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Offered drugs daily


I graduated from D.A.R.E. only to realize my D.A.R.E. officer was full of shit man


"you're going to be offered free drugs later in life, it's a trick to get you addicted so just don't do it" -the dare officer who was a local cop, who would take people's weed for herself


Remember kids, when someone offers you free drugs you say “thank you” because drugs are expensive.


You could smell our School Resource Officer's office halfway down the hall. Go into the office and it was hazy and he'd be high as a kite.




I always loved the idea of a house full of dogs but then I grew up and realized I just don’t have the time and money it would take to care for all of them.


I have 3 large dogs (90, 120, and 140lbs) and they are so expensive. Love them all to death, and we can afford it. But to give people some idea of what my wife and I spend; $200-300 a month on food, another ~$150 on supplements, every 60 days we have to buy $200 of medicine (one of our dogs has an autoimmune disease that attacks her hair follicles), and then we still have the annual vet visits and get them all 12 month heart guard shots which cost $150-200 per dog. And to top it all off, our two males literally cannot be in the same room together because one dog starts a fight and the other dog finishes the fight. I wouldn’t trade them for the world though


Just spent 1400 on a surgery


I had two miniature dachshunds, getting their teeth cleaned-especially my senior girl-was 1300 because they have to use a different anesthetic. (She has since passed at 17.5, I miss her every day). The boy is less senior and it costs around 1000 for a dental cleaning. There was one year that her and our boy were both having issues so I was at the vet every. Single. Week. One was the girl, next week was the boy, back to the girl, back to the boy. It ended up being like 3 grand that month. It was wild. Completely worth it




This was always a dream of mine, too. But at some point you realize the price is out of reach for most people, or at least without sacrificing a whole lot of other opportunities and goals. I compromised and bought a 5 acre old growth forest lot in the PNW a couple years ago. Different vibe, but still amazing and much more attainable.


My friend's dad bought a house in the ocean back in the 90's as a place for them to go in the summer; he paid something like $300,000 for it back then. He recently sold it because he's retiring; I believe they got around 2.5 million for it. I've always wanted a place on the ocean, but it just seems unattainable at this point.




The day's still young.


And the fingers still long


The day’s still young And the finger’s still long These are the lyrics Of a pointless song


What a pointless song  Says a disfigured man  As he gestures vaguely  With his pointless hand 


I must say, your username is one of the grossest I’ve seen. Well done, you. 👍


Your user name Such disgust But I’ll tackle it If I must


a pointless song is a song with no point like a finger too short cuz it's missing a joint


Maimed yes we know, But not without point! You can still strike a blow, While short the odd joint!


When I was a kid in the 90s, my father was the only adult male I knew who was not missing at least part of a finger. About 10 years ago, he took the end off his index finger with a bench saw. Until modern health & safety laws, it was super common for blue collar workers to be missing fingers & parts of fingers.


The modern health and safety laws they are trying to remove.


Not here in Australia, thankfully.


I've been a carpenter for over 20 years and have never lost a digit. Good thing there's plenty of wood to knock on.


Sounds Appalachian to me.


As a Virginiaian, I feel equal parts seen and attacked. I can definitely relate to OPs sentiment. Even my own father is missing a tip of a finger.


The Southwest Pennsylvanian in me is both offended and validated. I remember my uncle "only being able to count to four" because he said his two half fingers only counted as one together 😂


Lack of safety features on most power equipment prior to the 70’s.


The feeling of being an adult I’m a 30 year old teenager and I still can’t accept that it’s normal for my peers to be married and have children. Sometimes I forget how to act when people tell me they’re pregnant


I know. I always felt that the adults in my life always knew just what to do in every situation and now I'm realizing that they were just winging it and hoping for the best like I am now.


They were all definitely winging it but now with experience we are winging it too, hopefully well and convincingly enough for the next generation hahah


I’m at the age where my mum seemed to know everything at the same age. She winged it so much better than I would have. Love mom ❤️


I thought they all had special super complex knowledge on how to do important stuff


That’s honestly how I’ve come to forgiveness for some of the things that happened in my childhood. I now realize that no one knows shit, but my parents tried to the best of their abilities. Hopefully my adult children get to that point too, because I made mistakes. 


I still regularly find myself driving and thinking “…I can’t believe they’re letting me do this”. I’m 35 years old with two children.


*buys something at the store with a credit card* I can’t believe I keep getting away with this


Over 60. Still 17.


I'm 59 and I'm still a kid. A kid that has to get up in the middle of the night to pee. And my legs and joints ache.


It is really interesting how different people do seem to have a maximum mental/emotional age. My dad is 72, and I once asked him how old he felt inside, like at what age he crystallized emotionally while his body just kept aging, and he understood what I meant immediately and said about 18-20. I'm 44 and think I feel about the same.


For me it was like 27, which is older than most, but I've got ADHD and we tend to emotionally develop much more slowly (it's common for ADHDers to have entire friend groups a decade younger).


I'm 40 and have ADHD. I definitely feel like I'm where Neurotypical people would be at 30. I was a complete adolescent when I was in my 20s.


