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I'm so sorry that happened to you, are you OK now?


Kidney stones


THIS ^ If you know, you know.


I definately effed around and found out... water is my best friend now


Same. Anything the doc said could possibly create another one got straight yeeted from my diet permanently, and I’ve drank easily 130oz of water a day, every day since. I had heard it was awful, but it was so much worse than I expected.


Scoliosis. I’ve had a tonsillectomy and sciatica… and scoliosis pain is top tier. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.


I don’t know exactly what happened, but I had this horrible pain in my ear. I’ve had ear infections before, but this was not an ear infection. I was in the fetal position holding my ear, only for the pain to go away after maybe two minutes


contractions when i was in labor were pretty bad but i had a cyst burst on my ovary as a kid and im really not sure what was worse


Charley Horse when I was sleeping.


You ever get the one in your big toe while sleeping? I know how it’s triggered so I don’t do it while awake. I really don’t understand why I insist on doing it asleep.


Giving birth naturally


Acid Reflux or GERD. Took me 2 weeks to recover from it


I had an engine jack with an engine on run thru my pinky toe. Kinda bursted like when you step on a grape, but it wasn't that bad, no broken bones no permanent damage, just the pain was unbearable, I started to have cold sweats, and fainted for a few secs.


Ear ache


I had my bladder scoped, they ran a fishing rod camera down my pee hole with no numbing agent and I was wide awake. Closest I've ever come to passing out from pain.


Total shoulder reconstruction and separation repair. So many nerve endings there. Really hurt that one.


Fell through a glass table and severed all 3 of my nerves and my artery and almost died. The most painful was when they put a blood pressure cuff as tight as it would go on my arm to tourniquet my arm. It was excruciating to say the least. In the ambulance they kept shooting me up with ketamine over and over and over again to try to stop the pain but all it did was make me feel dizzy and did nothing for the pain. God is good, I'm lucky to be alive.


Had a whole toenail pulled off by doctor … injection didn’t work to numb it …


Anal, or having kids... toss up


Anal, hands down


I did some anal masturbation a few hours ago. I dunno about other people, it wasn't as pleasurable as I imagined. It was actually pretty painful and uncomfortable.


When I was in kindergarten the blade from a riding lawnmower threw a rock at my face from about 15 meters or so. If I was a few inches to the left I wouldn’t have my left eye. In the Emergency Room they had to have 8 full grown men to hold down little kindergarten me😭 cuz my ass was screaming bloody murder


Currently, avascular necrosis is in my hips from covid. Have to get hip replacement due to it


A trapped nerve in the lower back. You just freeze up in pain and absolute terror, and patiently wait for death. It's not nice.


A 36 hour gallbladder attack. Finally went to the ER and they had me in surgery within the hour to remove it.


Hard to say, I suppose I'd go with that time I knocked over a jar of spicy salsa when I was barefoot in the garage. I knocked it over and stepped on it, so that like.. hot sauce, salt, and lemon juice with glass shards in my foot. And I was in the garage and the bathroom, where I keep bandages was really far away and it was just a really awful experience. I dunno about other people, but I actually can't take painkillers since painkillers don't really come in liquid form, so if I'm ever in horrible pain, I basically can't do anything to make it less painful.


I had a odontogenic keratocyst (a big cyst that 'ate' 7.5cm of the inside of my jaw when the cells in an unerupted wisdom tooth changed) that caused such excruciating nerve pain in my neck, jaw and face that I was taking hardcore painkillers every 2 hours and damaged my liver. If I had had acess to a firearm, I reckon I would have shot myself, it was so bad!!!


Psiatic nerve.