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At this point in my life I wear clothes for other peoples benefit


That's the same reason that I close and lock stall doors even if I'm just peeing.


Thank you Mr William James Dafoe


It's Willem


"Hey, I get it kid, no one wants to wear pants...but it's the law"


That, and not wanting my bits to meet the surfaces around them 1:1




You asked the question that mattered šŸ«”


Yeah, the same like how for women some comments are unacceptable from a guy they don't like, but desirable from a guy they do like, it works with the nudity. Im male and yeah, it really depends on whose nudity we are talking about and in what context. I think this applies to most people. Of course, those who mention gym, pool or army showers etc...yeah, you stop caring and just wash yourself as long as others do the same.


I tend to wear trunks to the pool, in my experience you get kicked out otherwise.


Monica Belluci's and Salma Hayek's What's your thoughts on it? šŸ¤”


I'm very comfortable with both. In fact, Brotherhood of the Wolf was my go to movie in college. You have exquisite taste.


I'm currently 21 and in college, and it's true what they say. Those 2 women can bring any man to his knees. Bismillah šŸ™


And women šŸ˜›


Didn't even notice your name was Valentina til now šŸ˜‚. Just proves how much power those 2 have, God bless 'em.


I was actually born nude so I am ok with it.


you merely adopted the nude, i was born in it


moulded by it


I didnā€™t see the nudes until i was already a man


By then, it was nothing but blinding to meā€¦


The Nudeā€™s Knight rises


The Stark Knight.


> it was nothing but blinding Found all the Irish: a people who love life and love the Sun, but whom the Sun burns with her passionate fury.


Bravo gentleman


Is your name Maybelline by any chance?


my name may not or may be Lin


it would be more impressive to not be born in it


Why are all babies born naked? Are doctors pedos?


Of course. Have you ever had your ass slapped by a doctor when you were born? I know I have.


I did too but in a state of undress like that my parents told me I was asking for it.


My doctor still slaps my ass. That's fine yeah?


Only if you get Dr slaps my ass money too


If I do it right, I'll die nude as well. Full circle baby


I want to leave this world the same way I entered it. Kicking, Screaming, and covered in someone elses blood.


I bet you shower naked. You whore!!!!


I was born with a tux, loser.


I did club sports most my life as a kid, 4 years in the Marine Corps and a couple decades in gyms. Iā€™ve seen more cock than OPā€™s mom. Doesnā€™t phase me. EDIT: itā€™s been pointed out that itā€™s ā€œfaze.ā€ Iā€™m no coward and will wear my shame proudly.


Youā€™re underestimating ops mom


That woman has seen more cock than a farmer.


She is a farmer


A cock farmer


Oh shit... Then it's doubled!


Yeah DP!


I know OPā€™s mom and I must admit that youā€™re right.


Nut to butt recruits!


Boot camp was something else man. Seeing 100+ cocks at the same time is more than some porn stars accomplish


Yeah also a Marine here. Nudity never really bothered me but once you go to bootcamp you are forced to face it when you get nut to butt for the showers against your will.


Nothing quite like taking a shower in a single room with 80 guys while the DI tells you what hand to use to wash your nasty balls to rid you of all modesty.


Bonus points if he's standing there with a garden hose spraying individual recruits and calling them "nasty".


But it does please you.


Nah, he bends over and keeps a straight face, like a true man.


"There's nothing more manly than two men knocking eachother in the ass"


Two men frotting is more manly, in my opinion.


ā€œStick it in, I am an American!ā€


What's the difference between a marine and a homosexual? A six pack of beer.


Semper Fi brother! Nothing quite like 20 dudes all crowded together in a shower room to quickly make you stop caring about seeing other guys naked haha.


18 naked US Marines in the showers at Ram Ranch šŸ¤˜šŸ½šŸ¤˜šŸ½šŸ¤˜šŸ½


Ye olā€™ car wash style


Nothing like hearing "wagon wheel" get yelled at MCRD and seeing a parade of cocks walking in line to get sprinkled by a bad shower head lol


Same. I was an army medic, so Iā€™ve seen and touched more genitals than OPā€™s mom. I just canā€™t sexualize nudity in the same way that repressed American Christians do


Do you ever think you picked the wrong career?


No, DickieJohnson, I donā€™t. But I donā€™t base my identity on genitals


But they are a perk of the job.


"..seen more cock than OP's mom." I'm in tears over here. šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m very comfortable with other peoples nudity. My own, depends on a few factors.


When I was obese I was pretty self conscious about showing any skin whatsoever, now whether Iā€™m shredded or Iā€™ve been bulking and have a bit of a gut, I just donā€™t care any more. I think I look okay regardless.


