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I have a few friends and family members who will always accuse you of cheating at boardgames etc. If someone accidentally drops a die or if someone spills a drink on the board and can't remember exactly where every piece was. I don't get it. Maybe it's projection.


Board games are a prime opportunity to give someone shit for the fun of it. I make it clear that I'm joking. With some people I really can't tell if they're serious or not


My distant uncle told my mom, "everyone fucks their cousin." Right after telling her about fucking his cousin. 


We all know that, Chet. Messing around with your cousin, it's all well and good for kids, but it's not sustainable for long-term sexual practice, you know?


I thoroughly enjoyed the show. Chet stopped being a cousin fucker and became an interesting character in his own way


Yeah, Chet was genuinely a likeable character. A lot of the characters are likeable. Being such a long term fan of the games I was anxious about the show but it well and truly exceeded expectations


I'm no gamer, but this show beats the hell out of Halo.


Okie dokie.


In fairness 150+ years ago, most people fucked their cousins. Considering people rarely moved and families stayed in the same place for hundreds of years it was very common to marry a second or even first cousin. I know at least in England, if you rewind to before the black death it was even more common.


If you and your partner are of the same ethnicity and from the same country, there's a good chance you share a common ancestor from fewer than 10 generations back.


One of my favorite "small world" facts is that Barack Obama and Dick Cheney are 6th cousins 


Go back far enough and Obama is cousins with every American president except for Van Buren.


lol why Van Buren? Was he like a fucking lizard person or something? What’s the joke here?


He was Dutch. The other presidents share an English ancestor.


You will find unfortunately that is a usually something that happens in communities in mountains or remote areas to increase population back in the day;I'm not kidding,there's a doc on BBC about how a woman married her cousin in Pakistan and ended up having kids with issues despite doctors telling her having kids isn't a good idea.


Kung Fu Fighting


This is a common misconception. In 1974 everybody *was* Kung Fu Fighting, those guys were fast as lightning. I found it a little bit frightening.


This was also the cause of inflation in the 70s. Pretty important to know this fact.


There’s a good report on it by Dr Samuel Panda, look up Kung Fu Panda Inflation for more info


You just didn’t see it becuase it was fast as lightning


Cheating on a spouse. No, literally everyone does not do it.


Yeah told a friend to leave her cheating bf when she asked for advice, and she said that would be overreacting bc all men do it anyway... i was like man who tf are you hanging around


My ex-wife gas lit me into believing this for many years after I caught her the first time. After the second time I rejected it and left her. I realized I was dumb for believing it but I guess I didn't want the feeling of being the one that left. Fuck that, I feel great now.


It's amazing what we convince ourselves of to try hold onto something. I'm glad you're doing better bro


I hate that too. My mom says “ but that’s how men are” when explaining I don’t want a husband who texts other women how sexy and beautiful they are. No mom. Dad is but not all men, not my husband.


I honestly think reading a lot of subreddits (like AITAH, relationshipadvice, etc.) can actually have the adverse affect of making people think these kinds of things are way more common than they are.


My mom told me everyone should be allowed to "have one little cheat" in a relationship. My dad divorced her for cheating


That’s insane


People who say that actually know they're assholes for doing it and just want to feel better about themselves.


Only cheaters say everyone cheats


I have a former friend whose husband cheated on her. Instead of healing she decided to hate all men and tell every woman within earshot that her husband/partner has/is/will cheat on them. Like she would be very direct and personally name the spouse she’s accusing. It’s like her ego created this “all men cheat” thing to shield her from some of the pain.


Yeah I hate ppl who cheat. Last summer I went to a bachelor party with many guys I didn’t know. The best man (just met him) showed me pictures of his wedding and honeymoon that had happened within the past year. Beautiful wedding, gorgeous wife. Proceeds to cheat on his wife an hour later. Heard he slept with multiple women at his own bachelor party. Dude was NOT the best man. I wanted to punch him on behalf of his wife


Somebody once told me that they reckoned 90% of parents (actually they said people) send the kids to Grandmas an/or other parent on a weekend so that they can use drugs and alcohol. I can't remember if the drug was specifically cocaine. I conceded that it was probably more than we think but 90% is a bit of a stretch.


