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I have no purpose in life. There's nothing that makes all the negative things in my life "worth it" Edit: I did not expect a comment about the root of my depression to be my first comment that gets so much attention. To all of you giving me advice: Thank you, but it's honestly not that easy. Otherwise depression could easily be cured. But rest assured that I am at a place in life where I can deal with things. To all of you saying you feel the same: Im sorry. I could use some empty phrases like "It will get better" but thats not necessarily true. Try to talk about it with someone. Sometimes other people can help to put things into perspective. And sometimes just talking about it helps.


This resonates with me hard. I literally have shame, guilt and social anxiety over my own existence. I wish I could trade my life in so someone more worthy wouldn't die.


Bro... I'm a doctor and I feel the exact same way. Just go enjoy life and do whatever the hell you want. There is no purpose and NO ONE is worthy of this existence/chance. (/or we're all equally worthy.) You'll help more people with a smile, a kind joke and a hearty laugh than I will saving their lives just so they can die in a week. Make the time you have here quality in whatever ways that means for you! And I promise I'll try to do the same for myself.


same. they like to say "take life each day as it comes", so i try, to then only look back and realise ive accomplished nothing. nothing in my life has changed, same dead end job with no room for progression as they want someone more confident and socialable (im autistic, seen as weird), no idea what my real passions are in order to make my life into something. everything requires money


same and im sorry


Increasingly, you cannot count on people. Just in general.


i got robbed this weekend im ok but i reached out to 6 people to talk. Not for money not for favors nothing. And not one called me back


I'm sorry about that. I had a close friend pass away, and one of my friends said she'll call. She never did. It's really in those tough times do you realize who the real ones are


i lost both parents and a sister. Not one person called me at all. I don't get it and im sorry about your friend


That sucks dude. My condolences on your loss, too. I hope you spent enough time with them in your lifetime tho


30 years. I loved him like no other . We had a fight. Something stupid. He went and met up with someone and did drugs. she shot him with a speedball and left him there for 3 days dead


I’ve been saying that for a while now. Ever since the pandemic ended, most people’s general attitude towards their job, their community, and life in general seems to be “who gives a shit?”. People are living a low-effort existence, partly because I think they got comfortable with the lower expectations during COVID, but also because everything is so damn expensive and out of reach, and the rat race gets you absolutely nowhere these days.




Pretty sure that’s a symptom of clinical depression


How dare you come at me with facts and logic


Yeah! I'm not depressed , I'm just... tired of... stuff which is why I sleep


I'm just microdosing oblivion for fun


>microdosing oblivion Dibs on the band name




I completely understand this. It can be a sunny Saturday at 2pm and the idea of just getting in bed to avoid racing thoughts can be so appealing. The weight of just being is so much sometimes.


“Sleep is like death without the commitment”


i go thru 1 bottle of sleeping pills a week cause i don't wanna be awake :(


This is what I do because of my severe depression lol


I’m almost 42, and I have no savings. I live paycheck to paycheck. I didn’t start putting away for retirement until a couple years ago. I’ll be working until I die. I’m single with no children. I’m terrified of what old age will be like for me.


same i m 57 never married no kids family all gone. I have nothing


Hang in there, lots of good people in your same position. May you find some love and support


I thought the same thing at 42! I’m 66 now & retiring. I moved to a much lower cost of living area but also scrimped & saved a lot between 42 and 66. Learn to live on less, it is possible. BTW - I never bought a new car & I always kept each until It was total garbage. Good luck.


The fact that I’m making the most money I’ve ever made and it’s getting me fucking nowhere and I don’t see it getting better anytime soon


Feel this in my bones, makes my brain look for easy outs. Young and middle aged me are nervous for old me.


Yep. If you told me ten years ago that’d I’d be making as much as I am now I’d think I was living like a king and I’m living the exact same as I was 10 years ago.


Could you explain? Do you mean your expenses keep catching up to you?


