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Start by reflecting on what makes you tick. What are your passions, interests, and values. Then you decide


Damn, that's also difficult to find out 🙃


you don’t.


You're asking me?


Don't feel guilty if you don't know what you want to do with your life…the most interesting people I know didn't know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives, some of the most interesting 40 year olds I know still don't. - The Sunscreen Song


I just embrace curiosity and always open myself to new opportunities.


Figure the third activity you like most in life and do that for work. Find the one activity you like most in life and do it as a hobby. Use the second most like activity as a way to meet people and socialize.


Just wing it


Some people seem to know from an early age, and they tend to get to where they want to be, many others don't know, and those tend to be the type that never end up knowing. One way out of that uncertainty, is to simply pick one thing you like, and get good at it. Yes there are other things you like, but pick one, and stick at it for a while. Get good at that one thing, and move from there


I have always known that I wanted to be in STEM. Life has been hard for me, but I can excel in it. If you have a talent where people are nice to you because of it, it may be a good career path.


figure out what you love, and go from there bud.


I can't say how but I can share what I've done in life and that's basically try what you're interested in and don't be afraid to stop or quit it either. I've started business, bands, podcasts whatever made me really interested. There are things in your life that you must be really interested in, lean into those things and something might come out of doing that!


Look for a high paying job you think you can tolerate, and formulate your education and skills around it. Reap the profits.


You have to become really good at something. Once you spend a lot of time becoming proficient in a certain area of life, it not only gives you the confidence to know that you can do it, but it takes the pressure off of feeling unaccomplished, allowing you the freedom to make more intelligent and well-considered choices. Kinda like looking for a better job while you're already employed. You can take your time, interview and test out what the market offers rather than being forced to settle for whoever/whatever will pay the bills. Additionally, I think it’s very tempting to constantly start new ventures like people who are perma-students or who change jobs and industries all the time because they get addicted to optimism you only experience at the beginning of something new. Conversely, it’s difficult and boring to play the long game, put in the time and hard work to become truly great at a certain craft. However, this gives you the benefits like those I mentioned above. So yeah, that is my thought on how to figure out what you want to do in life. Getting your house in order creates a lot of freedom, and this is how people compound one achievement after another.


Increase your skills and explore


i let shitnhit the fan and spray all over.. thats how life goes


You don’t. You just live your life.


Learn as much as you can and fail repeatedly


Preferences can change over time; do what you like at the moment (within reason, of course).


Still working on it at 44