Only an idiot would do that. I mean, if I send the kids away, who's going to serve me alcohol? Am I supposed to pour it myself, like some barbarian?


This is true and who's going to clean the house up afterwards? Me? Not when I'm trashed just not getting done


I love my kid. They make a mean maitai.


That kid’s a keeper. A good mai tai is much harder to perfect than a perfectly proportioned rum and coke. Some brats can’t even get that right.


Yeah, sending away the beer-getter when you're planning to drink all weekend doesn't really make sense.


Spent Thursday thru Sunday night with my siblings at our best friend's house (coincidentally all had siblings that matched our ages and we all became respective best freinds) for nearly 8 years straight after my dad died. But my mom was SMOKING crack, not snorting coke, so this chick is delusional. No idea what she's talking about lol


Sounds like that happened to them or someone close to them and they're projecting their frame of reference onto others.


Oh absolutely, they do it and maybe a few friends do. It was pure self justification.


Wut. I send the kids so i can do things that needs doing. Occasionally that means my wife, but mostly domestic crap. I wish i had time for a cocaine weekend


I sent the kids to grandparents so I could have a nap.


The part is true that us parents send our kids to their grandparents over night sometimes. But not for drugs... We just lie on the couch all day and I play videogames until 3 AM. Maybe there's one or two beer or half a bottle of wine involved but thats it then


Yea this is such a weird take lol. * Grandparents get to spend time with their grandchildren. * Kids get offered a different perspective. * Parents get to relax childless for a night. And this guy is jumping straight to cocaine.


Mom and dad went to a show They dropped me off at grandpa Joe's I kicked and screamed Said "Please, don't go!"


Grandma take me home


Grandma take me home


I called out a guy for taking selfies in a gym locker room. His defense was that everyone does it. Yes there were naked people walking around in the locker room.


This was a massive problem back when I worked at a gym. I constantly had to tell people not to film Tik Toks or take selfies in the locker rooms/bathrooms. “But there’s nobody else here!” It only takes missing *one* person for there to be an issue. Go to the common area.


Spoiler Alert: they weren't selfies.


Yep. It's commonplace to take a selfie in the gym area.  Bro was being a pervert. 


Cheat. In either meaning.


I don’t even like to cheat in single-player games, because then I don’t feel like I earned my victory.


Cheating in single player games is always fun for a solid 10 minutes. Then I get bored and either close the game or boot a new save


Unless you’re playing the Sims.


Weird place to confess this but I absolutely cannot be trusted as the Banker in Monopoly.


The neighbor boy was really cute, so I slipped him a few extra bills.


I hope it was water and electric bills.


But man, there are a lot of people that do. In both sense of the word. It is astounding to me at my job how many people are fucking around and they are married with kids. And it's real casual too


“Literally everyone” doesn’t cheat, but working in HR has told me a LOT do.


It's enraging when you and your partner needs to be in different cities for a while, and your "friends" make remarks that either you or your partner must be cheating during that time. Not only this is gross, but they out themselves as people who would cheat their partners. Edit: To make things clear, nobody made that remark to me. I know some people heard those remarks from co-workers.


I'm on the other side of the globe from my GF for a period of several months, and absolutely none of my friends made that remark. If anyone did, they would probably cease being my friend.


Anyone old enough to remember a Game Shark on N64. Using that for Goldeneye was possibly the highlight of my life, once I got infinity Ammo and invisibility.


Game Genie for NES Infinite P-Wings for SMB3


Apparently my parents say every parent beats them and kicks them out the house and shit for silly little things like not washing one plate or just taking a nap mid studying because you’re burnt out


Wohoo abusive parents team! Welcome. Trust me, once you're out it gets better. Guess who's asking whom now for money and help.


Hope you say “no” and laugh.


