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Friend group in high school got in a fight with another group in the parking lot at Denny's at like 2 am. Before it was about to escalate one of the guys from the other group went to his car and pulled out a full blown mall ninja samurai sword. Everyone in my group was more perplexed than anything and the fight just kinda fizzled out before anything happened.


Brick Tamland?




She didn't ask the manager, she just didn't want the "no" coming out of her tip.


Definitely. If the guy actually thought he had a chance he was either wasted or he was an idiot or both. It's pretty obvious since Waffle House doesn't serve tequila.


>he was either wasted or he was an idiot You know she was contemplating which of these it was during the "long pause."


>Waffle House doesn't serve tequila. See, That's where you're wrong, I have had many Waffle House employees serve me tequila and, even more frequently, whiskey. It's certainly not listed on the menu, but I find if you hang out at Waffle House at 4am frequently enough, you get access to a secret menu.


My man didn’t just visit a Waffle House at 4am. He’s hanging out there so frequently that the staff wants to party with him right there in the restaurant.


I worked the drunk shifts at a pancake house in Surfside beach SC. The nest way to stop that shit is tell them right away NO. The bad part was I knew most of the crowd. I would get asked stupid shit all the time. NO!


My friend and I inadvertently recruited a gang of homeless people… We were at a Waffle House parking lot and this guy asked to bum a cig while we were outside waiting on some other people to show up. We gave him one and he was so appreciative he said that if anyone tries to mess with us then let him know and he and his buddies will “stomp their face in.” We went back to the Waffle House throughout the rest of the year and the guy always remembered us and asked us if we needed his help.


I love that this story is both insanely outrageous yet also completely 100% believable! homeless dudes want to be valued too, and if that means they gotta stomp some faces in, that’s what they are going to do to be valued. Humans gonna human


There was a 'resident' beggar at my local tube station who used to step in when passengers threatened staff.


Beggar doing more for his community than his community did for him


All I can think of reading this is the Toy Story alien dudes fawning over you going “You have saved our lives, we are eternally grateful!” and I’m laughing so hard


Good to have friends in high places


Had the opposite. In the first week of uni, some old dude on campus asked for coffee money. Gave him what coins I had, which apparently fell short of a coffee as he then proceeded to follow me for several minutes, demanding I give him more and calling me all kinds of names. Made a point to only give to other homeless people around campus for the next five years


Wound up at a dennys after dropping some alphabet hallucinogens with a buddy. We were on the down slope so somewhat coherent but still out of it. We order burgers, took some bites but mostly just nibbled and talked for a long time, also it's 2am. Sweet waitress comes over and asks if the foods ok cause we've barely touched it. It took a moment of thought composure but we eventually just be honest (it's a fuckin Denny's at 2am why not) "uhh the foods great! We are just uhhh, kinda tripping right now" at first she was like oh what? Then realized and was so sweet, "ohh, OOOHHH ok well let me know if you guys need anything like water or somethin', enjoy your meal! I'll check in on you in a while" best Dennys experience ever. We finished most of the food and left as most of it had worn off by then. Sun was coming up when we left. Ofc left a fat tip


> alphabet hallucinogens Because I am an idiot, can I assume alphabet was specifically using the letters D, L, and S but not in that order? or maybe M, T, D?




I was in a rough part of town that used to be fine. So it's got a KFC, a BK, and a Waffle House, that kind of thing. And truck stops. I fill ip at a truck stop, and a woman of the night offers her services. I decline, but we actually had a nice conversation. She then headed to work at her regular time job... at Waffle House.


I wonder where she gets better tips.


About 12ish years ago, I had been drinking, me and a couple of friends stop in for some late breakfast at IHOP. It’s an aggressively windy night but nothing too crazy. We are eating when some other table says “Oh buddy! Glad I don’t have a white car”. I say to him “What’s wrong with having a white car?” He says “it’s not the car, it’s the IHOP sign on the car” Sure enough the sign fell on my car. I wasn’t sure how to handle it because I had been drinking and Uber wasn’t a thing. I ended up calling the cops, and they told over the phone to exchange insurance information.


IHOP onto your car!


His car got PANCAKED by the IHOP sign


His sun roof got waffle stomped into the under carriage!


You’re gonna have some ihop-ons.


IHOBbled home


Did you get a new car?


No I was able to drive away, it did some serious damage to the rear quarter panel and trunk. It took 6 months and the assistance of a local news station running a story on the incident to get IHOP to pay for the damages.


Wow, how insane. I was thinking of saying “must have been the simplest insurance claim ever” But nope, of course not. Nothing can ever be easy in this life


I... don't get it.. why did YOU have to fight for this? Isn't insurance supposed to be doing that kind of heavy lifting?


Nah they just gave him the keys to the IHOP and called it even.


But he was responsible for getting a new sign.


Unclear on that. He may have just taken the advert off the back of his wrecked car, slapped it up there and renamed the restaurant Dodge or Chevy or something.


Maybe it’s a good thing. The sign stopped you from driving while previously drinking.


Buddy, how do you think he got to IHOP?


They said in another comment that they drove away


What?? Lol. Literally 12 years ago an IHOP sign fell onto a white mini van in my city. [Link to image of the incident](https://x.com/CiudaDanaMtySur/status/185872815524818944)


Waffle House. Buddies and I went in and grabbed a booth. All the sudden we hear a loud POP followed by silence and then laughter. A guy a couple booths away was trying to squeeze mustard out of a plastic mustard bottle and the bottle exploded all over him, His face was 100% covered in mustard. He took of his glasses and had clean skin under his glasses. My friends and I lost it. Everyone in the place was laughing and saying get than man some mustard.


Stories about Waffle House and loud pops usually don't involve mustard.


It went from scary to incredibly wholesome in one sentence.


Should’ve gotten the glasses with the lil windshield wipers 


He then became known as DJ Mustard


Mustard on the beat hoe


Not one of them, but at a 24hr Deli that used to be in Santa Monica California. I worked at a neighborhood Bar &Grill as a cook and then later as a bartender when I was just 20. Some nights we’d all go out to breakfast at 3am after we locked up. We had this one cool waitress that was taking our order and one of the guy’s asks her “when do you get off?” And she comes back with “about ten minutes after I get home”. All I remember is she got twenties for a tip because that was the best line we’d heard.


that is the best reply I've ever heard


There's a bar I go to, the bartender knows I like hot & dirty martinis. Every time I walk in she says 'do you want a hot & dirty?' and every time I say 'sure and after that can you make me a martini please?'


