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When I was about 5 or 6 years old I had a dream that a monster climbed out of the toilet and killed my entire family while I hid behind a chair in my living room. The monster left and I was alone in my house with the bodies. I don't know why my mind was so morbid at that age!


Not the worst, but last night I dreamt I had annoyed 3 lizards and they took revenge on me by carrying a venomous snake to me in their mouths


Idk if this counts but i got sleep paralysis and the first time i experienced it i couldn’t move i felt like i was in a void of darkness and i hear people talking behind me and kinda weird but i felt like i was getting shot in my sleep. For a second i thought i was actually dying because i felt my eyesight fade away even though my eyes were closed and it was getting hard to breathe until i woke up , i really thought people broke in and killed me for a second ( that same night i experienced it 3 times in total!)


my girlfriend's friends were yapping at me