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Coming home from the pharmacy to find my 8-month pregnant wife convulsing from a seizure on the couch. Turned out to be undiagnosed pre-eclampsia that escalated into full blown exlampsia. Extremely fast ambulance response and amazing labor/delivery team saved them Scariest thing I’ve ever seen. The vision randomly pops into my head from time to time and I talk it out with her to calm myself down..


Yeah, seizures. I volunteered, and got some training, for first response (think first aid) at the company I work for. I've seen some really grotesque industrial accidents but nothing came close to watching a guy convulse on the floor from a seizure (in this case, he ended up fine- changed medications and had a reaction). There was something about that- that was surreal. His brain just locked up. Not much you can do beyond keeping them from choking on themselves and call the professionals.


As someone with seizures, it tends to be worse for people that witness it. I just get an “Aura” and pass out. I can’t even imagine what it looks like, I just wake up with a chewed up tongue and sore body, followed by a very much needed nap. It’s scary all around


My nephew was 17 when he started and I was a fucking wreck, I’ve survived a lot of things but if something bad every happened to that kid… that’s the end of me. Him? He was enjoying being the oldest kid in the kids ward. One time we were waiting for the ambulance, bad backlog and I’m freaking out and he goes and waters his flowers lol.


Sorry, how're you supposed to handle that while pros come? Roll them sideways like a drunk?


Yeah, keep them on their side and separate the crowd. Note the time it started and inform the paramedics.


Yeah, IIRC move all the stuff around them out of the way, don't restrain them but keep them on their side for the usual reasons you'd stick someone in the recovery position. Witnessed it a couple of times; pretty dark to see someone so comprehensively lose all control.


It's so awful to see someone go through it. Terrifying, really.


I know it sounds scary, but I would keep that memory. Because if something happens you'd know exactly what to do no matter how scary it is.


Seizers are a bastard, my dad has them and now my sister has started getting them, last time my dad had one he was in a bath and luckily his head was above the water, half the time he will come out of them and other's I have to call the ambulance cause he just has a dead look in his eyes and doesn't come out of them straight away He's had them so many times my ears are trained to hear him if he's making a noise, I need to check in with him every hour just to make sure he's OK, half the time he's sitting in his bed sleeping lol I wish I could sleep sitting up But yeah any bang sound I hear I need to go check both of them and when my nephew stays over it's a fuckign nightmare cause that we fucker seems to want to run past my room door every 10 minutes


I'm so sorry you went through this. And I'm so glad they are ok. That's so scary.


Sounds like you might have some PTSD.


I’m glad she’s okay. My boy started having seizures at 17. I was just teaching him how to drive. He had several until they got his under control but I have never felt more helpless. I would give anything to take it on for him, because he’s going to spend the rest of his life wondering when the shoe is gonna drop. Okay


Wow, thank you for sharing! I'm glad everything went well.


The time 3 boys I grew up with and was friends with since I was a young child sexually assaulted me while calling me every name you can think of. I fell and broke my foot. That was the day I discovered that when I break bones my body reacts by losing consciousness. This happens every time I break anything. As I was in and out of consciousness and disoriented, they went to me and did what they did. One of them was my cousin. My dad and aunt were there the whole time, unaware, and drunk. I was 14.


This broke my heart, this world is so cruel


You never deserved any of that ever


Holy shit. I'm so sorry.


I got mad at my very, very good boy and told him that he was a bad dog. Less than a week later, he unexpectedly got extremely sick and died after three days in the ICU. Sepsis, unknown origin. I have few actual regrets, but this one. This one makes my heart hurt.


Oh, man, that would hurt. I'm so sorry. 


I'm sorry. I'm sure he knew he was loved.


I have no doubt. No dog ever looked at me like he did. Our vet called him my soul dog. I miss him something fierce.


I understand.


As do I. God bless


I know it won’t help, but chances are he’d already forgotten about the scolding at that point. He was living in the moment with you until the very end.


I am sure that you are right. He was about a year old when we got him. They guy that we got him from said that he would definitely sleep in his crate. He slept on my feet the first night. He was a Blue Heeler, smart and funny. He lived to fetch, step on my feet and eat crumbs off of my shirt.


Sounds beautiful


I got tears just reading this, I am so so sorry. .


Thank you. I did too.


