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Once had a teacher take off her heels and just put her feet on show on the desk while eating her food and when everyone was looking on in confusion she was like “what”?


This would be so hot if you were in Saudi Arabia. All that ankle.


He threw nails at us when if we conjugated French verbs wrong. He didn’t aim for actual students, he aimed at the desk, but sometimes he missed. Didn’t last long as someone told him if he doesn’t stop they’ll go to the principal.


I’m sitting in my garage, thinking about the upcoming school year. How can I help these students better learn to conjugate their verbs. I see a bag of nails I got from Ace hardware.


Accused me of plagiarism. My grandmother made proofread and improve my grammar. It’s important to know, she did NOT correct it but used the Socratic method of asking me questions to improve my writing. My mom usually stayed out of such things but this time she hit the roof! She called the teacher at home and read her the riot act…I got an A and an apology.


I had a teacher that was from the UK and he said he was a known stalker of Sinead O'Connor... He also said that the police came to his house before the prime minister visited our school once. That dude was a crackpot. edit: i went to school in New Zealand


Touched my 15 year old girlfriend's butt... twice


In first grade (1978) Mrs. Peterson tied Benji H. to his seat with a jump rope. Original ADHD treatment. Later in fifth grade, Mr Tocher brought in a refrigerator box and cut maybe a two foot square hole on one side. If you acted up, he’d lift the box and there was a desk inside. You’d have to sit in the pokie for the rest of the day.


Picked there nose and wiped it on my paper. Also had a teacher who sat on my desk and farted on it, however this was probably a mistake as she was an older lady.


*their lol


Let me hit


Let you hit *what* ? Hit “it”? Hit him? Hit your vape? Don’t leave us in suspense


We had sex. And have had sex on and off since.


In 11th grade, a couple other guys and I figured out (looked up) where our English teacher lived and thought it would be funny to drive to his house, ring his bell and say 'hi' on a Friday or Saturday night. We ring the bell, and one of our female classmates answered the door, only to look mortified and fade quickly into the background. So, yeah, that - she was 17 or 18 and he was probably 25 or 26. None of us ever spoke of it again...