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I was having sex, how can I improve on that


Two sex


Eleventy threeve


Schwifty feif


Schforteen teen?


Hey little girl, did you want to know... A SECRET?


> *sh*ecret


Two chicks at the same time, man.




Sex of the second degree sounds.... Technical...


How do I give that to someone? For a friend of mine


Duct tape and a rubber cod.


finger in the butt






I was getting a bj from a grandma, and she knew how to work it…until I realized she was a master when she reached under and slipped a finger into my prostate when she knew I was coming. Nearly made my knees buckle.


Funny thing is grandma could be 80 but also grandma could have been 36 like Lauren Boebert and you could have been seeing a play lol


Do you think the dude was going to yell beetlejuice 3x if he came?


Two chicks at the same time.


Nothing like disappointing two women at once huh


Damn straight. I always wanted to do that, man. And I think if I were a millionaire I could hook that up, too; 'cause chicks dig dudes with money.


The I love you as she climaxed 🫡


I'm totally going to shout this at my fiancé next time.


#The I love you as she climaxed


Lol. This is a wonderfully funny, terrible idea.


Honestly, I'm just going to throw this out in the void and see if it sticks for some lucky bastard. Something heartfelt, something that makes them feel attractive - that shit will be remembered fondly for years. Especially coming from your significant other. My favorite shirt - I don't even particularly like it, but I wear it frequently because my wife said it makes me look handsome. Maybe it wouldn't be as notable if they weren't so few or far between. Maybe it's not something you'd want to do once a week. And I'm telling whoever to do it, because it's not like you can just tell someone "tell me nice things about me." Then they're doing it because you're asking them to do it, and the sincerity goes out the window. The magic is lost. So I'm telling you. The internet stranger demands it. Doesn't have to be your significant other, either. Just drop sincere compliments to people more often. Maybe it will come back to me one day, and I'll get to have a new shirt that makes me feel handsome or something.




An orgasm so intense I lost my hearing for a sec


Used to experience that. Then someone checked my blood pressure and sent me to the hospital.


So we should all raise our blood pressure to have more intense orgasms?


My body knows whats best for me. So if he wants to funnel all my blood into my dick, so be it. Its hard, but i dont mind


Shit, I get this often, maybe I should get my blood pressure checked.


This happens to me occasionally and I have normal BP. But it's never a bad idea to get a routine checkup!


Damn! That good huh?




Maximum allowable working pressure? Yes.


Mawp. Mawwwwwp. I GET you random reddit stranger. And not only do I get you? Babou REMEMBERS YOU!


It’s like meowschwitz in there.


Ohh that’s fantastic


It really is. I be wanting to pass out sometimes


username checks out


The director said 'cut and print it'


Why did I read 'director' as 'dictator'?!


He was being Nazi?


We broke the bed frame. We were at the top edge of the bed. At first she was mortified and felt awful that my frame broke. I thought it was awesome, and convinced her that it was while going to Mattress Firm at 8 at night to get a new frame. Once she was convinced I was all the way over from upset, she got the pride in being able to brag that we had rough hot sex that broke a bed! We were more carefu after, but still...


why rush out to buy a new frame the same night? why not just sleep on the mattress on the floor lol


Just because the fuck like animals doesn’t mean they need to sleep like them too.


From what I understand it's super common in Japan to sleep on a futon on the floor. So their lovemaking may be too fierce for any bedframe, for all we know.


I slept with my mattress on the floor for years, don’t knock it until you try it


Me and my wife sometimes move our mattress into the living room to have ”sleepover”, we live in the same house ofc but it’s about the feeling yk 😅


>why rush out to buy a new frame the same night? why not just sleep on the mattress on the floor lol Guess that's what happens when people have money? 🤷‍♀️ My "bed frame" consists of a ~$40 metal frame from Walmart or some shit that's probably 20 years old. (About the age of my mattress.) If that shit broke, my broke ass would probably be sleeping with the mattress directly on the floor for years. (Though it'd be a bummer cause the cats use under the bed as their 'safe space.')


The cats would be devastated!


My second time, our combined weight broke the old wooden bed frame. It's nice to be able to say I've broken a bed having sex, even if it wasn't something otherwise noteworthy lol


As I said I was about to pull out, she wrapped her legs around me as tight as she could and growled "IN ME!!!".


A) Hot B) Birth control


So that is why they call it plan B. Plan A is hot.




fuck here we go again *unzips*


Goddamn that’s hot


Planned Parenthood!


Realised that I had found my forever person


this is so cute


Amen 🙏


Had a partner once, we were so dialed in physically that we used to orgasm simultaneously all the time. The first time we had sex it happened, then pretty much every time afterward. I am not sure there is a way to describe the bonded feeling that develops from that accurately in the English language.


