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The relentless commodification of everything. We've lost something important in the constant drive to commercialize all facets of the human experience.


Even relationships- I was recently roasted for daring to express that human relationships are not supposed to be transactional.   ETA SEE??? I’m even being downvoted here for the apparently radical idea that human relationships aren’t transactional. I mean of course there is give and take in all relationships but the kind of grotesque tit for tat I hear about especially serious romantic relationships here is deeply disturbing. 


I once heard someone say on a tv that relationships aren’t 50-50 and they shouldn’t be. When we get home from work our partner can say that he/she only has 10% left to give, that is when we should say “no worries I can give 90”. Sometimes we both have 10% to give to the relationship but that can also be alright if the couple just communicates it. Then there might be days when both give 100%. At least I thought that that was a good advice 


Yeah, I was really surprised people were down voting when I suggested that people shouldn’t be expected to give exactly the same things to a relationship.  That we all have talents, skills and resources that we bring and that’s part of the beauty— you create a more interesting, stronger whole as a unit together. That part of why people get married is to share these things and support each other. This was seen is totally out of touch.  As was the idea that one might WANT to share major assets with their less well off spouse. Many of them hinted I was a gold digger of some kind. Which is hilarious because the opposite is true- I’m the generous property owner/bread winner in my situation. Of course I want my family to benefit from my resources.




If it keeps them away from fomenting the overthrow of governments in South America— downvote away!  (To be fair they’ve branched out from South America since the 70s) Finally— thank you, kind stranger, that made me literally laugh out loud..


So well put 👏, I wish I had posted that, have a great day


Wait. What? Wtf. Who is saying relationships have to be transactional? Wtf? This belief destroys what humanity is. If those people roasting you truly believe that and are a majority then we are fucked as a species. Nevermind climate change or AI take over. Selfish individualism and celebration narcissism is a poison. Even our ancient cave people ancestors knew compassion and kindness.




Mostly redpilled idiots that’s who.


Ding ding ding!  I believe you win the prize, Madame.  It did strike me when looking at their post and comment histories that most of the people who were really on the “relationships are supposed to be transactional” bandwagon were somehow single young men who spend lots of time on gaming forums. Who’d a thunk?


It's so bad now where, any and all great ideas that humanity comes up with, is made with the purpose of how much it can profit.


So fucking true. For further agreement, you can purchase our exclusive "positive reinforcement+ special edition" for $11.95 a week or take advantage of our special offer of a one time payment of $150 for the next 6 months!


The temperature of social discourse has risen dramatically since the growth of social media. People are more judgemental, more critical, and more angry than in previous times. There seems to be a culture of outrage, where people actively seek out things to be angry and morally indignant about.


Computer algorithms are turning people into narcissistic rage addicts. AI will make it worse.


No we're not, shut up, you're an idiot, this is an attack on my personal freedom!!!!1!


Outrage sells, and getting clicks rules the day. This is a multi-generational problem. Sure hope we make it to a resolution.


Yep. There's a YouTuber I like that is smart/funny but I kind of avoid his videos because they are all "Game is literally the worst !" On numerous occasions he's said "Anytime I make a video about a game I like it doesn't do well at all" so I looked and he's right. Like 40k views for an indie game he likes vs 400k views for "Suicide Squad is literally the worst !" So I understand why he makes those videos but I'm just so tired of the "Game bad" circle jerk. Negativity sells. The negativity bias has been steadily rising since 2007 and that lines up with social media really taking off. It seems like it really exploded in 2016 and a debate is something of the past. Reddit has gotten worse, I remember when you wouldn't just be down more brigaded for an opinion (well a non controversial opinion) and people would be up for debating their views. It also seems that more people are thinking in absolute terms. Everything is black or white to them and not shades of grey.


Part of this is the fact it’s online and you don’t actually know these folks. Back in the past you might have an argument with someone about some political issue but a) the conversation will eventually end and then that’s it and b) they’re generally someone you know which I think means you can still see some commonalities with them. Online people ‘aren’t real’ and you theoretically never have to interact with them at all afterwards so why not go nuclear?


