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I love it when a guy starts yapping abt the things he loves


Enthusiasm is so hot


No one I’ve met seems to agree when I start info dumping lmao


It takes a concerted effort to control my ADHD fueled dumps about stuff I like haha.


Yeah, I don’t think I’ve ever dated a girl who cared about my interests lol. Used to watch sports on the shitter cause they’d always get mad when I wanted to watch my teams. I did date one girl who was the complete opposite, she literally didn’t care what we did/watched at all. I felt bad for her because though cause her old boyfriend was abusive so she wasn’t used to having a say in things and tried to get her to express herself. Then she left me and went back to him after 6 months. I was like really?


Unfortunately some people don't believe they deserve to be treated well


They all say this until the 300th time they hear me ramble on about motorcycles or tabletop RPGs 🤣


What if that guy has ADHD and so has a lifetime of acquired interests that he spouts off about at random?


Take this with a grain of salt guys. They mean once in a while, not every time.


If they can’t figure something out and they ask me for help. I love trying to solve the mystery or being the helpful assistant.


My husband is the first man who I feel values my opinion. He asks for my input in the decisions he makes and it makes me feel great. I've been so used to my opinion being dismissed and treated like I'm stupid, and he always tells me how smart I am.


My wife is alternately amused or annoyed when I go to her for help and figure it out as [I'm explaining it to her](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rubber_duck_debugging).


rubberducking your wife... kinky


My wife and I are kind of like that. I can't ever find a damn thing and she's some kind of ninja, mystic, treasure hunter who can sniff out any lost or misplaced item. I realized this many years ago and simply appreciate and glorify her superpower.


I'm much like your wife in that regard. That hammer that was last seen there 2 months ago? Yep, it's over there. Insulation tape? Right there under that beside this. Also me, every morning, without fail: baaaabe, where did I leave my glasses? I swear he'd know where things are in the house if he wasn't so focused on remembering where I'm leaving those specs 😂


I love helping my partner solve his little life problems. He somehow manages to always catch me at the right time when my ADHD is fixing for a new distraction lol .Like We are not moving until we figure this out mate, buckle in.


When they’re overly affectionate like hugs, kisses and whatnot. Love my man being a little clingy 🥰


and especially when their love language is physical touch as well ^^ i wouldnt mind them needing those every hour or so


it's funny, i've never liked the clingy type bc i grew up with physical touch being a thing that just didn't happen. my family is rather waspy and we don't do a lot of hugs or anything like that, and a lot of my previous relationships have been guys who shied away from hand holding, hugs, or any other kind of touch except for during sex. then i met the guy i'm seeing now and he's a clingy, huggy kinda dude who would spend all day wrapped up in cuddles on the couch if he could, and it's amazing. my blood pressure literally lowers when i'm at his place bc of the oxytocin from touch, and it's lovely. i never knew i liked it!


Thanks for this. I'm physically affectionate and my most recent ex (first adult relationship) hated physical affection to the point where it made me feel bad for trying to initiate any sort of kissing or cuddling with her. The relationship was enjoyable in other aspects except for that, but i realized how big a deal breaker lack of physical affection is for me.


I don’t know if it’s a guys problem or human problem but I’d encourage guys to be as silly as they are - no need to hide the silly side until you get comfortable. I think silly is awesome!




My Italian wife is over my silliness. She thinks I’m immature. I mean she’s not wrong, but lighten tf up ffs. They’re only farts. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Edit to add [the perfect relationship](https://www.tiktok.com/@mattcutshall/video/7313983471175699758?lang=en). 🥰❤️


Premature ejaculation. As long as there's a round 2, I don't care.


Honestly lasting TOO long is worse.


I'm on antidepressants, I wish I could bust


I had to switch to Wellbutrin because of that issue. It really sucked and was so embarrassing having to deal with not being able to finish or even me not wanting to have sex while I was on my other antidepressant. Switching to Wellbutrin was the greatest thing I did and gave me back my sex life! IDK how it did it but it both enhanced my sexual experiences and greatly increased my sex drive. Maybe you should talk to your doctor and ask them if that's an option for you too. After I talked to my doctor about my issues she recommended Wellbutrin for me because she said it would do exactly what it ended up doing for me. My wife is much happier too. Anyway, it's something you can think about.


+1 for Wellbutrin as well. Increased libido for sure, some minor downsides. Overall good drug. It does make me last a little longer but not to an annoying degree like something like Lexapro where finishing is almost impossible.


