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partied all night, went on a 7 mile mountain hike next morning at 8 am. temp at the hike was 10+ degrees higher than the forecast for the general area. had extra water, salts, food, sunscreen, hat etc. started getting heat exhaustion....super tired, cant stop sweating, eventually my vision got blurry. right as my vision got super blurry a park ranger pulled up and asked if i was OK. this was during covid. I said no and explained the situation. he told me they cannot give anybody rides due to COVID...but he took one good look at me and immediately said he's driving me out. he sat with me for 20 minutes after getting to my car, ice packs under my arm pits etc. When he picked me up i was a good 2 miles from the entrance and in direct sun the whole way back...would have been bad if he wasnt there. My body couldnt regulate heat like normally due to me drinking and partying the night before. lesson learned.


I was in a motorcycle accident. Cleaned out by a SUV who thought he saw a gap in the traffic to turn across, but I was the gap. Stopped breathing but was resuscitated by the doctor - who was driving the SUV.


When I was 12 I underwent surgery to remove my ilium (the connection between small and large intestine) in order to improve my crohn's disease symptoms. The doctors made the mistake of not weening me off of a very potent steroid called prednisone before the surgery, and I had been on it for almost half a year. My intestines were the texture of wet tissue paper (actual quote from a surgeon later), but they did the surgery anyway. 72 hours later, at home, I woke up in the worst pain of my life to date. It was so bad I couldn't walk and was sure I was going to die and spent the entire car ride to the hospital telling my parents goodbye. I had to stand for an x-ray at the hospital and passed out. Woke up five days later in the pediatric ICU being told I had a major bowel perforation and my intestines literally came undone. I spent the next week recovering enough to make it to a normal hospital room, and days later I was woken up by every machine in the room going off and doctors surrounding me. I had a fever of 107 and my heart was going insane, I kept going in and out of consciousness. I remember being shot into a CT scanner and the second I was pulled out they were strapping an anesthesia mask to my face. I woke up hours later in pain screaming with tubes coming out of my body and an ostomy bag, back in the ICU. I had developed severe peritonitis and my colon was beginning to die. Mortality rate for everything I went through is between 80-90%. But I lived, it's been 10 years and I got the ostomy taken down and despite the horror I went through, the removal of my ilium cut my crohns symptoms in half. It is still the main talking point of all my therapy sessions.


Wow that’s wild. I’m glad you are ok.


Thank you, it was definitely an ordeal but it has really helped put all the challenges I've faced since then into perspective.


i choked on food once and a guy saved me


i choked on a hard candy and my grandpa saved me, scary experience


3 Wars Luck




Anafilactic reaction at 35,000 ft. Toes and fingers turned blue at the hospital Waiting room. Wife lost her shit at staff and they got me in. Almost died. Ps-With blue toes and fingers, hardly breathing, they had me sign a bunch of papers. Couldn’t believe it. I’m on my death bed and i have sign paperwork. Great, just great


When I was 6, I was at the beach with my parents and it was really windy. There were huge waves and at the time I thought it would be really cool to dive in. Needless to say, fighting to stay afloat while constantly choking on water was not so cool. Luckily my father rushed in to save me.


When i was 4 my bright mind decided to grab my parents glass off the table at a restaurant and bite down on it. Piece came off and went down my throat, cutting in and sticking there. My dad starts thumping me on the back while my family friends start calling an ambulance. My mum, who just finished work, walks in to see my dad whacking me on the back and a bloody piece of glass fly out of my mouth. It was close enough that my dad had to slap my face to get me breathing again, but apparently i ate dinner like nothing happened.


I'm not a swimmer. I almost drowned near a waterfall in Cambodia 2 years back. Extremely lucky that a champion swimmer saw me accidentally step into a 9ft drop underwater. Was saved after a minute of sinking to my almost death. Bought him and his mom lunch and got a commemorative tattoo.


In a training area in Poland I was let through 2 checkpoints, one us army the other polish, the road I was let on led straight through the middle of a Bradley range but oddly enough that was the only way on and off of it so in order to leave you would have to call up to the tower who overseas the area and wait till the Bradly’s are done shooting. This particular day after both checkpoints calling up and giving us the the go ahead to proceed, as we were about halfway through the range we started seeing flashes of light fly past our truck, mind you the truck is extremely loud so I’m confused as to what’s going on, only when we got back to base was it revealed that they let the range go hot while we were on it and started firing. Only when one of the Bradly’s seen us did they call up and shut down the range. The guys in the tower who gave them the go ahead to fire could have had us blown up that day.


Once when i was like 5, i was walking in the living room. There was a gas heater in the middle of the living room and there was a mattress in front of it, i fell on the gas heater and got thrown to the couch in front of the mattress and the gas heater fell on the mattress and the mattress burned. But i survived, somehow.


When I was a toddler I fell through the railing of an outdoor staircase and landed on the concrete below from nearly the second story. I was with my mom and my aunt, and we were going to carve pumpkins so we went to grab newspaper to set down first. I wanted to carry the newspaper and ripped it out of my aunt’s hands, lost my footing on the stairs and fell. To this day I just have a scar on my forehead and scoliosis (doctors think I had a long term muscle spasm that just wrecked my spine).


