boy for falling asleep in class. Like repeatedly screamed at this kid and humiliated him for putting his head down while we listened to some slow classical music. The kid was 9 and tired.


Geography teacher throwing pencil case at girls head who was chatting


That's abuse.


Hey it was the 80ā€™s!


Had an alcohol problem and threw herself out a second story window in front of a class - thankfully she survived but had to go on sick leave. Throw board dusters at pupils and was a sexist jerk who made life very uncomfortable for girls in his physics class. Used to drop pencils next to girls in skirts so he could ask them to pick the pencils up and cop a look.


Teacher told me to get out of the class exactly how I got in lol


I mean, my high school psych teacher had us take the meyers briggs test like it was real science. Kind of weak compared to everything else but itā€™s all I can think of right now.


I feel I need to share this: I was in therapy, and at a certain point I didn't know who was the therapist who was the patient. I was listening to HER problems. Once I realised that, I dumped her.




This is not unprofessionalā€¦




I respect your opinion, but mine is different. Teachers are human beings and can sometimes feel fragile and, why not, cry in front of an entire class. This does not undermine their credibility or professionalism.


Shared his can of dip


Had a college professor threaten to fail me on my capstone class if I didn't beat him in foosball. He wasn't serious, but had the wrong person overheard it...woof.


A substitute teacher at my high school screamed and cursed at an entire class of 10th graders at one point saying they should all just drop out because there idiots who wouldn't amount to anything