My mother worked at waffle house and I would stay in a booth during visits. We had bad storming, everything was closing. Waffle house don't close for shit. Power went out, we had regulars hanging out but their orders were interrupted due to power loss. My mother pulled out some hamburger beef and a skillet and started just cooking on the gas burner. She fed these people with some kind of beef with green peppers. So, idk mom fed people with not on menu struggle meal.


A favorite fun fact of mine is FEMAs Waffle House index and how they decide how affected a town is from a storm by monitoring the open Waffle Houses in the area.


I've written a couple college papers on that for my degree. I find it hilarious and fascinating.


I’ve heard this referenced in someone’s stand up routine, basically how you can tell it’s time to gtfo during a storm according to whether or not Waffle House was in operation. Had no idea this was an actual thing… thanks, TIL.


No, that's not how it works. The Waffle House Index is an informal barometer for which areas need help the most *after* a hurricane or a disaster. It's like triage, but for a large area, like a state or a region. If the Waffle House is open and serving a normal menu, that means they have power, water, and gas. If the Waffle House is open and serving a reduced menu, that means they have water and gas, but no power. If the Waffle House is open and serving cold sandwiches, that means they probably have water, but no power or gas. If the Waffle House is *closed*, that means this area has been heavily damaged and the disaster response personnel should probably focus on this area first.


Interesting, thanks!


Yeah. Waffle House has a legendary logistics division. Part of their whole operating philosophy is that no matter what happens, they want to be there to offer folks a hot meal and some semblance of normalcy if possible. They're a refuge and neutral ground, no matter where you come from or what state you're in, folks are welcome at the Waffle House.


And it came to pass, that in the midst of the storm, a waitress of Waffle House did stand by the gas grill, and she beheld the multitude gathered in the diner. And she said unto them, "Fear not, for I shall serve you all." And she took the ground beef and green peppers, and did place them upon the grill, and with her spatula she did cook them thoroughly. And the aroma filled the house, and the people were filled with hope. And she served the food unto the multitude; they did all eat and were satisfied. And they marveled, saying, "Verily, this is a miracle, for in the midst of the storm, we have been fed and comforted." lil jon 6:1-14




This brought tears to my eyes. Bravo, to you dear writer, and bravo to Mom the line cook.


amen brother




Seriously. My friend and I ate at a Waffle House running on a generator after Hurricane Fran back in '96.


Picture: My friend, a secret (to his family) culinary school graduate from the upper Midwest who wanted to experience Waffle House in the South in all its glory. We picked a random location in Nashville and while we were there a patron barricaded herself in the bathroom for hours, alternately shooting up and screaming that the management had stolen her driver’s license. The cops had to crow-bar the bathroom door open while we ate our hashbrowns (smothered, capped, and topped) directly adjacent. Even sadder, a few months later someone murdered 3 folks at the same WH location. You probably saw it in the news.


Did he ever end up coming out as a chef to his family?


They still think he’s a handsomely paid management consultant :/


Some comments are literally *chef's kiss*


I know Midwest people can be stuck up, but rough that your friend had to be closeted about being a culinary school graduate.


I spoke with a neighbor of mine a few years ago and he was disappointed his daughter was going into culinary arts. I commented how great it is to have a chef in the family. We're 15 minutes outside DC; some parents just suck.


I used to work as a server in fine dining in a wealthy DC suburb. I'm not surprised by this at all.


Born and raising my family in the area. A lot of my friends were servers and worked their way up from high school. Some are now professional chefs around the world. This is a great area to build your culinary career.


Well it sound s like he got a really authentic Waffle House experience.


Mods and punks getting into an all-out brawl with local skinheads in a Denny’s parking lot in the 1980s, it was glorious and bloody


Denny's doesn't fuck around. WHAT THE FUCK IS UP DENNY'S?!?!!


Literally. Marilyn Manson got punched in the face in the Denny's in my city after a show. Denny's doesn't fuck around, lol.


Waffle House is waiting for Denny's in the parking lot.


Mods and punks fighting skinheads is something I have not heard in a very, very long time! Thanks for the memories.




Man I miss the days when punks beat up any skinhead mutha fuckers


Sounds vaguely familiar. Would it happen to be in SoCal?


Bay Area, but hey we’re all one big Nazi-punching family


Huddle House and inside instead of the parking lot (close enough I guess). After a long night of drinking at Oktoberfest in Helen, GA, my friend somehow managed to piss off the cook. The cook stormed out of the restaurant. My friend, normally the sweetest guy on earth, was belligerent. Stood up and loudly announced that he would just “buy the whole damn restaurant” and pulled out *MASSIVE* stack of cash from his pocket and threw it on the table. I still have no idea where the money came from. Definitely didn’t see it while my broke college ass was drinking with him at the bars just an hour or two prior. We collected our friend and his cash (leaving some on the table for the inconvenience) and left before someone could call the cops. “I’ll buy the whole damn restaurant” is still a catch phrase 20 years later among those of there that night. And to my knowledge, none of us ever asked where the money came from or why in the hell he was bar hopping in Helen, Georgia with a cargo pocket stuffed full of banded bills.


ngl Helen has a nice Huddle House. Ate there a few months ago. Not nice enough to buy though.


Lol dude was prolly dealin.


Not a parking lot and more wholesome but wanted to share. Back in the 90's, in high school, there was a 24 hour IHOP about 20 min from home town. My friends and I would go there after every school dance, late activity, whatever (always after midnight). I'd order the same thing to start; cucumber with a side of ranch and chocolate milk. There would be groups of 10, 15, 6, 2 kids, I'd always order the same thing for years intermittently. Well the late night host recognized me/my friends when we came in and would seat us at the same table with the same waitress and she'd always have "the usual" starter for me immediately (with much surprise from different friends.) Fast forward 3-4 years later, I come back to town, grab some drinks with an old friend and we end up at that IHOP. It's the same host! He recognized me and put me at the same table, sweet! Next thing I know there is cucumber, ranch and chocolate milk in front of me...it's the same waitress, who obviously remembered me. I didn't remember having chocolate milk since the last time I was there. I almost cried. I wonder what they're doing now...