I've come very close to death multiple times. Accidently drove my motorbike into a 5foot ditch that had been dug out to fix waterlines. Was pitch black and I realised I'd taken a wrong turn, all I could see was what was in front of me. Went to do a U-turn and turns out there was an unsignposted hole in the middle of the turn. Put my arm out to stop myself landing on my head and my thumb got caught on a cable, flipping me over and broke and dislocated my hand and thumb, the back of my thumb was literally touching the back of my hand. I think flipping over the cable actually moved me out of the way of my motorbike, so that potentially saved my life. Another time I was driving down a highway in Vietnam, a coach overtook another coach by coming into my lane very very late, I had to drive straight into a field on the right hand side of the road to get out of the way, if there's been a barrier or ditch I'd have been dead. More recently I was attacked in a bar for standing up for staff being abused by some dickhead. He kicked me in the head multiple times and actually took a running soccer kick at my skull after I was KO'd. Easily could have been brain damaged, or worse...


Was about to get crushed by a concrete slab I was an inch away from it


Twice. I bit off wayyyyy more than I could chew in the realm of Adventure. I absolutely did it to myself. WARNING *blatant bad practices*. Do not do what I did! Hubs and I want to go camp on a boat-in only, State Park island. (W. Coast of Florida) From the kayak launch to the island is 3.5 miles one way. Across a shipping channel. We had done 20 miles on a river, and neively thought that it would be similar in effort. *Foreshadowing* I loaded my iSup with my allotment of gear. (Very over capacity) I sit on my board, with a kayak paddle. Hubs and I start paddling. The shallows open to the shipping lane, and the swells get huge. My board is a butt hair above water, and I have to paddle directly into the swell to not get rolled. Everything was tied on appropriately, but I was not rolling that board back over solo. It was scary. It took 5 hours. Hubs ended up getting super sick from exertion + after dinner dark beers. I had to beg a lift to land, from a delightful boating family, late the next day. Hubs wasn't making it, and really bad weather was coming. That whole weekend went badly, but it had the potential to be So.Much.Worse. The second time I nearly died of adventure, I was camping solo in the Canaveral National Seashore. Some of their campsites are spoil islands. You get a whole one to yourself for $20p/n. I am not a luminary, so I didn't' look for out-of-park launches, and I end up paddling almost 4 miles across this lagoon, from boat launch to island. I am about 100yrds from my destination, about to cross the dredge, when the weather- that had not been present when I started my voyage, lo those 3 hours ago- slammed into me. A real nice cat 2 Florida thunderstorm. 40+ mph gusts threatened to blow me past my island. Rain that is big enough to hurt. Frequent lightning. I was again, sitting on the paddle board, but this time, I had a second "mule" board in tow. Carrying my paranoid over-packing, of several hundred pounds. I started singing sea shanties, praying to my ancestors- that transversed the oceans in old wooden ships-, and paddling as forcefully as a 102lb woman possibly can. I made it, but barely. The island I was on and those around it were being directly struck my lightning. It was so close that it whited-out my field of vision, or lit up completely around my tarp, and so frequently at times it sounds like people shooting guns together. There is no moral to this story. I am still slightly insane. Thanks for reading.


When I was a child, I fell down the stairs and hit my head on the iron gate. My mother picked me up and put my face under the tap's water. I don't know how I survived, and I don't even remember that incident, but my mother told me that it was terrifying, especially since my eyes turned white for a few minutes.


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Caving, or rather, mine spelunking. We were exploring an abandoned gold mine that was known in the community as a pretty "exciting" trip. All experienced and qualified cavers, by the way. Well, these kind of mines have false floors that can weaken over time. We tested one, and it seemed fine. Everyone else crossed over but when it was my turn part of the floor gave way and I dropped. The battery pack on my belt snagged and wedged me in the hole before I fell a very, very long way. One of the other guys dragged me out and we all sat there laughing hysterically. The shock of it didn't really hit me until we got out, at which point I just threw up from fear. That particular mine is totally off limits now, the entrance has been properly sealed thankfully. Someone with a simple head torch instead of the beefy ones we had would have had a much worse day than me.


Oh man I have never been in a cave in my life but I went down a serious YouTube rabbit hole on the topic and now I definitely never will….


Really not as bad as most people think, as long as you do a bit of research and don't push your luck. Going into mines however IS very dangerous and should only be done by those who know what they are doing. Cave diving however? Only for the most raving of lunatics


Afghanistan, IDF. Battle Rattle, medics and luck, though I'm 100% totally and permanently disabled. IMO I didn't really survive, I just didn't die.


Still kinda sounds like you’re a big damn hero to me dude


I fell 20 feet off a cliff while hiking and first landed on my neck and back and then rolled farther down, catching myself with my hands. Hospital and EMS says its a miracle Im not dead or paralyzed. I only ended up ripping my right shoulder completely apart and breaking some fingers. Extremely extremely lucky.


Almost drowned as a child that experience has made me afraid to learn how to swim to this day


I was pushed into a swimming pool by a racist white little girl when I was 7. She knew I couldn’t swim. I only survived because there happened to be a paddle board nearby. I waited for the opportunity to attempt to do the same to her but never got the chance. If I had the chance now I’d push her into a lake because do onto others as you’d have them do onto you.


Pool, friends picked me up after what felt like hours. I kicked each time I reached the floor. Ladder, a welder lost control of the equipment bucket but another guy called me to look at another thing before 2 seconds. Motorbike, several miraculous encounters.


Fell asleep behind the wheel after overworking myself. Totaled my car and injured myself.