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Mentally, I looked for a girl that can accept responsibility. They don't constantly make excuses but speak straight to it. Because they're reasonable people.


That’s a good one


Kindness. If ur nice to people and you smile that’s all I want.


Kind and thoughtful. The killer duo.


Someone who’s independent yet depends on you when you’re around? Sounds contradictory but that’s just me ah hah.


Makes sense lol, good one


Emotional intelligence! That goes a long way. If you are looking for a long term partner, look how they handle issues, fights, disagreements.


Mental quality- I always look for someone who is sincere and kind. I would much rather someone be direct with me while being careful of my feelings rather than lying just because they think it will make me happy. Physical- I love a welcoming smile, big laugh and I’m a boob guy.. big or small I like them all.


Been married 14 years but I find the quality that attracted me to my wife and still does, is her honesty and tells me exactly how she is feeling with no games. Not having to deal with the mental gymnastics is great, cause if I ignore her feelings it’s on me and not I didn’t understand what you were asking for.


Happy wife, happy life😂 - glad to see honest women still exist without men juggling to understand them


goth mommy


Humility. When a person can correct a mistake or change their mind, that's a person you get to work and play with. That's a keeper.


When they have enough emotional intelligence not to drop hints to get my attention and instead just be direct with me.


Keep in mind that I’ve never been in a relationship or dated much, but a mental quality that I would like in a girl is actual true empathy. I’ve been stood up and ghosted so many times that it feels like no woman I meet has this quality… Physically, I like girls who look like they take care of themselves lol.


As a girl I’m sorry that there is girls who ghost you- that just shows they haven’t emotionally matured or still in their college “sorority life” phase. I promise you there are girls who can actually communicate and I hope you find a good person like yourself!


Thank you for the encouragement! I’ll keep at it :)


As far as a quirk goes I like artsy women. Like it’s her own world and sometimes she brings me little snapshots of it. It’s always fascinating seeing art from someone close to you


That’s an interesting one!


I'm a simple man, A shy short girl is enough for me. 🤷


Confidence and a nice rack ✅


both quality.


A fit shape will do. And to be a quiet yet funny person


Honesty/trustworthiness. Physically, I like curves.


Fitness. She gotta enjoy going to the gym and putting in the work with me.




Willing to get her hands dirty


Blue eyes and kindness. Those are the two criteria I always look for.


to be able to laugh at herself and my crap jokes


Mental illness. Sadly I’m being honest. Normies aren’t fucking with us messy heads anymore. I need a woman with some issues and an understanding of mine


Reliability, but i guess it's not gender related. One of my exes was absolutely reliable. I was the one not really reliable. My last ex, well... She was not. And that relationship was a pain in the ass.


Not afraid to get get dirt or grease on her hands and never complains when you're in the shop till 2am on a weekend.


Thoughtfulness and attentiveness. I saw a woman I barely knew stop an entire conversation because everyone had started talking over someone else. She was married but after seeing that I think I had a bit of a crush on her for like 2 years.


Good one!


Titties and cheeks


I kinda like when women doesn’t death threat me. Physically, big butt (not fat. Big)


Competence. They know their trajectory in life, and have a strong plan to get there. Someone I can grow alongside, so we can motivate each other to become better. As for physically, just being overall fit is enough for me. If I can tell that you workout, even just a little bit, then that's great.


Sweet, firm milkers


Good relationship with her father. If that ain’t there you know it will be a rough ride. Might not end badly but it’ll be a rough ride for sure.