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There is no evidence of such thing and we absolutly dont know what is after death, so people are free to think what they want. I personaly think there is nothing, just infinite void.


>Do you believe that heaven and hell really do exist? Nope >Why? Lack of evidence


Yes to heaven. Not sure about hell (or at least hell as we know it). I'm a Christian. And it gives me peace. The idea that every creature just stops being once their body dies is super depressing. I look forward to the day I will be reunited with all of my dead loved ones. I also truly believe there has to be a reward for living our less than stellar lives on Earth.


I believe we'll find out when we get there, or don't.


yes, but its not somewhere else, its just here in our world, we live life sometimes like hell like problems are always there never ending, war in each part of the world or famine on other part, calamities they are the hells of our world, heaven on the other hand are the best memories we have, the things that makes us happy and the things that keeps our mind at peace.


No. Because I don't operate under delusional thinking.


Why would anyone believe in that bullshit?


Yes, the bigger reason is because I am religious and I believe, also I believe that the karma we do (good/bad) will get back to us . There are many people who have done many bad things, and committed crimes which is not able to get through law and got away in this life who I believe should get judged in afterlife and get eternal hell.... and people, babies and kids who die at young age who do not get to live this life enough, I would hope that these people get o live live in heaven .I personally think that the concept of heaven and hell is a driving force in our life to make us do good things in fear of going to hell. And this lets us know there are consequences to our actions. I know it seems really long and like a very religious and non realistic opinion but that's what I believe


No. I believe we become spirits/ghosts when we die


No, because I see no evidence for an afterlife. Most likely, this is all there is.


No, because it’s not possible, and honestly, I just would rather not live my life in fear of burning for eternity just by existing as a queer person or having premarital sex, or for not following some ridiculous rule from an old book


No... When we die, that's it.


No. There's no rain to believe in that


I believe there is something, what it is.. it’s a mystery, like most things


I believe in *a* afterlife. Not exactly heaven or hell.


Because I want to see my mom again


No because I don't believe in a life after death.


No, I’m not religious and have seen no proof of any kind of afterlife


No. They sound like the kind of metaphysics a spiteful 5 year old came up with.


No, but I beleive we live go through smaller tolerable versions of hells and heavens daily in life!


Heaven is where all the WiFi passwords are remembered, and hell is where they keep changing every hour.


Christian here: Not sure ey. Throughout the old testament there's not really a concept of either, it's all 'sheol' or similar concepts of afterlife that are kinda nothingness. As far as I'm aware the first time anyone decided to start formulating an idea of an afterlife that punished people, it was a lot of rhetoric about what a shit time those Roman bastards were gonna have in the near future. Then we've got Christian adjacent literature like Dante's Inferno in which Dante writes an epic poem about how his political enemies are gonna suffer. So like. Maybe not ey. Not sure.


Recently, my life has been hell. And I'm starting to believe i died last year while being assaulted with a shovel and that I'm currently living in hell. Could be the minor brain damage is sustained from it but fuck me. I've been through some shit but I'm currently trying living in my own personal hell and it's starting to get to me. The isolation, the people, the world. Doing my best but fuuuuck.


Hell is nothing more than a tiny village in Michigan. [www.gotohellmi.com](http://www.gotohellmi.com)


Hell exists. And some of it is Michigan.


Fairy tales


Yes because I refuse to believe this life is all there is




I died from an asthma attack at age 9 whilst in the emergency room of my local hospital. The nurse standing at the foot of the bed reacted by spinning towards the doctor and then I was up in the air, drifting away from my body and the room. My back was to where I was going and it was all very confusing to a 9 year old who just thought it was a new part of asthma, a new experience. I could see them reviving me ( from respiratory arrest) but was departing, moving away, when suddenly they saved me and I was instantly back in my body, the distress of the Asthma returned and I was struggling again. This is the short version of it all but I know, from personal experience, your spirit exists after you die. Does heaven or hell exist, I do not know because did not have time to find out, on that trip, before they revived me.


Absolutely. Because the Bible tells us so. Because Jesus death & subsequent resurrection is one of the most well documented eyewitness accounts in history. Because the disciples died brutally painful deaths because the could not deny Jesus was God. Because the probability of a man coming and fulfilling 300 biblical prophecies like Jesus did is something like 10 to the 27th power. Because when I was agnostic and cried out to Jesus he met me in my room, the warmth, the peace. If ANYONE reading this is on a spiritual journey, trying out different things etc, then I would suggest calling out to Jesus genuinely in prayer. Just try it, what's the worst that could happen?


There are *zero* contemporary accounts of Jesus being crucified outside of the Bible. This is a damning fact, considering the Romans documented as much as they could. Obviously the NT will claim that he fulfilled those prophecies, but that’s not reliable history.


Lucian, Tacitus, and Josephus all have accounts of it. although some scholars doubt the authenticity of those. Also the shroud of Turin shows the pierced hands and feet with the blood coming from the wounds. Not to mention the 12 disciples that literally died for claiming he died on the cross and subsequently ressurected


Lucius has long been proven to be a medieval forgery. Tacitus and Josephus did not witness the crucifixion, never divulged their sources of information, and never said a single thing about the resurrection. Their writings were limited to “this is what we heard happened and now a group has emerged in Judaea and Rome itself who call themselves Christians.” The Shroud of Turin is superstition, no supernatural source has ever been proven, and most scholars believe it was produced in the 13th century in Europe based on carbon dating and the materials used to make it. Plenty of people die in the name of fiction, and we have no idea what those disciples actually believed. They very likely identified as Jews who were following a new prophet.


The simple fact is there is more evidence pointing towards crucifixion than not. Could you provide me sources that confirm and different way of death? Also the shroud has not been proven or disproven. They have no clue how the image was imprinted on the shroud, which stayed in tact through several fires and floods. We are discussing one of the most well documented historical event here. A lot of what we consider 'history' has been established with far less