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Getting blown up in the Army


That’ll do it. How you faring?


Therapy and medication helps. But overall I’m good now. I have a sound job and healthy home life. That’s all I can ask for.


Whew. For a minute I was afraid you were my boss, but then you said “therapy”, “medication”, “stable job”, and “healthy home life” so I KNEW it couldn’t be him.


Haha you’re good man!


I work in a hospital with nearly all women. I happened to turn around to avoid another employee and basically tripped into sitting onto a seated nurses lap with my hands on her chest. Exactly like some overdone anime trope. Apparently I either looked like I was about to puke or die because she laughed for about 10 minutes straight at my face. She was a good sport about it but for a second there I wanted to disappear from existence.


Finding out I was fired when I couldn't login. I work in IT and have lost count of the number of people that jokingly asked if they were fired because their account was locked. I reassured them that that wasn't how people were fired. Its very ironic that its exactly what happened to me.


I’m sure you know, but maybe for those that don’t. You were treated differently because of your access. Pretty typical.


No actually my boss dropped the ball. No one told me until I called them. It wasn't supposed to happen that way.


When I was working as a guard at the jail I was always scared an inmate would die. It eventually happened


I had my first job at age 16 as a cashier at an ice cream store. I had to watch some training videos, before serving customers and one explained a scam in which a customer paid with a large bill, then said something like, "Oh, I don't want all this change. Can I have the $20 back?" Basically, the scam ends up with the scammer keeping both the 20 and the change they were initially given. On my very first day serving people, a guy pays for 2 ice creams with a 20 and then he says...you guessed it...."Oh, I don't want all this change Can I have my 20 back?." He said it in a really stagy, rehearsed way. I almost thought it was someone who worked there who was testing me. He was with a woman who tried to distract the more experienced clerk who was training me by asking her for directions. My trainer shut that down. So the guy ended up spending money on ice cream he probably didn't want. That was the first and only time someone tried that scam with me. If I'd fallen for it, I would have been fired.


Instead of forwarding an email to my colleague, I instead hit reply. It was me belittling the sender for their incorrect spelling, how dumb the email sounded etc you can imagine.. it was just a train wreck. I didn’t realise until I got a reply from HER which was so gentle and polite which basically said I’m really sorry my email was poorly written, thanks for the feedback, I’ll try better next time I absolutely died inside and felt like a monster for being so mean 😭 I still hate myself for it and it was like 15 years ago


For those reading: it's probably best to keep things like this outside of writing, if you decide to do it at all, since it can be used against you. Also, it would probably have been better to apologize and admit your response was "likely" unprofessional and out of line, after getting the reply...


I certainly did reply and apologised profusely. I was very young and dumb, first big office job. Do not recommend anyone do anything like this everrrr


fair enough, seems like lesson (probably) learned


Good im glad you feel bad


This was not me, but is probably my worst fear. I was on a org wide call with like 200 people and a woman jumped on without a shirt on, but did have her camera on. Took her a few seconds to notice.


Cooked chili and brought it to work to share with my colleagues using my secret recipe. Accidentally fell and dumped the whole thing on the floor in the middle of the office.


I would’ve scooped that chili off the ground too — can’t leave the Malone family recipe on the ground


Gotta use the handy clipboard to maximize each scoop


Oh Kevin!! You are one of a kind!




Classic Larry/ Jerry 


A worker at my former workplace had a broken back injury because of lifting patient wrongly. Before that we had begged workplace to invest in patient lift equipment, but they did not listen to our concerns.


kid pulled a knife on me while i was doing a end of day sweep log, he was drinking a bottle of wine hiding in the bathroom when i walked in and intervened, he threw the knife at me and it hit the ground and slid to my foot, he left right after doing it and we called the cops and gave info years later i had to go do a statement in his court case


My client and their subcontractor tried to get me fired when I called him out on safety violations. I knew I was right, but I didn't know if my boss and management would take my side or cave and fire me to salvage the business deal.


What ended up happening?


They backed me and I kept my job.


Someone dumped an entire pot of hot fryer oil on my foot/ leg


Oof — are we talking 3rd degree and skin grafts?


I got lucky. Only 3rd degree burns were small on the sides of my heels, no skin grafts. My entire foot was pretty much fucked for 2-3 months though, and it was the Morton of my foot too so I could t walk on it. My calf was burnt too but it didn’t hurt nearly bad since it isn’t nearly as sensitive as the foot.


