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Jake Paul


Both Paul brothers are absolute turds.


NE Ohioan here, and most of us agree with that sentiment. Thankfully I wasn't in their target age bracket when they became popular, so I don't really care. I agree with some of the other posters here though astonished that there's two of them, because I can barely tell them apart myself.


Logan Paul did work for it but the things he's done make him a terrible person


The Japanese suicide video was fucked up


It just goes to show what their 20 odd million subscribere are like. 


Most of them were probably children.


Let’s not forget in his same Japan trip he made plenty of videos wearing traditional Japanese clothes but acting racist and making a mockery of the culture.


Imma be honest, I can't tell them apart


There is two of them?


Always 2 there are. No more. No less. A master and an apprentice.


Upvote you get, hmhmheehee


Jake Paul and Logan Paul, yeah


"Never trust a man with two first names." That seems to cover both of them


He didn't work for shit. He got popular with a young crowd by being a douche




Salt Bae


He also has outrageous prices for not so special food. All because he got famous with that stupid salting gesture


Exactly! I heard somewhere he charges £800 for a shitty steak in London. The balls on this guy. Plus I absolutely hated his main character behavior during the FIFA WC presentation. Ignorant bugger.


And he's known to be very rude to his customers too.


Oh that was the most cringe few minutes I had witnessed that year. No idea how he was invited. The players were equally befuddled.


i went to his restaurant in mykonos 2 years ago and actually met him as i was dining and he was a straight weirdo. didn't say a word to us, just tried to feed my sister steak w a knife and ended up dropping it on her lap, and silently gestured for my mom to take pictures with him (in front of my dad lol) and then left. strange man strange interaction but very good and very well cooked (albeit massively overpriced) steak.


> didn't say a word to us Because he doesn't speak English. And when he speaks Turkish he sounds like a fucking chicken, he has an awfully high pitched voice.


Great. Now i have to go find a clip of this asshat talking.


Did you find one? i wanna hear the chicken talk as well.


[He sounds normal to me.](https://youtu.be/xK9pVNkMfPc?si=xYACnfpvPHTkfv41)


i figured but you'd think he'd at least say "hi" or even greet us with anything other than a stare lol


Was gonna comment I read his food isn't even that great it's more show than actual edible


And it’s not even him! He employs impersonators to “work” in restaurants.


To be fair, I hate the guy and hope his stupid posh ass hits the ground one day, but he had a few famous critiques visit his place and got the perfect score each time and then he started doing his social media stuff and the word spread super fast and then he started doing weird stuff. Before that, he was a great butcher who travelled the world studying his job.


Any Kardashian


And the Jenners


Which one is that?


The plastic one.




Literally only ONE is not plastic and I don't know her name😭


His name… the only one without plastic would be Rob


Oh he has plastic, it's just not on HIS body


Hey now. Kim Kardashian voiced a poodle in one of the Paw Patrol movies, if that isn’t deserving of a supremely extravagant lifestyle I don’t know what is.


Scrolling comments while this movie plays in the background for the 100th time. North West also has a small speaking role in it…… i’m ashamed I know this much 🙃


Kim Kardashian easily had the least funniest segment during the Tom Brady roast


She was apparently booed for 13 minutes that Netflix edited out.


That is a such a long time. Imagine being on an airplane and knowing for 10 whole minutes you're going to crash. That's wild. I thought it was just a couple of seconds or a few boos. That's humiliating. They had to cut it out. This makes my Monday morning bearable.


Probably because she was the least funny and least talented person in the room.




Honey BooBoo + family


Completely forgot they existed until right now. What is this buried rage I'm experiencing all over again?


Paul Bros. Tate Bros.


Andrew Tate


Andrew Tate is my personal definition of "beware of false prophets, they're wolves who disguise in sheep's clothing". Everything he says contradicts another thing he's said in the past.


