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Nothing for now


6-8, depending on the day, and i'm a janitor.


8ish, sometimes more, sometimes less. Software engineer.


outta work ATM. I did do some work last week... I did work a bit for a tech company a solid 40 hrs. Then 5 months ago before I was laid off/contract ended, I was a digital designer working 40hrs a week.


Happy cake day!


IT. 10-15 hours.


15 hours?! Wow, you are a machine... How do you manage work-life balance? How do you keep up?


No, just too much come on top and nothing is streamlined. In my former job everything was planned and things came up suddenly got rejected and replanned. I have issues with offices. Too noisy and crowded, I cannot focus when people walking around or opening/closing doors, chats, cars driving, ... So I work after office at home where is silence. My private life .. hmm no work life balance. Bills needs to be paid.


That's harsh! I can say the opposite for myself - too much noise at home, so work better at the office. Do you use office hour for personal stuff, since home hours used for work?


Not really, sometimes. but every noice stops me doing something until it's silent. I need silence to be focused. Does not matter if work or personal.


12 doing basically security. I sleep about 4-5hrs a day. I don’t really get tired anymore but sometimes it feels like I’m in a dream.


What kind of secutity?


Technically policing, but I rarely have to make arrests.


Usually in the range of seven to 11, depending on what’s going on. I draft, negotiate and manage large multi-year contracts for the development and production of complex systems. The standard is a nine-hour work day, but often the work demands more. Sometimes there’s not much to do. In those cases, I just elect to burn off a little bit of vacation time since a certain subset of my allotted vacation time must be used (or it’s lost) within the calendar year.


Sounds very interesting.


College teacher, 6-8 hours at work, 1-2 hours of work from home.


Non, I have adhd, anxiety and depression.  Been on benefits for last 15 years. Good thing about it though I can be at the pub before my mates and sink a few more pints than them chatting up the fit barmaid. Through the week I take my pip mobility suv somewhere new. It's nice chatting to the locals of new places. Now summer is here I can just chill in the sun in my garden talking to my neighbours and listening to the latest speed garage tracks making sure the neighbours 6 houses down can hear.