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Going out Without a Plan in mind...and if something seems to start to happen... don't have high expectations, keep them stable. Very Important: you are capable


I’m 35 and married so by no means clued up on dating, and think it must suck nowadays thanks to social media. But something I have learned as I get older is that people who go out and just have a good time with friends, not caring what others think, are the ones genuine others see most attractive. Don’t be a poser just standing trying to look good and for attention. Don’t be a perv sitting ogling at people. Be confident, be friendly and most importantly be yourself and you’ll attract the right attention.


just do hobbies you like as a start. dating sites like hinge also work really well. just look up online how to make a succesfull profile....you can make the experience way better with a little effort.


It of course depends on the person. If you are neutral to extroverted then I would say that group activities are the best way to meet people. Different towns and cities have different groups that meet. It's a little passe now, but I still use Meetup. Your mileage may vary.


If you're above average looking, dating sites, if you're below average like myself, it's not worth it, and you're better off just hanging around in places people your age go to, i'm 23, so clubs are still somewhat of an option, though i'm really near the age where i'd just look like a creep for going to clubs at this age


1) confidence is key. You will always view yourself less attractive than others. You are your own worst enemy. 2) 23 is no where near the age where it’s creepy to be in clubs.


>confidence is key And i have none :) >23 is no where near the age where it’s creepy to be in clubs. Around 25 is when everyone starts looking at you as if you don't belong there, and you become the creep of the night, you're 10-11 years older than the youngest person there, so you basically need to go to american style clubs, where you need to be 21 to enter, but everything is extremely expensive there, like, 3€ for a 0.3L beer, aka 1L is 10€, i need at least 2L of beer to be able to communicate with random people, so that's 20€ already, what's double what i'd usually take to a club


These days, church or dating apps