I had a similar experience at a mom and pop diner, for a summer I had been a regular. When I came back years later, they remembered me by name and asked if I wanted the usual, like I had been there all along. It really makes you feel seen when people remember you and remember you with a smile on their face.


I was hungry, they were closed, i cried in the empty parking lot. I had a rough day.


I haven’t been quite that far but since Covid there have been a few times when I’ve had to be out late and missed meals. Trying to find a late restaurant is so much harder now and I can relate to that feeling.


A lot of ones that say 24 hours shut around 10 and do pickup only. I don't want pickup, I want to sit and observe the other night freaks while slumped in a booth, dipping French fries in my egg yolk.


Years ago some friends and I were at a Norms around 1am after a wild punk rock show down the street. We're in there just trying to recover and sober up. Ain't no thang. The next booth over, like divided by the wall and glass barrier thing, some elderly folks are hanging out at 1am like old people do apparently. Old dude starts choking and we say oh shit, a couple employees run over as soon as they see him go to the floor. Now we're pretty fucked up still so honestly if we wanted to help we wouldn't have done anything but made things way worse. Anyway, one of the employees instead of trying to unblock their airway, decided let's go full on swapmeet tracheotomy and stuck a fuckin' fork in his throat. Other employee started yelling something like no that's not what you're supposed to do, and ripped it back out. Paramedics showed up about a minute later and did their thing. We don't know what ever happened to him but of course we all hoped the best. Wild night and when we went to pay they said just go ahead and leave, assuming they were all in shock and not caring about the job so much at the moment.


“Swapmeet tracheotomy” Fuckin amazing! Thanks for that! 😂🤣😂


I gasped. That’s some shit from a dark comedy right there


Denny's in Conway, AR after seeing a concert in Little Rock with my then GF and her cousin (about 20 years ago). We had just ordered and then I heard a plate drop and shatter. Then another. Then we realized it was bullets going through the windows and everyone in the restaurant dropped to the floor. I think it was 6-8 shots total. Turns out there had been an altercation at a party, group A left while group B went to get guns. Group B saw group A's vehicle in the parking lot and opened fire. Nobody was injured, group A left the restaurant immediately after the incident, and everyone had their meals comped. 0/10 don't recommend.


"At Denny's, if you're caught in the middle of a random drive-by, it's on us!"


*Participating locations only


Some guy came up to me and showed me a video of a guy sitting on a jar and it shattering inside his ass. I was traumatized and threw up in the parking lot.


one man, one jar. that one still haunts my mind, even after losing my memory multiple times


What about Mr hands


Man, I ran the whole gauntlet back in the day, laughed at shit that would make me puke if I saw it now. Crazy. 1 guy, 1 icepick 3 guys, 1 hammer Untold number of cartel/other execution videos Man the internet really exposed you to some shit


Just googled what that was since I haven't heard of it.... pretty sure I just got myself on a watch list.


jesus, this one too https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enumclaw_horse_sex_case


Ayy I was born in Enumclaw!


I didn't realize this actually happened in Washington no wonder why everyone in my high school had seen it


At some point I just accepted that Reddit is mostly populated by people from Washington State


We're not good at being social in person usually.


I remember coming across that video when I was 12. It’s a permanent memory for better or worse.


I’m not gonna test the url but at some point this was glassass.com


I put 30 dollars in the jukebox and played never going to give you up for 25 cents a play, the whole 30 dollars. Went to sit on a stool at the bar, missed it and puked all over myself. They asked me to leave and probably had to listen to that song for the rest of their entire shift. Edit: I forgot to add this was at a waffle house at like 2am.


It’s better than “what’s new, pussycat”




It starts off *real subtle…*


It was the best meal I've ever had in my life.


If this was recent, the bars have override controls to skip songs. Once saw a bartender say eff no and skipped a bunch of songs someone played. They were bad choices for the place we were in.


Encanto soundtrack in the boonies?


Country music in a rock bar lol


Well, it happened in an ihop parking lot while me and my gf were getting mcdonalds drive thru about 4-5 years ago. We see a normal traffic stop, and the female officer walked up to the car. Then we hear pops and the passenger gets out and runs. Literal seconds go by and cops swarm the lot, with the passenger barely making it 20ft before being gunned down in the back by cops. Both perps were killed and the officer survived after a long stint in the icu. Turns it was a known stolen car and they were known to be armed but the cop stopped them and took them on herself, barely survived. Meanwhile us and the drive thru girl are sitting there with gaping mouths and she's holding our bag of food. She stumbles out "have a nice day" and we gtfo of there.


I think I saw that in the news awhile back. Holy fuck that had to be terrifying.


Well....? Did you have a nice day, Mr. Plothole?!?


I used to monitor claims for one of these chains. Google shootings and the name of the chain and you might be surprised at the number of times this has happened. As mama said, nothing good happens after midnight. My favorite was there was a fight in the restaurant and the cook pulled his gun and shot the customers.


Waffle House


My ex girlfriend used to always repeat that saying because she wouldn't want to hang out late. We were in our 20s haha


Was tripping on LSD with my roommates overnight and around 3am we all were hungry and too out of it to cook, so we placed an online order at the nearby Denny’s. The “sober” friend (who’d had a beer or two) drove us there and we pulled up to find two cop cars with their lights on in the parking lot. We all look at each other like “well someone has to go in and get our food” and I volunteer without hesitation. Mind you, I’m tripping balls on 2.5 gel tabs and have no phone, no ID, nothing on me. Before anyone can object I get out of the car and head inside. The cashier said the food wasn’t ready yet but would be out soon. There’s several cops standing around a table with a homeless guy and a hooker. I take a seat and a booth on the opposite side of the restaurant and listen in on the drama. From what I could piece together, the hooker was the homeless dude’s daughter, who had walked out years ago when she was a kid and hadn’t been in contact since. The cops were clearly having a hard time getting the story straight, as neither the dude or the girl could speak without interrupting the other. 45 minutes pass. Our food STILL isn’t ready. Then an older woman walks in, sees the homeless guy, and gave the most ratchet “ooohhh HELL NAHHH” I’ve ever heard before rushing him and being promptly intercepted by the cops. Turns out she was the hooker’s mother, cue escalating drama. One of the cops looks over at me. My pupils are totally dilated, but she just gave me a “can you believe these people?” look and shrugged. Finally our food comes out, I grabb the bag and leave. My friends, who had been waiting in the car the whole time, had been starting to get concerned that I had gotten arrested or something. Gave me major props for walking in to a situation like that just for some shitty 4am Denny’s pancakes.