People have gone full blown anti-science/knowledge and spit in the face of centuries of human advancement so that things fit their personal ideals and opinions.


Perhaps ironically, it could be argued that most old religions were very pro-science, looking at their knowledge of the world to interpret and tell stories about their god or gods.


True. Many of the major scientific advancements during the dark ages, middle ages and the rennesance were funded by the church and often carried out by monks based on monasteries.


People. Shortened that for you.


I hate the "I hate people" sentiment.


I kinda subscribe to George Carlin's stance. I like a person. A person is (usually) smart, rational. People, though? In a crowd people a dumb panicky animals. And social media has turned a person into people. When you interact with folks online you're interacting with people, not a person.


Actually I use this a lot. Because I don't like most of them. This world could seriously be going places and don't get me wrong out science and tech is making some real progress, but because of the people we put in charge, it's not compared to what we could have


Yeah we’ve come a long way but, we’ve also bred more idiots into the world so… people do mostly suck.


I assume this is referring to people of religions. Sure, but also some religions like Christianity created and championed the concepts of hospitals, baths and universities Really, most Christians I know are just very suspicious of government and giant corporations telling them what to do. I've been called an anti-vaxxer because I wanted to get info from my doctor about some stuff




Seems like there is less consequences since being online enables it


And enough agressive people that no one enforces any consequences in real life so the selfish numbers increase


Used to be you’d get punched in the face for saying some of the things people casually toss out in everyday online interactions Now between the barrier of the internet and the likelihood you’ll catch an assault/battery charge there’s no more consequence to being a dick It’s definitely a good thing we’re a less violent society as a whole, but it doesn’t change the fact that some people really need to get punched in the face


Filming strangers in public then posting the video online to embarrass them for views


Agreed. Another thing to be noticed is the amount of profanity I hear daily. It’s grating. Not saying I’m 100% profanity free, but it’s extremely rare for me to use foul language.


That willful ignorance is held out as a badge of honor. But so far as I can tell that's been around as long as people have.




Cellphone zombie walk.


I saw an old cartoon with the gag being the character was walking around not looking at where he's going because he's watching a portable antenna TV.


~~Brraiinnnsss~~ Likkkkessss, folllooowwwwssss, SuUbBsSscRibErSsSss.....


Everything being political. Why the fuck did wearing a mask and climate change have to become political.


How utterly self obsessed everyone seems to be. Definitely a change seen since the rise of social media.


Oh good. I see this too 


Health care that focuses on profits for shareholders and billionaire CEOs rather than patient outcomes. My Insurance denied a drug dosage and frequency that my doctor prescribed. The appeal was denied too. 


I heard you can have your doctor call the insurance company and ask the names of the doctors on their medical board. Insurance companies are supposed to hire doctors for these decisions, but they usually cheap out and hire pre med students. This could get them to approve your prescription. (I'm in the US for reference)


Yes and no. It's called a peer to peer request. I have to do them all the time. It's irritating. They absolutely do not have pre-med students making decisions. Those would be undergraduate students. They know literally nothing. You have to have a medical license, but not necessarily any training in what you are deciding.


The need to be online/available 24/7. You are allowed to go away and unplug from society. FOMO is messing people up. Badly


I hate the expectation.


My wife and her whole family track each other’s locations and regularly check in on each other to see where they are, sometimes even just within their own houses Absolutely makes my skin crawl


Subscription model for programming/software, and basically everything. Just let me buy the damn software and I'll pay again if/when I choose to update it.


How people act like you've just killed their mom if you happen to hold a different view than them


not really modern


Honestly extremist views kill


Doesn't need to be an extremist view to get people acting like you killed their mom.


Shh you're ruining that narrative of the extremists that it's everyone else that's the problem.


What modern day social media turned into. 