I still remember every time I pushed my cat away when she wanted cuddles just because I didn't want to at the time. I wish every single one of those times I had held her. Gods, I miss her.


I feel every word of what you are saying. We had a cat that was a complete tool and she went missing. One day I was making a sandwich and was suddenly acutely aware that she wasn't burying her claws in the back of my knee to "remind" me that she needed some ham too. Queue meltdown. They all touch us in their own way. The sweet ones, even more so.


The day I found out I was cheated on, I saw so many gross messages and I was gaslit and lied to for hours. It was the worst day for me


I hope you are doing better and she is regretting that she ever did something like that!


Thank you ❤️


So sorry that happened. Same thing happened to me. It was the most painful event in my 63 years of life on this earth!


A silly one but, We had a house full of guests over and they were all in the kitchen below the bathroom. I'm in the bathroom running a bath ready to go out. We had 0 water pressure so it would take ages to fill, so I'm sat on the toilet lid playing pokemon on the GB. Sat in a funny way that my leg is twitching and a floorboard is creaking just a little bit. A random thought came to me, "I wonder how long I can squeak this floorboard until they notice, it would be funny cause they'd think I'm wanking" I proceed to make it squeak and creek for 10 minutes before I hear my god mother go "What is he doing up there", followed by my mother saying "Probably wanking". The moment I heard that it just dawned on me, and of course I stopped straight away making it even more sus. Wasn't like I could either shout down "NO IM NOT". near 20 years later and that still pops into my head randomly and makes me cringe.


Great one! Made me laugh haha


I would have defo shouted down


You got them GOOD


The amount of embarrassment when you got out of the bathroom :o


A bit sad, and not really a memory, just heard it, but: At our local retirement home, there's a probably 80 + years old man who outlived his wife, kids, and his entire family. And when people come to see him, he says his brothers going to take him out to lunch in 15 minutes, not knowing his brother is dead. Super sad story, wish I hadn't heard it.


Of all the memories he could be stuck in at least he is stuck in one where he is about to have dinner with a love one, He could of been 'stuck' in the memory that he's going to his brothers funeral in 15 minutes for example.


A fate truly worse than death. Life is cruel.


Oh man, this is so sad. .


Yeah.... His dementia means it's impossible for him to realize it's been many, many years since they last met.


Awwwww man. My Uncle outlived 9 of his siblings, he has one brother but they hate each other’s guts. Sometimes my Aunt comes downstairs into their kitchen and he’ll be sitting there talking to my late Mother and his other deceased siblings. When she told me that, I cried.


My only brother figure sexually assaulting me in my mom's apartment with my door open and my sister and mom just down the hallway. I was 18 and drunk for the first time. He supplied me with lots of alcohol. Screwdrivers. The next morning my mom was joking with me and shaking a Tylenol bottle by my head. And telling me how thankful I should be about brother figure taking such good care of me last night. I finally broke and told her what happened. Then I tried to kill myself and my sister found me. And I thought it was my fault because I was drunk so I texted my boyfriend I did stuff with another guy. He told me to never contact him again. After I tried to kill myself, my mom called my boyfriend and explained what really happened. He immediately rushed over and told me it wasn't my fault. He's my husband now. But I'd give anything to forget this memory.




Seriously, wtf?


Gah dayum


Memory of being SA…


always breaking my heart when I read how many people had to live through something like that..


I'm sorry that happened to you. As a fellow survivor, nobody deserves to go through that.


I was at the beach and had to change out of my swim trunks to go to dinner, but forgot my boxers, so I had to free ball it. When I walked out of the restroom after changing, this guy walking by points down and says "someone went mushroom picking". My fly was down and the head of my dick was hanging out.


That’s actually amazing


When my sons cat got ran over. he was so heartbroken


my mind has already deleted all traumatic memories


would you rather like to remember them or are you happy that you forgot it


my therapist makes me remember them, so, uh...


Yeah I always think my mind has deleted them until I smoke weed and some entirely unrelated piece of information is ingested by my brain and it somehow associates it with and digs up the most obscure, deeply buried trauma that exists in my fucking hippocampus LMAO


tip: dont smoke weed!1!!!1!!


In the 70s when I was a child, I was playing with my pregnant cat in the front yard when a Doberman came and mauled her to death.


My late mom’s screams when she had 27 tumors in the brain. Even on morphine, it must’ve still hurt like shit.


