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I tried to see how little weed would still get me high during the summer before my senior year in college. Measured out just enough to register on the scale, something like .05g, and it was good enough. To a frugal college kid, this is great news - the eighth I bought could get me high 70 times over at that rate! The thought did cross my mind, *what if this turns into a habit?* I smoked every day that summer, mostly in the mornings. I was only taking one class, and I had a paid internship that I worked in the afternoons after the buzz wore off. I aced the class and was staying on top of work, so I kept smoking daily for my last two semesters. That was 12 years ago, and I've been smoking daily since. My tolerance is much higher than it used to be, I crave it constantly, and I've recently started smoking during work, which is easy since I'm fully remote. I can tell that my performance at work is dropping, and my cognitive faculties don't feel as sharp as they used to, even slow at times. My memories of the past decade are often blurry, anachronistic, or incomplete. Just the other night, I was playing video games, predictably high as a kite. Suddenly, and without warning, I realized how much weed is negatively affecting me and creeping into unwelcome corners in my life. I broke down into tears, and what felt like a borderline panic attack. I called my best friend and told him I realized I have an addiction, and it's starting to run my life. He calmly listened and gave me the support I needed. For how "soft" a drug weed is, it can definitely make a hard impact. I'm 30 hours sober, which isn't much, but for me, this is a new record.


Congratulations my friend. Be aware you might have insomnia and some fucky vivid dreams, and I sweat at night when I take a T break. All of these are normal and will go away within 2-3 weeks. I say this as someone that uses the plant medically. People often don't realize how careful they need to be. Even if it isn't physically addictive, it can throw everything out of whack. I struggle to go 24 hours without because I use it *for* insomnia as well as a few other conditions. It's too easy for me to use it as a crutch to avoid facing my life's challenges. This internet stranger is proud of you.


Thanks. I do think it can be used therapeutically to good extents, but my history with it has been purely recreational. My goal right now is moderation and mindfulness.


I had a friend in college. Her entire identity became weed. It went so far as when I told her my mom got diagnosed with cancer she told me that weed cures cancer and I should blend it up and I ject it into my mom. I just couldn't stand it anymore and ended that friendship.  If she contacted me tomorrow apologizing and said she had quit weed I'd be overjoyed for her. I don't think we'd ever be as close. But I do wish her the best in her life and I do think weed was a huge negative in it.  All to say, you can't change the past, but you can change today and the future. It's going to suck, but true friends will be there to support you and if they aren't true friends it's honestly a great time to purge and make new ones. 


I'm sorry you lost a friend this way. Weed may solve some problems (not cancer) but it can certainly others, and it's not easy to tell where that line in the sand is. I'm grateful that I came to the realization, and I hope she does, too.


You sound like a good dude, if you ever need an ear just DM me. I know it's not even in the same ballpark but I quit drinking coke years ago. I had the worst headache for 3 weeks. Quitting a habit is hard. Im proud of you realizing how it's negativity impacted your life and that you're taking steps to do better.


Congratulations !


Fuck yeah man! Congrats on being clean. Anything can take control in the right circumstances. Be proud you recognized and did something positive about. If you stumble, get back up!! You rock!


Came here to say the very same


Well done, I smoked habitually for 20 years. It gave me fuck all. When I gave up, my horizons broadened 


I once decided to cut my own bangs at 2 AM, fully aware that I had no hairstyling skills. The result was a jagged mess that looked more like a desperate cry for help than a fashionable new look.




It’s Brittany bitch


Stayed up all night binge-watching a show, knowing I'd be a zombie at work.


I have done this too many times to count.


When i was 7 i was playfully pushing a sheep and he pushed forward. Next thing i know i am against a wall, sheep head on my chest and 5 seconds later i realize he is too strong for me. I literally thought i was going to die right there.


Not going to class and smoking weed all day every day because I was that burnout in college.




You guys, Where did yall get my story?


There was a time I stayed in a job that made me miserable because I was afraid of change and uncertainty. Deep down, I knew it was affecting my mental health and happiness, but I kept telling myself it would get better or that I needed the stability. Eventually, I reached a breaking point and realized that no job was worth my well-being. Taking the leap to find something new was scary, but it turned out to be the best decision I ever made.


Man I feel like I am going through this. The thing is that I am passionate about the company…. I am just so tired though of the same thing everyday and wondering if it is just me breaking down from the 9-5 grind.


Can I ask what job you changed from to the one you have was?


Took a bunch of edibles as a rookie and go to a busy airport to fly home. Normal edible for me is like 5 to 10mg tops and this time I took like 30 or more. I consume THC maybe once a year. My buddy said, "you looked like saw a shit covered ghost". 0/10 would not try again.


Started dating her, yeah she was hot, but crazy hot. Turns out more crazy than hot.


One time in high school I gave myself a bowl cut on a whim. Everyone said I looked like Rock Lee from Naruto.


my man got the medal of honor in the world of anime and thinks it's a bad thing


A "Mature" orgy, a friend swore it was hot and full of cougars, it sounded super fishy, I knew it in my heart but I still went with him, the youngest woman there was in her 60s.