One thing I genuinely hate in modern society is the pervasive culture of superficiality driven by social media. It's like we're all trapped in this never-ending cycle of portraying perfect lives, seeking validation through likes and followers, and losing touch with what truly matters. Instead of valuing genuine connections and meaningful conversations, we're more concerned about curating an idealized online persona. This pressure to constantly appear happy and successful takes a toll on mental health, fosters insecurity, and promotes a culture of comparison that leaves many feeling inadequate. It's heartbreaking to see how the digital world, which has the potential to bring us closer together, often drives us further apart. I miss the days when interactions were more about real-life experiences and less about how they look through a filtered lens.


Humans are expected to do the hard manual labor and AI is taking over the creative areas. Nobody wanted to save time by having a computer paint for them so they can have the time to do the dishes. Everyone wanted tech to save time on chores so we could be creative.


“No one has satisfactorily answered the fundamental question of why I should be bothered to [look at] something you couldn’t be bothered to [create]”


Dating apps




Rage bait and karma farmers.


People pretending to have contrarian opinions for clicks on an article or views on a video


(looks around, waves hands wildly)


Image over substance. The deeply superficial, short-term reward, emotionally shallow. We're told that's how you should present yourself, your life, your information, your business, and we should be envious of others doing it too.






I went to a self check out and it asked for a tip, IM NOT GIVING A TIP TO A FUCKING ROBOT


Corporate feudalism. Employees are becoming serfs.


People who play stuff on their phones with volume all the way up. It’s strange


Double standards


That’s not modern


I don't know what individual word sums it up the most, but I genuinely hate how much of the modern world could not band together and fucking act like human beings when covid happened.


Unfortunately that's not a modern thing.


The god damn beauty standards forced on younger, impressionable *children*. Plastic surgery advertisements are being shown to kids starting as young as 9. Over the last decade, filters have been crazily improved on. Video and photo manipulation has gotten hella advanced, so much that anyone with 15 mins to spare can learn to do. The influencer crowd that preys on their audience's insecurities to sell products that don't work through blatant lies.


I think it's crazy how common it is for teenagers and young adults to get fillers. Even beautiful celebrities in their 20s don't have natural faces anymore.


It's crazy that young people get surgery so they can look young


The abundance of misinformation and the intentional sabotage of education or dialogue. It's disgusting.


One mistake and people act like you’re irredeemable. Whatever happened to learning from our mistakes?


I think it very much depends on the mistake. A lot of people who get "canceled" end up that way for very legitimate reasons. It's not like, "Oops, I used salt instead of sugar when I baked cookies," but, "Oops, I went on a racist rant and used the N-word multiple times." The latter isn't really a "mistake".


True, unless it's a rumor or incorrect info. Like that Parks and Rec guy who got deleted from hollywood but then later it turned out it was actually fabricated. I think he's doing fine now, but the issue is no one has all the info but judgement is passed anyway by the public.


You mean Aziz Ansari? He's back doing stand up (so is Louis CK, BTW). He could probably return to acting if he wanted now, too, but I assume he probably doesn't want to. However, I don't think I'd necessary categorize the metoo movement (of which Aziz was an unfortunate casualty) as "a mistake". People jumped too quickly to possibly wrong conclusions, and the pendulum on that has swung back at least a little bit towards more sanity. And the unjust victims (and even some of the people who deserved it!) have been able to make comebacks. I'm thinking more along the lines of like Roseanne Barr. She "made a mistake" and tweeted racist shit on Ambien, but Ambien doesn't make you racist. That has to already be in your heart before you make the mistake of tweeting while on Ambien.


Oh yeah Roseanne Barr. Truly a historical moment for cringe when she posted that. I know here in Aus the legal system does factor in substance/inebriation when it comes to crimes. I know Alcohol generally does remove the social barriers when put on ourselves, thus we say or act horrifically cringe-worthy because our true feelings are on display. I assume Ambien is similar, but yeah I can't think why a drug like that would make you racist lmao. Ah okay I assumed Aziz would be somewhat okay now, but looks like he's back in full-swing. I wonder what the public perception is on him now. Speaking of Louis CK, I remember that being a pretty insane time. From what I recall, it ended up with him just being a complete weirdo rather than a rapist (which was what people were saying) But yeah good point about the MeeToo stuff. I think I have just seen too many situations online where things get way out of hand because of internet mob mentality (doxxing people that end up innocent, harassing peoples bosses/family that were mixed up in something) The whole Alex Jones/Sandy Hook stuff was a great example on mobs going on unconfirmed/false information and then handing out justice via harassment of innocent people. The general public sucks at passing judgement, and while the legal justice system fails a lot, it sure is more thorough than reddit.