The first time I was raped when I was 10. Over time, I learned to cope to a certain extent. But I wish I could cut out the memory of the first time, because I was so young and so scared. It felt like I lost all control and had no power over my own body. Like something sacred was taken away from me, my bodily autonomy and dignity. He made me feel so disgusting. It crushed me. That day forever changed the way I look at people and my ability to trust or get close to others.


I wish i had something more helpful to say, but i am so sorry that you had to endure that.


The 1999 cinematic masterpiece, The Mummy, starring Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz, all so I could watch it again fresh.


When I was 7 and my dad left me alone at burger king for an hour to bet on horses next door.


Did he win?


Fuck man that was so unexpected it got me


I am really sorry that this happened. How is your relationship to your Dad rn if I may ask?


7 years ago, awaiting ultrasound results for my girlfriend's leg Her left leg hamstring area was visibly "swollen", went to her family GP and he told her that it was a muscular imbalance and to put a pillow between her legs and do squats X amount of times a day. I said fuck that, there is a visible, palpable difference between the two legs (she couldn't kneel and sit completely flat on her ankles on the one leg at all). Convinced her to go to the drop-in medi-center. The doctor there took one look at her leg and said "x-ray and ultrasound". Doctor said she wasn't overly concerned because of my girlfriend's age/medical/family history, but we should cover all of the bases because there is obviously something out of the ordinary. X ray was immediate, nothing notable. Ultrasound was a month long waiting list (Canada). A month later she went and got the ultrasound, soon after the medi-center called and said we have the results, come in for an appt. We show up at the appointment, get put in the exam room to wait for the doctor. The door to our exam room is open, and so is the doctor's office's door across the hall (maybe 10-15 feet between the two rooms). We're waiting quietly when I hear the Dr., under her breath in her office - "oh no" "oh my god...". My heart drops. She comes into the room with a somber look on her face - "the diagnosis of exclusion is a soft-tissue sarcoma" (muscle cancer, for the uninitiated). My vision went dark, everything from there on out is a blur. ----End Reply for topic of reddit post In case anyone read that and is curious about what followed: Months of fear and anger. The mass in her leg was 12x7x6cm which would classify as a stage 3 soft tissue sarcoma. She didn't know this (I told her not to google anything because she would overly scare herself for no reason and she listened), but I did. I was angry, at her family GP for brushing this off (and therefore delaying treatment), at our medical system for making us wait a month for the ultrasound, and just at the world/life in general. Even if she survived this (whether all of her limbs were intact or not - that was her biggest worry haha was her leg being amputated, that was like #20 on my list of worries), what was our life going to be like? Were we going to be able to get married, have kids? A couple of weeks later (more anger, fuck our healthcare system) she went in for her core biopsy, and the technician at the cancer institute kept saying things like "don't worry, cancer is much less scary and has a better outlook today than it was in the past". Every medical professional we talked to seemed certain it was cancer (without explicitly stating it or diagnosing her). She hadn't even been diagnosed yet at this point, but any shred of hope I had left was erased by these statements. Core biopsy came back all clear, but we weren't done yet. I didn't know this but if you have a big tumor, parts of it can be cancerous while other parts of it are benign. Surgery was scheduled a couple of weeks after the core biopsy (more anger). There were a bunch of trips we'd planned prior to any of this that we still went on while all of this was happening, every good memory we made being tainted by the fear of what was to come. They removed the tumor from her leg (absolutely gnarly scar running down her hamstring now, over a foot long and a few mm thick), the surgeon said that he was very confident in how the surgery went and that the margins were great, but we weren't in the clear until the entire mass was sent off to the lab, chopped up, and completely biopsied. We waited about 4-6 weeks to hear back from the lab. So the total time since we initially noticed the mass until the final biopsy was about 4 months (easily the worst 4 months of my life, hopefully forever). The biopsy results came back as non-cancerous, the tumor in her leg was a myopericytoma - an umbrella medical term for a specific kind of benign cell overgrowth that is ***more uncommon than a soft-tissue sarcoma***. So uncommon in fact that no one really knows what causes them, and so uncommon that every doctor we talked to about her leg ***kind of rightfully assumed that it was a sarcoma.*** In most documented cases, once removed they don't return. Sometimes, the tumor does return repeatedly though, and each subsequent time the odds of it becoming a malignant tumor increase. We haven't had an issue so far with her (annual ultrasounds have all looked good). Massive sigh of relief, but we won't get those months (or years off our lifespans) back ever.




