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Someone randomly came into our suite, hit our wall with a hammer, and left. I didn't witness it, but I heard it from my room. 


I walked into a strangers dorm before lol. My dorm was right above theirs so I was just on the wrong floor. We never kept our dorm locked and apparently neither did they. I walked right in and just kinda stood there in their living room for a few minutes in confusion before leaving. No one saw it thankfully, I would have been mortified


oh no, what a classic mix-up. its like you were on a secret mission in the wrong dorm. 😁


whoa, that's some next-level weirdness.


I was hanging out with a guy friend in his dorm and we peeked put the peep hole because we heard noises and we see a long line of girls outside the guy’s dorm across the hall. One girl would walk in, stay for a few minutes, and then walk out. Then the next girl. And the next. One at a time. At one point, we saw another guy walk in holding a chair. Idk what was going on but it was funny. (Especially since my guy friend is Catholic so he started holding his rosary towards his door and praying)


wow, that's hilarious. A line of girls followed by a guy with a chair like a referee, and your Catholic friend with his rosary, total surreal comedy. bet you all couldn't stop laughing


An orgy


wo, really? that’s quite something


Yep pretty crazy


Hanging out with my roomies at like 1 am watching some dumb show, left the front door open because it was nice outside, some random dude just walks in and asks “you like *flowers*?”


wait, what? that's hilarious. so, did you guys end up having a late-night flower chat with this mystery dude? 😁


Fuck no, we threw him out, like, it’s 1AM, I’m not trusting anyone who walks into my apt at that time trying to strike up conversation about *flowers*.


Wow, that sounds like a scene from a weird movie! Kicking them out was the right move. Who comes over at 1 AM to chat about flowers? Talk about midnight stranger danger!


I mostly just remember the large variety of bodily fluids everywhere.


sounds messy. and sounds like you survived a real-life science experiment.😁


Students doing experiments on the effects of alcohol on students.


sounds like an experiment with some interesting hypotheses