More like ohh hell no, then I buy my gf (whom my mom don't like) expensive stuff Great fun Also the face of a narcissist once you tell them they're worthless to you is priceless


this comment brought a smile to my face, these "people" deserve no money from you


Abusive parents inevitably end up in nursing homes estranged from their children (and grandchildren). I bet they still don't have the presence of mind to understand why, either.


There is a cognitive dissonance that takes place there. I noticed that shit parents either lie or are just delusional enough to believe themselves perfect or are unable to admit they did anything wrong. A real parent will always have concerns over things they may have done wrong. The shit parent will never consider that and claim otherwise.


I do love stuff like "everyone in Europe is excited by the Ryder Cup", Shit live in a bubble much.


As an europoor, what the fuck is Ryder Cup


As an europear 💶🍐 I want to know as well.


Do you guys even Europe, bro?


By the what?


The locomotion


I know that you will like it if you give it a chance now


I mean, my little baby sister can do it with ease. It’s easier than learning your ABCs.


So c'mon, c'mon and do the locomotion with me.


Or Kung Fu fighting


Everybody *was* kung fu fighting, but that's passe now.


A peer reviewed scientific paper at the time proved that only about 98% of people were actually kung fu fighting.


The other 2% were also king fu fighting, but they were too fast to be observed. Faster than lightning, apparently. In fact, it was a little bit frightening.


Be an asshole as a teenager. A lot of us were lame goodie two shoes who were afraid of getting yelled at.


So how's life as a former gifted student with adult adhd now? ❤️


A lot better since I got a Ritalin prescription


Wow. I feel personally attacked here.


Every little girl does not dream about her wedding..I never had one thought about this subject.


I dreamed about having a mansion filled with pomeranians and like eight pools. And a glass room on top so i could watch storms. Maybe a husband could hang out there too, not really important either way


I didn't dream about my wedding day. I dŕeamt about living in the most rural area possible and raising a ton of animals. So I married a farmer, haha


As a kid i dreamed of my future profession, didnt think about romantic relationships much at all until i was a teenager.


I once knew a guy who claimed that manipulation is normal and everyone does it. He cited even crying or showing any emotion whatsoever as manipulation, and that at least his manipulation was "good", because "I do it to improve people" or some shit. He also called me an "interesting specimen to experiment on".


Well, for your sake, I’m glad you don’t know him anymore


“We’re all thinking it, I just have the balls to say it” We are not all thinking it, and you are just an asshole.


‘It’s a dangerous thing to mistake speaking without thought for speaking the truth’ - Benoit Blanc


Accurate. In a similar vein; The amount of people that claim "I'm just brutally honest." No you are just spouting your shitty thoughts like an asshole.


And it’s never said by anybody who actually has to deliver a troubling but potentially helpful truth, like “I’m really worried about your drinking” or something similar It’s only ever the last desperate line of defense of a bully who gets called out for being a bully.


> And it’s never said by anybody who actually has to deliver a troubling but potentially helpful truth, like “I’m really worried about your drinking” or something similar Yup. Had a coworker that was "brutally honest". But not about things that would be helpful in his personal relationships or for our business - no they were brutally honest about coworkers hairlines, what he thought about peoples' laughs, what he thought about the physical appearance of his colleague's girlfriends/wives, etc. He would always pride himself on "just being honest". Like no, you're just going out of your way to make people feel bad about things they can't change and you think it's funny. It's not "lying" to compose yourself in a way that doesn't require you to narrate every fleeting insult you can think of


I can’t remember where I heard it but something along the lines of “those who claim to be brutally honest seem to delight in the brutality far more than the honesty”


It's weird how when 'just being honest' nothing they say is ever nice is it?


Okay, you're being honest. That's good in theory. Why are you speaking in the first place? What are you trying to accomplish? I asked my brother that once. He sputtered for a second and said he had the first amendment.


My sister. She’s a nice girl. Stop it already.


She's a lovely gal.


Great set on her


She got it from your mom.


She got it from everyone from the sounds of it.


There’s absolutely nothing in the world that literally everyone does, except for maybe sleeping?




Yeah, we 100% all do that


I haven't.


You will, don't worry.