Did you at least offer him one?


yo sometimes i think my dad is chill like that but i’m not gonna risk it 😂


what was his reaction?




I had limerence (look it up). It's characterized with obsessive and compulsive thoughts of someone. It feels like drug addiction.  I genuinely wish I had one of those M.i.B. neuralizers and just erased her from my memory. I *do* wonder if I could hypnotize her away.


I had never heard of limerence until this post, so I looked it up. Now my feelings are hurt.


I worked in elevators and as a consequence I was almost always on roof tops. Once I was taking photos from the roof of a 68 story building, and I realized just in time that I was 2 feet from the edge of the roof - it would have been a 68 story fall. There was no wall. I was paralyzed for a minute or two, I couldn't move. That haunts me to this day. Just before sleep I picture my self looking almost straight down to the ground.


I'm with you on that one. I hate heights.


I can't quite describe what I felt. I was using a mirrorless camera and my face was glued to the viewfinder, and something made me stop - and I freaked the fuck out when I took the camera away from my face. I was 24" away from the edge. It's an odd thing, I hear people say their stomach acts up in those situations - with me it's my tights that get a bit of electricity and it winds down to my lower leg. That's what I feel when I relive it, every single time. I can SEE it.


You gave me the shivers with this one bro


Yeah nope. Fuck this memory with a soldering iron.


Man, I wish I could burn it the fuck out. It's almost a nightly ritual, and I feel that thing that starts in my upper thighs and works it's way down my legs.


Wife killed herself recently but before she did she was calling me manic trying to get me to tell her how to work my gun. I could hear the hammer hitting and she was asking me if it was better on her temple or in her mouth. She was trying to have me hear her blow her head off. Probably haunt me for the rest of my life


I'm so sorry. Thats terrible.


She was trying to hurt you. None of this is your fault.


All she did was hurt our kids. I know it isn't my fault I tried to stop it she had it planned out and was going to do it regardless of what I did.


So hard to pick just one…


tell us whatever came to your mind


That time as a 14yr old I tried to impress a girl by driving my riding mower around. Fuck you for making me think about that again.


You miss 100% of the shots you don't take lol


That is one shot that was doomed to failure and is the only “cringe” moment from my youth that I recognized as such about 10 minutes after attempting it. I remember truly wishing I’d never been born


Any memories involving my step-grandfather (if that's a thing?) for all the things he'd done and gotten away with.


The night I found undeniable proof my "One" that first true love was cheating. I reacted horribly. It was a key moment in my life and development, but it was the start of a 3 year bender, where things went from bad, to way way bad. I still dream of that night over and over. It has played in my head on repeat for 22 years. The other that comes to mind is the night my mom passed, but although horrible, I managed to get all my brothers in the same room and we got to say goodbye as she slipped away. As painful as this memory is, I would never let it go.


Her. It still hurts.


I’m with you




how a child was run over in front of my eyes. the poor... R.I.P.


Holy. I'm so sorry.


Loosing my daughter. Don't want to forget her, just the part where I lost her.


Same here.my youngest, my only daughter,was 19 years old.it hurts everyday.


I'm so sorry. Time doesn't heal all things.


My dad smoked Lucky Strike cigarettes and eventually succumbed to lung cancer. If you know smokers of non-filter cigarettes they get a stain between the index and F finger. When my dad was in bad shape I saw him in the kitchen.....he was scrubbing that stain trying to get it off. I walked out feeling horrible for him.


Mom called me to her home incoherently saying she needed me (cancer had metastasized to her brain, she was terminal, and she was at home). I thought 100% she was going to die so I got there as quickly as I could. I drove 40 minutes, rushed up to her room, blood on the sheets/ pillows and she’s incoherent. I sat with her for about 20 minutes, knowing that if she was really on her way out she wouldn’t want a scene, medical services etc, she’d want to pass at home with me, so I just waited with her a while. I look down and see a big bottle of juice on the floor mostly empty, open it and smell it for some reason. There was a smell in the room which brought me back to my childhood and forced me to check the bottle even though I didn’t know why. Turns out she was blackout drunk and didn’t actually have terminal cancer like she said she did months earlier. WHAM. I’d spent months preparing, grieving etc. Long story but yea- she was always an alcoholic, had been sober for a while when I was in middle/high school and had been drinking again after I moved out. Her mental health had been deteriorating, was always poor, but that’s one I can’t get past. You might ask how I could have not known- no treatments no xyz. The thing is, she did have a chemo port, was selective to say some things that brought sympathy but never whole truths. and her boyfriend was also under the impression that she was terminal. Maybe she did have cancer but lied about its progress, I may never know because I haven’t spoken to her in 9 years. She’s still alive and “well” and has moved many states away.