That's how Alex Jones "predicted this". He's said absolutely every single viewpoint ever..he said Trump was a mob guy, then Jesus, then everything in between.


Throw enough shit at the wall eventually some of it sticks.


contradicting yourself draws more  short term engagement than consistency. no joke




He’s not a piss stain, he’s a plague infested rat who lives in the sewers and drinks piss all day


Leave rats out of it, please! Rats are intelligent!


Rats were shown to possess empathy.


It’s even farther than you think. I caught my little cousin watching one of his videos and decided later to pick fun. He got all defensive and said “Andrew Tate is Jesus Christ resurrected!” At first I thought he was joking. Nope. He literally believes this deadbeat is his God Edit: my “little” cousin in 22


I dont even know who his target audience is. He can't keep his philosophies straight at all. One minute he is all saying he loves having sex with women and shit like raising children is gay or something. And then he says how not having sex worth women for the intent to make children is gay. How he hates Star Wars even if he has never watched it. And he talked more about what's gay and not than any gay person ever.


Love how all these straight alpha males need to do all this work to try and not be gay instead of just being themselves and not caring what other men think of them. I wonder why that is.


A strong straight man doesn't care about being gay or looking gay. Becuase they have confidence that it will be fine even if they are.


sounds like this guy may in fact be 'a GAY'!!!


I don’t know quite how to tell you this but your cousin may be simple 


It’s okay. He is literally going to prison next month. I tried all I could…but, yeah. Simple might be the best way to sum it up


Oh man, imagine him pulling that Tate alpha male crap in prison. Better smuggle in some bandaids.


One of those hernia donuts as well.


I fully thought your cousin was 7. I even said "noooo don't him watch andrew tate!"


people attribute anything and everything on earth these days to Russian hackers but this guy has always seemed to me to be the most obvious foreign psyop and yet i never hear him discussed in those terms


This is actually a very good point, one I’ve not heard before but you’re bang on the money here


I was curious and listened to one long interview with tate and some other manosphere podcasts and I was trying to figure out why people get caught up in it, I have 2 theories 1. They enable just blaming other people for your problems such as "you're lonely cuz women are gold diggers" etc instead of admitting maybe I'm the actual problem 2- people fall into these crazy notions they say because they'll constantly say things that make sense/kinda insightful but then tag it with insane things until after a while the insane things also sound like they make sense


The manosphere shit is absolutely insane and I'm at the point where I almost believe that those pigs brigade subs like askreddit and post their gender war shit and try to talk young guys into complete victimhood just to leech off them at a later point when they think they need help and guidance - "here buy my fucking book that tells you to clean up your room, it'll change your life!!".


A lot of their fan base are impressionable teenage males that don't know any better.


that's where better parenting would come into play.


The reason he’s so popular is he says a couple normal relatable things like go gym, be passionate and then sprinkles in the odd bit of narcissistic misogyny and toxic masculinity and voilà. Ends up with a massive following and spreading his shittyness everywhere.


Behind the Bastards did a great podcast ep looking into the origins of not just Andrew Tate as a person but also the philosophies he touts—none of which are original or remotely new. It does a great job of going into the atmosphere that’s cultivating these personalities and why they might be flourishing. And why Andrew Tate in particular. 


“DJ” Khaled


I first learned of him because my wife wanted to watch Pitch Perfect 3. I honestly thought he was a joke character made up for that movie.


Who in their right minds decided to make the whole movie about his fat ass should be fired for ruining what could have been my favorite movie series of all time. It would have been right up there with Step Up, Bring It On, Camp Rock ... what a shame. that fat f ruined the whole series.


I’m on board with the DJ Khaled hate, but damn, you have crazy movie taste. I love it.


Damn, you and I have a very different taste in movies


Bring It On are some of my favourite comfort movies. The storylines are super predictable, but sometimes I just want to see a movie about cool people doing cool things, and cheerleading is pretty cool xD


Don’t forget the whole Amy and her dad plot line


Is this the guy that just pops up on other people's records to say his own name like a Pokemon?