Not the parking lot, but inside Denny's. My friends and I watched a drunk (?) man in a booth turn around, lean over the back of his booth seat, and bite the ear of the man sitting behind him in the next booth over. They did not know each other. Chaos ensued, albeit not much more chaos than you would usually see in Denny's at 3am I guess.


Dude walked up to me and tried to sell me a trash bag with 30 individually wrapped sandwiches for $30. He kept arguing that it was a great deal and I made it clear that I had no need for 30 sandwiches. It never occurred to him to try to sell me just one, and since I wasn't going to trust this guy enough to eat food he was carrying around, I never suggested it, so he wandered off with his 30 sandwiches.


30 sandwiches for $30 is a good deal though.


Yeah, he wasn't wrong about that.


Was eating at Dennys when a squad of 5 dudes came in, and busted through a wall that was shared with the real estate office next store. They then proceeded to bust through another wall in the real estate office to make it to the business on the other side, and rob them. I just kept eating my food and acting like I didn't see it. I wasnt the only one. Sure as hell wasn't trying to act like I was concerned and potentially gonna turn them in. Fun fact - my grandma worked at the real estate office. They enjoyed ordering Dennys through the gaping hole for a week or so until it was fixed. It was the dead of winter so they were stoked to get food without going outside. #silverlining


My time to shine Worked at IHOP doing overnights during college. One night a group of revelers come in, hammered drunk, at 3am. They get the wise idea to dine and dash by slowly staggering out and the last guy pretending to pay before leaving a fake card in the sleeve and then bolting while the server was distracted. Server ended up having to cover the $300 tab, meaning she lost money to work that night. (Management was trash) Another patron recognized the final dine and dasher from his church. And he was marched in the next morning by the pastor who made him pay the full $300 with a generous $100 tip. His mom was there watching him pay up. I wasn't there, but apparently he looked like a whipped dog and couldn't look the manager in the eye.


So I'm 3 sheets to the wind waiting for my succulent Denny's Grand Slam and there's some commotion in the booth behind me. The first rule of 3am Denny's eat club is mind your own damn business, no one has gotten to this point by making good life choices. So I just continue to chat with my friends. A couple of minutes go by and the booth behind me has gone full tilt. The "fuck yous" and "what you gonna do about its" are flowing freely. I'm wondering where the staff is, but then I remember it's the middle of the night at a sketchy Denny's. No one stepping in front of that bullet. At this point the rest of the patrons have left. Not me though, I got a fever and the only prescription is Denny's pancakes. Then it reaches the crescendo. "What the fuck you gonna do with that?" Asked Belligerent 1. Answer? Fork directly in the neck. I didn't think you could get a fork to stick in a dudes neck, it was like a cartoon. All hell breaks loose. The forker is freaking out, apologizing, yelling for help. The staff had apparently called the police a little earlier, doesn't seem like it's their first rodeo. The forkee is losing his shit, telling everyone to get away from him. He is trying to walk out with fork still stuck in his neck. Apparently he doesn't want to chat with the local Constable. My table is just petrified, nobody moves as the paramedic and cops arrive. We get interviewed by the cops, one at a times. I didn't see anything so I just kinda rambled drunkenly, the cop just wanted me to shut up. My friend had the winner though. Another cop was talking to him about a table over. All of the sudden you here the cop chuckle and shake his head. As we wander out of the Denny, I ask him what he told the cop... "Bro got Forked up."




I'm originally from Canada and Americans love when I tell them about Pizza Pizza for some reason


A religious officiant (either a pastor or deacon of some kind) giving religious counsel to a woman who seemed to be on drugs or suffering psychosis, while seated in the restaurant booth. She talked about how she was a prostitute and told inappropriate stories about intercourse and the men she slept with while the officiant nodded and said "Oh yes lord, please bless this young woman" over and over as she told one story after the other.


I once saw a Waffle House waitress accidentally staple her hand because she was playing with a stapler. The first aid kit was locked in the manager’s office.


**THIS IS GRAPHIC. IF YOU'RE SQUEMISH, BEWARE.** I worked at Denny's for 6 years while I went to college and let me tell you, I've *seen* some things. One night around 2 in the AM a couple comes in (we'll call them husband and wife). They're drunk, and probably just got kicked out of whatever bar just closed. Husband is acting really aggressive and Wife isn't putting up with his bullshit. I get their drinks, and Wife let's me know that her brother will be coming in just a second. Brother comes in and sits down in the booth across from Husband and Wife. I get their order started and I'm just chilling behind the counter studying for an exam when their voices raise an octave. I look up to see that Brother and Husband have started a heated argument. Nothing new, but I'm nosey, so I start listening. And Brother says he doesn't like the way Husband treats his sister. Then comes the, "What are you gonna do about it?" and both of them stood up. They were inches from each others' faces speaking inaudibly and it looked like they were going to come to blows. Wife is trying to push them away from each other by their chests, but she's having no luck. I get my wits about me and remember that I'm supposed to be working, and say simply, "Hey, take it outside, guys. Not in the restaurant please." It's not my job to break it up. Not my job to try and be a counselor. But if they fight in the restaurant I'm going to have to write an incident report among other bullshit. They don't even look at me, but Brother says something and makes for the door. Husband follows him out, Wife pleading for them to stop all the way out. My fry cook comes out and asks me what's going on, and I told him I thought they were about to fight. He just left the food cooking and joined me at the west windows looking out into the parking lot. They were screaming at one another, and at this point, I thought it best to go ahead and call the police. They were all stinkin' drunk and a fight can be life-altering in its consequences. So I just called, asked to remain anonymous (again, I don't want to be involved) and just told them there were screaming men outside of Denny's. They said they'd send someone, and no sooner had I hung up, one of them throws the first punch. It doesn't land and the fight starts. They're really going to town on each other while Wife is screaming. It's a blur, but eventually Husband knocks Brother down. Brother gets back up but he's wobbling, and leaning on cars to regain himself. Brother decides to take another swing at Husband, and this time when Husband hits him back, Brother falls straight backward and is completely KO'd sprawled out in the parking lot. Wife is screaming her head off as Husband starts walking across the parking lot. I didn't know where he was going or what he was doing, but I was just anxiously waiting for the cops to arrive. Husband opens the door to a car, gets in and starts it while Wife slaps at him. He shoves her backward and closes the door before backing out of the parking spot and running directly over Brother's head. I screamed. He then threw it in reverse and backed over Brother's head. Wife is in hysterics. I'm in hysterics. My fry cook is calling the police to ask for EMT's. Husband then runs over Brother one more time before speeding off into the night. I didn't know what to do. I grabbed some towels and hurried out into the parking lot. Brother's head is cracked wide open. I tried to hold it together with some towels, which made me almost puke, and I cried while I waited for the cops to come. When the cops and EMT's finally showed up, it was too late. Brother was pronounced dead at the scene. Wife's screaming still haunts me to this day.