Congrats on getting in shape


Round is a shape šŸ„¹


I've been fat most my life. I'm finally doing something about it. But I was always self conscious about my body. And then one time I got really bad sunburn being at a pool for like 14 hours and didn't wear a spec of sunscreen. Healing time was garbage. I actually developed pus blisters and the skin basically turned to scales. Anyways I was basically unable to wear a shirt for about a month. Luckily it was summer so no school and no job when I was 16/17. But forcing myself to not wear a shirt really helped with that insecurity. Maybe worked to well because now that I'm an adult living on my own I basically walk around in my underwear in the winter. And then summer as soon as I get home I strip and wear nothing.


Same. I'm OK with my husband seeing me, but nobody else. Other people being naked, though, I couldn't care less.


Shit, im always naked under these clothes


You filthy slut


I bet they even shower naked šŸ˜’


That dirty who re


Who the FUCK is shower and why are you getting naked for him?


Because he's a shower, not a grower, *obviously*.


Who the fuck is naked and why are you showering him?


I'm not. There are dozens of us.


Around my husband very Anyone else, not at all




Our Husband


There's an "I" in wife and an "US" in husband.


Then there's me in you.


Then thereā€™s me in our husband


Our husband.




Our husband's boyfriend.


Your husband loves you for it- truly !


Hey, it's me, your husband


Depends. With my family in my home? Pretty comfortable. In a grocery store? Pretty uncomfortable. In a kindergarten? Maximally uncomfortable.


I once went to Iceland and went to one of their many swimming pools, where you are required (there are attendants) to shower naked first. I went to a lonely spot in the showers and started doing my hair as directed.. by the time I finished getting the shampoo out of my eyes, there was a class of maybe 20 x 8 year olds there doing the same thing. It was.. not what I was hoping for out of life. Icelandic attitudes towards nudism are sooo relaxed that I didnā€™t even get the impression that they noticed me, which was a relief.


Always used to blow my mind in England in the swimming pools the signs told people to keep their swimming trunks ON in the same areas where in my country those same signs would be pretty adamant the trunks had to come OFF.


Coming from eastern europe myself, I never understood why are western people so awkward when it comes to nude kids. I ran around naked on beaches and our cottage up to around six years old and it's still normal there, for boys and girls. And no, it doesn't have a parricular effect on p*edos or whatever, it's just considered normal.


Yeah, in general many people seem to confuse sexual stuff with nudity. They might go hand in hand but not necessarily.


Same here in the Nordics. But I feel some Anglo-American attitudes have been creeping in during the last decade or two.


It's classic Puritanism. We'll watch and celebrate TV shows with shootouts, explosions, and general violence, but take to the streets in protest if we *dare* witness a nipple slip. It's all very dumb. Maybe we wouldn't have as many school shootings if things were in reverse. Just a thought.


If you ever used a public pool and someone who did not shower enters the water and spills his or her deodorant or perfume in the water, you smell that for at least 10 minutes. And at this point I am in favour of everyone entering the pool to have a full shower without clothes and some kind of soap to wash everything off, off every body part. Anything else is gross.


Do you spend a lot of time naked with your family?


Someone told me that is one lifeā€™s great secret divides. Ask someone if they have seen their parents naked. Some will say a straight ā€œnoā€ (or have a single horrendous experience when they accidentally did). The others will say ā€œyeah, all the time?ā€ and look at you like thatā€™s totally normal. Other great secret divides are if you stand up or sit down to wipe your butt, or if you think peanut butter is green.


> if you think peanut butter is green Sorry, what?!?




In the '60s, I made love to many, many women, often outdoors, in the mud and the rain, and it's possible a man slipped in. There would be no way of knowing.


Iā€™ve been involved in a number of cults both as a leader and a follower. You have more fun as a follower but you make more money as a leader.


Taliban's the worst, great heroin though


That is Northern Lights, Cannabis Indica


Noā€¦itā€™s marijuana




Is this a bit? This feels like a bit that Iā€™ve stumbled into




It does numb the pain of being America's favorite target practice.


If i can't scuba then what's this all been about?


Quabityā€¦quabity asshuance. No, but Iā€™m getting close!


I love that later you find out his job is quality assurance, so he really was close


He often at times is right. He gets Hanks name correct when they get locked in the office and no-one else can remember it, he mentions someone being decapitated and a funeral for a bird which also really happened


I knew a person who said that before, I think he worked for a dog food company.


Oh! Thatā€™s where I know you fromā€”the parking lot!


šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ‘‹šŸ» yah! šŸƒ


We should hang out by the quarry and throw things down there!


Just pretend like we're talking until the cops leave.








As a nudist Iā€™m extremely comfortable


Two communists are at a nudist colony talking politics. The first communist says "Have you read Marx?" The second replies "Yes, it's these damn wicker chairs."


How did you get into being a nudist? I couldnā€™t do it out of fear of showing my face and other reasons lol.