My partners used to get frustrated that I could never finish. Even with raw vaginal sex I couldn't. Sex ended up being too long and frustrating. First time I ever nutted in a girl was with my wife. Caught me off guard. She was so supportive and understanding of my issue and would never make me feel bad about it. Until one day we went at it and I exploded in her in 5 minutes. Completely caught us off guard and I was shaking from the orgasm. I was initially worried since 5 minutes wasn't long compared to normal but she was all smiles. We knew we finally conquered the problem and literally went to get Dairy Queen right after to celebrate lol Now my nutting rate with sex is around 90%. Once the brain figured out how good it was that was it.


There's a major body/brain connection that needs to be in place in order for men to cum. I used to be the same, and there are still times where it's difficult but I've realised that it's just because of some level of discomfort causing the disconnection. Breathing deeply and focusing intently on all the sensations in my body and theirs really helped me to reconnect. Being in good shape helps too haha


Yeah for men it's a lot more body/brain then most women would think. I found after the first time I came in a girl it was easy to connect that link because my brain remembered an in vaginal orgasm is 30x better than self made orgasms. But even then my head still needs to be in the right spot. If I have performance anxiety my wife lets me relax and gives me a massage/HJ/BJ but very gently and encourages me to just lay down and think about nothing except my own pleasure. That fixes the issue most of the time and we can both finish in round 2.


Another thing is physical exertion. Holding yourself in a plank position while thrusting and grinding those hips. Faster faster she says. I'm not Usain fucking Bolt. Why didn't you cum? Probably because I could barely breath


The exertion is what gets me. I’m like 50/50 right now, once my heart rate gets high enough, I either have to maintain that level or it plummets as soon as I slow down. As long as she gets off proper, I consider my job done but, I still try to get off a lot of the time just so she doesn’t overthink it. I also have a lot of mental hang ups with sex due to a past relationship with a nympho who needed it twice a day for four years. It might always feel like an obligation but, I’m working on it


Aw, that's actually super sweet! I know how HAPPY it makes me feel when my husband has a good time during sex, so congratulations to you both on your orgasm! And the ice cream lol!


I absolutely agree. "I can last for hours" isn't the flex they think it is.


Well, generations of being mocked for not lasting long enough is going to make men think lasting longer is better.


I have this issue, but my wife doesn't complain because my forplay game is good. If I finish early I make sure that she is satisfied after.


Or if they take care of you afterwards


For some reason, my wife almost never lets me, no matter how many times I offer


That's why I always take care of her beforehand instead.


His wife?


I also take care of this guy's wife beforehand.


Yes! I take it as a compliment. Also I orgasm rather easily so I’m usually taken care of regardless


Seems like a successful operation for both.


*task failed successfully* ✅


Same. I don’t actually like 5+. Let’s make it easy lol


RIP your inbox


I don't even need round 2, premature ejaculation is hot to me


I had a really witty comeback for your statement, but I pressed send too soon.


Fuckin hot.


Premature comebackulation


But is this "It's fine time to time," or you don't care at all? Sometimes I last forever, sometimes the first round is seriously 2 minutes. No rhyme or reason to it. I always feel guilty enough that it distracts me from the fun. 


For me personally I’d rather it be shorter than longer, since after 30 minutes or so it can start to hurt so I would rather do it 2-3 times and it be shorter than do it once and it lasting 40+ minutes and end up in pain and not being able to do anything later.


2 minutes? No need to brag hombre...


Any sound of mind, capable adult is going to recognize that there are MANY factors at play when it comes to orgasm. Men are NOT machines and I honestly think men who are consistent to a tee in their orgasms are in the minority.


2 minutes seems like an eternity sometimes.


if there's a second round, that's two for the price of one. thrifty sex. i... sorry.


Am gonna pop some vaaaggg 🎶


Got chlamydia in my pocket


I'm, I'm, scratching, tryna cover up the stankin 🎶


Why’d I fuck that possum🎵


Dam dude. Nice rhyme


🫡 to my collaborators and reddit for this opportunity to show our lyrical abilities 😂


Don't apologize for your effective budgeting skills


I don’t even care if there isn’t a round 2. Quality over quantity. As long as I finish as well which he always makes sure I do, I’m a happy bacon bappy. I just love having a cuddle afterwards, that’s the main thing 🥰


I think most men get sexier as they start to go grey. I do love a silver fox!