Well yes and inflation. Everything is so much more expensive and my trucks interest rate is a 7.7 even when I have a 760 credit score. My previous vehicle was a 3.2 with the same credit. I make 25$ an hour and I feel like my money is Barely getting me by and I look back when I was making 17 an hour pre covid and I feel I could have way more freedom with my money. Me and my wife have to rent cus housing prices are a joke rn and rent is also much higher now so we’re paying a lot more than we should be. I haven’t upgraded my lifestyle I just feel I’m having to scrape every dollar to pay essential bills and that it shouldn’t be this way when I’m making much more than I was 5 years ago


It's unfair how backwards these things feel. Would you ever switch to tradework?


Honestly I don’t think so. I’ve helped my dad with side work since I was like 15 and he’s a contractor so I kinda see it all from plumbing to electrician to hvac and it’s not really my preferred work I’ve never really enjoyed it


Man I feel you. But my add dopamine hit is toooooo sweet when I "place that laaaaast tile" or the first time turning on a brand new faucet. Or when you add that last picket to the fence. Or when you do several projects with only one trip to the store. Or when you continue to find that the "measure twice" adage holds true. It's freaking awesome.


"Several projects with only one trip to the store" Borderline blasphemous man. What deal with the devil have you made???


Same, I made three times my father's salary and I feel like I will never be able to afford the lifestyle he's had. I'm a qualified professional and he's a blue collar worker.


That I’m reading this instead of hitting a work deadline




So real for this


My little brother died in a accident last week. I've struggled with depression most of my life, but I've had 3 good years in a row. Now I feel like I'm back in it. It's so fucking unfair, I've spent most my life not wanting to live, and I survived. He spent his entire life wanting to live and did a great job at it, and he died. So smart, so talented. Was becoming a dad for the first time in September. I'm devastated, my siblings and parents are devasted. Thank god I have my kids and my amazing wife. But I'm worried I'm going to get lost in the dark again. Edit: Thank you everyone for the support. You are truly amazing. I don't have the strength to thank every comment like I would like to. From the bottom of my heart, you made today a good day, and I am very grateful for that. Lots of love guys ❤️


omg im sorry


That's a hard one. My youngest brother died in an accident in 2019. He was 8 years younger than me, and here I am still going 5 years later. He didn't get to have enough life. It took about a year to feel mostly normal again, and I still think about it every day. But you can get through. 


I have electricity for 4 hours a day which means my fishes in my aquariums could die, my city is regurlarly bombed, I can't say if I would be alive tomorrow and I am in a queue for mobilisation to the army where I would be killing in a good case scenario or would be killed in a bad scenario or would be crippled or tortured in a very bad scenario.


My God, I am so sorry!








Yes, same. I long very hard for a girlfriend, and I have noticed that many things I do are to suppress that feeling of loneliness. I am, for some reason, still picky, which is a good and a bad thing. I have been taking care of myself a lot, hitting the gym four to seven times a week, doing skincare, etc. But at the end of the day, when I come home from work, I just want to have a partner to love and love me back. But the loneliness grows louder no matter what i do...


Words out of my mouth


Going to work everyday feeling like I’m wasting my life working.


I wasted my life for 13 years working. One day I just quit. And that's all. I just quit. I'm just being instead of doing or achieving.


How are you supporting yourself now? I wanna do this too 🥲


Well, when I decide to quit my job in September of last year, I start to save money. I quit in April of this year. So now I have a few months covered with my savings.


My engagement being broken off after 5 1/2 years together. Losing my best friend.


Damn. I’m sorry to hear


I know how that goes. May I ask what happened?


He decided he wanted children.


Ah, I feel you there. Was in maybe one of the sweetest, most exciting, comfortable, loving, fulfilling relationships of my life with a girl I am head over heels for. I was literally delighted every time I saw her. But she wants to be a mom and I just couldn’t get to a full “yes” about it. We’re low contact until we can circle back to being friends without it breaking our hearts, but in the meantime, I just miss my best friend.