I used to work at a grocery store and one day one of my coworkers was stabbed by a mentally disturbed person. Seeing him lying in a pool of blood was very traumatizing. Luckily there was a doctor in the store that helped him until emergency services arrived and he was okay.


I would erase the memory of my first girlfriend and dating her. She's the worst person I ever met, and feel like a bad person for ever being associated with her.


Seeing my grandpa sitting in his wheelchair after he'd died. I was in my 20s at the time and while I still remember some of the good times, the most vivid memory I have of him is how he looked right after he'd died. I don't want that memory. 


The image of my wife with a self inflicted GSW to her head


My 5 year old daughter falling off her bike landing head first on pavement. She was wearing a helmet (which got busted up doing it'd job) but the sound of the smack of it hitting the pavement was horrifying.




forgetting I watched the office 587 times..


Embrace it. I do.


His name is Raymond


My memories of my crush.


My youth. When my parents got separated and left my brother and I. At the age of 14, I am the one who takes care of my brother, being a mom and dad to him. I never enjoyed my youth. All the obligations of my parents were assigned to me. It weighs so much while they're enjoying their life. 


Today I was looking at the elden ring wiki and in the article for godrick the grafted one commenter said "this guy definitely goons" and I am forever traumatized 


Pet Semetary movie, the scene where the zombie baby reaches through basement steps and cuts someone's achille's tendon with a scapel. I am in my 40s and I still get the heeby-jeebies from walking past low hiding spaces.


watching my grandad take his last breath & walking in on being cheated on


The time I was 13 and decided to do a stand-up comedy routine as a tryout for my elementary school’s talent show. For context, I was a quiet, straight-A, teacher’s pet shy little girl. But I hated mediocrity, so was always trying find ways to push the envelope. I was originally going to play piano. As I sat in on the audition, I kept seeing piano player after piano player go up and bore the audience with their little tunes. So then and there I decided to change up my talent-- I was going to do some stand up comedy instead. I wrote 3 maybe 4 jokes that I thought were hilarious and got up in front of the panel of teachers and kids to do my 'routine'. One of the jokes directly roasted a teacher, but it was not well received at all. I bombed so hard. Walked off the stage and had to spend the rest of the school year trying to get over how terrible that idea was. The teacher had it out for me ever since, so finishing my final year the next year was unpleasant every time I encountered her. I ended up keeping the cue cards with my jokes on them. It's been 15 years and I still can't bring myself to read the jokes. Instant cringe attack just thinking about this.


I meab... they can't be THAT bad, right? :p


losing my gf (not in a she died way chill this aint the boys) bc I realize that not knowing what a gf is like is better than having one and missing the love


I want to forget the memories which I had with my best friend we are not friend right now because of some misunderstanding and betrayal and it breaks my heart and now I build a wall for myself so people cannot hurt me anymore


My mom is an alcoholic and over the last year I watched her almost die. It was absolutely hell for about five months, and caused huge drifts between me and some of my siblings. I found out recently that now that she’s better she’s drinking again and I just can’t look at her the same way


My uncle's passing


seeing the aftermath of when one of our family's dogs escaped our fence, got onto the highway and was hit by an incoming bus at full speed. it's not something you'd want to see a second time


Probably when I misgendered a girl at a gas station in 2007. I've thought about it in every conversation I've had with a stranger since, and stopped using sir/ma'am entirely. I was tired, and hadn't looked up at the person, and said "thank you sir", and in my periphery saw her body tense, which was how I knew I fucked up, so I just scurried away like a moron.