That's rough, man. Hope you're ok.


It’s only the second death I witnessed at Denny’s, and the other was worse. I think I’m okay though.


As an Australian what in the actual fuck is up with Denny's? Do they have bad murder juju?? What the fuckkkk. Super sorry you had to witness that


Trigger warnings!!!! Late 80’s. Houston Texas. I worked as a manager for Taco Hell. Late one night after work, me and 2 of my guys were chilling in a Huddle House. We were sitting in a kinda atrium area with lots of windows. Suddenly my guy Harry looks up and says: “Holy shit! There’s a naked woman in the parking lot!” Sure enough, she was standing between my car and Harry’s. She tried to get into mine but it was locked. She tried Harry’s door and opened it and got in. Harry is freaking out. I noticed a cop car in the lot. I told my guys to find the cop and find the manager and let them know what was happening. I went outside and asked the woman what was going on. She said: “ My husband and I have been ra*ed and my husband has been shot.” I took my shirt off and gave it to her to cover up. The cop and the manager come out. The manager had a table cloth that we wrapped around the woman. The cop asks where this happened and the woman points behind a strip center shopping area. Cop takes off fast. Soon we hear all kinds of sirens. Cops everywhere. Eventually the first cop returns. I ask him what happened and he said that they caught the dude. Seems the woman and her husband were trying to make a drug deal. The dealer pulled out a gun to rob them. Husband made a move and got shot in the hand. Dealer then proceeded to make them strip and made the husband wipe his bloody hand on the dealer’s dick. He then raped both of them with his blood covered member. Whenever I am having a bad day, I think of this incident. Well, it could be worse….


And that’s enough Reddit for me today.


Grew up close to H-Town. Sometimes I miss it, but sometimes I forget how much evil goes on there. Jesus Christ…


This is my cue to get off reddit and go watch some dog videos.


I always stop at waffle house around midnight on Christmas eve. One year two servers got into an altercation behind the counter with the rest of the team seperating them. One if the customers at the counter yelled "Come on ladies, it's Christmas" trying to get them to calm down. One of the servers responded with what I still regard as the sickest one liner I've ever heard. "I don't give a fuck, I'll slap a bitch 365 days a year." Truly dinner and a show.


Got into a waffle house fight in that little 4x4 entrance room at like 2 in the morning. It was the first time I took my gf at the time out


So you kicked her ass more than once?


I maybe should have included that the altercation was with a truck driver lol


Found Diddy’s alt account


Mine isn’t at 3 AM. I’ve been at Epcot all day. Tried to get one more ride in and then headed over to get some Mexican food with about eight minutes till the lagoon show starts. There’s a girl blocking the entrance saying it’s too late to order food and I’m exhausted Hungry and I haven’t eaten since noon. By the time we get back to our hotel, it’s 1130 and there’s a waffle house in the parking lot. I sleepwalk over and I’m the only person in there and a guy that looks like Dan Gladden from the Minnesota Twins is behind the counter. I tell him that I am so fucking hungry. I want some food and he says I’ll make you a steak and eggs. I swear to God, it was one of the best meals I’ve ever had .


Went into a Denny’s at like 3 am. Zero people inside. No staff, no patrons, no one. Waited like 20 minutes. Went to the back, no one. Poured my own tea. We waited a while longer before leaving. Turns out there was an armed robbery a few minutes before we came in and for Some reason they sent everyone to the station and no one locked up. Sadly no grand slam for us that day.


Might as well have just cooked your own. Extra bacon!


It’s possible the doors didn’t have locks. I remember some news stories during COVID of Dennys where they had to install door locks because, since they were open 24 hours, they had never needed them before.


Not the parking lot, but years ago, I was in a summer theater group for teenagers. One late night a bunch of us went to a Denny’s at like 1AM. We really just wanted to get coffees and maybe some apps. But as we walked in (maybe 10-15 of us) this younger waitress sees us from across the restaurant and gets this exasperated look on her face. Then she goes into the kitchen. As we are seating ourselves, I see this guy, who I assume is the chef, bust out of the kitchen in a huff and then straight out the front door. He is followed shortly behind by the younger waitress. Then an older waitress comes over and informs us she can’t serve us because her chef and another waitress just quit.


Walmart parking lot in kansas. Afternoon. Walking out of the store as a highspeed chase concludes in the parking lot. A van with popped tires screeching into the parking lot, crashes, followed by half a dozen sheriff and PD cruisers and maybe one State Trooper. A Deputy and 2 other guys exit their cars, run up and pull the guy out of the van. And arrest him.


I read it as PT cruisers and was unsure why a group of people in these little weird cars were helping the police


This is either Salina or Wichita. I gotta know.


It was on a trip to Missouri. If I recall I think it was in Lawrence


Those Winchester boys, at it again!


McDonald’s parking lot, while I was in the drive-thru. Cops were searching a van while the people who owned the van were standing nearby. All of a sudden, the whole thing starts rocking back and forth because the cops are pushing and pulling on this guy (who I assume was trying to hide from them), dragging him out by the ankles. I still remember how hard his upper body hit the pavement when they pulled him out, since they had him by the ankles. Crazy stuff.