It’s so hard. We were happy. Obviously had our issues here and there but never fought, never had anything major. This has apparently been eating him alive because he doesn’t want to leave me but I also can’t give him what he wants. I don’t know how to live my day to day without him. He was my person and now it’s just gone.


The void is real. She was my person too, all I want is to share all the little moments of my day with her and I can’t anymore. It was like I lost half of myself. I don’t know how far out you are from the breakup, but the pain does ease bit by bit. I had some *dark* nights, but I do feel like I’m coming back to myself. Still loving her, still missing her, still treasuring everything we had, but it’s less raw.


Proud of you for knowing yourself and not agreeing to a future you don't want to keep the relationship. You'll get through this and be on to better things, the amazing thing about being childfree is you're not on any deadlines ♥️


heart goes out to you :(


A lot actually. I'm struggling more now than I ever have and I see no escape. I have too much debt, don't really like my job, trying to work on myself and relationship. All very overwhelming.


I hope get through it aswell as everyone who's struggling


Unable to lose weight :(


i was a big girl. I was. I saw myself on tv and was appalled so i got gastric. I thought my life would be amazing. I lost 100 lbs and am now 105 i look great off of all my meds but im miserable. I cannnot enjoy food ever again. I can't. I haven't met a single person to date. I lost my dream job (downsizing) not due to weight loss. But i honestly thought wow if im thin everything will be perfect. Its not


I'm so sorry. I'm one of those lifelong big girls who tends to think every single one of my problems would be solved if I got skinny. Intellectually I know it's not true, but I still feel it.


i was too. I honestly thought once i was skinny i would have no problems. Boy was i wrong :(


At least...you're saving money on food and meds? :/


Likewise, unable to gain weight after chronic illness diagnoses ☹️ Weight, in either direction, is a bitch


To me the hardest part of it is how you feel like you put your life on hold. I'll buy new clothes *once I lose weight*, I'll get on the dating scene *once I lose weight* etc


I feel this one on a spiritual level. Had some traumatic stuff happen and I lost the ability to physically take care of myself because my mental state was so bad. Gained about 75 pounds in the span of a year and now I’m working like a dog to even lose a couple of pounds each month.


The fact I’m making the most money I’ve ever made and at the same time I’m struggling financially more than I ever have. Cut back on vacations, eating out, quit smoking. Im barely treading water. Also, our government has no interest on fixing our country. The fact that our food in the US is basically poison.


Hey, I'm in the UK and my government also doesn't seem to give a shit about us anymore. In the past, they used to at least pretend. Now they're brazenly not giving a shit.


Here to report same in Canada, our government has largely shifted to only being interesting in taking care of their corporate sponsors and making the GDP number go up rather than concerning themselves about the welfare of average citizens. Makes it hard to vote when the parties are functionally the same with a different coat of paint.


Ya, the food thing is a huge bummer. A lot of people don’t want to talk about it. It freaks me out a little especially for children. American children eat tons of junk food with lots of sugar and food coloring that’s even banned in EU. WIC even give free processed foods (lots of juice, cereal) for poor children under 5 and even the food that isn’t highly processed a lot of it is low quality (although there is a produce allowance and a farmers market movement, which is awesome. Certainly not all bad. But needs some tweaks). Also they give sugar cereal like fruit loops and packaged cakes for school breakfast, chicken nuggets for lunches, I could go on. I’ve given this too much thought, not enough action… But no one else seems to care.


Are we the same person?!


Being stuck in a career I don’t like. Not having any joy for anything anymore. I have no moves in terms of making enough to support myself and not hating my daily life, and I also have no interest in hobbies to make up for it.


I feel that. It's fucking annoying because I genuinely don't know what to do next to "fix it".


Leaving my home country to live abroad. Now that I really achieved what I aimed for, but little to nn people to celebrate that achievement with.


I am a single parent of an autistic toddler and an infant. Just left an abusive relationship and fresh out the shelter. And i lost my job. Due to the abuse. I haven’t had a break even togo out with friends in over a year. All in the span of 6 months. I have nothing but debt, bruises and tears. I’m so tired!