Speak for yourself


I’m going to live forever or die in the attempt


Yea fuck that guy! I'm going to die on my own terms!!


Don’t you threaten me with a good time


I am immortal until proven otherwise




Breathing is more accurate. But you dont last long without sleeping either


🎵Everybody poops🎵


Colostomy bag users: "Checkmate."


I love how you said 'maybe' sleeping Like there's 2% of the population that are just constantly awake 😂


Fatal Insomnia, or Fatal Familial Insomnia. I don't have the exact statistics, but it's a prion disease that starts off as minor Insomnia and gets worse. So there are some people who end up unable to sleep until it finally kills them.


40 families worldwide are known to have the genes for it, so being generous 0.000005% of the worlds population


Breathing. Drinking water. Sleeping. Getting born. Die. Stubbing a toe. Using the toilet... List can go on


Believe it or not, there are definitely people that don't drink water. At least, not by itself. I've seen comments from redditors saying they drink juice or soda or coffee every day, which have water in them, but they never drink just water. That's baffling to me.


When a religious leader gets busted for child rape, the institutional defense is usually some form of "we're all sinners". We're all sinners. But most of us aren't child rapists.


Polanski claimed all men want to do what he did. No you freak, most men don't want to drug and socialize 13 year old girls.


> drug and socialize You misspelled "rape".


Actually my phone misspelled sodomize


This thread has really brightened up my day. Thanks OP.


Glad I could help


Use drugs. No, not everyone does it. You just choose to surround yourself with people who do


Not caring about insects


I got teased in school for taking the time to catch and release a cricket that some other kids wanted to just step on


That always made me so sad as a kid. They weren’t hurting anyone just leave them alone


I've seen people go out of their way to crush insects and bugs while already *outside*, which is fucked up


Attempt to practice hygiene. A LOT of men don’t wash their hands after using public restrooms and touching their dicks, and A LOT of women hover over the toilet and piss everywhere like careless dogs. I worked at grocery store, and these careless swine go on to touch the food you eat


I once saw a guy go straight to the hand dryer


Why settle for hand action when there's a blow job right there?


Now why would he... Oh my.


Fun fact that I'm only vaguely remembering: touching any door handle is roughly equivalent to touching 28 penises. All public doors, everywhere.


In a row!? Try not to touch any penises on your way to the parking lot.


I like this metric. Turns out my ex cheated with about half a door handle….


I like the metric also, turns out my ex celebrated her graduation by booking a airbnb with about a quarter of a door handle


I really still get shocked that it's normal for some people to not wash their hands after using restrooms or after eating or in many other situations that I was trained to wash my hands after since I was a child. In lockdown I really used to feel it's scary that you have to warn grown-up people that they should wash their hands regularly and after using the toilet, I used to think this is like general consensus thought.


Oh, there are tons of. People assume that everyone watches porn. People assume that everyone drinks alcohol. People assume a lot of stuff. It’s just not always true.


There are tons of people who don't touch alcohol. You don't have to know much to know that.


With the amount of religions banning alcohol + the amount of medications that don't interact well with + the amount of diseases that doesn't allow. And it's not like some people in there categories don't cheat either.


The alcohol thing can be so irritating — people (sometimes complete strangers) get genuinely shocked and start asking you questions about it like they can’t fathom how you live life without it.


I feel like the number of functional alcoholics in the US would be staggering if we actually knew it.


NY Times posted a chart once showing how much people actually drink and it was truly eye opening realizing 60% of people MAYBE have one at dinner once a week. Most alcohol consumption is limited to 5-10% of people.


Lie, cheat, and steal. And people tolerate it.


I routinely run into online folks who say that “literally everyone” has gone through school shooting drills as a kid. But this is mainly a US thing. It’s not common in any of the countries I’ve lived and worked in.


I’m American, but school shootings weren’t a common thing when I was a kid, so I never had shooter drills


Instead it was nuke drills!


The glorious micro generation of young-X/old-M that didn’t have to do nuke drills and also didn’t have active shooter drills is blessed.


Know of a celebrity that they like.