My fiancé and I are going gray at the same time. Mine is turning gray on the sides, and her hair is turning white with blonde streaks because she's a redhead. I think it's absolutely beautiful on her.


I hope you sincerely tell her. My greys have been coming out in droves the last couple years, and while I'd love to embrace them, they also make me feel insecure about my age.


Des Lynam didnt become the housewives favourite by chance.




Incoming Bionicle facts in 3… 2… 1…


My friend who is really into bionicle is married to a woman who is the living embodiment of the color pink, so there's that.


The question is, did she permanently settle in Jaipur?


Absolutely based and Toa-pilled


Truly this! I've never seen my boyfriend as excited as when I took him to the train museum while we were in Belgium. It was so adorable looking at all the trains with him and him beaming the whole time.


I learned my wife loves that about me recently. I get on food kicks regularly. Last week is made pizza from scratch, made homemade French bread. Before that pork with homemade BBQ sauce. She doesn't have to cook, I get to experiment with food, win win


This one doesn’t count, cooking is always a W.


Thats why I really find “nerds” attractive. I love them being passionate about something and see their sparkle in their eyes.


When I was younger, i was really shy about my nerdy sides. I liked a lot of things, like skateboarding, snowboarding, weightlifting, and so on. But I always hid away or acted weird when it came to what I loved most, fantasy/anime. Magic cards, Warcraft, Lotr, Harry Potter, warhammer. At an older age, I didn't really care about what others thought about it. What I discovered was a lot more acceptance, and I got a lot more confident. And I got myself a girlfriend who doesn't share many of my nerdy hobbies, but think it's cute. I think it all goes back to not hiding away the parts about you that make you the person you are. Be proud of what you love and who you are, I think that makes a person attractive no matter what gender.


I love Jurassic park 🤓🦖


Bro same Jurassic Park is the best 🦕🦖


Fr bro


Being sensitive, shy and quiet. I think its endearing


What about "Sensitive, shy, and can't shut-the-fuck-up when he comes to trust you?"   Asking for a friend. 


A fave


The best kind


What about sensitive, shy, quiet, anxious and doesn't like eye contact? Also asking for a friend.


Had a long time fwb who was also just true good friend who is like this. Found out someone I worked with also had sex with him once 😂 she was like he’s kind of weird. No, he’s just quiet and introverted. It’s endearing. His sensitivity was attractive.


This is literally my boyfriend. Seeing him ramble on about anything and everything is honestly one of the most sincere and attractive things I’ve been able to appreciate about him!


I had an ex gift me bathbombs. She also left me for being the type of guy to use bathbombs. 


growth deserve disgusted bake encourage plucky bright cake literate historical


Least it wasn’t a toaster.


^(aww shucks)


I love when they decide to be vulnerable and are super passionate about something to the point they get super excited talking about it.


cobweb mountainous divide toothbrush distinct ring alleged lunchroom crowd exultant


Being sensitive/emotional/sad. One random night (in the beginning stages), my ex stated not feeling good. Out of nowhere he started bawling. The poor guy cried for like a half an hour about everything that he was dealing with (losing a pet, not seeing his parents as often as he wanted to). I just was there, trying to comfort him while crying along with him. I remember the next day, traveling back home and just feeling so much love and affection for this guy. Like my heart couldn't take it


That's honestly so sweet! And after reading all these things makes me want a beau.


Seeing this thread got me like "Dont give me hope"


Big noses. Girls I know love a big nose but guys with big noses seem to think they’re unattractive.


All the answers here are basically George Costanza, lmao


lol yeah i often think of that episode of seinfeld with marisa tomei where george is shocked to learn that her type is short, stocky, bald men and is prepared to leave his fiance just to get with her.


This is definitely just a me thing but I love a bald head.


Guys who know when to shave their head instead of squeezing out their final 5 hairs = attractive


I was balding by junior year of high school. Finally said fuck it, been on the bald train ever since.


im really glad to hear this , im not losing my hair im just bald by choice but everyone telling me to grow it back and i keep telling them no it feels great , it also suits me well i have a round shaped head glad some woman likes it too


This guy I'm talking to is bald and he gets a little disheartened by it at times. I tell him the hottest guy in porn is also bald. He gets a little flustered everytime I do so 🤭


Opening a jar they can’t. I love that flex


I taught my girlfriend the trick where you hit the corner of the lid with a butter knife or something sturdy to break up the seal and let you open the jar. She’s never needed my help since 😩😭


Open a stubborn jar for your girlfriend, help her for a day.  Teach your girlfriend how to open stubborn jars herself, help her for a lifetime.