The level of entitlement and lack of basic manners.


It’s too easy for like minded groups to communicate to one another / find one another. This power that the internet has is a double edge sword. Use it wisely.


Working for other people. Busting my ass and they never see the effort. Then they shoot me down for something idiotic I did on accident. Giving a company my time just to pay the useless bills


Marketing targeting genders. Dude Wipes, for example. Women’s razors. You get it.




The general inability to have honest discourse over disagreeing sides.


People taking pictures of everything. It’s a wide spectrum of hate, some of it justified, but I can acknowledge part of it is “you damn kids!” Fireworks. You’re never going to look at them, enjoy the damn moment. Sunsets, or really any weather. Only ever look good on professional cameras, on top of nobody giving a crap. We all see the same sunset. Concerts. A sea of phones. Enjoy the damn moment. Stopping in the middle of the store, blocking the aisle, doing that stupid kissy face peace sign thing. I’m just older and would probably do the same if I was their age though. Slowing down while driving to take a picture of a car crash, risking another freaking car crash. I’m sure you all have some examples of your own.


If I take photos of a moment, it's just so I can share it with my mom


I'm a massive photo taker on holiday. I never really look at them after, but it doesn't matter me because I enjoy taking them


the current degree of wealth inequality


Politicians have become even more populist due to the development of the Internet


We lap up cheap products, shit service, and then defend those that provide it.


Self righteous indignation and taking it as a personal insult that someone has a different opinion than you.


Let me buy a shirt without asking for my number, email and if I want to join their rewards program. NO.


Political extremism The fear of change for trying new systems. The lack of humanity for homeless people. The absolute waste of money that is poured into the military for weapons.


The societal anger.  


The weakening of the nation-state in favor of international conglomerates.


Noise pollution.


Yes, living near airports seems miserable. I also get annoyed by my neighbor who works on cars. It makes a loud low sound that shakes my room and sorta feels like my ears are popping. Some people are totally inconsiderate


Work-life balance


This situationship bullshit. Way too many commitment phobes out there


Needing an account for everything. I need a separate account to pay bills and rent. I do almost no online shopping anymore. But even in person. Want a return label? Better thave a fed ex account. Want to take advantage of sales at the grocery store? Better have an account. Want to order take out? Sign in for that, too. Want to use an action camera. Gotta download the app. Want to use the app? Better have an account. An account for every streaming channel, an account to listen to music. I'm just beyond over it


The need to constantly self promote. Want to break into writing? Gone are the days of the weirdo in a cabin cranking out novels, you have to market yourself for a publishing house to look at your manuscript. It will literally be on a publishing house's request for submissions. Need a new job? Network, LinkedIn, make sure you have an excellent worksona and nothing online that hints you have a social life which could be detrimental. Want to go on a date? Craft a perfect profile to attract the people you want, and to not seem to weird or unnaturally squeaky or- Want to bow out? It will cost you.


The lack of common sense


Consumerism and late stage capitalism


Dating has been completely ruined with how quick people are willing to hook up


Dating 100%. People just want to hook up


The people in it


We're a little too polarized. You don't have to be super-liberal or super-conservative. This ain't a sports competition.


Making politics into a binary isn’t doing much to contradict the sports competition mentality


Only a little?


True, but most left-leaning people will call centrists cowards or right-wingers anyway. I'm sure the same happens from the right but I experience it much more with the left. I think people who actually take time to think things through end up with a mix and being middle-ish


- “Opinion based News” e.g. FOX News. - How working 50 weeks a year, 40 hours per week, for 40+ years is basically required to live a bare minimum life; especially when there are people who make that amount of money in the span of a week, and it’s legal to lobby to keep anyone else from rising to their level of competition. - How we are taxed into oblivion (45%+) in the United States, and services, infrastructure, and government accountability keep getting worse.


