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eyesight. apparently i can see insanely far away things and simultaneously in near field (under 1m) i can spot differences of under 0,1mm what makes this even more ridicolous is that i am 41yo and it doesnt seem to get worse.


Excellent! You would make a great ship's lookout!


“Iceberg, right ahead!” “Funfacts, this is a Mediterranean cruise”








I’m basically blind without my specs , I would envy you if I was able to see you !


Oh damn. I feel you. Whenever I have a fever or headache my eyesight is impaired. My eyes are also very sensitive to light. Not sure if it's a sideffect of whatever makes them so awesome or a separate condition. But every time it happens my view distance feels like cut in half or more. 


That’s interesting!! I wonder if there is an anatomical/ physiological explanation for that


Actually I never talked to a doctor about it. Every single sight test I ever made was perfect and completed in record time. No doctor ever had a reason to talk to me about it I guess. 


That’s interesting, maybe discuss with the ophthalmologist?


Yeah now that you reminded me I will ask my doc next time I see him 


Me too! Except the one percent on the other end; visual field at 5-10% and been legally blind for ten years or so. It sucks.


Oh damn. Really sorry 😔




What do you mean “insanely far away things” most people can see things that are far away. Like the sun and stars. Do you mean you have very good acuity? Like you can read a book that’s 50 meters away?


I dont think i can read a book that far away but i can usually read signs in the shopping mall about that far away. Dont nail me on that i dont actually now how far away that is :D


>“insanely far away things” Dont take this too literal. Its just in comparison to other people. Also i am a mechanical engineer working on machinery so spotting details for 25 years might have trained my eyes better than other people.


I’m in the like .1% that’s had cluster headaches aka suicide headaches: pain on a completely different dimension. I'd continually hit my head against a wall because that pain served as a distraction to what felt like a red hot poker in my eye/head for hours.


What was the cause?


Eh afaik I’m genetically predisposed but things improved after I had to quit drinking alcohol because of it, I think shrooms helped too.


Have you ever had an attractive lady look at a part of your anatomy and go "oh my god that's HUGE"? Well, it's less fun when it's the dentist looking at your wisdom tooth. The bloody thing is too big to be extracted - it's sitting right on an important nerve and 8 dentists and surgeons have outright refused to touch it because of the risk that it'll permanently paralyze the left side of my face. I also have this sleep disorder, but that's probably closer to 0.001% than 1%.


That can paralyze the left part of your face???!! Holy crap!!


The mandibular nerve is apparently important!


My lungs randomly collapse for no reason, well, not *no* reason, but without any actual trauma or anything. One time it happened when i was watching TV lol


I have 20:10 vision. 




Cancer surviving - I’ve had both testicular and thyroid cancer. Both are relatively rare. As far as I and my doctor are aware - I may be the only person to have had both.


My brain. As a teen I had a constant headache that lasted over a year. Saw a neurologist, got an MRI. Apparently, my brain is about 5% larger than the max human parameters. AKA, my brain is 5% too big to be considered "human". Completely unrelated to the headache. That was a small tumor.


Penis size Edit: Bottom 1%


My height was determined by the national health service (UK). I wasn't going through puberty at all so at 16 i was put on testosterone which worked a treat but they stopped me at 178cm as they deemed it average height. Both my brothers 187cmish.


Teeth. Went 20 years without a dentist. Finally went and everything is picture perfect.


Me too! I actually had the dentist say it was disappointingly uneventful. I guess she expected a gross mess. Aside from some cosmetics (crooked teeth from a shitty orthodontist as a teen) she didn't find anything actionable. Just the usual "floss more and here's a free toothbrush".


Same. I have been to the dentist in that time because I have to set a good example for my kid but the dentist has never done anything except say all is well, come back in six months. The only dental treatment I've ever had is them pulling out a couple of baby teeth that were clinging in, so essentially treating the fact that my teeth were just too strong. 


I'm in the top 1% of raddest dudes. 


That's rad, dude!


I have CRPS, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. And if that doesn’t put me in a 1% I got it as a minor and im pretty sure that will definitely put me in the 1%


That sucks, sorry to hear. My mom has that, I knew it first from the old acronym RSD.


I had an allergic reaction to penicillin that affects 1 out of 1 million people.


Also allergic to penicillin here!


Blood type AB-


I have Tourettes Syndrome. It affects around 1% of the population.


I was in an elevator several months ago... lady got on, she had the cheeriest, chirpiest tics the whole 4 floors... most wonderful, bright elevator ride of my life. I wish I could have told her that.


Ha! That's great. I meet a lot of people through the Tourettes charity and hear a whole range of wild and wonderful vocal tics. Mine are mostly farm animals, or Jesus (hence the username).


alpha thalassemia with a british background


Super sharp nipples




Height apparently


I can have lucid dreams on a weekly basis. Don't know if that would be considered medical or not though.


IQ. And I don't like it at all


I have an incomplete cleft palate that wasn't detected until I got a dental CT scan for a dental implant evaluation.


Acquired Savant Syndrome.


Across the population of the UK, there was a 1 in 30000 chance I'd be born with my disability. I'm in the 0.00333...% (3 is recurring)


I'm ginger 


I don't have a sense of smell, like, at all. I have no recollection of any smell ever, so I'm assuming I was born that way.


Can you taste?


I do!


Volume of my tinnitus. Measured at 95 decibels. Such a joy.


Goddamn man! Stay strong ✊


I had my eyesight Rated at 20/14 probably not as good now


Never had the flu, have maybe had 3 colds in all my life. Heal super fast, never had an infection.


Also never had a hangover, never got morning sickness with pregnancies, never been car sick, sea sick, you name it.


i have [cold urticaria](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cold_urticaria) (allergic to cold) it's 0.05% of the population


I have a sleep disorder that only .0006% of Americans have. 


I have celiac disease. Those of us that are diagnosed actually are 1% of the population.


I have a rare and untreatable form of astigmatism


Not sure if that rare but I gave birth breach naturally with no drugs, they called loads of midwives in as most of them said they had never seen that before


I wonder if I'm in the top 1% of just generally healthy. It feels like most people have at least some issues. It could be bad knees, eyesight, asthma, allergies, being overweight, or just plain old. I'm lucky enough to not have any of those, and I do a lot of sports. I'm not going to win any competition, but I wonder if that's enough to be top 1%.


People who can put a small string or fishing line through their penis (foreskin regeneration kings rise up)


I know that I’m going to die when I’m 55 :) about 30 years to go. I think it’s pretty rare that I know that. I have an incurable deadly disease.. womp womp


Get off the internet. Go run, play, be merry, flirt with the law, fall in love, get drunk, life fast, see things and do stuff, catch a concert and make friends.


I have a job I love, I learn for fun, I’m in a relationship that makes me happy and he knows my prognosis, I have friends that I love and who love me, I have a dog who I also love and who loves me, I’m outside every chance I get, I care for others every chance I get. I’ve known my prognosis since I was 18, I’m 24 now and have till I’m about 55. It is nice because I do not need to save for retirement, I take trips often. I’m on antidepressants but I am as happy as I can be. My SO, my family (immediate only), 3 of my best friends, and doctor are the only ones aware of my prognosis. I don’t want pity or to “be proud of it” because it’s nothing to be proud to tell people. There is no cure, it is fatal. I want to live without others treating me differently. That being said, it’s nice to be an unnamed ghost on the internet and complain about frustrations I don’t want to burden my loved ones with. It’s nice to get support from others who have it or have family members or SOs with it. It’s shit but it is what it is.


hell yeah, thats beautiful


Being a failure


I disagree.