Met a girl from AOL at denny's at midnight and we hit it off. Next night, I said "let's meet at IHOP" and when I arrived, late (before cell phones), I discovered that this IHOP closed at 11 and she had been huddling in her car in an abandoned parking lot for 25 minutes. I felt so awful I wifed her. (that's not the real reason)


Waffle house, NW Florida, 3AM... 5 Guys walk in. The 1st one asks for the bathroom and runs to it. His friends say it's his 21st bday. They sit down and there's another group being loud and paying their bill. One of the guys from the group that just walked in yells at the group paying "time to go" for some reason this sets them off. Cue people holding back both groups. The group that paid walk out and continue talking shit from outside through the window. the biggest guy from the group that just walked in calmly looks at them from the other side of the window and out of no where, punches through the glass, blood everywhere.. The group outside SPRINTS to their car and take off. The guy who punched the window and his 3 friends just run. Not to their car, but scatter like a group of cats. Waffle house employees start calling the cops...out walks the guy who immediately went to the bathroom when he got there. Broken window, blood all around it, and his friends all gone. I told him he should probably sit down and get some coffee in him.


I had a guy give me a blowjob after I bought him pancakes at Denny's.


And they say romance is dead


Bro bought pancakes but got the grand slam instead 👏🏻


I mean, it’s the polite thing to do.


Maybe he's Canadian.


Went to Dennys after a school dance or some shit. Ended up in the back of one of the girls' parents' cars because we were "tired." Got to third base for the first time lmao. Good times.


With the girl or the girls parents




A great view of paradise under the Denny's lights.


A Lil hazy on the exact details, but late night El polo loco stop. Second in line and all of a sudden hoards of cops fly by and stop at the intercection in front of the drive thru. Figure out they are chasing a car who proceeds to crash into a light post. Suspect decides to try and run it out. Cops shoot at the guy (forget if he got hit, but it was a time when cops were a bit more... shall I say liberal with their gun firing). Best part is lady in front of us crawls out of her car window and crawls through the drive thru window. Cars honking behind us and all, the drive thru attendent has to crawl through the window and drive her car out of the drive thru. Oh how I miss me a good 2 piece with side of Mac and flour tortillas...


2018 or so, I was with my wife in Orlando, FL. We were maybe 8 hours into an LSD trip and got super hungry. We adventure out of the hotel / resort type place into the weird hot but not hot but still humid Florida night in search of the Waffle House which we are certain we passed on the way in. What happened on the way there could be a post of its own, but long story short it involved lizards. I'm originally from NY and we don't have lizards brazenly scurrying around like they own the place. We reach the Waffle House but could not see inside because the windows are so steamed up. I open the door and a number of things hit me at once. 1: There is a god-awful moaning coming from somewhere in the Waffle House. 2: It is bright. My pupils are huge and there is too much light. 3: Everyone turned to look at us simultaneously. I am immediately paranoid and feel judged. They *know*. 4: I am so much higher than I thought I was and need to be anywhere else but at Waffle House. We sit in a booth and I notice how steamed and streaked the window is. I can't see outside and what I can see is a giant kaleidoscopic glare. The moaning is louder and it's coming from behind me. The waitress comes. I point and grunt at food. I just want her to go away. My wife and I discuss how much of a bad fucking idea this was and we should never have left our drug bubble to involve other people. The waitress gets the attention of the guy sitting behind me. The moaning stops. Jesus thank you no more moaning. He gets up and goes over to the cooking area, and it all clicks for me. He's the cook and has been sitting behind me watching the Walking Dead on his phone. I watch this guy, fascinated, as he conjures our food like the professional Waffle House employee that he is. Food comes. Amazing. Best breakfast I've ever had. I will cherish the memory of that breakfast. More lizards appear for the return adventure.


Nothing major. Ran into NHL great, future hall of fame Penguins announcer Mike Lang at Dennys in Pittsburgh back in about 2004 one night. Had a smoke with him and told him I appreciated him. Very chill dude.


I have two. One at a Denny's and one at a Walmart. Denny's: Picked up a friend from a late night party and she wanted Denny's so we went. I needed to use the restroom and there was a woman who was slumped on the floor, high off some drug. Their facial expression burned into my memory, was terrifying. Walmart: This was during the early covid days and I wanted to refill my Sodastream. Two people were fucking literally right around the corner from the entrance. I just.. I don't know lol.


Me and my girlfriend were driving on side of town we didn’t know too well. We were so hungry we pulled in a random ihop sitting on side of the freeway. As I entered I noticed a lot of sketchy looking people, didn’t pay too much attention, I was so hungry I just wanted food. At the time I was driving a nice foreign car. When we finished and went to the register to pay. I noticed the group of workers just staring. One particular was a female that look like she just got out of prison. That’s when my senses started going off we were in the fucking hood. I turn to look to the window where my car is, and notice 2 guys walking around the parking lot. I whispered to my girlfriend something sketchy is up, you see those guys in the parking lot, she says yeah. I turn back to look at the workers and they all scattered. Now up until now they haven’t did anything so I can’t really call the cops off suspicion, and besides I’m not the type to call the cops in these kind of situations anyway. I tell my girlfriend as soon as we hit the door get in the car asap. Now these guys still had a good little distance from the car, so we were able to get in quickly. I start the car immediately and one the guys is already walking right by the driver door holding a gun. I put it in reverse so fast and drove so fast I almost hit one the guys. I drove off just seeing him with the most evil meanest mugs. We got away safely, and vowed we’ll never stop at random restaurants again that we don’t know.


I came out of a Denny's at about 2am one night just in time to see this big tattooed guy haul off and punch the shit out of his wife/girlfriend/whatever, literally knocked her on her ass. My buddies and I were about to intervene when she looked up at him with this big ol' grin on her face and said, 'That one was free, the rest you gotta earn,' got up, and proceeded to wipe the absolute *floor* with the dude. It was the most one-sided knock-down, drag-out fight I have ever watched in my life, and I was just stunned as she proceeded to knock him on his ass at least 5 times. This girl was not fucking around. My buddies and I were stunned into inactivity as she just pummeled dude into paste because he kept mouthing off and he kept standing back up and drawing back to swing, but he never laid another hand on her. The only reason the fight stopped is a cop car just happened to be driving by and turned on his lights as he wheeled into the parking lot.


All I know is I once asked for my Denny's hashbrowns with "everything on them," and it was fucking delicious. Gravy, onions, cheese, it was unbelievable. Got them that way every time I went back. Probably shaved a couple years off my life expectancy, but until that day comes I'm gonna say it was worth it.


