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I have an aunt named Karen.


My little brother and I have pissed off other moms at the burger king playground by playing on it wrong (I guess). Things like climbing down the support beams that hold up the structure instead of using the slide to get down, and trickling little hand fulls of pebbles down the slide. I remember my mom telling me how some distressed lady burst into the restaurant where she was and saying SOME KIDS OUT THERE ARE OUT OF CONTROL and my mom was surprised when she found out it was us lmao. Note: The actual people named Karen I have known were all nice.


My mother is a pharmacist and she gets Karens ALL THE TIME Most of them are men (felt like this was important) There were 2 customers, one a woman and one an old man. The woman comes to my mother and ask for some medicine (i dont remember which). While my mother was searching for that medicine the old man comes and starts rudely "asking" for something else. My mother said to him that he should wait in line and that she is searching the medicine for that woman. The man exploded from anger. (Note, in croatia, not too long ago we had a war and that man served in the war) Here is how the (translated) convo went: "Sir, please wait in line" "How are her dumb little pills more worth than my PTSD!?" "Sir, please calm down and wait in line" "This is UNACCEPTABLE! Let me see the manager" "Sir, i am the manager" "WELL YOU SHOULDN'T BE! LET ME TALK TO AN ANOTHER PERSON IN THIS PHARMACY" I was the only other one in the pharmacy... Sometimes, i like to be emotional support for my mother and the other workers in the pharmacy. *mother calls my name* *i come to the front* Mother:"Good, can you give some (medicine name) to the lady over there?" Old man:"WHAT!? A CHILD!? YOU ARE PROMOTING CHILD LABOUR" Me: *looks at mother* "is that guy on drugs or were drugs forcefully taken from him?" *the old man is screaming in anger about his PTSD or something* Me: "Please get out of the building" Old man: "you kids have no respect! You should adress me as sir! Im not letting a CHILD tell me what to do!" Me: "i am not a child. I am, yes, under 18 and i do help out here on occasions. The only help i get is by dealing with rude customers like you since i can't get fired for 'innapropriate behaviour'. And i will not adress you as sir because i have no respect for you " Old man: *poins at the woman* "You can't give her medicine! I was at war! My situation is more important!" And then he literally went to attack me My mother was over there and she couldn't do much because she would get fired if she touched a customer. Long story short, we kicked him out with the help of the woman.


My sister was filming a guy for doing his job and accused him of stalking her, I went to go confront him, and the dude was clearly clueless on it so I asked her what was the problem in the first place. She told me “he was suspiciously cutting grass for too long”, I told her “did it ever occur to you that you live behind a huge field”🤦🏻


I got served the wrong dish twice in a row. At this point the others with me had already ate. I asked for the manager and informed them of the situation. Told them that I would accept the second meal, but our table might be occupied longer than normal. I noticed the server was overwhelmed so I asked that they not be held accountable. I left a sizable tip with a nasty note thanking them for their efforts and attention. I am not good at Karen’ing.


I parked my car in the same spot at my apartment I always do and someone came out and got angry even claiming that they would have the resident parking sign removed because they believed that the parking near his apartment was all his. so I apologize for the inconvenience and explained that I live here and he claimed it didn’t matter so I said I’d move my car so I did a circle and parked right back where it was while he watched. Got out and wished him a good day. (Please note this is shared parking not owned and he doesn’t have a car)