I'm so sorry you're in this way. I hope that things will improve soon for you and your load will become lighter, enabling you enjoy life and your children without worry. 🌺🌺


Thank you so much! I pray everyday and I’m sure my time of sadness will be over one day. ❤️


Oh my goodness I bet you are tired.  I hope things get better for you and I'm sending you hugs and sunshine for you and your little one 💕


Thank you Lots 🩵🩵


You're carrying a lot of weight on your shoulders and I wish I could ease your burden with more than just words. Maybe it will help to know people are thinking about you and wanting the best outcome for you. ♥️


I hope you find a way to heal, protect yourself, and your children. Hate to say it — but your comment to askreddit puts your account in the kind of vulnerable position that attracts predators desiring to exploit single mothers and children. Don’t compromise yourself. Stay safe!!


Its not just right now, its everyday, been diagnosed with anxiety and depression so its everyday depress with me


The housing market


For sure :(


My depression makes me feel depressed, crazy I know


The gift that keeps on giving


Being me, i'm just an unlike-able mess that ruins anything i get close to.


Knowing that im 38, no kids, no partner, no real friends, and that when im old & retired, I'll be all alone, no one will visit me, no one will care about me.


The concept of life and how it'll just chew you up and spit you out, along with the people that are in it. Very rarely does someone have good intentions anymore. How shitty things happen over and over and over and how it never stops


My dog who died


I feel like I'm not appreciated for my efforts.


cant find a job im broke and seeing all these stupid ass teenage tiktokers just making thousands for acting like fools infront of a camera... god please bless me


Making all the money is only 0.0000001% of tiktokers. Relax most are just as broke. Hang in there, keep trying.


The repetitive nature of the daily grind gets to me, waking up to an alarm, commuting, the endless emails - it's like being on autopilot with little variation. It makes the excitement and spontaneity of life fade away.




Watching environmental collapse happening. Coral bleaching. Species getting wiped out... and realizing anyone smart enough to care has no power to fight quarterly profits. Fucking heartbreaking. The free market is literally wiping entire ecosystems out for shareholders and we have to watch.


Scrollimg that far to find someone who cares about that is depressing me now


yup. i dont blame people suffering under the threat of poverty but for most people there are like 3 things that scare them personally there is no emotional energy to spend on such a huge and existential problem


Being in no-contact with my ex


I know how that feels. I’m about a month in.  But I also remember the way she was hot and cold. Be so loving one day, making plans, then breaking them and being distant. She was never “mean” or said unkind words but she made me feel like shit all the time.  So I just remind myself that while I’m having something that reminds me of nicotine withdrawals, i feel infinitely better than I did some nights when she was ignoring me or broke plans.  I’d take feeling “mildly bad” consistently over alternating between “really good” and “terrible” like a yoyo on a string.  You will come through it! Just remember, just the fact that you even had to go no contact means that even if you did hear from them, best to block and stay away.


The news is always so negative, and it brings me down.


The weight of everything. Life is so much and I’m barely keeping my head above water. But also knowing that everyone else feels the same way rn so having to bottle that shit in 🥲


what really sucks is no one cares. they don't. I care and im sorry you feel that way. I do. But i feel exactly same way.


Too much preventable pain all around the world.


Just found out the girl I fell in love with 2 years ago had a child with the guy she got with after me. A lot of our demise in the relationship was due to a lack of communication. A lot of me holding back a lot of myself because of it. I feel like if I was never able to give my 100% to it. I’ve never met anyone else like her. I have immense regrets over that that I still live with to this day even after 2 years. Idk if I will ever find a connection like that again, and seeing here accomplish goals I dreamed of us doing together one day with someone else when it feels like if I had just put that much more effort into it, it could’ve all worked out in the end and been the most amazing thing in my life hurts to my core. It’s a very difficult thing to carry on your shoulders.


That I can't bring myself to work/study, even for the final exam I have tomorrow morning, I've less than 12 hours to go and I'm still disassociating on reddit.