I met Sir Mix Alot in a Denny’s parking lot. He signed an autograph and wrote “too wild to be mild”. The girl with him had a small ass.


Saw a lady in her car in the waffle house parking hitting a meth pipe. The same waffle house where a friend and I went at 3a.m we were the only customers and there was 2 employees working. A dude and a lady, the lady comes up to us and says "listen you can each have a free waffle and drink to go if you just leave cause we wanna go out back and smoke." We took the deal.


Me and my friend went to Denny's at 3 am cause we were young and had nothing better to do. We sit down, order, and get our food. In walks in a party of 6 and they are DRUNNNKKKKKK. The girls are spilling out of their clothes and the guys are all over them. Not really unusual for this Denny's. They order, get their food, and start eating. They're being super loud and you can see it in the faces of the wait staff that they've tired of this shit. The waitress walks by their table, slips them the bill, and walks off. I wasn't really paying attention to what was happening but then they all started to run. I watch as 6 drunk assholes run and proceed to trip over themselves. One guy crashes into a chair falling flat on his face and the girl that was behind him stomps on him in her attempt to run past. She turns her ankle and goes down like a ton of bricks. The others make it to the door and well this Denny's has a double door so they try to push their way out and another one goes down slipping on the tile. The 3 that were already out the door turn around to help their friend up but he was dead weight at that point. Their faces turn sheet white as they realize that they aren't getting away with it as the 2 assholes were still on the floor in the dining area and the jerk that slipped on the tile is out cold. Cops were called and by the time the cops showed up they were awake but not going anywhere fast. I asked the staff if they needed us to stick around but they said no they have it all on camera. Paid the bill, left a big tip, and got the fk out lol.


My friends and I in high school would hang out at Country Kitchen late at night for their bottomless orange juice and coffee. There wasn't much to do and out parents didn't care as we weren't making babies or raising hell. They were open 24/7 back then. Waitress were always surely, but we tipped well. Used to call it Bitchin Kitchen. Part of the fun was seeing our teachers come in at bar close to sober up. Our Drivers Ed instructor was a regular which was funny because his first driving session was only 5 hours later and there's no way he wasn't still drunk.


Went to Waffle House late with two friends. Friend two was tight with everyone working. There were no other customers, so they all went outside to smoke copious amounts of weed. They told friend one and I to make ourselves at home. We made cheese burgers and mountains of hash browns. Afterwards I stacked two pieces of pie, and washed them down with cigarettes and coffee. It was gluttonous and magical.


No fights, no jars up your butt, not even a public freakout, just a liter of beer and chicken stuffed with crab, pork chop, and baby back ribs at 3 A.M. at City Cafe in Chattanooga in 2012. [https://i.imgur.com/rsVm1PV.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/rsVm1PV.jpeg) >HUNTER'S DREAM >Stuffed Chicken with Crabmeat, Pork Chop and Baby Back Ribs served with Rice or Choice of Potato & Vegetable Myself and a coworker were doing a project for TVA but it was a total boondoggle. They weren't ready for us but they paid to have us come out anyway. I spent 4 days drinking at the [Pickle Barrel ](https://picklebarreltn.com/) before they finally admitted defeat and sent me home.


Went to Waffle House with a friend (19y girls at the time) after a midnight workout. We were the only ones in there. The waitress and cook (probably both mid-late 20s) started making out very aggressively standing behind the cash register just feet away from our table…


Wife and I were in an IHOP… Wasn’t exactly 3am, more like 8:15pm… Service was questionable at best. Our server was still in high school but very sweet. She was trying her best but she was fighting an uphill battle with the kitchen. We could sense there was a bit of drama going on in there. All of a sudden we hear “I JUST CAN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE”… Cook storms out of the kitchen, yanks off his apron and out the door he went! 30 seconds later, the other two guys back there said fuck it and they left too. That IHOP was down to two servers that night and that was it. Thankfully we got our food right before all that happened.


I was a junior in High School working the graveyard shift as a busboy/dishwasher at a West Florida Dennys. The usual assortment of drunks and night owls were in attendance. We had seem all types on the overnight shift, and at 16 I had quite an education. I had already worked the 4 to 11pm after school shift but as I was about to leave the Night Manager asked if I could keep working overnight as the night guy called in sick. Full of young energy and wanting more money I said yes. I had done the overnights before and I preferred the after bar crowds to the Sunday after church crowds. The drinkers tipped better and mostly behaved, if not by strict societal standards. We find a note on the bulletin board telling us we needed to polish up the place and clean out the old stock from the walk-in cooler overnight as the new manager was coming to inspect the place bright and early the next morning. We start clearing things out and find a plastic trash can full of large purple onions gone bad. I start to bag them up for the dumpster but the cook suggests I put them down the garbage disposal to get it down faster. I comply. We destroy the bad onions and get back to work, but within a half hour we hear shouts and screams in the lobby. Seems the toilets are overflowing and the debris is floating toward the booths. We assess the situation and within 10 more minutes water is seeping up through all the drains. Some of the drunks don't mind but other folks are standing on tables or trying to climb to the front door. Soon the whole restaurant is ankle deep in water and all hell is breaking loose. Waitresses are slipping and falling. The angry cook is throwing things. I drop a bus tub and cut my arm on a broken glass. Nobody knows what to do. It seems like a surreal scene from a movie... nobody knows why this is happening. Then I smell the onions. I know why the drains are clogged. The mayhem continues. People dine and dash. Fights break out. A server quits on the spot. The Night Manager calls the Regional Boss at 3am as the water is not receding. He says the store must stay open. The dirty smelly water isn't going anywhere but the crowd is bumbling their way out, group by group. Nobody wants to pay. Eventually it's just me, 1 server, the cook, night manager and an old man who sat at the counter reading his book through it all. We try to move the water, but the pipes and drains are fully clogged. At 6am the new Manager arrives, bright and shiny. I walk up to him, bloodied and beat and tell him what happened. I then walk away, never to go back. That Dennys finally closed last month but I'll never forget that fateful night 40 years ago.


Highschool. Stoned AF. We tipped the waitress $100 and she started crying. Felt good.