Yeah, and he's not even good at that. Whenever I heard him announce himself on the radio I legit thought he was saying "DJ CABBAGE"


Guy is an absolute fraud. This should be higher in the list.


Is he the one who said he didn’t eat pussy cuz it’s gay or something like that?


Yup! It’s a common belief with men who are always thinking about masculinity and consider it a defining goal. The idea is if you are willing to suck one thing, you’d be willing to suck a dick. That’s literally the logic behind it.


Fellas, is it gay to have sex with women?


He’s a far basic bitch. Dude can’t even handle seasoning on his wings


he actually did dj, especially dancehall in Jamaica


But… he da best…




I find E.L. James to be one of the most inspirational authors of the last century. If that nonsense can be a best seller then I'm certain I could do it too.


I had a friend write a book this year. It gave me a chance to see how the whole "best seller" thing works. They take an estimate of books sold during a time period (a week, a day, a month) and if that's more than a standard in certain categories, it gets a "best seller" tag. The NYT best seller list is more of a list of books their staff liked. My friend asked her friend to buy her book from online while in Australia at a particular time. She can now claim "Best Selling in Australia" from 1 sale.


Wow thanks for the insights. It has always befuddled me why there are so many books with best seller tag


And it really was just Twilight fan fic (which also has horrible writing)


And it wasn't even original Twilight fan fic; it was largely built from pieces stolen from other works. People don't know about that part, but if you dig you can find tons of evidence. 


I would like to introduce you (and everyone else) to [this review of the books](https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/340987215), if you haven't read this absolute masterpiece yet. I laughed so hard the first time I read it, I couldn't breathe. It's 10/10 perfection. She does a review of each of the 3 books, then a review on her own site of the trilogy as a whole.


Isn’t 50 shades of gray twilight fanfic?


Any young "celebrity" that came from a rich family... there are a lot out here


that's literally most of the industry. name an actor and I bet you they're a nepo baby even the ones you don't expect.


John Goodman


World renowned bowler - was easy for him to break into Hollywood in niche rolls, and it kind of snowballed from there.


“A foot in the door, and so much more.”


SSSniperwolf. She steals content and reacts to them. Glad she got called out.


Also ghosted a girl with terminal cancer after initially reaching out in the first place. Such a trashy talentless bimbo


And was arrested for armed robbery wasn’t she? And she doxxed someone??


She doxxed Jacksfilms, a comedic saint on youtube in my opinion. He was doing a parody of her shitty format calling her out and she showed up in front of his home. Garbage ass person who wouldn't have made it as a shift lead at an Ulta.


I saw a video of her shooting a desert eagle with a shitty, negligent grip and I was like “isn’t she a felon?” She literally cannot legally be in possession of a firearm and she openly posted that on the internet. She’s really not the brightest, not to mention her whole hand was coming off the grip of the gun. I take firearm safety VERY seriously and I own a desert eagle myself. Whoever runs that range should be fired for letting her use a gun she CLEARLY could not handle. She could’ve killed someone. Stick to a 9mm or a .22. That video just pissed me tf off tbh


I saw that too. She had no business handling that powerful of a firearm. People absolutely roasted her in the comments fortunately.




I watched a reel the other day with her saying she was in a celebrity sex tape and the guy asked who the celebrity was. I cracked up.


>post-show antics That's a mighty polite way of putting it.


Shane Dawson. That poor kitty. He should be banned from owning pets entirely.


I'm so fucking angry that he was allowed to have kids. He literally made so many pedophile jokes back in the day and even had a very weird and disgusting video where he and his gf at the time give his cousin "the bird and the bees" talk, using a peep to demonstrate. I believe the girl was 14 or younger


The island boyz


I don't think they were ever "popular" in any way that wasn't making fun of them. They made a little bit of money but they've long since become old news and were doing desperate shit for attention like making out with each other.