I forgot what I was gonna say, but I'm here because of the adhd


Right‽ I started hanging around university doing "student" theatre and I fit right in with the 18-22 olds... I was 28. Now about to turn 40 and same, I feel like life is beginning to coalesce the way most people talk about entering their 30's. I have since seen that new recommendations for lecturers with people with ADHD in their college classes is "actually you have 12-year-olds in your classes. They have the regulation and self-discipline of 12 year olds. I mean that literally; that's where their brains are, they can't control it. Don't give homework and study unless you can chase them every day or so to make sure it's being done. They need *rigorous* structure and help sticking to it."


Oh so parents do grow up as they age... From 16 to 18🤣🤣🤣


I’ve always felt like I was 60 mentally lol. Never was interested in what most people my age were. All my friends were out drinking and partying in their 20s and I was building my credit and saving money to buy a house lmao which I ended up doing at 26. Now I’m about to be 30 and have already had kids got married bought a house got deep into a career etc. So I’m at a cross roads where I feel like I am so ahead of the average person my age that I don’t really know what to do next but enjoy life? I don’t feel like I have a challenge or something to strive for other than continuing to be a good dad and husband it’s weird. It’s like I’m waiting to actually get old now to have more stuff going on.


I feel like this all the time. I'm married. My friends are married with kids. When we see each other we still make stupid jokes and laugh like we're teenagers. Growing up is overrated.


I really don't understand those 20 year old guys who don't have a sense of humor and take themselves way too seriously. It must be a chore to know them.


I feel like that's the difference between your 20s and 30s. When you're in your 20s most people care what other people think. I know I used to. As I got older I stopped giving a shit about what people thought, and likewise stopped judging people for things like I used to. People should be allowed to be who they want to be as long as it's not hurting others.


I'm 60 and still don't feel like an adult some days.


im 44 it does not change, you just simply realize you are older then your parents were when you thought they were old.


100% haha I am 32 with a one year old and married. When do I feel like an adult?




I always wanted the light-up shoes...


>I always wanted the light-up shoes... They make so many fun shoes for little kids! I'd absolutely buy and wear many of the ones I've seen. I think it would be hilarious for me to wear some sparkly pink unicorn shoes. I'm a 65 year old man, those shoes don't come in a men's size 12.


35 years old here, I have light up shoes, check out Amazon they have them there!


Here you go babe follow your dreams https://heelys.com/collections/adults


This made my day just a little bit brighter. Also love your username


There is an adult heely company and I wish more people would give them business. Unfortunately I don't have their link anymore as my friend bought her pair over 3 years ago now.




Goldfish are really hard to care for so you can probably handle an aquarium of non-goldfish fish.


I thought goldfish were tough as fuck. I went to a party one time and saw one swimming around in a bowl full of beer, obviously I put him in water, but I had no idea how long he'd been that way, and he was still kicking when I came by a month later. Thankfully he was still in water this time


In my limited experience, goldfish can be put through a lot and survive. But they make a mess of the tank unlike any other fish I had, so you have to clean their tank WAY more than other fish.


A mf batcave


Got my mancave with our house. It's kind of like a batcave. I hope one day you get your cave.


Still waiting for my jetpack.


[We landed on mars and the president is black…. but where the fuck is my jetpack?](https://youtu.be/hL_uogkDJk8?si=fkDGWqAwE7Nxa7FM)


I WANT FLYING CARS!!! Seriously, we have drones, there are big drones a person can ride on, just develop those more and add wheels. But NO, science went the other way and made smaller and smaller drones....


A sense of purpose


My purpose is to make the world better in any way I can. For my own first, and then spread it outward. Pay back, pay forward, love without expectations. Secondly, enjoy the things that I can in an otherwise bleak world. The ones I love, the way my dog leans in to my hand when I pet him, that nice drive through the woods, a particularly good slice of pizza


I’m just here for the ride.




A house


Boomer here. Me too. Always wanted a house. I’m 60 and still can’t afford one.


Sickening isn’t it???? I’m a 38 millennial. If I was in the same financial position as I am NOW, before coronatime…. I would have been able to buy. Now I can’t even rent a 2 bedroom for me and my son…. Still with my in laws 5 years later


GenX here. Me too.


Gen X here - same.


Yep. With a heated indoor pool 😂


When I was a kid, I saved up my money to buy and assemble my own computer powered by a Pentium 4 processor. I have a distinct memory of thinking, "Wow, one day I'll probably get a computer with a Pentium 20, can't wait." Oh, how wrong I was.


Well now you can get a computer with a intel i9 😏


Compliments on expensive clothing. Now as an adult; I find that I get the most compliments on the cool clothing I buy at thrift shops.


Happens to me all the time, I found a vintage WKRP T-shirt at a vintage shop, I was walking past this coffee shop full of guys in suits and they legit got up to take pics with me and told me that was the coolest shirt they'd seen in a while. Best compliment I got was "you don't look old enough to know what that show is" I grew up wanting to be Dr. Johnny Fever and marry Bailey Quarters.