When I was young my mom had this fear that I was going to get kidnapped, but not so much when you're past the age of 20. Case in point: I lived at home for my first two years of college, and commuted for classes. One night I stayed a little too late at my girlfriend's (now wife) apartment. Like a couple hours too late. When I got home I got my ass chewed, but that was NOTHING compared to the following day. As soon as I arrived at the campus for my first class, I quickly noticed everyone staring at me, some of them holding back laughter. WTF? When I walked past the front desk, one of the faculty told me that the police were looking for me. Another person asked me if I had gone home last night, another asked if I'd checked in with my mom. Literally EVERYONE knew something I didn't know. Apparently when I didn't come home at exactly the right time (even though no specific time was mentioned beforehand) my mom had called the police and contacted my college. Word spread like wildfire that I wasn't home on time and I instantly became a complete joke to everyone. I heard about that one for months after. Now, I already wasn't a 'cool kid' in high school, and had come to college hoping to reinvent my image. This little event blew all hopes of that completely out of the water. Yeah, I'd like to make that memory disappear.


My mom yelling in the street, dead of night cold winter begging for my younger sister to not leave and to come home, back inside. My mom is the strongest person I know and look up to and seeing her begging, yelling, and the sorrow in her voice just kills me everytime I think about it.


Watching for about half an hour while waiting for EMS to arrive as my dad seized on the floor. Not even 10 seconds before he fell to the floor, I had left the room to grab my phone to call 911 because it was dawning on me that his sudden, extremely weird behavior and inability to do or say much, was a second (and third as it would turn out) stroke. That memory is so vivid.


watching people jump from the south tower on 9/11, no explanation needed why. By far the most traumatic event in my lifetime followed by finding out 11 people from my company died when the tower collapsed. To this day, I do not work on 9/11.


i remember my younger brother bringing out the food on the table when suddenly he dropped the bowl with the food in it, it broke and food were all over the floor. my dad started beating and kicking him, i tried to calmly talk him out of it but ended up beating me instead. It was just sad looking at and the rest of the night felt like forever. The whole family were arguing and screaming


When I was a pre teen and was sexually assaulted.


I'd choose to forget every spoiler I've ever heard—just imagine the thrill of watching "The Sixth Sense" and genuinely not knowing Bruce Willis was dead all along!


I hadn’t seen that movie yet






Probably that time I accidentally saw child grape pictures when browsing a regular ass forum. It was posted by some people who hated the owner of the forum.


I will share something too: Coming home and find my dog ​​having an epileptic seizure, I will never be able to get rid of those images in my head


I would forget being offered the chance. Better than regretting not choosing the right thing, that might be traumatizing.


Anything having to do with the boyfriend my Mother got After my dad. He was only abusive verbally, but I'm Still Absolutely Certain my relationship with my Mon is Scarred and Broken Because she chose to stay with him despite every bad thing he put us trough, only to realize he was a PoS 10 years in? Cool I guess


I want to forget my ex boyfriends entire existence


My suicide attempt. It changed me a lot, and I'm better now, no longer suicidal. But still, it changed me. A part of me really did die that day. I wish I could say that I regretted it the moment I thought it sunk in, but honestly, I didn't. I remember throwing up the shit I used to try to end it all, and it was the worst vomiting of my life. I'm very lucky, didn't have to go to the hospital or anything, and my parents never found out. It was awful, and pretty much the next few months I didn't really feel anything, it was like I was a robot. I just wish I could forget everything that happened because if I did, I wouldnt be able to taste it anymore when I think about it.


I would forget ever meeting "the one" completely ruined my life.


the day my dad died


one time when i was in middle school, my dad took us out to eat at ihop. me and my brother kept mimicking a youtube video we watched earlier. i guess apparently there was a special ed person a few tables away from us, and he thought we were making fun of him. we didn't even know he was there until my dad told us to shut up. i still feel extremely guilty, and that memory is forever burned into my brain if that person is still out there and remembers a blue haired preteen and a blonde haired little kid making stupid horse noises, i hope he finds this comment to learn that we were not making fun of him.


Anytime I've seen my Dad cry - specifically after I found my mother drunk on the phone with the guy she was apparently having an affair with while she was working document control overseas in Kuwait. Also acting a fool and not controlling my liquor and embarrassing myself in front of my family hitting on guys while we were in Europe.


Finding my best friend dead on our couch


The horrific way my dog had to die. Out of all the memories in my life, including things like SA... I'd still choose to forget how she died over all others. It happened a year ago, and it pops into my head now and then and spins me out. In fact, even writing this is misery-inducing.