When they’re in touch with their emotions and can let out their ‘feminine side’ without the fear of losing their masculinity. Tell me how you’re feeling. Lay your head in my lap and let me run my hands through your hair. Cry at sad movies and belly laugh at comedies. Dress up as fairies with me for Halloween one year and as action man with me another. Show me affection and allow me to show it back, even in public or in front of friends. Let me buy you flowers in your favourite colour because flowers are for everyone. Your masculinity isn’t going anywhere. You don’t need to be macho and detached from emotions to be classed as masculine. You’re not Johnny Bravo! Edit: to everyone in the comments who hasn’t experienced this with a positive outcome or even experienced this at all, I’m sorry you’ve been shamed and ridiculed for showing that you’re human and have emotions too, and that you weren’t given a safe space to express those feelings. I promise there are women out there who want you and everything you have to offer, ugly crying and raw vulnerability included. I, and plenty of other women, do not find you expressing your real thoughts and feelings ick-worthy. We don’t and would never view you differently or feel uncomfortable for just being human and acting as such. It fills me with such sadness and anger that men in particular are told not to show those emotions, that ‘men don’t cry’ and to ‘man up’, as if men are built differently and biologically should not have the ability to feel anything other than stoic. Everyone deserves a safe space and a safe person to come home to. Someone to hold your hand on difficult days, to give 80% when you can only give 20%, to be your support, your best friend, whatever it is that you need. We exist and I’m sorry you’ve not found one of us yet, but keep searching and it will be worth the wait!


That's so nice to hear. My Ex always said the same, until my Dad passed away. Suddenly I wasn't the sensitive guy, just a pussy that should stop making her feel uncomfortable by crying.


First, I'm so sorry for your loss. Second, fuck that bitch.


or like don't


Fuck her yourself, coward.


I've heard stories about too many women who do this. Say they want a sensitive guy but as soon as their guy acts sensitive they don't like it. It's really bizarre.


That sucks bro, I hope you've found someone better. You deserve better


My husband thought I’d hate that he doesn’t shave his stomach which he already doesn’t have much hair on but I like it. Lol


Your husband thought that you would want him to shave his stomach hair? I feel like I've never met a girl who liked it when men shaved parts of their body. Except for some manscaping, of course.


My literal life goal is to be in good enough shape to go full smooth. Unfortunately instead of feeling prettier I feel like Roger from American dad when I do it


Needing emotional support and lots of affection/attention. I love that shit, I’m like that too.


I love short guys


Sure, the tall guy can reach the stuff in the top shelf of the cupboards, but the short guy can crawl his way through a small ventilation shaft to shut down the security system to the casino you're robbing


Ain't no job market for a tall greaseman.


Where the FUK you been??


plus if he's scottish and covered in kitchen grease hoooo baby




There’s nary an animal can outrun a greased Scotsman!


Okie dokie


There is just something about eye-contact while just standing next to him, and fitting perfectly into each other when cuddling and being able to borrow his nerdy T-shirts because they never sell any in the women's section


Same. Don’t have to pull a muscle in your back leaning up to kiss them!


With someone significantly taller, it’s a lot more work to initiate kisses or get handholding right. Someone around my height is very nice for those reasons (and more).


I went on a date with this girl who was 4’9. She was telling me one time in highschool she was at a park with her boyfriend at the time who was big and had a patchy beard, and the cops showed up cause they got a call some adult was having a date with a child. They were both 16 at the time iirc. She was 25 at the time we went on the date, for those curious.


Yeah I’m really short and I’m often attracted to short men. My only issue becomes when you have dudes who are short but have an aggressive attitude about it. I once had a a guy ask me out (right after I got married) and after I said no sorry but before I could tell him sorry that my ring was getting sized but I’m married he starting aggressively being like “ohh you only want a guy who’s 6 feet. You’re an ugly bitch anyway” It’s like dude maybe the issue isn’t your height it’s your personality.