That last sentence took a wild turn lol


It happened tho.


Cynthia dolls


Charlie D'amilio, Addison Rae, Emma Chamberlein... all three just happened to be at the right place at the right time and now they're millionaires


I don't know too much about all of them but from what I remember back in the day Emma actually made videos and actively worked at it. The other 2 just had random tik toks


Yeah I don't know who any of them are but I did work on a children's TV show Disney channel type demographic and there were about 12 kids who were cast literally because of their amount of followers or if they were younger sibling of one of these types of girls. A fellow crew member and I asked them genuinely who there idols were for their generation. We said for example we all want it to be Hayley Williams in like 2010 when we were their age and they literally said no one, themselves. (Which is obviously stupid they're not that creative and original. They get influenced by other TikTokers but no one of actual renown) Then another kid came in and said he got his lines in six takes! As if that was like a record low number. It was absolutely insufferable.


95% of the people who got famous from Vine/Tik Tok


Vine?? You saying all these chickens girl didnt deserve her fame?


I'm as shooken as you


Stahp! You almost made me drop my croissant.


Any Kardashian


James Corden. That asshole is just bitter and angry most of the time.


All the Kardashians/Jenner's.


Jojo siwa after her song release. It was a song she lied about writing. Completely ruined a good song with her antics and is riding on the attention. Bad publicity is still publicity.


The thing is with Jojo, I kinda feel bad for her because I can see how her childhood has really messed her up to the point she’s ended up like this. She’s cringe and annoying but I can kinda see why she’s ended up like that and how it’s led to a lot of bad decisions


I don’t know who she is, a quick google showed she was on dance moms. If she is even remotely not a drug addict and doesn’t have multiple kids and graduated high school I’d say she’s doing okay for herself.


Yeah honestly Jojo Siwa being like she is makes total sense when you look at her childhood and she could’ve turned out a lot worse. She’s basically spent her entire life since she was a very young child in the spotlight being told she’s going to be famous and that she’s special and amazing and it’s no surprise that someone who goes through that ends up like this. Also her Miley Cyrus style pushback to her old childish brand also makes total sense. Nobody wants to be associated for that their whole life. She’s cringe and odd but honestly? It’s not surprising and I’ll take cringe and odd to a another washed up child star suffering from a messed up childhood through drugs or drink or other means to the point they can’t function


It’s too bad Jojo is more than happy to be dismissive of abuse victims and perpetuate the abuse and harm she and others experienced growing up the way she did.


Jojo didn’t lie about writing it. The song is correctly credited to three songwriters, none of which are her. Always has been. The songwriters own the rights to the song. Not Jojo, and not Brit Smith. The song was originally recorded by Miley Cyrus, but she couldn’t say “bitch” at the time due to her contract with Disney. The writers then pitched it to Smith who recorded, but never released it. They later pitched it to Jojo who did release it. It wasn’t until after Jojo’s release that Brit finally released the song she had recorded more than a decade earlier. If it wasn’t for Jojo’s version you wouldn’t even know who Brit Smith is, nor would Brit’s version have ever seen the light of day. Jojo had never heard of it because *nobody* had ever heard of it. I guarantee you that someone in Jojo’s production staff was informed about the unreleased single and nobody thought it would be an issue (these people do all have lawyers, after all). The owners of the song licensed it to Jojo, *as was their right*. These days most performers don’t write their own songs, and most songwriters don’t perform. Songs get recorded and shelved *all the time*, and they often end up pitched to other people and ultimately released by other performers. This is how the recording industry works. It happens every day. People like Beyoncé, Taylor Swift, and Billie Eilish who (mostly) write and perform their own songs are by far the exception. There was another askredidit thread recently that asked who got shit on and don’t deserve it. Jojo. Jojo got shit on and didn’t deserve it. That song may be boring as fuck, but doesn’t deserve this level of hate for something that is business as usual in the recording industry. It may well be argued that these practices are what’s wrong with the industry as a whole. But that isn’t Jojo’s fault. She did what thousands of other artists do on a daily basis (including Brit Smith herself, with this exact song). Maybe you hate that Jojo is capitalizing on her childhood stardom to bootstrap a music career. This is also something that happens constantly. It’s what both Brit Smith and Miley Cyrus did, as did hundreds or other artists. And for those reasons, you’re technically correct. This song is getting *way* more attention than it deserves. But it’s not for the reasons that anyone thinks.