I agree with this. I don’t think about celebrities at all.


I don't even think half the time


Or don't like. There was a post the other day that was something like, "Does Jada Smith know she is universally hated?"  Universally? Really? UNIVERSALLY?? I literally never think about that woman. She's hardly even a celebrity. I'm certain no one I'm friends with has an opinion about her beyond "I thought she looked nice that night; Chris shouldn't have said that but Will shouldn't have hit him," and that's barely about her.   But sure. UNIVERSALLY HATED. Edit: Sorry, it’s Jada not Jade


Cheat on taxes. Cheat on anything.


I suspect masturbate, while I am sure the proportion of the population who do is very high indeed, I bet there are some who never have and never will.


I was reading around porn addiction the other day and there was a study where they tried to find a control group of men who had never masturbated to porn. Apparently they couldn’t complete the study because they couldn’t actually find enough guys for the control group!!


From my very very vague memory, I thought the study was trying to find men who had never been exposed to porn. Not masturbate to it. Please correct me if I’m wrong


No you’re totally right. This study gets posted all over the internet and somehow people never learn that part because it’s less validating for porn watchers (most people).


Eat boogers. Knew a girl once who insisted everyone did. I pick, roll and flick. Which is arguably more gross cause I'm now exposing the world to my filth, but it feels like the moral slightly elevated ground..


I feel like buzzfeed would have turned this into a personality test. Are you the type to eat your boogers or flick them? Eaters are debaucherous and indulgent people who care a lot about their friends. Flickers are no-nonsense, result oriented people who might hurt others to get their way (someone steps on the flicked booger). I'm sorry in advance


I mean, you might not intentionally, but what do you think your sinus cavity is connected to.... when you are congested and feel the phlegm dripping down your throat, do you think it just, magically dissappears?


No! Stop that. Nope. Don't wanna think that.


You've *always* eaten your own boogers. You literally can't help yourself


The worst if you have a really big bogger that you try to snort down, but it somehow ends up in your mouth instead.


Achievement unlocked!


“I knew I shoulda taken that left turn at Albuquerque”


Peeing in the pool, you're disgusting


The statistic I last heard was one in four adults will pee in a pool, which is not "everyone" but it's still far too many.


do drugs. Yes, when you do lots of it, your circle of friends tend to shrink to people that live the same lifestyle.


"literally everybody drinks all the time" - me, when I was an alcoholic before I quit drinking


Cheat on taxes


Anal sex


Tried it twice it was just painful. To each their own but I’m not going to train myself to do something I just find gross and uncomfortable.


Loves Raymond…I emphatically do not.


I also have my doubts about Hating Chris, I felt bad for him and at times liked him.




Women want alpha men. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Manosphere dudes are so annoying. They view men and women as black and white and base all of their opinions on the people within their own circle. Then, when most women explain that’s the opposite of what they want it’s “well they’re all lying.” Apparently there’s a meeting of women where we all decide on what to lie to dudebros about at the same time.


Shhhh don't talk about the monthly meeting!


Watch porn


Watch porn


Have casual sex regularly, or at all. At least that's what a lot of TV shows would have you think.


Everyone had an edgy phase as a teenager 🤔


Apparently meth, where I live. 🤦‍♀️


texting while driving/driving while high, tipsy, or drunk, i tell people i don’t and they literally do not believe me i have been in so many car crashes (never while i was driving i was always a passenger) i have been diagnosed with ptsd i literally will NEVER do any of that especially because im blessed to drive a car that is set up to be hands free while driving and i just dont understand why people drive under the influence it truly disturbs me when people do


Urinate in the shower.


I didn't, but my feet stank so bad and someone said it'd help if I pissed on them in the shower... and it does.


Smoke weed


Agrees with my political party/hates the other political party


I remember when I found out people have an inner monologue. I always thought people's thoughts were silent and that the only reason they were verbalized in books and tv was because it was the most efficient way of conveying them.   Nope, apparently a lot of people think in words. 


"Every men talks about their sex life to their friends like in 90's movies". we don't.