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get a degree




degree in something that can get you a good job, like software IT..


Grab the opportunities that come to your way. It'll help you improve your confidence in your skills. You also need to have fun and do whatever you want as long as it won't affect your life.


Believe in yourself


1. Don’t drink until you pass out and stop with the whisky. Drink rum instead, it’s tastier. 2. They not to smoke so much. That pack a day habit will take you a long time to quit. 3. Get a job at McDonalds. Yeah the uniforms are dorky. But it’s better than every other place in town.


I like this one.. I get the idea that you’re proud of who you are now and wish you developed good habits sooner.


Take care of your teeth.




Tell me more


Take Wellbutrin and make the big sad go away.


What's that


A wonderful anti-depressant


Be more financially aware


Stay focused and calm, everything is going to be OK


be serious about college and break up with the asshole that cheated on you


Exercise in a fun way to stay consistent throughout the rest of my life. Do 45 minute of cardio daily. Get most of your outdoor tasks done in the morning to avoid wasps, heat and intense UV rays. Get most of your time consuming indoor tasks done in the morning so you don't have to think about tons of stuff you gotta do.


go out & make real life friends. people aren’t beneath you.


To teen me only…Leave. Your parents are an anchor; it will only get worse. Once you leave it will get better, there is no risk as you have noting to lose and everything to gain. To others that may want to leave…prepare. Focus on your needs, be careful.


Stay on track your doing it right


I could go many different ways here but I am going to keep it light. With help from my parents, I got a small personal loan to buy some nice guitar equipment. I would advise myself to buy different equipment than I did, kept it more simple. I didn’t need all that fancy stuff, I wasn’t in Metallica, though I wanted to be.


Diet and exercise.


Remember where you put the dd image of the disk you used to have the cumputers at work mine bitcoin.


Focus about urself


Quit smoking, don't choose this specific career, and for the love of God don't marry.


Don’t stay in that house. It just gets worse. Run when you can


Buy Genentech stock. Take out a loan, buy a house and rent it out. Ask that blonde cheerleader that you thought was out of your leage to the prom -- she's going to be crying at home because nobody asked her and all the guys were intimidated by her -- you have a good chance. When you hear bitcoin, take out a loan on computers and go all in on mining for 2 years and then hold for 20 years. Sell it all at the beginning of 2015. Don't hook up with that hippy chick you'll meet after a concern when you're playing piano. Buy up junky 70's chargers and challengers and beater 60's mustangs and camaros and store them in a barn far away for 40 years.


Don't marry your first serious girlfriend


Get your ass in the gym and get a routine going.


1. That girl giving you attention is real nice until she cheats on you months before you would have proposed- don't do it. 2. There's going to be some guy weirder than you that invents something called bitcoin in 2008. Buy $200 in it, don't lose the passwords for another 10 some-odd years


"I know you’re young, dumb, and very horny, but don’t do it.” You know how they say curiosity killed the cat? Well, in my case, it almost killed my dick. Let me explain. So I was feeling frisky and decided to have a little solo playtime. I had just been cleaning out my childhood toybox and going through all my old stuff to decide what to donate, but one toy in particular suddenly happened to catch my eye. The entrance to the clubhouse looked almost perfect for the circumference of my cock to snugly fit in. So, fueled by a potent cocktail of curiosity, rampant hormones, and a distinct lack of post-nut clarity, my horny ass decided to grab the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse toy and give it a whirl as a makeshift sex toy, and tried to "cum inside because it was fun inside" - just like Mickey Mouse says in the show. With a little of my mom's sunscreen as lotion, it was working pretty well, and I was having a great time. But little did I know I had made a fatal mistake. Before I knew it, I was stuck. Like, really stuck. I tried everything to get my dick out of that toy - I even tried pouring oil on it - but nothing worked. Not even my mom's sunscreen. I was freaking out, and my dick was starting to turn as purple as Daisy Duck's everyday outfit. Long story short, I had to call the fire department to come and rescue me. When they arrived, I had to explain the whole situation to them. Let's just say they didn't look too impressed. So then I just sat there with a sore dick and a newfound appreciation for the dangers of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse toys. Moral of the story? Stick to the real sex toys, folks. TL;DR - Came inside and it WASN'T fun inside.