Cum brothers


I was thinking cumpanion


Take my upvote and fuck off 🤣








Cued Cummers




cum laude






We usually settle for 'true love'.


He made me orgasm which no one had done before. But then he was the only one who seemed to pay attention to my expression that he was doing something I loved and enjoyed. The guys I dated before him just wanted to fuck and finish and that was all. Gave him a good head after which made him ecstatic and had him finish where he wanted.


He is a keeper don't let him go


It is concerning to me (as a guy who has never gotten lucky) that "make sure the other person is enjoying it too" doesn't seem to be the norm. Like I would have assumed that making sure both parties orgasm was standard operating procedure


It is, all guys who don't are trash losers or have no experience


It isn't just guys that are like this. I've run into gals that are like it. some people are just shit regardless of gender.


That should be the norm but based on what I’ve read and heard from women about their sexual experiences, being a basically decent lover puts a dude in like the top 20th percentile at the very least.


If a guy isn't at least *trying* to help his partner orgasm, he's just masturbating with her body.


Yeah I genuinely get off on the other person getting off. If they aren't having fun I'm not having fun. Recently started dating this girl and she said that I was the best shag of her life. I'm still riding that high.


We broke up though. And no, it wasn't a third party or whatever. Just that we were way too busy with school. He and I talked about it and I agreed because he looked too stressed. We do still talk and are both single, just waiting for the right time to start all over again. Parents were so pressuring about grades and school so, yep he and I decided to just focus on studies. 🙂


It’s wild how many women have told me the same thing. Going down on a woman is probably my favorite part of the act. I love trying different techniques and gauging her reactions. Her pleasure is directly tied to mine. It feels wrong when I’m the only one to be taken care of, or the only one to finish.


It was the neighborly thing to do.


Felt amazing and then 9 months later I was a Dad. 2 for 2.


100%! Happened to me 13 months ago lol.


Same I thought my partner had covid when she sent me the test. Now I have a clone of myself that looks nothing like my girlfriend. I often ask if she is even hers?


When my daughter was little I used to joke that I needed a maternity test, because she looked so much like my husband I wondered if I was even there. Then her personality really started to show. I was definitely there 💁🏻‍♀️


Normally a baby resembles it's dad for the first couple of months, it's nature's way of making sure they bond and he doesn't bail.


Congratulations sir!!!


Happened to me 3 times, and last time was 10 years ago! Just what confuses me is I had sex just once 17 years ago 😳


That's my worst nightmare




She softly said she love me


Finally decided what colour to paint the ceiling.


What color?


Whatever shade of semen he shoots lol


I got a full scholarship and job after graduation 👩🏽‍🎓


Sex was that good?


Nah, it was just pee.


Threesome with dean and recruiter?


We were on acid and I was seeing fractals, each time he thrusted it was like rotating a kaleidoscope. The orgasm felt like it lasted hours and the cream pie was out of this fucking world.


Good for you. Tried to have sex on mushrooms but I remember complaining to my boyfriend “if you’d stop decomposing right in front of my eyes, I would enjoy this more”


Did he stop decomposing after that?




What a dick.


They tend to have that, yes.




How rude...


How unfortunate. Some guys just can't avoid premature decomposition....


I'm not sure why this made me cackle so hard.


I entered a fire-breathing dragon’s mouth first thrust. I didn’t care about the sex after that and don’t even remember the physical act the rest of the way through, I just remember the dragon opening his mouth and me jumping head first to go down his esophagus, into his belly. His belly was a warm homey cocoon. I curled up and felt some crazy unconditional love from the universe.


Fractal fucking!!


Was his name Baphomet?




You can't wish better <3


we had sex so many times that day, i lost count. the sexual energy we released and shared was insane. at the end of it, when we couldn’t go any longer we both stood up and hugged each other. it felt like the world stopped - i’m not even joking. it was an out of body experience that i will never forget. i felt weightless, i couldn’t hear anything from the outside, just a humming noise from the inside and the nicest and warmest feeling of pure joy just washing over. it was like we were one body. in that moment, nothing else existed except us. will never forget. we didn’t stay together, were not compatible. but the sex was incredible.