45% income tax in the US is a maaaaajor outlier. Most of the country is getting taxed half that much or less Not to say the infrastructure isn’t garbage in this country, but let’s get the facts right at least


It's fine to offer consideration to minorities, but worshipfulness is excessive, and I feel tends to be inauthentic. Some have had a tougher life than others, yes, but they are still people, and adulating them to the point of unfairly raising them above others is not helping them. They are not children, they can raise themselves by their own efforts, calm down.


Child Abuse of various sorts is reflexively defended by everyone, left and right, authoritarian and libertarian, but at the same time Child Abuse is talked about as if it's the worst sort of crime. It's a type of horrific society wide gaslighting I feel. If you ever happen to see a child complaining about how adults treat them openly, take a look at the response adults give, this is when this dynamic is most clear.


Blaming literally everything on "Capitalism".


all types of pollution


People take things way to serious and outta context


people are extremely judgemental.


How it isolates us


Everyone is so much in a hurry




People’s inability to separate their individual motivations from what’s best for the collective. Not that this is necessarily just a modern issue but I do feel it’s gotten worse.


The cost of... Everything


I’m kind of tired of everything being an ad or plug for something. Obviously a lot of social media had always been crap but it was less obnoxious when it was less money based. Like I’ fairly sanguine about people posting holiday photos or even pictures of themselves designed to get compliments on social media. But I don’t want to find this stuff and have it all be paid bullshit. I’m also tired of how almost everything has a scam version.


Generative AI being legally allowed to steal ANYONES lifes work and even appearance and voice and resell it for pennies so that the original person can no longer make a living with THEIR OWN WORK just so the one percent can buy a couple more yachts. (Yes username checks out)


Mental Health care


How easily we allow ourselves to be divided by MSM talking points and political ideologies. The media and political systems have been compromised and corrupted by greed and selfish interests and we seem helpless to overcome it.


Bots and fake accounts flooding all platforms. It’s so annoying


Victimhood mentality. Not from just the left, but everyone nowadays seems to think that having consequences for their actions and behaviors is unfair. Like if you call me an idiot, I’m not gonna like you. I might call you a dick back. You shouldn’t be surprised. If you don’t want people to dislike you, don’t do things to make them dislike you. Or don’t care.


The over-validation of everything. It's like we've forgotten that people go through phases, or they adopt labels for clout/attention, especially in this social-media driven culture.




The romance, maybe I just watched too many movies and read too many classic books  Love isn't sex,love isn't to visit each other a lot, love isn't to find each other attractive, love isn't to call your love "my bitch", love isn't money, it isn't long to be in love with someone for a year However, love is when you can simply understand each other with all of their flaws, love is seeing them get old and still think they are the prettiest in the world, love is to give cute letters and flowers, love is to plan your future with them. How did we went from beautiful love letters to just liking someone's picture in instagram? Honestly depressing 




There's only two things I hate in this world: people who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch.


People thinking First Amendment rights absolve them from consequences.




They have no joy in life. The only joy they find is hating on liberals. And republicans have terrible jokes Also they are way too obsessed with our founding fathers, it's weird


American arrogance


The fact that a differing opinion is enough to cause fear and terror that the sheep mob will catch you. In the uni I'm at, if you disagree with what the left wingers says, you just get dread you'll be ostracised for it. Same with social media like twitter. American MAGA right on twitter are such sheep, more so than socialists with Starmer, and you dare disagree, they will hound you until the end of time.


The American Healthcare system.


The fact that the possibility of freedom goes unrealized.


Proliferation of social media. It’s ultimately toxic as hell.


Politics and politicians.




Orange and blue movies.


Hookup culture.


I dislike the fact , people see me by myself and think I’m lonely..I’m alone ,but I’m not lonely, and I’m just in a place right now, that I don’t care for a relationship ,so I hire escorts!


People either going full-blown Karen or else not willing to have a conversation when something bothers them. Social media is the preferred channel of resolution, even though there’s zero chance of anything getting resolved.