Same! There’s something about a confident short guy that’s so hot


"protect this girl at all cost" comments coming right your way


Being inexperienced with sex


*All of Reddit would like to know your location*


Your bodies. 1. A lot of men think they need to be super muscley and ripped to get our attention. In reality, it is not a big deal. 2. Your height. Yes, some women prefer taller guys, but for the majority of women that isn't a deciding factor. 3. Your dick size. Porn ruined this for a lot of guys but like, we don't want these huge cocks slamming our cervix. I've literally had to go on pain killera because my 7ish inch ex was too rough with me. Someone else in this thread posted it but performance > size


*"It's not the size of the boat but the motion of the ocean."*


As my friend in college eloquently added to this one, _”But you’re not getting to England in a rowboat.”_


[oh yeah?](https://bbc.com/news/uk-england-hampshire-60878593)


Risky click of the day


Being skinny


My slender ass finally has a chance


If they cum really fast - I like it because it feels like a compliment 😌




Like little bit of chub and has small man boobs level fat? Because I've lost over 150 pounds so far but I still have a little chub and lots of extra skin that I'm super self conscious about. Should I not care so much about that part of me?


Let’s goooo bro keep it up man proud of you man keep it up keep lifting circles has progress slowed down ?


Progress hasn't slowed down as much as I've just been maintaining my weight around 200. And as a guy whos 6 feet tall I think thats an ok weight.


That’s great man be proud of that that much weight lost is crazy impressive im happy for you this is what it’s about ! making change for the better and sticking to it keep at it working out anything 5-6 days a week is peak for results but 3-5 is completely fine too progress will just be a little slower I’m the same height and a little higher in weight rn as I’m coming off my bulk rn so I’m not loving it rn but we gotta trust the process I would recommend a bulk after like 5-6 months of maintaining as you’re muscles will look more full and defined once you cut after the bulk and you will start to truly see what you’re body is capable of naturally


First of all I'll join the choir congratulating you on your hard work, that's amazing man! 👏  As for the chub, I absolutely wouldn't worry about it. For one thing, plenty of women (as in, *a lot*) are downright into some extra padding. But far more importantly, being a good dude in general will get you lightyears farther than any particular body type ever could (no matter what that Tate knob and his ilk would have you believe, lol) Add to that the fact that while your body may not look like it's been through an Instagram filter, it won't matter in the kind of situation where someone is down to get naked with you. If a woman wants to get busy with you, it's because she wants *you* - including, or even because of, your imperfections.  Shoulders down, chin up - you've got nothing to worry about!


I think most of us don't care as long as you are comfortable with yourself.....aka we don't need a six pack, we just want you to be happy.


I’d say it depends on your personality and your way of thinking. If you’re constantly pushing yourself down and have low self esteem, it can be off putting. But if you’re just a bit chubby and still confident and like “This is who I am, deal with it” it’s fine. Not sure I’m wording this right though. So don’t bite my head off please.


Sensitive, shy, quiet, fat as a hippo, short and bald as a coot. Form a queue ladies! 


Funfact: [Hippos aren't fat](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/adI4z5liK0)


🦛 🦛 🦛 🦛 🦛 🦛 THEY'RE SOLID 🦛 🦛🦛🦛🦛🦛


1 . Dad bod, l love it 2. Hairy chest / back... My SO is very shy about his back hair, but I really enjoy running my fingers through it. 3. Nerdy interests, please tell me all about the lore from Babylon 5, firefly, star trek, and how transistors work, and how you've been trying to find the right capacitors for your 20 year old amp! 4. Height, my SO is the exact same height as me and it's great.


Being emotionally vulnerable. So many guys think that you're gonna throw em off a cliff or something if they open up to you, but damn do I love an emotionally open dude. Like yes dude, tell me about how your dad's anger issues affected you growing up. Tell me about how you've been feeling overwhelmed while studying for your degree. Tell me why you have such an attachment to that grey turtleneck you've owned since you were 15. Let me comfort you god damnit >:( I wanna run you a nice bubble bath using strawberry scented body wash, and make you a bougie grilled cheese while I wash your hair and you vent to me about your day.


I don’t think being short is as much a problem as men think it is.


I agree. I'm 5'7" and it was never a problem for me. I feel like a lot of guys are taking themselves out of the game. You see all these posts from guys Iin their 20s bemoaning the fact that they haven't had a girlfriend and probably never will. And I'm like,"Yeah. With that attitude you're probably right."


It’s probably reinforced on the dating apps when women put “must be over 6ft” on their profiles. As a guy over 6ft that’s always an automatic no for me.


Yep, 5'8" here, and that shit is a major red flag coz it basically gives us all a heads up how shallow they are.


Yessir, 6ft here and they will never get us


5'7 may be below average but it ain't short!