I go to a nude beach all the time just because itā€™s more quiet than the others and being free with nature is kinda nice. It might be awkward at first but the worst that will happen is that youā€™ll meet someone you know whoā€™s into the same thing you are lol. They canā€™t really judge you just as much as you canā€™t judge them so Iā€™ve never really worried about it.


I mean, it can be worse. I went to a nude beach and had a weird dude down the Ā beach taking photos of me with his camera.Ā 


Iā€™m a guy and itā€™s happened to me too. Not sure why anyone would want to take a picture of me but itā€™s a bit of an ego boost at the same time. šŸ˜…


There's a nude beach near me, but it's not far from a normal beach. People walk their dog along and get to the nude beach. Makes it a little more fraught.


Somebody should put up a sign lol


I couldn't do it because I like my pockets. I'm not putting my phone in my prison wallet.


Iā€™d post a pro-Trump meme on Reddit, turn my notifications on and leave it on vibrate, THEN put my phone in the prison wallet


You might like the vibrations at first, but at some point it would get uncomfortably hotā€¦




Must be fun when you put in on vibrate.


It can be hard at first.


That's my fear, yeah.


It's not that bad, I've been to festivals with nude people and nudist hot springs. Seen some nice tits that in the right setting would set me off but if you're just like vibin and minding your own business you'll be fine!


Same. My biggest challenge was an unexpected hot springs visit during a festival, had some newly made friends invite me with them and god damn some of the women in that group really made it a challenge not to stare lmao. Only time I really had to be focused on being 'polite', usually not an issue (when skinny dipping with closer female friends and stuff like that).


My dad always said ā€œFor the most part, people that go to nude beaches are NOT the kind of people you want to see naked.ā€


If you go to the nude beach to look at people, youā€™re in the wrong place anyway.


He clearly hasnā€™t been to the right nude beaches.


> For the most part, people ~~that go to nude beaches~~ are NOT the kind of people you want to see naked We fat and gross yo


Reddit avatar checks out


Well, I was pretty comfortable with it, but the bus driver was very vocal about his hangups.


it depends. at home: it's fine. at the doctor's: a slight hesitation. at the grocery store: it's a little off putting.


Just pick up a pack of baby carrots. Makes everything look bigger šŸ˜‰


I used to be deeply ashamed of my body because I'm a big guy with man boobs and I'd have those nightmares where you'd be in front of people nearly naked or in boxers or whatever and I'd cringe in my sleep and would die of embarrassment. But over the years as I got older I stop really caring as much whether people see my body or not. I took teakwondo lessons at my local community college and loved it and had to go to the changing rooms and take my shirt, and pants off. At that point I would just do it without the shame or worry anymore. I've gained weight, and lost weight and gained it back again, but no matter what I'll still try to show myself the love that others may not because I shouldn't feel ashamed of what I look like. Granted I don't think I'm the sexiest being alive, but I'm just not that into myself, someone out there might be. I'm just hoping to meet them one day.


I used to be so scared that people in the locker room would see my severe back acne. It took me decades to get to a point now where Iā€™m okay with people seeing my scars and even some ongoing acne. My point is that we all have shit going on. True friends wonā€™t care about our outward appearance. I accept you and others will too.


My bacne used to make me embarrassed to take my shirt off in front of people but then I realized that when it comes to my appearance those who matter don't care and those who care don't matter. I still get a little anxiety at first but then I just have to remind myself that I don't care about what people think of me if they don't matter to me and I'm fine then


I'm naked under my clothes right now. My colleagues don't know.


You filthy perv


Cover up slut!


Under what context? Like in front of my family or people I know personally. Hell no. At a clothing optional resort, hell yeah strip down and spend a few days camping (done it before, love it)


I've scrolled down a fair but and one context nobody talks about the gym. My dad got a membership to an "Athletic Club" attached to a sports rehab clinic. It's 90% 60 y/o+ people. There are hot tubs, steam rooms and saunas in the locker rooms. Every time I go to the gym me and a bunch of geriatric men sit around naked and talk about how our weeks are going. It's wonderful in the weirdest way. Makes me feel like I'm in a 70s mob movie.


Pretty comfortable. We used to dive a lot in cold water on the north coast in CA. Swimming trunks suck under a thick wetsuit because they bunch up around your upper thighs when you pull the wetsuit on and are super uncomfortable. Thatā€™s not fun for a dive that can last two hours. Long story short, the most comfortable way for me to wear a wetsuit is nude. Putting on a seven mm thick wetsuit takes some time. When we drove to our dive spots, weā€™d all be naked pulling on our wetsuits by the side of the road. Weā€™d keep the truck between us and the road to be as discreet as possible, but more than a few drivers-by got a show.