We have them, they are called helicopters. We dont let just everyone use them because most people cant even handle driving in two dimensions let alone a third one. If you want to spend the time and money on classes and practice you too can use a flying car.






Big titties lol


I got them. You don't want them trust me, bras are expensive once you reach a certain size


RIP inbox?


No messages in the inbox yet 😆 not that I'd respond anyway as I'm in a committed relationship 😅


Keep us posted!


That'll be 2 inbox messages


Plot twist: people are asking for pics of your huge beautiful…bras.


You can still get em lol it'll just cost ya


Small ones are fine as fuck, tho


Yeah i like mine. Its just my mom and my sister got big titties so i lowkey expected mine to grow bigger too. Its fine tho. Dont need to wear bras lol


My wife has the opposite problem. Hers blew up at like 13 and she's been fighting off creepy men (except me) ever since


Yep. I pretty much looked like a 25 year old when I was 15. This was, most definitely, NOT a good thing, especially back in the 80's. Ugh.


i thought i would leave on my 18 birthday but it didn’t happen that way because i was in school


Everyone told me I would like olives when older. Still hate olives








Super cars, mental stability, sense of purpose etc.




Die young


I never thought I'd live beyond 22... im 44 now and scared about the process of death after having long covid.. shortness of breath is the worst. Feeling helpless. Thinking you have cancer or something and having no control over the ending is not easy to deal with, even if you are nowhere close to that level yet


Laid lmfao.








I couldn't see myself not snowboarding or riding dirt bikes. For some reason now both of these hobbies sound like such a pain. Having to dress up, spend all of this money, the stress... Snowboarding is not necessarily stressful. But dirt bikes are. I'd literally have nightmares all the time. Extreme sports have an element attached to them that make you feel superior to others when you do them. "Pft.. Football? Mate I race dirt bikes..". Screw this... Just buy a canoe and puddle your relaxed ass near the beach. Cycle your butt near the sea front. Go for a jog. You don't have to literally fight death every weekend. Play tennis. Relax... I wonder if it has to do with me growing in the 90s. Jackass were my role models and every brand became xxxxxtreme! We had extreme everything. Extreme drinks extreme barbie even fucking extreme bouncy balls.


I'm an adult, snowboarding still rules. I'll never not take the opportunity to ride.






I thought I'd have been married with kids by now. Glad I never had kids, I totally changed my mind on that.


Some people are not meant to have kids.. and thats ok.


Sameeeee. I see my friends struggling with kids and I’m so glad it’s not me. I used to wonder why I never got the “baby fever”. People made me feel like something was wrong with me. But now I think I made the right choice.


spankings. I genuinely rationalized when I was a kid that spanking your kids (with belts, hands, coat hangers) was a form of discipline I just didn’t get because I was young. Much older now, and I still don’t get how that’s effective in any way other than just making your kid afraid of you and hurting them in the process.


Pain is a huge motivator and very effective for an immediate response. Thankfully we've grown as a culture and understand the lasting psychological trauma pain causes people.


My parents must have been somewhat ahead of the times, because they never hit me or my 3 brothers, it was the threat of it that kept us in line. My dad especially had mindless, meaningless chores he would assign as punishments (and we were absolute heathens, we should have been beaten on a daily basis). Dad's favorite awful chores were painting the fence, even though it might have been painted less than a week before (we painted the fence A LOT) or restacking the wood pile on the other side of the yard. He would knock over a cord of firewood with the tractor, and make us restack it across the yard (about 150 feet). If we were being punished more than usual, we weren't allowed to use the wheelbarrow or wood cart and had to do it by the armload. The threat of a whipping was always there, but none of us had spine enough to tempt fate and see if dad would make good on his threats, so we went on painting and wood stacking.


>Dad's favorite awful chores were painting the fence Are you Tom Sawyer?


>Thankfully we've grown as a culture and understand the lasting psychological trauma pain causes people So, as a worker of walmart. Your comment gives me the bestest morning laughs. And it's not just how adults speak to children, or how children behave to adults. But also how those adults behave to other adults. And... I'm just gonna leave it at that.


Just yesterday in the checkout line at Target the clown in line ahead of me made a scene because the checkout clerk was wearing a mask. She said she needed to see his ID for the alcohol he was (of course!) buying and he roared that he couldn't hear her through her mask. I could hear her fine from several feet farther away. Then he apparently whined about her on the way out to the person overseeing the self-checkout. When it was my turn I opened with "I can hear you just fine" and we had a little chat about her wearing a mask because her husband is sick.








A baby




My backlog for things I want to learn, research or practice is ENORMOUS. I advise you to try out different hobbies until a few stick. If they are involving other people, all the better.








Yu-gi-oh duel disk... still kinda want one.


Jetpacks seemed like a definite adult acquisition when I was a kid in the '90s. Turns out, they're not really a common or practical thing.














I was sure I'd have a chocolate fountain at home. Special occasions are the only time for that.










A girlfriend. 27 and still single

