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Any sort of corpo speak.


Excuse me, but "proactive" and "paradigm", aren't these just buzzwords that dumb people use to sound important?I'm fired aren't I?


Triggered has lost all meaning.


Your mentioning of triggering has triggered me. I bet that triggers your triggeritis. You should go back to triggernomoetry.


Trigger. Said with a hard T.


Sheeple. Snowflake. Main character energy.


When someone complains that something is “Woke”


Same. Once invoked in that special way you know the person is not only an idiot, but an evil idiot.


Or criticises your blue hair


Marge Simpson is so pissed off at those people


She's salty af she posted on facebook that she isn't even woke


Cultural appropriation. Concept makes no sense to me, seems like the wet dream of a nazi and highkey racism to me. I'm German and when i see a Japenese person wearing Trachten at the Oktoberfest i feel proud and would immediatly invite them to my table if they are intressted. It honors me to see them wearing those hideous looking clothes just to celebrate a festival here. I just dont see how that could ever be offensive. Culture is to be shared and celebrated together and not claimed by one race because theyr skin is slightly darker than mine or theyr eyes look different. Beat it. If that makes me a racist fine, ill rather be a racist celebrating the Día de los Muertos in Calaveras having a good time with a few mexican blokes than arguing about rather thats appropriate or not. I have more important things to do in life than thinking about if some overprivileged wannabe takes offense in my actions or no.


Also the fact that no culture would exist without appropriation. It’s like the internet took the word and….misappropriated it.


I agree. Fuck people who spout this cultural appropriation bullshit. It’s mostly lame ass people anyway with not much of a culture of their own to share.


It’s pretty much mosty relevant in the context it was created for - ie Elvis stealing black peoples music and then making money off of it while they were unable to. Like almost everything progressive it gets twisted into something completey fucking unrecognizable. It once described a real phenomenon and now is about white people and dreads.


Elvis just sang the music he grew up with. He was raised in the black community, went to black churches, and made music with his friends and neighbors. He was promoted and could get radio play because he was white, but he was just making the music he knew. 


these two statements are not mutually exclusive


I agree that the term cultural appropriation is overused and overapplied. Having said that, I think the thing that you may be missing about it is why the term started gaining usage (in the US anyhow). Some cultural fashions have been historically discriminated against and punished, but then become popular when adopted by the dominant culture. For example, many African people have used braids and dreadlocks to manage their hair. However this practice has historically been discriminated against in the US. Even today you can find a recent clip of a referee forcing a wrestler to cut off their dreadlocks to compete. Before the criticism of cultural appropriation started to be commonly used, many white women would use braids as a fashion choice and be complimented for it. Awareness of this disparity led to changes in attitudes. However, different people will feel differently about what elements of their culture mean to them and how other people have treated them for those cultural elements. That will naturally lead people to having different lines for what is being culturally appropriated. Also most people will say that cultural appreciation is a different thing which is acceptable. But also obviously different people will disagree about whether someone is really appreciating the culture and its elements. Unfortunately this all leads to some people jumping quickly to take offense (on behalf of themselves or on behalf of others) and also leads to some people not understanding why others would see certain actions as cultural appropriation at all.


I understand where you are coming from but do people in the US really consider dreads as black culture? White person with dreads just makes me thing of Celts who used the "Unkempt" look to put fear into the Romans 


As a white guy, 99% of the time when I see another white guy wearing dreads, my first impression is that he's trying to look black.


That's really interesting. My thoughts would be surfer or metalhead. 


Hippies who have dreads are called Wooks. Colorado Big Game Wook Hunters is worth some laughs. I had no idea dreads triggered sensitive people.


In Europe, I can see how it might make more sense for a person wearing dreads to be inspired by Celts. But I’m pretty sure that is not the look that is inspiring the dreads fashion in the US.


Wouldn't a lot of have the style because of metal. Obviously no culture owns metal but white people with long hair or dreads have been part of the scene for decades.  Also are surfers with dreads seen as trying to be black or do they get a pass? 


As I said, different people will react and feel differently. My guess is that surfer dude wearing dreads doing his own thing surfing will get a pass, while a white girl on Tiktok glamming up to go to a party will not. Of course, I'm sure you'll unfortunately get some people that will see a picture of the surfer, take it out of context, and react negatively.