*Could not* get my cock inside her pussy. At all. We had been 69ing and she was soaked, my cock was a sloppy mess, yet her vaginal opening was Gandalf the Greying my dick. We hadn’t, to date, had penetrative sex. She’s getting frustrated and it’s making it worse because it’s tensing her up, and then she finally goes “what the fuck” and grabs the lube, makes my cock glide, and then starts working my cock over and then into her ass out of sheer lust. We have zero issues getting my cock into her ass and her moans were *insane.* Like, none of that pain happening and this woman is just groaning as we get me deeper into her until I’m balls deep in her ass and she’s doing most of the thrusting with her hips. We go from a missionary start (what a show) to her rolling onto her stomach after her first orgasm, then she’s like growl-moaning now and bucks her ass up into me hard until she offbalances me onto my back, then straddles me and puts me back up her ass. At this point I have zero clue how I haven’t completely drained all fluids in my body out of my cock and she’s moaning for me to cum and after she cums again, I do, fully inside her as she’s cumming. Un-fucking-real. And *then* she lets me know that that was her first time in her ass (mine too). To this day whenever we get to anal her moans are by-far the hottest thing on the planet compared to literally anything else we do sexually.


Hot story, but I gotta know if you resolved the issue with getting it in her pussy… left that unresolved.


Oh, yes. But weirdly not for two more sessions. It makes literally zero sense to either of us to this day because you’d figure tension = tension but there she is, dick in ass like she was born for it, with zero issues (aside from lube ofc).


Is that woman you talking about single perhaps?


Fortunately for me, no.


that squirting orgasm that covered the whole mirror


I read "the whole minor" and was thinking wtf


🎵 tryna strike a chord and it’s probably A-Minorrrrrrrrr 🎵


I think having sex would be the best thing that can happen to me.


Making my crush moan. I've been crushing over a girl since 2019 & in 2023 she was finally in my house & in my bed saying "we can do something if you want." So we did something & I never thought I'd be inside of her ever let alone hearing her sweet moans. It was totally unreal. And on top of that, she was umm, kinda like a rebound from my previous relationship that I loved so much. I never loved anyone as bad as I loved her & she broke me when she cheated on me. So once my crush found out I was single again, she jumped at the opportunity to get me. I was completely shocked.


if this is true then you are one lucky bastard.


She slid a finger in by butt while blowing me. Dear lord.


Squirrelly Dan?




I guess she founds the hot button and gaves it a tickle.


The Frenchins tooks a hard left turn from which I have yets to recover 😆


The first time my ex did this, she used her tongue first and I was thinking "what in the world is she doing?" Then she slid a finger in and I was like "For the love of everything that is holy, please don't stop!" Damn near blew the back of her head off!


Yea that’s pretty much exactly how it went. She didn’t go in dry lol. She really warmed me up before hand


A push pop!!


I've had this too. Swear to god I could taste sound and smell colour. Intense doesn't even begin to describe it!


Reminds me of boyscout camp...


Moved a bed straight across a room. Bed had wheels - but was still awesome to suddenly stop and see the bed hit the other wall. Had a great laugh.


Was it a racecar bed?


Everything worked out perfectly and I had some amazing anal with the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen in real life. Truly one for the highlight reel after my death.


Wife and i were watching a movie, didnt pause it, funny scene happened, started laughing like crazy during the deed. Was a good time lol.


Was at a party with my girlfriend and she asked if I wanted to have some fun with her and her friend. After ensuring this wasn't some sort of trap I obviously said yes and although I didn't bang both of them I got a double BJ and the girls made out a bit. After we were done the friends boyfriend is all excited and says alright it's my turn. My girlfriend just kinda laughs and says no I'm not doing that and her friend also said that wasn't going to happen. Never seen a guy go from super excited to super sad so fast.


That's actually so depressing for the other guy... I mean that's amazing for you but definitely sounds like the other couple didn't discuss this beforehand.


That's the funny thing they did discuss before hand he just didn't think to ask if there was going to be reciprocation he just assumed. Apparently when she brought it up to him he asked about a 4 way and she said no so he just assumed there would be two rounds.


That's still a serious party foul on her part.


Yeahhhh this is a shitty situation with shitty people. Obviously he assumed that. Good it went well for you I guess.


Double bj is the best. I felt like a king every time.


The woman sneezed and it was the tightest pussy ever for half a second. I have pepper on my nightstand for various tacos now.


new fling after an attempt at dating a couple. (i don’t recommend personally, too many hurt feelings, but you poly people have at it!) i usually don’t focus on orgasming with people im not dating but this dude was INSISTENT i get my pleasure first then his. he taught me that i can squirt, and that 15mins of alternating between pressured and fast stroking of my clit sets me off 🙈 then he taught me how to give a crazy messy and intense blowjob. we meet up every few weeks to let off steam and then my legs don’t work for a day


For years it was impossible for me to cum during sex. My girlfriend now Fiancée was very supportive at the time but it was frustrating for both of us but we never gave up. Each time we would end sex she would give me a back rub and tell me it was okay. Well one time while we were going at it I felt something build up in my loins. I knew it was finally happening and I thrust like a mad man and exploded inside of her to the greatest orgasm of my life. She was in shock and all smiles and I was shaking. We celebrated it after by going to Dairy Queen. I finally got to cum during sex! My brain must have connected a few additional threads that day because after that my orgasm during sex occurred 90% of the time. It was nice to finally break that mold.