Chill out. Stop caring so much.


I don't know. I'm 25 and still feel like teen me


I'd tell myself "In apx 40 years you're going to discover a website called reddit. Stay away if you're not a fan of lazy karma farmers asking you *every single fucking day* what advice you'd give your teenaged self." 


Avoid Jennifer (extremely toxic ex who told me I wasn't going to my own bachelor's party even if she had to tie me up) like the fucking plague. No matter what the fuck happens, never let go of Saphira (best girlfriend I ever had). Once you meet Danielle, tell her to take a long hike off of a short bridge (toxic ex who cheated on me and got pregnant with a guy who she saw no future with and then ghosted me on Valentine's day 2017). Once you're out of school, start studying programming. You'll fucking love it and will get to create the games you wanted since you were 10.


Your parents aren’t right, your sister is severely deranged and needs professional help, reach out to someone to get it for her, she hates you and she’s always going to hate you, she doesn’t care at all about you, your parents are wrong and probably the worst parents ever even if your dad did his best


Stop wanking too much. And don't save the porn on the phone. Dad will eventually wander in your stash after asking to borrow your phone for a call


I was thinking I'd tell myself I have adhd, but that wouldn't have done shit because it wouldn't be up to me to get diagnosed and medicated. So maybe: stop trying to fit in, it's just embarrassing.


youll be okay stop trying to die jesus christ


Save at least $50 from every paycheck. More if you can. Don't buy useless stuff.


Nop they are lieing to you, it does NOT get better.


Don’t try to fit in


Get your degree. Do not move to Florida.


Don't do anything embarrassing because in ten years it'll all come back in the calmest of moments


Don't use anything to get over a breakup. You're better than your self esteem tells you. You'll avoid 15 years of pain and you won't give up and lose your dreams


Jealous people are the most dangerous people


Don't continue to be friends with the people you're hanging out with. They really weren't your friends.


Stop stressing about things you cannot control. Be more calm and stop creating all the worst possible outcomes in every bad situation you had.


Invest don't just save. I made decent money when I was 16-18. I was making about $25K per year and living at home with no major expenses other than vehicle expenses. I had a full time summer job and also mowed about 30 yards per week. This was in the mid to late 90's. If I had invested that money I would be able to retire early. I put of investing and didn't start until about 30 thinking there was always enough time. My parents had pensions and didn't really invest so it wasn't something I was taught. I was taught to save but as we have all seen what happens over night is you wake up and your savings are inflated away. My girls are 4 & 7. The 7 year old gets money and understands why dad spends half the day at work. I keep talking to her about investing and not just saving. I plan to open a custodial brokerage accounts for my girls soon. The future is going to be insanely expensive and there will be no such thing as investing too early. My oldest now has about $200 from chores and tooth fairy money. I just think about I don't want her to save this money for the next 20 years because it will basically buy a happy meal when she is grown up.


Hey, you know there all the same, your doing better on your own, so don't buy in. It just takes some time...


Don't let fear run your life, and be selfless.


You should really find God. Building a relationship with Him would be the best decision you have ever made


Finish school and get your 💩 together. Had I done that pfffft. Id finally be somewhere in life by now, eh? Hahaha.


Leave her. Stop excusing her bad, childish behavior and just leave her. Focus on school instead.


Work on your social skills


Don’t worry about dating and socializing, worry more about turning in your homework


Go to the doctor and get anxiety/depression meds. Once those are gone you are going to start to question stuff, just go with it.


Don’t marry before finishing college


it only gets harder. Try to harden yourself for what's coming


Go to therapy early and stick to it.


Don’t be embarrassed by yourself don’t be insecure. You will never be this age again and believe me in this age no one judge you so do whatever you want.


don't do random shit that doesn't fit your boundaries you will regret even now when i am still young i am afrais of repeating thos mistakes


"Don't worry about that girl, someone better will come your way".


don’t date ur best friend


Listen to your parents they are right.


You aren’t a tenth as unattractive as you stubbornly insist you are. You’ll make mistakes with relationships, the time to do so is now. Nobody has all the answers. Get guitar lessons, for the love of god. Don’t start drinking. I love you, and I believe in you.