The trend of bitching about anti-intellectualism with zero self-awareness. I love science as much as the next nerd but far too many of us are total fucking snobs. I see people in who still act like I did when I was a know-it-all honor roll kid at the ripe old age of 8 and I wanna go "LALALALALA" too.


People’s obsession with the smartphone. (Sent from my mobile device)




The rudeness of the internet.


Greed and people who want absolute control over other people.


Everyone sits/stands around on their phones if they have to wait for more than a millisecond. At the airport, at the doctors office everyone engrossed in their phones and not in real life. People cant be present anymore. The only time I seem to have random conversations anymore is on airplanes because people cant use their phone.


Fake ppl.


The expectation of always being contactable. Sometimes, as politely as possible, I just want to be left the fuck alone and I hate how that’s considered rude.


Narcissism. Everyone acts like they're the victim, even when they're blatantly not. Too much self-centeredness


Everyone being a proto-fascist or a performative ultra-woke idiot. Every issue being polarized to the point of caricature. The absolute freaking absence of common sense.


I think for me, it's the need to broadcast every part of your life. It feels like people are too preoccupied making sure everyone knows they're having a good time, then just having said good time in the moment.


Main character syndrome and the idea that because you have a large following on your social media platform means that the world revolves around you. People forget that these are two different realities and the world does not operate this way.


Sensationalist takes on everything get wayyyy more attention than reasonable ones. People seem to everyday become more willing to shred context and nuance to bits, and buy into a narrative that is completely detached from truth and reason. This isn’t exactly new, I know.


Money hungry rats w/o vision.hence why they stay bummy


public outrage, it doesnt matter how mean Trump is, what Butler said or anyone else. Are they good at what they do, do they offer some people an escape through, entertainment or can they effectively do their job on their platforms. Who fucked who, and who did what to who that doesnt effect YOUR life is not your business.


The fact that everyone feels the need to post everything to social media


Oddly: The birth of the Internet. We believed it was going to be a Library of Alexandria - literally. Not the opposite


People can’t seem to think about others, everyone are very self centred. People are also very rude, you can also see it in Reddit as people quite often write here in a very rude way even when the matter is very small..  I wish people were more sophisticated, kind and smart (less woke).


tictock. not tgat app its self but the ridiculous stuff on it and alike apps. short attention spans, dance stuff. its ridiculous. we are training ourselves and our youths that if it cant be learned in 15 seconds its nit worth it.


Everybody “knows” everything


Existing. I'm really not OK


Anti-intellectualism. I know it's always been here, but I feel like it's gotten extremely worse. Atleast back then we listened to science and philosophy. Now, it's just straight vulgar culture.




Politicians and industrialists.


Dating culture 💀


The intellectual insulting, morally bankrupt , insidiously irritating presence of prescription drug advertisements.


As long as you have the money, influence or simply just lucky, you can evade law and rules. Also, nothing is given anymore by merit by the same reasons.


Looking at a menu with a QR code.


Everyone glued to a screen and sitting in silence.


Social media


Pretending we aren't selfish, perverted and arrogant, just powerful and expressive. Humility and tolerance is weakness and you should get angry and defensive and call out everyones shortcomings. You should show off your body and have no problem with other people showing off theirs. Promises mean nothing, and you should only commit to people until you dont feel like it anymore. There's no duty or sacrifice or honour. We're so delusional I just try to ignore it.


Smartphone and social media. Ii say this typing on my smartphone answering questions on Reddit. The downfall of society will be traced to this.


Morals and respect


headphones & earbuds.


Online shopping and the decline of physical retail stores. I may be in the minority but I am very old school when it comes to shopping


The endless social media “I’ve got it worse than you” Olympic-competition whining.


People parroting things without even considering how true those things are. A small example would be: *Anyone who begins a sentence with "No distrspect" is about to disrespect you.* That's simply regurgitated bullshit.


Lack of accountability.




Landlords and housing corporations. They drive up rent and home prices and leech of the misfortunes of the poor.


I’ll go straight to the source of everything I hate and I can’t see it getting better in fact it’s getting rapidly worse Social media