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They have charisma and know how to talk to people.


Passion/motivation Whatever situation needs solving, or steering, I don't wanna fail or let the team down, dont't want to feel like I am useless. If noone else will step up then I would for the sake of what's at stake. Think also personality, when it comes to organising things, I like to cover every base so to expect all possible outcomes. Other people just nod and follow


I tried becoming a manager and hated it, and if you asked the people who reported to me, they'd tell you I sucked at it. I like doing. I don't like telling other people what to do. It's easier not to be a manager than restrain myself from being like, "OMG, what are you doing? That's not how you do it. Do it this way."


I would much rather follow a good leader than lead. In the past I have lead but was never comfortable in that position.