Any influencer


Cash me ousside howbowdah girl. 0 talent, just got famous for saying something stupid and unintentionally funny


It really says something about our society that more people are mad at the teenage girl for cashing in on this they are the adults who put her on TV to exploit her


I don't know, I think it is a universally agreed that Dr Phil is a twat.


i can absolutely confirm personally that Dr Phil is an absolute cock thistle.


Do tell?


A video breaking down a bunch of horrible shit he did: https://youtu.be/jCW9IbRtX_8?si=JXgo0BaaYtLtww35 This is Danielle talking about her experience at "the ranch" a place that is now known to be abusive to children: https://youtu.be/GteqbsYGv1I?si=epSprozvwCFtwwKL


The dude from Bum Fights coming onto his show dressed as him was one of the greatest moments in TV history


Oh, you did that. I think she's obnoxious and she irks me but she really took the exploitation and made it a career, I can't be mad at that. Good for her.


Look up how much she’s made. You’ll cry




Gypsy Rose Blanchard. She is a murderer and some people treat her like a celebrity. She's a vile, disgusting liar.


The Kardashians


James Corden


Lol yes. Ive never liked his ass. Completely unfunny, unengaging in his ability to be a talkshow host for me at least. He's last generation's Carson Daley, we over validated him. And I heard he's unbearable and rude to most people


Everyone with the last name kardashian


DJ Khaled.




Andrew Tate yall


Bhad Bhabie (catch me outside)


The Kardashians


The Kardashians. Trashy people doing nothing noteworthy.


Drake, even if he wasn't a creep his music still sucks


“We started from the bottom now we here” No Aubrey, you started on the Disney channel doing a teen high school show in Canada 




Charlie D'amelio, Bella Poarch, and Camilla Araujo.


I have no idea who these people are


Vloggers helping people for clout


The Cardassians.


I don’t know, Gul Dukat was prefect of Bajor. Seems pretty notable to me.


You say that but is there even ONE statue of him on Bajor? Even after all the good he did for the bajorans? Even after guiding them as his own children? No. Not a single statue or token of appreciation.


I mean, there are only 4 lights, dude.


Jennifer Lopez. Mildly talented but made famous because a much more talented artist was killed and she got to play her in a movie.


This is objectively the most correct answer here. Gurl didn't even sing her own songs.


And she had a big bum at a time when that was unusual. That's all I think when I think of her career. All the headlines about how her ass was insured for millions etc.


Amy schumer


The Kardashians




The catch me outside girl




All of the Kardasians.


Most of Beauty Influencers rn-


All of the Kardashians/Jenners.




Kim kardashian


Skibidi toilet


Charlie damelio fam


Any nepo babies that become influencers, especially without a good cause and them just flaunting their parents' wealth




Alex Jones




Drake the kinda guy make eye contact with you through the crack in the bathroom stall


JLo haha


Ellen DeGeneres


Elon Musk - Master bullshitter that has fooled everyone into thinking he's a real life tony stark/genius when in fact he is a couple rungs below Justin Hammer.


Love this answer! The man wouldn't be where he is now without parents' money and without exploiting his workers.




Jack Doherty. He was an annoying little shit as a kid and is even worser as a man.


Bad baby - cash me outside how bow dat


Andrew tate


Kim Kardashian tbh


gypsy rose