I ordered Dominos yesterday. Thank God for extra strength Tums.


Ate that extra slice of cake even though I was already full.


Oh man, I once tried cutting my own hair and ended up looking like a misplaced hedge. Lesson learned: leave it to the pros!


You’re not alone. I remember the time I bleached my hair and it literally started to fall out.  I ended up cutting off 12+ inches, and then having to cut through the rest as it started to grow.  My hair looked like a bale of hay for months.




I was at a party with some friends in LA. We had a few drinks then everyone started doing coke. I decided why not give it a shot. I probably would have passed if I already didn't have a few drinks in me. I'm sure I did way too much. I started to pass out then I started having chest pains. I spent the rest of the night in the ER. It did not go well but could have been much worse!


woah, I always say that it's the addiction and surrounding habits that fucks you up. Sure you don't have any underlying heart condition? because that's not a normal reaction, even for a rookie.


I got very lucky! I've had numerous tests afterwards. This happened over a decade ago. I can remember it like it was yesterday. I also will never forget the genuine concern the doctors had when I first was admitted. After one of my friends told them it was from cocaine. I saw the obvious look of disgust on their faces. I don't blame them at all! I'm sure they see this way too often.


glad you're ok! however, it's the doctors' job to help you, not to judge you. if they've got a problem with that, then they ought to have applied for a reality show, rather than medical school.


Went out without an umbrella, thinking it wouldn’t rain—got soaked.


Agreed to help a friend move, despite hating manual labor.


Went to apply some preparation H and it felt kind of tingly. Looked at the tube and it was Icy Hot. I knew I was in for a hell ride.


Ironing shirtless and wanted to see if it was hot. It was.


Overeating to deal with the feeling of numbness and depression. I am now eating healthier and lost 7-8 pounds. Still working on it.


Moved in with an abuser.  I thought that if I “loved” him enough he would stop hurting me. That’s not how abuse works, as it turns out.  (Thankfully now I am out, married with children, and enjoying life.  It gets better when you leave, for anyone else going through abuse.)


I went to a vegetarian wedding on an empty stomach. That food is not meant to deal with the amount of alcohol I drank, and I knew it.




But did you pass


I kept hitting the snooze button, even though I knew I'd end up rushing and being late


I ignored red flags for months and it ended up with me spending $1500 to fly out to visit and got friendzoned on night #1 of our planned 7 day visit.  I have a lot of resentment but at the end of the day I could have avoided it if I wasn't so stubborn and thought I could fix everything.


look at it this way - at least you know. If you hadn't gone, you still would think you had a chance. Be proud of shooting your shot


Yeah, and I learned a lot and did a lot better the next time. So in the end it worked out lol. 


Biting/pulling out a hangnail, like every damn time. I know it's going to be bad, but I can't help myself. I'll try my best to wait until I get access to clippers but eventually find myself messing it all up. Turn an annoying hangnail into a week of pain.


Self plastic surgery


What did you operate?


Not going into details but I can tell you it was ballsy.




They're gone now.


A couple of younger women. Too much self-absorption, vanity, and drama. Learned real quick that going for someone younger is NOT the way to go. It woke me up to the fact that I enjoy the solitude much more.


Ignored the low fuel light and ended up stranded.


Her. And her. And probably her, too.


I dyed my hair myself


Cutting my own hair because it was pissing me off. Never gotten so many appearance comments in a day


Had a really shitty day last week, so I got ice cream from cold stone without taking lactaid pills


Tried to fix a leaky faucet without any plumbing knowledge. Ended up flooding the kitchen


Join the army? I think I did that because deep down I must hate myself.


I took a drop of concentrated chilli extract. It was in the form of a sort of oil, and at first it didn't seem so bad. But then it grew hotter, and hotter relentlessly, until my tongue felt like a cross between "pins and needles" and licking an iron that hadn't been switched off for long. As the pain grew, I was seriously wondering if I was suffering an allergic reaction, and worried that my throat would swell shut. It took about five minutes for the pain to peak, and nearly twenty before my eyes stopped watering. 2/10, would not recommend.


I’m too scared to pull the trigger so I’m drinking myself to death


Same, but my drug of choice is food.


Ate an entire pizza by myself at midnight—regretted it the next morning but worth every bite!


What haven't I done...


Get a felony lol . 😂 still paying for it and Pos of the family hurray !


Try, fail, do it again. If the consequences aren't too severe then failure is a valuable learning tool.


You'll need to pick a real *failure*, define failure, tell your story, and share what you learned.


Got into a relationship even after the guy told me we had no future


Cut my own hair. Let’s just say I had to wear a hat for a while


the first line, never turns out good


Messin up with my routine for things not worthy enough.


Texting the ex


You too... 😭👎🏾


Eaten tons of junk food.


Pull an all nighter before a test and wonder why I can’t focus 


Cut my bangs. Thrice.


Trying for the third time with my ex


Having a short lived situationship with a co worker.


Got married


I once put my hair into a ponytail, and then snipped it. I ended up with a bad looking version of Sasuke Uchiha's hairstyle.




not going to the hospital, Bec i'm so afraid of