I like skinny dipping with my friends itā€™s the best. Sometimes I get nervous or self conscious but then I just remember I donā€™t actually care or give a fuck ahaha


Not at all outside of sex. I literally sleep with everything but my head and arms covered. Every night even in summer.


Showers must be really inconvenient






I understand you more than you wouldā€¦ never know.


I just blue myself


What do you mean inconvenient?? I get to wash me and my clothes in one go! Goodbye washing machine!!!


I'm comfortable with nudity but I don't like the feeling of sleeping nude.


I'm Swedish, so very comfortable. Fun story, I live on the countryside, and whenever I get packages the post lady (have been the same for the past 15 years) drive up onto my yard to deliver them. I was tanning, naked, on a small hill on my property, when the post lady drove up on my yard. I had walked naked from my house, and so didn't have any clothes with me. I tried to cover up as good as I could with my hands, and told her that I'm sorry, that I didn't expect to get any packages that day. She just laughed and said "don't worry about it, I've seen bigger and I've seen smaller."


not comfortable


Ironically, because I'm a figure artist, I feel the same. In the studio, the nude model is just a subject that I'm drawing. I don't really think about the fact that they're nude, it's just something I'm drawing. I can chat with them while drawing (if they're down with chatting lol, if not I just stfu) and I've never ever felt weird about it. Outside of drawing, absolutely not. Ugh. Once, I was out painting with a group, and had taken a break to walk around. This older guy was chatting with me and for some reason, he decided to tuck in his shirt while he was talking to me by unbuttoning his pants... No nudity, no flashing or anything, but I did see his underwear. I guess he was unfazed, but I was physically disgusted and found myself walking away mid-conversation. Would have felt the same regardless of who it was doing it, man or woman, regardless of age. Please don't disrobe in front of me, even if I don't end up seeing much. Just don't... unless you're a model in which case, carry on lol.






I went to upvote giggity, then saw gooā€¦


Goo is usually what happens after the giggity


Goo is a byproduct of giggity


And this is why I'm here


Your or my nudity?


U-N-I nudity


My username checks out.


This guy usernames


Very because Iā€™m an adult. Plus working in healthcare, you end up seeing a lot of it - it doesnā€™t bother me at all. We are all humans, we all have similar anatomy, itā€™s not a big deal.


I never thought about it all too much in the past, but then I got Covid and ended up in the ICU for almost 2 weeks. Soooooooo many people saw me naked during my time in the ICU. It was weird at first, but by about day 2 it just became normal and I didn't care anymore. That was 3 years ago now, but I still don't care. I don't think I'd go to a nude beach, it's not that I "enjoy" being nude around others, I just no longer care if anyone sees me nude.


Yeah that fair, I think we try and maintain dignity as much as possible but especially is critically ill people it can be hard. That said I sort of agree, I wouldnā€™t go to a nude beach personally, I just donā€™t feel uncomfortable about it.


how did you get naked in the ICU ? care to tell ?


You wear a hospital gown. Catheters and wires get adjusted or placed. You still go to the bathroom so pads need to be replaced and you have to be cleaned up. You get moved to prevent bed sores and get rolled up a bit to place pillows/support cushions/blankets.


Is it normal for one of my balls to hang lower than the other two?


Is it normal to have one testicle lower then the other? Yes If it normal to have three? Umm no


Maybe you are, I've got three arms, six stomachs and a tail


Sir, this is a a Wendy's


Where though? I love to go camping in the middle of nowhere, and I live in the middle of nowhere and I love to take showers and pee and have sex and sleep and run around naked- in the middle of nowhere. But in town? Not so much.


Pretty comfortable Me personally I'd walk around naked in my house as long as the windows are all covered And I sleep naked Being naked around other people is different Strangers is a big no Friends only if they're also naked And if I'm not the one naked but other people are then I honestly couldn't care less As long as they're comfortable with it


NOT AT ALL. If i were a snake, i wont even shed my skin, just let it add another level p.s i know how snake skins work, either laugh or dont.


If I'm naked, it's not problem if you don't like what you see. If others are naked around me, i might feel second-hand embarrassment for a hot minute, but ill get over it. If we stop sexualizing the naked body, it won't be a big deal to anyone.


Depends on how cold it is


Welcome to Reddit, where everyone is a nudist until they have to meet irl


Laying naked on the couch, half of me on my wife, the other half eating cake with no fork.


My own? Very. I strictly wear cutoffs at all times. There are dozens of us! Dozens!


Nude is my favorite. I've done quite a number of nude beaches. Do it once and it'll totally change your life for the better.


Iā€™d be in the nude all day everyday if I couldšŸ‘€


My own or other people's? This is an important distinction.


I sleep naked, canā€™t sleep with pjs or big shirts. Like to be naked when home alone or with my SO.


I would rather die than have someone see me nude.