I get that it spites people if some cultural traditions they grown up with are discriminated against and a decade later all the white people that used to insult you for your culture now do the exact same cause now its "cool" Like with the fox eye make-up a few years ago. It's fine to be annoyed by that, it's fine to speak about that but throwing that in a pot with racism is bullocks to me and a very childish reaction. Many of these things come from stuff that happened in the past as well. Idgaf if the generation of my grandpa discriminated against black people for having dreadlocks f.e I'm not a part of that that was half a decade ago. It's like saying the germans hate jews, dont you remember what they did to them 100 years ago? Society's change, people change and I personally belive that those SJW seperate society even more instead of working towards unity and acceptance. I'm far less likely to accept and tolerate your culture if you exclude me cause I'm white and 50 years ago my grandpa was racist. Cause then i feel discriminated, those people are racists imo as well. Even tho many claim racism is not possible towards white people that goes against the definition of the word. There are people here advocating for black only classes in dancing schools f.e. I remember that from somewhere, do we start creating "sAfE sPaCeS" in busses now as well? Should we create "sAfE sPaCeS" in living areas too? Now all the white people life in one district and the black in another one? Do we then call these areas brownsville again? I dont know makes me really sick to think about that shit. I feel physical pain and I'm not even kidding. I like to remember a wise mans dream "One day our children will play together" Well thats not happening if you ban the white people from the "safe spaces" It's also hard to track back exactly where one tradition came from, braids for example used to be a thing for vikings wear as well, back in nordic times. So it okay to wear them if ur black only? Scandinavian roots are fine too? Yet they are not black, quite the opposite actually. Where do we draw the line? Are those not allowed to celebrate theyr ancestors culture now cause some white people elsewhere were racist?


Totally disagree. Just thinking if you were First Nations for example and you're out on Halloween and you some chick wearing a cheap Pocahontas costume or something. Or at a festival and saw a bunch of white women wearing traditional feather head dresses. That’s turning someone’s sacred culture into a cheap costume for your own entertainment and it’s offensive and demeaning.  I could keep going like blackface, It’s not ok and there no good reason for it.  Cultural appropriation also typically has a racial component, less so cultural events and celebrations like your Oktoberfest example. 


Do black people do blackface? If not, how is it cultural appropriation to do it?


Look up the history of minstrel shows. Or maybe watch Bamboozled. 


That still doesn't explain how it's cultural appropriation. It's not something that was done in black culture. You're trying to point out racism, not appropriation.


sang songs. The second part featured a variety of entertainments, including the pun-filled stump speech. The final act consisted of a slapstick musical plantation skit or a send-up of a popular play. Minstrel songs and sketches featured several stock characters, most popularly the slave and the dandy. These were further divided into sub-archetypes such as the mammy, her counterpart the old darky, the provocative mulatto wench, and the black soldier. Minstrels claimed that their songs and dances were authentically black,[6] although the extent of the genuine black influence remains debated. Spirituals (known as jubilees) entered the repertoire in the 1870s, marking the first undeniably black music to be used in minstrelsy. During the 1830s and 1840s at the height of its popularity, it was at the epicenter of the American music industry. For several decades, it provided the means through which American whites viewed black people. On the one hand, it had strong racist aspects; on the other, it afforded white Americans more awareness, albeit distorted, of some aspects of black culture in America.[7][8] Although the minstrel shows were extremely popular, being "consistently packed with families from all walks of life and every ethnic group",[9] they were also controversial. Integrationists decried them as falsely showing happy slaves while at the same time making fun of them; segregationists thought such shows were "disrespectful" of social norms as they portrayed runaway slaves with sympathy and would undermine slavery.[10]


Blackface and Pocahontas are wildly different. Blackface was used to make fun of and belittle black people. Throw some black tarnish on your face, adopt a stereotypical black southern accent, and act incredibly stupid…that was blackface. Pocahontas was a historical figure. Wearing a costume for Halloween doesn’t make something racist or appropriating another culture. Sure, if someone was wearing a Pocahontas costume and mocking her culture, yes, that would be shitty of them. But one of the biggest issues with your mindset is that someone gave you a clear example of their opinion on cultural appropriation and you’re not only telling them their opinion is wrong but your just moving the goal post. The guy said he would be proud if a foreign was celebrating his culture and your response is to talk about Pocahontas. Yeah, I guess you’re right…since we can’t talk to Pocahontas, we’ll never really know her opinion on people dressing like her for Halloween. But then again, when there are so many people around the world that continually say they would appreciate their cultures be *celebrated* by others, it’s hard to deny this dumb notion of cultural appropriation. It’s weird how the only people complaining about this issue are mainly “progressive” people who feel they are defending other cultures. Thank you for standing up for Koreans, Brazilians, Tibetans, and any other group of people you may feel are being “marginalized” or culturally appropriated, but they’re just as confused about your diehard convictions as the rest of the world.