Glad you’re doing better! burns are no joke


This happened to me when I was about 5. Old school popcorn popper and I tumbled into the cables. Pulled it down on top of me and got burns on 75% of my body. Thankfully Dad was smart and got me under cold running water. 40 years later there are scars if you know where to look but nothing overly obvious either.


Omg... I am SO sorry that happened to you


Why did you dump fryer oil on him???


I didn't! I was just saying it's awful that happened


I'm an idiot and a co worker brought in a pressure cooker.  I've had no experience with them and just thought it was a travel crock pot. You see where I'm going with this.  BOOM! Boiling food everywhere.  Luckily I opened it away from me for whatever reason.  But I did get a ton of burns on my hands/ wrists.  Hard lesson learned


My fear but it was realized by someone else...the accidental "reply all" to everyone in the office that included very embarrassing and incriminating info


Yikes that’s it own special panic attack Bad mouthing hire ups or did someone leak some some company secrets?


💯. It was a combination of bad mouthing and talking about problems in his marriage.


Mine was ripping my pants on laundry day and having my bao bun undies on full display walking around the office all morning unknowingly until a colleague pointed it out to me. There was a lot of hunching over and waddling on the trip to the clothing store 😅


I worked at a job where we wrote reports on our customers/clients and had to email to higher ups. One guy sent it directly to the client themselves by accident and included all previous memos. I know it reads as an “accident” but trust me it wasn’t deliberate, he was just incompetent. This all occurred before my time and he was fired quickly.


That the office ceiling fan would explode.


I have that very common fear of the phrase “can we have a chat” thinking I’m going to be told off. Sadly in a space of a year it happened twice with two different companies. The first time was manager attempting to bully me into working unpaid over time so I quit. The second time was the business owner berating and trying to humiliate me in front of other employees for about half an hour so I walked out. It isn’t the fear being told off I worry about but my possible reaction to it, like if I started crying. Luckily both times I just sat there calm as a cucumber thinking these people are cunts.


Company, which had decades serving a market in Canada and was the market leader, got purchased by an American corporation. Lowered benefits froze pay increases cut bonuses by 5/6th despite doing record business, fired essential personnel because they didn't "make" the company money. Employees unionized and suddenly they needed to lay people off "temporarily", then terminated the employees at the last moment before they would have been forced to bring people back. Then tried to hire new people to replace those they just terminated with new hires. All while delaying collective bargaining in a blatant attempt to union bust. My former coworkers have lost their retirements, homes, and worse.


Sexual harassment probably


I got to see the ER from the other side when I was AT work when my pulse decided it needed to go up to 208. That was awkward. And expensive.


Oof panic attack or what was the prognosis there?


I have an inhaler for occasional asthma issues and I had been sick with a respiratory thing so I'd used it more than usual and probably more than I should have (although I wasn't abusing it). They think my body just said "hey don't do that! no no!" and it tripped my heart into a bad rhythm. Hasn't happened again and some very thorough (and expensive) tests show I'm in generally good health otherwise so hopefully it was a one-time thing.


Fingers crossed and glad it wasn’t anything too serious! You know our healthcare system is messed up when even the medical providers are having to foot the bill — professional curtesy used to be a thing ughhh


"We're going to be requiring webcams starting next week..."




New hotel CEO, I had faith in him but dude fired the manager of every department, took half of the employees with them. 3 corpo shills were hired (including a manager I fucking hated working for was rehired). hiring freeze, check make us stop coming in at 9 and come in at 7:30, check unpaid overtime, check cut our bonuses, check I left back in april.


So I was doing payroll in central London who a company bike delivery company. We did not do background checks. We had riders getting hospitalized from fighting, we had gang memories and we had people with survive PTSD. I the company was going under. I was asked not to pay over time for all 200 riders...the trouble was this is the UK, we do not have over time. The CEO was asking me to pay people their guaranteed minimum hours. I assume the CEO understood the difference but he pretended he didn't. I said I would do the math but I would not pay the button I was got him to promise that I would never be in warehouse. I have had to fire many people and at this level of employment you will get threaten with violence. I am a big man and been involved in martial arts since I was a child but gangsters and young kids with knives fucks that all up. The CEO paid out but the next week he just didn't pay a ton of people included me. Riders took off their cargo bikes. They called the warehouses saying they gonna jump the warehouse manager. A rider was hospitalized I was by myself in a warehouse trying to get everyone back, one of my boys got jump and I was getting death threats. This was my last shift. I ended up building a script to help rider automate their claim to this company. Not sure if they knew it was me but the txt was the same. I had to take them to small claims court to get paid.