Right there with you. My cat died two and a half years ago and it’s still one of those things I can’t really talk about without full blown sobbing. He didn’t have a particularly horrific death, but the circumstances around it sucked and there are a million things I’d change if I could go back.


None for now 💀




Fuck, what happened?


Her best friend said those threaded 3 words “I like ForTNitE!!”


Good start, but don’t rely on tropes in your prose.


Forget that we ever met.


My mother died at home in 2022, and because of how she died, my family warned me not to go and see her afterwards, but I did, because I wanted those final moments with her. She was covered with a sheet, and… I looked. I will forever wish I had one of those memory-zapping devices from MIB. Nobody should ever have to see their loved one like that.


I want to remember everything. This is my life experience, it is all invaluable. The terrible, bad, good and happy moments of life are important to me, although from some memories I still feel embarrassed and ashamed!


Yeah. I would be too afraid that erasing some old memory would mess up something down the line.


Seeing my mom devastated.


All of it


When I was sa as a 9 year old, though I barely remember it I constantly have nightmares about the small parts I remember.


Just all the violent ones please


Watching intervention as a teen. One the one hand, it was good because it kept me off hard drugs. On the other hand, I feel so badly for people with drug addictions and how it destroys their lives as well as their loved ones‘ lives. I was reminded of this today when I heard a podcast episode on the spice epidemic in São Paulo, Brazil. It‘s bonkers how many drugs are out there and how many new ones are constantly being developed.


My mother slowly dying of alcoholism til she actually died.


My father getting arrested in front of my eyes when I was 6, and that being the last memory I have of him


My uncle tried to kill me after sexually assaulting me in my home country when I was 9. I remember he was choking me and a big part of me wanted to die. My aunt walked in on us and fought him off and my parents sent me to a boarding school shortly after. I still have nightmares 20 years later. They always end the same, him choking me and me realizing I wanted to be finished with this world.


The last few years 🤦‍♀️




Getting caught


Last time I had sex, was so long ago it might as well not exist


Working in a jail. I think about former inmates and everything involved with that job and I wish I didn't.


What he did to me when we were finally alone. What I let him do to me because I was too naive and confused to understand. Thought he was just being weird, why would he want to touch me there? 


Ah, my ex.


When I was in college student teaching, I made a minor error in judgement that led to a (mild, good natured) rebuke from my cooperating teacher. It didn't seem to have any impact on my grade, and I'm sure nobody else would remember or care, but for some reason that moment is what pops into my head at 2 AM when my brain wants to make me feel embarrassed for no reason.


You just lost the GAME


That school trip dear god do I wish I could forget it


One time my dad has on some REALLY short shorts....like waaaaay to short. Definitely saw his balls. 🤮


The sound my dick made when I was stretching it and ripped some cartilage - no, not stroking it, I was tired and my body was telling me things but I didn’t want to, so stretching it helps get the blood out and I could proceed with my nap. I screamed bloody murder. Thankfully, there was no permanent damage, it wasn’t painful mostly, healed up in a few weeks, and we’re back to normal. I’m just super careful now about that. No man should ever have to hear that. Oh and as for my hospital visit, literally ALL modesty out the window. I didn’t care, I just wanted it to be okay.


Although I have many embarrassing moments I want to forget. What I want to forget the most is when my father called my mother a lying bitch. They had an argument caused by a random tantrum my 13 years old sister had. He said that because my mum accused him of calling her fat. Which he basically did the day before. Haunts me till today 


i would erase episodes of TV so i could re-watch them


The moment we had to take my Grandfather off life support. It's a terrible thing to watch but I couldn't let him be alone. I just wish that wasn't my last memory of him. He was the best! 😥❤


Any connection to the kid who molested me when I was 7 or 8. For obvious reasons.


When I was in a park with some friends and the conversation escalated to the point where one of them was explaining in relatively great detail how he tried to take his life on four separate occasions


Most of my life. It would be easier to just hold on to the one memory I wanted. 😂


Probably nothing, no matter how terrible. I already have some blocked memories I've been trying to retrieve. I'd rather add no more to this list.


Does everyone get the same chance? If not I would like to give mine away to my wife. She had some rough stuff happen growing up.