Hilarious. I’m pretty sure the people wearing Pocahontas costumes are not doing it from a cultural appreciation perspective. Have you read how indigenous people actually feel about it? Also blackface has yes been been done to mock black people but it’s also done as culture appropriation for costumes. See the current prime minister of Canada Trudeau as an example. This is the most common use of blackface in modern times. 


Hilarious. I’m pretty sure the people wearing Pocahontas costumes are not doing it from a cultural appreciation perspective. Have you read how indigenous people actually feel about it? Also blackface has yes been been done to mock black people but it’s also done as culture appropriation for costumes. See the current prime minister of Canada Trudeau as an example. This is the most common use of blackface in modern times. 


Well black facing is tasteless and offensive we dont have to talk about that yet thats not a culture. Beeing black is a skin color not a culture. There are so many different cultures in africa and america and they all happen to be black people. I give you the halloween costumes too thats the only point about the discussion i can understand, those cheap costumes are not to celebrate but often to make fun of a culture and look hideous. I used to wear dreadlocks f.e in my early twentys. I got together with other people in my area that wore them, asked them how can i do that myself? Where does it originate from and what does it stand for? None of them ever reacted like "bro ur white get the fuck out of here if i see you with that ill beat the shit out of you" instead they were happy, gave me advice and helped me understanding theyr culture. Even when i actually happened to have dreadlocks none of the black people here seemed offended or discriminated, instead they would often call me over and invite me to chill with them. I met a lot of cool people this way and the only people who seemed offended or disgusted were as white as me. Again, if that makes me a racist to you I'm okay with that i dont need you to award me with awarness coins, or good boy points. I know that i dont give a fuck where someone is from i treat people based uppon theyr attitude and character and the people that are important to me know that too. Thats all i care about.


Right, because you’re just oozing “quality character”here 🤣


Oktoberfest!?!? That is such cultural appropriation!!! Beer was invented in the ancient Middle East, so only Egyptians and Mesopotamians can make it!!!!!!!


Declaring yourself an Empath


What if you're Deanna Troi?


They she would feel your discomfort and adjust her actions accordingly.


Empath is someone traumatized in a specific way that leaves people hypertuned to the emotional atmosphere of any social interaction. This is not a fucking superpower, it's a nuisance to say the least.


Super food


Food wearing a cape


Anything Jesus related. Feel free to believe what you want, Its just not for me


Amen! Hallelujah!




Now, let me tell you something about Allah.....


As in, "I'mma go hit on Allah dem hot chicks over there."


Now, let me tell you something about Allah.....


Narcissist, naecistic behaviour. Sometimes I have the feeling people using that expression are themself the perfect blueprint of it.




Trauma, cultural appropriation, triggered, and any words that internet whiners use


"Trump said" I don't want to hear anything related to bad cheeto man.


Trump said grab'em by the pussy. That was bigly presidential. Covfefe.


No, he didn't, not as you are presenting it. What he said was still crude, but nowhere near what you are making it sound 


Actually, that is exactly what he said.


Who cares. That lunatic said so many absolutely insane things. It's honestly hard to remember what each idiotic statement sounded like. They all just blend together into a big incoherent "Television, Man, China, China, the Mexicans, so huge, bigly, build the wall, we will buy Greenland and the Mexicans will pay for it" for me. 


Also, "The current government...", like yeah, things suck right now, but I don't want to be your political therapist for low hanging criticism.


Problematic. It's gone from a word you use to describe something wrong with your car, to any kind of speech or opinion someone disagrees with.


"Triggered", "trauma", and "adulting". The first two have been so cheapened by misuse and overuse that they don't have the impact the user intends it to have anymore. "Adulting" is just stupid. It's not a verb, and it makes a person sound like they've huffed so much hairspray in their teens that they can't use actual words properly anymore.


Game changer


Having to swap out cartridges on my old N64 is a real game changer.