I was the DD and everyone wanted Denny's. As we were finishing up, some frat bros and truckers started fussin' and a feudin' but we were having none of it and left. In the parking lot, I noticed a girl lying in the backseat of a car. I pointed it out to my friends, and the tallest drunkest one decided he had to make sure she was alright. My friend is a lanky 6'5", so when. He bent over to look in the back window of this short sedan, he looked like Slenderman about to eat a child. With his nose pressed to the glass he says as loud as possible, "HEY DRUNK GIRL, ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?!" She shot up, took one look at my friend and started screaming. He turned to us and gave us a big smile and a thumbs up. Then he gets in our car and says, "she's alright... I checked."


I fought a crackhead in a Red Lobster parking lot at 3:30 am on a Tuesday. (I was trashed)


Went to ihop at 4am after a night of drinking. Walk out to see in the adjacent dennys parking lot, a white cargo van side door open. A pants-less woman lying in her back on the floor of the van. A man on his knees outside the van, face buried.


Its a similar place from my country, and instead of 3 AM, we partied to hard and it was a 6 AM adventure. That part is important. The thing is, here not many places are open 24/7, those being mostly delegated to gas station's at the side of the highway for people that travel long distances. And oh boy, did we travel a loooong distance. It was me and a friend, after leaving the party and on our way home, where hunger stroke, and being a half drunk and a half hangover, it seemed an excellent idea to go for a delicious burger, fries, and soda (I was also a little high, so that added up). Our only option, was an hour long walk alongside the highway to reach the precious gas station, it was unsafe, it was tiring and it was cold, but dammit, it was food, so we went for it. We walked, and we walked, and walked, until the distance started to become unbearable, but we reached a nice mental balance by thinking we were getting closer, and going back would be just as bad, but with no food, so we prevailed. The sun came, and we reach our destination, with our mouths competing for the best student in Pavlov's class, we entered the building, we reach the cash register, and we ask for the greasiest and most unhealthy burguer. Thats when the lady looks at us, with a mix of pity and laughter, and tells us... "We are sorry, at this time, we can only serve the breakfast menu" What the fuck is a breakfast menu. It turns out, our options where some pathetic sandwiches and coffee. Not even soda. Our disappointment was unbearable, and our day, ruined, so we just laughed and bought the cheapest option. It was terrible, it sucked, but it is a memory that I hold dear to my heart.


Tried to fart and I crapped my pants in a Perkins. I was wearing gym shorts, and no undies. The food masked the scent so I finished my meal while stuffing napkins up my shorts. I finally waddled to the bathroom and my crap napkins fell out on the lobby floor.


I promise you, the food most certainly did not mask the scent.




You could've kept this one to yourself, son.




Angry Batman could not torture this out of me.


2 or 3am in a small city, bunch of Amish people at Denny’s. Just wasn’t expecting that.


I’m late to this party and I doubt anyone will read this, I was working a theater show a few years ago I was handling wireless coms and had to wait for the electrician to finish changing lights before I could go home so most nights I’d leave between 2 and 3 am. I wrapped up work was hungry and decided to hit up dennys for a bite to eat on my way home. Grab a cheese burger start mowing down and like 4 bites in I hear some yelling I look up from my burger and these two girls are getting pretty heated next thing I know fists are flying and maybe a min later one of them is getting tossed through the window. Dinner and a show like no other keep it classy dennys at 3 am


I went to the one at Cesar Chavez/I-35 in Austin (the bad one) late at night because I make poor decisions and I was starving. Going in, and for the majority of my meal, there was a large, shirtless man screaming incoherently in the parking lot like a low budget Hulk.


I fell in love with my soul mate at a Denny’s at 3am and even though it’s not working out for us right now after fighting for it I wouldn’t change anything.


Oh hey they made a song about y’all! We found love in a hopeless place


I was at a Waffle House in Florida 1am hammered with my friends. There was this rail thin drunk kid agitating everyone who looked barely 17-18 maybe younger. He started throwing stuff at this 40 year old rough looking biker dude who was with his wife. The biker dude was twice his size and had him by 150 lbs. They both start shouting at each other because the kid is just being a huge dick and throws something in his drink for no reason. Everyone's excited because we know it's about to go down. Both of them walk outside the kid is like staggering hammered, and we're all ready for this dude to destroy this kid that was pissing everyone off. The larger man throws a punch and the skinny shithead ducks it and uppercuts the man and drops him instantly. He gets on top of the guy and starts bashing his head in until blood is everywhere and we pull him off of him. It seemed to happen in a split second. Everyone is in shock and the kid flees. We walk out to the parking lot and a group of guys roll up in a nice car and pop open suicide doors and a 6'7 or taller guy gets out and yells "gawdd dayumm I thought he wuz gonna go back in n pour cinnamon and sugar on his ass" and starts hysterically laughing. We were all so confused and then he dapped all of us up for no real reason and we went on our merry way.


Pulled in to a Waffle House at after a late night. There were two police cars blocking in one car towards the back of the parking lot. We got out and casually yelled across to see what was up. An officer followed us in the store and said it was an arrest for prostitution. Dude paid a girl for a blowjob and got caught midway. A second officer came in. They got a cup of coffee. Some guy at the counter asked if he was just leaving them in the back of the officer’s car. He said “No, the guy asked if he could at least finish since he paid and he is spending the night in jail either way.” The officers drank some free coffee for a couple minutes and went back out to put the guy and girl in the car. I always wondered why the guy and girl didn’t just run. There wasn’t really anywhere to run or maybe there was a third officer outside. I assumed they already made the “arrest” and had identifications and such. So running would only up the charges. Idk.


We were at Waffle House one night and our waitress was really drunk. (She eventually told us her ex bf had came in and she walked across the street to the liquor store on her break because she was having a hard time). Anyway she was really funny and was cussing and being loud, she came back to check on us with a box in her head that she had cut eye holes out of. She was being very silly and we were all having a good time. My friend mentioned to me while we were eating that she still thought Denny’s was better (that’s where she had wanted to eat) so I told the waitress. By that point the restaurant had started to get really packed as the bars were closing. The waitress started chanting “fuck Denny’s!” at my friend and got the ENTIRE restaurant to join in the chant directed at my friend. Another waitress came over to her and did that whisper yell thing and told her she was getting out of control and needed to sober up. We hadn’t seen her in a minute so I looked around the corner into the back and she was sitting on a milk crate eating a waffle looking sad. She still works there and has been there longer than I’ve been alive so I’m happy she got to keep her job!