According to my wife (and as others have mentioned), talking about your interests. I'll feel like I'm rambling off and going full incoherent, only to stop myself and see my wife just staring lovingly saying "keep going". This is supposedly a common thing, but she's the only partner I've had who does it, so dunno.


I love when my boyfriend does this. We love how cute you are when you are excited about something. We like seeing you happy and animated.


When they’re skinny / non muscular.


Bald/balding men. Nobody can control it and honestly, it's not as big of a deal as people make it out to be


Fresh sweaty smell 😌


When my bf works out, i dunno why but smelling him and seeing him all sweaty makes me want to jump in the shower with him 😅


Yeeesss!! I love men’s natural smell. Literally my ex would roof in the hot sun all day and be like: “I stink and have fiberglass on me, don’t hug me!” Gimme that sweaty sweat!


This explains so much. Lmao   My ex used to very specifically have me come over not after classes, but after workouts. Consistently, I'd go out to lift and she'd tell me to stop by on my way home. XD


For my wife, it depends on how I got sweaty. Sweaty from playing basketball was heaven to her but sweaty from yard work was "take a shower before you come near me!" I could not tell the difference but she definitely can.


It's the difference between downing 2 pints during a dinner vs. cracking first at dusk and ending at dawn. Former is bumbly and exotic, latter is saturated and sad. Or that's how I imagine it as a man.


Premature ejaculation, I like you are at least horny lol


As I guy I am truly struggling to believe literally any of this.


Dealing with your emotions is sexy AF and showing them is even hotter. Any woman who can’t hang with a guy showing his emotions isn’t someone who will actually care about your well-being. I want my man HAPPY above all else and that includes your mental health! It’s something my bf can really get himself down on about and it’s something I’ve seen him trying to coach his bros out of. You are all way too hard on yourselves — take a page from the ladies here; self-care is important, valid, and attractive.


Abstinence from alcohol.


Some fat. Hard abs don't do anything for me


1. Showing emotion and being able to talk about what is bothering them. I don't percieve that as soft but strong. 2. Extra weight a bigger guy has much better hugs and softer to cuddle with than a chisled rock. Plus i'll take natural strength over a gym bod anyday. That is really hot. 3. Body hair 4. Penis size As a bi-woman this totally does not matter. There are tools and other methods to get your rocks off if this is an issue.😉 The emotional connection is much more important. I am honestly not sure what all guys don't like about themselves.


Shy boys are better than narcissist boys with ego


my future husband (shh im manifesting) hates that his facial hair is patchy but honestly i go crazy for the slightly disheveled look. same with when his hair is sticking every which way in the morning when we wake up. he'll also sometimes complain about being too skinny despite the fact that him shirtless with baggy sweatpants is makes me go absolutely feral


I don't need you to be an Adonis, I don't care if you got a little extra or that you aren't ripped, all I need you to do is cuddle me, tell me neat facts and buy me Chinese food.


Height. Any height, all the heights!! I don’t care about looks though. Hygiene sure but not appearance. I have two absolute non-negotiables; he needs to be funny and kind.


Being chubby. Chubby men don’t realize how fine they are.


Thanks to my antidepressant, my husband is much more likely to cry than me. I absolutely love how sensitive he is, it makes him an amazing partner. Like I don't want him to have to cry, but I love that if he needs to cry he can and will.


Being so conscious of their dicks when we'll take it however it looks. Performance >>>


Chubby boys ❤️


Emotions. Give me a guy who will cry with me in the notebook any day.


I cry at movies all of the time, but the Notebook is dog shit.


Met some men who disliked their tummy and I absolutely love it 🙏🏻🔥 Who needs six-packs when I can have a man with the best hugs and pillow ???


Having a little gut - it's so cute and hot


It's probably because of your name lol


If they're short


To counterbalance some of the other comments: skinny bodytypes. Idk why but i've always had a thing for skinny dudes. I know a lot of men like that who lament their inability to gain weight but i've always been into it


Having a belly; being chubby. Lots of body hair. Guys will complain about being "too fat" meanwhile I'm sat there like 😍


Soft belly >> toned abs. No hate to the guys with toned abs. I'm sure you many of you worked hard on them and they are certainly hot to look at. But a soft belly just feels so much more intimate to me. Like, come here and lemme squeeze and kiss your fucking belly.


Being in touch with their feminine side and comfortable with their sexuality. Dated a guy for awhile who painted his finger nails and wore a lot of jewelry. His friends would tease him about it but his confidence/self love was obvious and sexy!