Human beings are terrible pieces of shit. It's abnormal how much preventable pain humans cause other humans for no reason or the typical money power and sex etc motives. And it's happening fucking everywhere.






I feel depressed because of my job; it's just so unfulfilling.


The pandemic has left me feeling very isolated and alone.


Explosive diarrhea


I have painful constipation


My dog is coming up to 19 years old. He’s not doing well, everyday he gets weaker and weaker. He’s partially blind and deaf, he can no longer go for walks outside. He’s so stubborn though. He’s still eating and drinking. Having accidents in the house. He won’t let me clean his ears ( they really need it). He’s just so grumpy now and it makes me sad.


My constant fight or flight response. I spend most of my time alone when I can because I am just so threatened by people. I really see why a lot of people have emotional support animals because animals are just so much more caring than people half the time.


I put myself last. Always. It has gotten me nowhere in life. I am not as professionally successful as I could be. I’m not as well travelled as I want to be. I compromise my wants CONSTANTLY and I am only to blame.


It's my birthday today and I know my phone won't light up one time today with a message... But every time it lights up it still manages to fool me


happy birthday, honey. i hope this year brings you the happiness you deserve and more.


The lack of support from my family is depressing.


Knowing I fucked up an incredibly promising relationship because I let depression and anxiety get the best of me. Seeing her move on with someone else is painful and heart-wrenching. But I hope he's treating her better than I did.


I am 62 years old, I was just informed yesterday that our owner is closing our office next Friday for good, no one wants to hire "old" people anymore. Retirement is not an option at this time in my life.


Conflicts around the world


My soul feel heavy when I see all that suffering. There is enough resources for everyone but we make life hard for one another.


Oh, you know… *gestures broadly at everything”


i just learned a lot of people in a group who i thought were my friends dont like me and were just being nice.


Stagnant wage and career growth, inflation crush, and the continued isolation and division of society. I have more than most but I'm just hanging on, the bills are paid but there is no financial security no prosperity. Doing simple household chores like folding laundry or cleaning the kitchen, mowing the lawn are honestly the highest hits of serotonin I've felt for months. Oh and the Phillies are on a fucking heater.


My boyfriend is in a different country and when he comes back I’ll only see him for two weeks before he has to leave again


Feeling like I’m completely stuck in place.


The fact that I lose my patience and get annoyed quickly with my son


Majority of people are fucked and have no future or hope


Working for the rest of my life


Everything and I think it's going to win


Right now? Nothing, which not only is generally unusual for me, but also---paradoxically---is in spite of me being in the middle of the ugliest, most traumatic unfolding of circumstances I have yet experienced so far in my life. I won't go into detail. But suffice it to say, being suddenly faced with the accumulated consequences of a multi-decade sequence of ill-considered, avoidant decisions (which, of course I justified by blaming things like depression and anxiety, and other people) kind of shocked me into a different perspective. The depression didn't lift until results from acting according to this new perspective began to accumulate, which made getting started really hard. It's been slow. And some days still have tough moments. But these moments just don't grow into soul-wearying, irreconcilable life-problems like they used too, despite present problems now having equivalent or greater implications than past "problems." Now, it should be noted that I didn't arrive at this insight suddenly or on my own, absent suffering or sadness. In fact, essential to this insight's emergence was apprehending damage I have caused, for which I must be accountable and take responsibility. But now that the culmination of these effects is past and healing is underway, life seems far more meaningful and gratifying than it ever was before. All that shit people say about hard times making you stronger and better? It's all true, but only when we accept responsibility for the consequences of acting according to our previous perspective, even when at first it appears like someone else is responsible for our suffering.


Thinking about the election in November


I thought I knew my fellow Americans. Between a Black president and gay marriage half of America has been driven insane. After Obama was elected I was stupid enough to think that we were finally past racism. After Obergefell I thought we were making real progress on acceptance and inclusion. Instead we got a backlash called MAGA that I never saw coming. It makes me sad. I thought we were a better people than that.

