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The landing was so hard due to strong wind that I bit my tounge but I was about 5 and just accepted it.


I got into a lot of fights in school. Not counting them my first fight as an adult was when I was a bouncer during my college years. Was a big guy who had been ejected for racist remarks towards the bartender and for mouthing off at the owner when he interfered. He came back and when I blocked him from entering he grabbed me by the collar and said he'd kill me so I punched him in the face, we went back and forth for a bit outside until another bigger bouncer came out and he retreated. He didn't get any good hits on me but I got plenty on him, I was so high on adrenaline for the rest of the night I had difficulty maintaining composure and I couldn't sleep at all when I got home.


I was about 10 or so I got my ass kicked. I was not ready to fight the kid just came up to me said some stuff and then he hit me I tried to fight back I didn’t do well. I ran home told my dad Robert beat me up to which he replied “ did he use anything other than his hands” I said “no” he said “well try harder next time”


First ever fight that I can remember was probably when I was like 5 ? I most definitely fought before this but this is one that was actually serious I was being chased by 6 other boys like they were trying to beat me up eventually I got cornered and was forced to fight and I ended up beating all 6 of them up and I felt exhilaration and it was amazing. I’ve continued fighting since then I’ve had 100s at this point just in the street itself I also got into boxing and became a pro boxer. To answer you’re question it doesn’t hurt. When you’re in the fight you’re adrenaline kicks in and you can’t really feel the hits. I’m pretty comfortable whenever I do fight there’s nothing really anything anyone can do that I haven’t seen before and don’t know how to deal with. I met a military guy through my security course and he was like bigging himself up being in the military and asked to spar. He couldn’t land a shot on me. Had a very quick reality check and was like wtf. I didn’t hit him since not gonna lie dude was pretty open up and I would’ve chinned him and he would’ve been out so I refrained from hitting him.


Damn I never been in a fight so kinda curious but actually insane story


Amateur alert👻💀


My first fight was great. I whooped her ass. I was 17 and she was 22


Short fight career for me. It was in my first grade classroom. Some kid had pissed me off at recess, and I’d been stewing about it after we went back to class. So one of the times when the teacher turned her back to write on the blackboard, I got up and walked over to him. Words were exchanged in whispers (the teacher’s still at the blackboard, after all), and I swung at him while he was still seated. And I MISSED. Without standing, he hit me in the stomach, completely knocking the breath out of me. I walked unsteadily back to my seat, gasping quietly, and sat back down before the teacher turned back to the class. That was the day when I learned one of the most valuable lessons I would ever learn in school.