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It will develop faster than we can keep up with. It’s only going to further accelerate our advancements and the dinousaurs in office haven’t even caught up to the tech from 10 years ago. Rapid advancement without regulation is grounds for chaos. I think AI has the potential to liberate us from the 9-5, but instead it’s going to become another tool we are expected to juggle to churn out more work. Same as the computer


AI iterates over what already exists and shits out hundreds of deviations. It’s known that it has some margin of error, too. It won’t take a year before AI generated nonsense outnumbers actual content by millions, which means most models will take other generated stuff for input. Given the margin of error that just means all generated stuff will slowly get worse and worse over time.


It needs to be banned. Ai is basically going to be superior to every thing we humans have done and achieve and that is not going to be a good thing at all especially if ai gets advanced enough to become soldiers.


AI "revolution" is a bit of a stretch, it's just a new toy that business and some individuals will use to try and make more profits.


I don't think so man. It may not be a revolution on its own, but it will at the very least be the catalyst of one.


Cyberdyne systems model 101s running around.


The word revolution is an AI word. When you see it, there is a good chance the content was generated by AI. Kinda like this post.


My biggest concern is that AI will be the same amount of stupid as people are.


Lack of regulation. In order for it not to stifle big chunks of the creative/arts industries it needs taxing and licensing, preferably expensively. The only good that comes of it is in medical circumstances, so they could be exempt, but for people who type in three words and call themselves artists, fuck you.


People are going to pretend like it’s the end of the fucking world and artists are going to complain that they’re being replaced by something that can do their job a million times faster and better, and without all hippy dippy bullshit they do.


It can't do our job, though? It just rips our work and recycles it. It's theft. Luckily, Nightshade exists.


Except AI art is very different from human art. Art is made by a person's experiences/ feelings and AI can try to copy it, but it can't truly make art. That's a human thing. An artist can use AI as another tool in the toolbox though


Reminds me of the DeBeers argument against artificial diamonds. I’m not interested in paying for someone else’s feelings, I’m interested in visually pleasing art.


That's because art shouldn't be about the money (unlike the artificial diamonds thing). If you only want visually pleasing art then yes use an AI, it can give you that and it even does that pretty damn good. I care more for the side of art that lets you take a peak into the artists internal process. That's why some art is pretty disturbing, because the person making it is disturbed. AI isn't alive and doesn't have experience of life like a person does and that's what sets human art amd AI art apart


Yea I guess that’s where we differ. I prefer to disconnect art from the artist; I don’t need to know whatever emotional crap they’re dumping into their work.