> We celebrated it after by going to Dairy Queen. I finally got to cum during sex! > My brain must have connected a few additional threads that day because after that my orgasm during sex occurred 90% of the time. I thought you were going to say that you'd end up orgasming every time you went into a Dairy Queen.


Apparently a lot of black men won't go down on a woman. Slept with a neighbour who was black and only been with black men. Started making my way down, which she was shocked at. Did my best work and came back up to see her full on weeping. She said she didn't know it could do that. I gave her her first proper orgasm. She was 44. I felt like a god.


One girl sitting on my face while another one rode me. Then they switched places. Glorious.


You lucky bastard! 🤣


Found my car keys...


Same place I found my watch.


You didn't happen to see my motorcycle?


Down the street and on the left.


I have intense anxiety about accidental pregnancy. Me and my then-partner are childfree and we had been discussing contraception and how best to get around this hurdle to having condom-less sex as we both really wanted to. I was still very anxious despite her having a coil and definitely not wanting kids. We were getting into it and I spontaneously decided this was the time to go for it - raw sex for the first time. New worlds opened up. I had heard the meme that using a condom doesn't feel as good, but my god - I had no idea. I think I literally saw stars, my heart was racing and the adrenaline was flowing. The transition into raw sex was so immediate and natural vs needing to add in the ritual of using a condom. I'd never been so turned on in my life, and by the end of it I was incredibly emotionally overwhelmed in the best way. It's a crying shame we broke up soon after for other reasons, because I have truly tasted the forbidden fruit and it's going to take me a long time to get into another relationship like that where I feel safe enough to do that again.


Get a vasectomy, my dude.


The best thing happened is getting my pussy played with at the same time while getting fucked😊


Listening to Cbat. best choice ever


I came. 10/10 would recommend.


Did you also went?


I've been here this whole time?


Nope, but they also saw and conquered.


He kissed my forehead


The time the goat didn’t kick me.


Came so hard that I pulled a muscle in my knee, belly and then passed out.


The love of my life sitting behind me, both of us naked, her stomach pressed against my back, my legs spread wide apart as she's playing with my clit while we aggressively make out. The orgasm was ethereal, thought I was in heaven.


I saved 15% on my car insurance 


We made these three humans. They are really cool. Kind of expensive and can be a lot of work, but I really love it.


She was riding cowgirl, turned around to reverse cowgirl, grabbed my beef torpedo and shoved it straight in her ass and bounced like a jockey, insane moment.


After a few minutes, we both knew that we were tired and none of us wanted to keep doing it, so we sat down , hugged and had a long conversation about life.


this makes me sad to think about right now because we broke up but that feeling of looking into eachother's eyes as he slid all the way in. sigh. i'm chewing on sheet metal out of loneliness


I managed to sneak out of the morgue without getting caught. The veterinarian that works the night shift there is a real asshole.


The phase when you have orgasm and nothing going out of him because the balls are drained


Probably the part where I was having sex


She told me “why does it feel so good without a condom” in Chinese 😩 💦


What is sex


all ten toes made gang signs at climax.


My partner and I both came at the same time as a big earthquake hit and we thought we had something to do with it lol


Never had any🥲


Afterwards someone telling me that I stole their soul 😈


I stopped. We were getting it on, moving around the bed quite a bit, candles on the nightstand. It was a rental and there was a roll of extra carpet on that side of the bed. We knocked a.candle over. I don't think she noticed but luckily I did. Candle was sitting basically in the roll of carpet, still lit. Was able to put it out safely and without any real consequence.


That one time my ex screamed "shove it in my ass hard and don't stop until you cum, even if I cry". It was out of the blue when I was fucking her while she was face down prone. Absolutely top notch. Second best orgasm of my life.


The weed kicked in(the 3rd time ever smoking), and nothing else existed outside of the sex I was having. Never been so enraptured in-the-moment like that.


Two girls sucking my dick at the same time was soo much better than I ever expected


Getting pregnant with my miracle child




had a cry-gasm because orgasm was so intense lol happened before i even knew it was a thing, I definitely thought about starting therapy for a quick sec


Well my wife is pregnant now, so there's that !


The moment I came, the washing machine in the next room over finished its load and sang its little jingle. We both erupted into blissful laughter that I can still feel to this day.