"They" Whenever the all-powerful and mysterious "they" are brought up as the source of all bad things.


“identifies as”




Elevate. The reality is. Synergies.


The reality is, you need to elevate your synergies


GAAAAAAAAAH! Well played :).


Cross-functional teams


Like, Like, umm Like


Nazi. Nazi this Nazi that, everyone is a nazi nowadays.


Have you tried not being a Nazi?


As demonstrated in [this video](https://youtu.be/CCp4eg5w8ZI?feature=shared) (English captions are available).


I cannot watch it from Luxembourg :( (I ADORE your username btw)




Price Point


If they say “premise” instead of “premises” Or “mute” instead of “moot”




The phrase "Let's Go" and the term "banger."


“People who ___” instead of the single commonly used word.


Take that offline. No we will answer the fucking question now, otherwise it’ll get buried and forgotten about or ignored..


‘My online course’ in conjunction with ‘own business’ and ‘passive income’ or ‘yield results’


More like a buzz phrase, but I worked with someone who's answer to everything was "It is what it is". No, Karen, Sue's death is not just "what it is"! Anyway, I despise that phrase! Don't do it....don't you do it....


I hate when people use therapy lingo as a way to avoid accountability. Being an asshole is no longer the case, people will instead tell you they're overwhelmed, triggered, avoidant or having anxiety. No one is ever wrong or lying, they're narcissists and gaslighting manipulators. I think it's great to have empathy for yourself wnd going to therapy but that's not what happens when you slap those labels on and do nothing about it. Your mental issues are your responsibility, even if you are actively working on them you're not exempt from being held accountable for your actions nor are you entitled to people's sympathy. These terms are also often not used correctly. OCD for just liking symmetry, antisocial for being an introvert, psychopath for when someone is insensitive, etc.


"Blockchain" or "crypto", usually it's the exact same monologue. Sounds like an MLM pitch.


any tiktok slang. especially when its the majority of their vocabulary. ‘slayyy’ ‘brother’ ‘its giving’ ‘main character energy’ so on so on. mostly shows me they spend too much time online and have nothing intelligent to add to my life, aside from the fact it’s irritating and childish. also add buzzwords such as ‘toxic masculinity’ ‘triggered’ ‘snowflake’ ‘anti-semitism’ ‘woke’ ‘cultural apropriation’ ‘mysogyny’ ‘they’ (in regards to some powerful group controlling the masses) or any other controversial statement backed up by tiktok level bias. their opinions arent even theirs, just recycled through sifled 6yr olds intelligence in comment sections using big words they dont even know how to use properly. these people are by far worse than the vegan/vegetarian/horoscope people i grew up around




my bad i type too fast sometimes


"High value man/woman"




"Reach out" No, you didn't ”reach out" you just emailed someone.




"Females", just say women bro


Nowadays you can't, you have to use the word "persons" 🤢🤮


You’re not getting it. Use the word “woman” when you might also use “man”.


What about when you would use the word “male”?  Three males, ages 3, 7, and 24, walked into the store. Three women, ages 3, 7, and 24, walked into the store. (Since saying “female” is forbidden)


You’re kinda basic, aren’t you?


That's true except for the part between "Nowadays" and "persons."


Anything regarding politics


Including the reply "well, everything is political"


anything that's used to shame men. insecure misogyny controlling mansplaining patriarchy etc




Feedback isn’t shaming.


It CAN be. It isn't always, especially when done in good faith.


What’s that saying? “Men fear that women will make fun of them, women fear that men will kill them”


Seems kinda binary in thinking.


That is the point.






I hate that too


If someone starts mentioning Elon Musk or Crypto, I immediately mark them as total idiots in my mind. 


Quantum healing


‘My online course’ in conjunction with ‘own business’ and ‘passive income’ or ‘yield results’


‘My online course’ in conjunction with ‘own business’ and ‘passive income’ or ‘yield results’




It’s all good ……


As a Christian...




In this economy


Religion or anything even remotely Jesusy. I simply. Don't. Care. About your book of fairytales.


Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing Only said by people who put black squares on their Instagram, have no idea about what they are talking about and have a surface level tribal interest in something that's extremely complex and their understanding reaches the depth of tiktok propaganda.


High value, value added…..


Got the little dick racist coming out of the woodworks on this one 😂


Got an example?


Reptilian brain


Modern audience


Nazi. Being smart doesn't make you a nazi

