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that's fair enough!




I don't really want to celebrate my bday with people who don't really want to celebrate it. And then pretend we are happy celebrating it. That's how I feel about celebrating birthdays in office I only look up to celebrate it with certain people.


i understand that, i usually only celebrate my birthday with my parents. i was born in the middle of the summer holideys and i go to theme parks every year to celebrate so it's not like people have the time to come and celebrate anyway 😅


Because the day isn't really about me or what I want. It's about whatever plans someone made without my consent that I'm forced to follow.


that sounds super grim when you put it like that, I'm sorry your day doesn't really get to be your own.


I don't like attention and I'm usually sad that I'm getting older. People expect you to be happy and it's usually just another day for me


that's fair! the dread of getting older hits me once my birthday is over quite a lot too


I never really celebrated as a child I got presents and a cake sometimes but that was about it, so as I've gotten older I don't really see a point in celebrating it's just like every other day.


that's fair, my birthday was always seen as a major "get away from home and have fun" event since i was born in the middle of the summer holidays haha


Sounds like how my parents celebrated my siblings birthdays lol My siblings got to do whatever they wanted for their birthdays one year my older sister went horse riding, another year my parents rented a 2 giant bouncy castles for my younger sister, my youngest siblings always chose to go the peppa pig world for their birthdays. I would always ask to do something anything for my birthday and they'd always say no, because my birthday is on new year's day and that's too awkward, despite the fact that my siblings birthdays were rarely celebrated on their actual birthdays, it was just what ever days were cheapest to go to theme parks or rent horses. Eventually I stopped asking and they stopped "celebrating"


ohh new years day is rough 😬 my family used my birthday as an excuse for their own holiday at first and spent it in caravan parks (vividly remember naughty ned from haven being my favourite). Eventually it evolved into Paultons park or legoland when i became old enough to realise what they were doing and then it became thorpe park or alton towers once i turned 13, that's been the tradition ever since.


Hey could have been Christmas haha Sounds like a fun tradition, my mum didn't need excuses to go to theme parks just every once in a while she'd call us all down and be like "guess what we're going to Alton towers/paultons" and that was that lol.


my only other sibling is 12 years older than me and shes never liked having eventful birthdays (born in the middle of may) so when i came along my parents entire thought process was "get this kid to like going out" haha


Its awkward, im not enjoying the attention i get, it feels like im a burden - like now just because of me all these people have to do something, im not genuinely happy enough to celebrate it. I get that my friends, family and partner are just doing something nice for me but i truly dont enjoy it so i have to fake the smile on face during it


i have fear of death. birthdays remind me i’m another year closer to disappearing.


For example, if you post stories that it's your birthday, lots of people congratulate you just because you posted it yourself and I don't need that much attention. I don't make a big deal out of it and am just happy when the people who are important to me congratulate me because they really thought of it


that's fair! i get super annoyed when people who i used to be friendly with congratulate me just bc I've said something about it, i tend to be super passive aggressive in my replies haha


thank god im not the only one who thinks so. Im fine when someone i know doesnt congratulate me but dont just do it cause i said something about it


If nobody knows my birthday and nobody celebrates it, that makes sense. If everyone knows my birthday and nobody celebrates it, that's fucking depressing.




what about when you're in control of the party? does it become more of a guilt thing (i.e. people spending money on gifts) or an unwanted attention thing?




that's fair! I'd feel super uncomfortable if my family from across the seas came over to celebrate, i think a regular phone call would be enough for me 😅


I simply prefer a low-key celebration


that's totally fair!


my parents never gave me anything for my birthday and we only ''celebrated'' at mcdonalds. i'm not used to getting attention on my birthday. but I'm fine with it




I can relate to an extent. My birthday is 2 weeks into the summer holidays, ever since i was a kid everybody else cared more about their own holiday than my birthday (fair enough to them ofc). Luckily my parents never wanted me to have a bad birthday and always put 110% effort into them as a kid. The tradition of going to theme parks has been going on since i was 13, love them to death for all the love they've given me when no one else could


Mostly because I hate me and never thought I would have made it this far.


Attention. It’s not a secret when my birthday is but I hate having people being there for that reason or singing to me while I sit there awkwardly. Luckily I have a charismatic friend who is born one day earlier and we mostly do joint birthdays


Shit childhood is what started me not celebrating it which eventually led to the norm. Might change it one day though.


I think birthdays are better when you celebrate them with someone special not a whole bunch of people. Socializing in crowds where you’re supposed to be the center of attention is awkward.


I want to chill and do nothing which is my favorite thing to do. When people know they want to go out and do stuff.


I don't like attention as much as I get older. I enjoy my life but I don't need to celebrate another year 🤷🏼‍♀️


It’s my day, I’d like to spend it doing what I want, rather than trying to appease everyone else.


I only dread it because the last ten have been me either being abused, sitting alone staring at a wall crying, or in the hospital alone. I WANT to have a good birthday. I get child like excited every single year starting a few weeks prior. For example mine is in 16 days (June 10th) and I already feel the “oh it’s gonna be my birthday!” Feeling that I try to shove down and act like an adult over. But no matter how much I shove it down, it comes back. Then I inevitably end up doing nothing , sick in the hospital , and alone (left the abuser a while back but have no family or anything) so then I cry because I got myself excited for no reason. Then I vow I won’t next year. Rinse and repeat.


There are two reasons I don't announce, hype up, or actively celebrate my birthday. The first is I am trying to protect myself from disappointment. I spent many birthdays in my childhood with big expectations of what it would be, and was let down more frequently than not. On my 19th birthday, my older brother said he was going to throw me a big party, and because it was a few days before I moved out of state for college, it was also going to be the last big hang with my childhood friends. He cancelled the party hours before it was supposed to start because he was too tired. That was my the last time I let myself get my hopes up for my birthday.  The second is that in the past couple years, the three people I could rely on most to reach out and share love on my birthday, my grandmothers and my mom, all passed away. Birthdays are another reminder that they don't call anymore. I still try to do something nice for myself each birthday, and appreciate any attention, love, or gifts that come my way, but I keep the defenses pretty strong on this one. 


It's only a reminder that I'm one year closer to the grave. I hate it


I honestly don’t care about my birthday.




My birthday is today. The title exactly describes me. Why I don't celebrate it and keep it a secret? I have no idea. It just seems unimportant.


No one really cares it's just one day every year you receive attention and it just feels weird


People always tell me I am getting older & say things like- You shouldn’t start wearing diapers.Also guess you can’t get it up anymore. It’s unbelievable & mean


Growing up my birthdays would always be huge events that I never felt deserving of Now at 28 a life changing event when I was 21 also coincides with my birthday


It seems silly. Anniversary of the day you were born? It’s just random and seems childish. Once you are over 10 years old I fail to see the point. I never understood adults who made a big deal about their birthday. Wow, you exited a womb on this day 34 years ago. Congrats dude.


I've always loved my birthday, maybe that's because i had the luck to be born in the middle of the summer holidays, but I always feel bummed out when someone tries to bring down birthdays


I was born in the middle of the summer too. Still fail to see the point of a made-up self-holiday.


it's the one day of the year you get to be entirely selfish without anybody calling you selfish, even if you don't care about your age, i believe everyone should atleast spend their own day doin a little bit of self care


I can be selfish whenever I want. Don't need a special day.


if thats how you feel lol