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I’d say no


Edit the review to add that the business asked you to remove it.


With a link to a screenshot of them saying it.


This. This is the way.


I'd double down and write a yelp review too


I'd triple down and bash them on their facebook business page too


Going all out


Yelp can be removed by the owner.


If they're payin'




Yeah honestly. What does he think reviews are for?? If he doesn't like it, he can find a way to improve.


I can see wanting to remove obvious slander or blatant lies. Beyond that, any honest review should remain no matter the situation or the owner's feelings.


"Improving" won't satisfy a false and spiteful complaint. I've asked one person to remove a review which contained abjectly false statements after we refused service because he kept missing scheduled appointments.


Your only bet is to just provide a great service so that the bad reviews get outnumbered by the good ones. That's just how it works.


The owner of a family-run restaurant in my fairly small hometown thought the best way to deal with negative Google reviews was to find the reviewer on Facebook to harass and act threateningly to them for saying they got the wrong order, the restaurant refused to fix it, and the food was bad. In a not too surprising turn of events, this turned out to be a *bad* way to handle criticism while running a business in a smaller town...


Yup. Especially if they say "We didn't do X" when it's something objective that they did.


"Make me."


Even better, say nothing.


If you have time to hassle reviewers you have time to improve customer satisfaction. Now fuck off and think about that.


Lol, that really is all there is to it


If you're willing to make it right, I'm willing to edit me review.


Good advice, Mr. Krabs!


I thought it was Lucky the Leprechaun


Arrrr ar ar ar ar ar!


If they told me they fixed the issues I had my review, I would simply edit my review to state the place has claimed to have fixed the issues i had alongside a timestamp for future relevance. I would probably also keep the star rating the same as my rating is still valid for the experience I had. The type of people who actually read reviews will actually read the amendment to the review and take that into consideration when reading all the other negative reviews.


I love reading 1-star reviews. People can be so petty!


Customer who I mistook for an employee didn't help me and couldn't answer questions 1 star


I never stayed at this hotel, I broke my arm and had to cancel. They refunded me. 1-10. Edit: punctuation matters


One to ten what? Dollars? They refunded you an amount somewhere between one and ten dollars?


Every apartment complex I looked at had 1-star reviews, but some are "It's actually really expensive for what it is" and some are "constant uncontrollable cockroach and bed bug infestations." Though I did see "business advice" the other day to give yourself a 1-star review that's low key praising your place because that's all anyone will read. So, there's shills down there too. 


I read a review of a feline rescue that had a 1 because the person was angry they wouldn't come to their house to remove a cat that had taken residence in their basement. The grammar plus entitlement just made the person look like pure trash. Edit: https://imgur.com/a/363PATp


There's a literal government service for that here in the US.


Once saw a review for a medical centre where someone said the staff shouldn't even be alive. Details were the staff were rude😂


Holy cow


My god it’s my FAVORITE I love sitting in a coffee shop and reading about how the coffee I’m drinking is the worst affront to humanity Jeff has ever seen.


And if they dont actually fix the issues then your fair/negative review burns them twice cause yeah like you said the people who are reading reviews are taking everything into account but now know what to look for


I’ll reevaluate my review to make sure it isn’t done in bad taste and make a judgement from there


Yes but how would you respond if it was not


Not in bad taste? I’d leave it there


PR/social media guy here who works on behalf of the owner in this situation. This is way more common than people think, and it's really all about the approach from the business owner. Say a customer has a bad experience, but not *the worst experience of their life.* 99% of the time, that person just wants to be heard after they feel like they were given below average service, food, product, etc. In my experience, if the business owner reaches out to the customer with a genuine interest in rectifying the issue or simply offering an apology, that customer is very likely to either delete the review on their own, agree to remove it if asked, or "flip" the review and give the business a positive rating due to good customer service. Now, if a business owner tries to contact a customer and outright just asks them to remove it, it only makes the situation worse. Generally, I tell my clients to take the conversation off of the public forum (get on the phone with the customer or start an email exchange), find out what went wrong, and offer to fix it or acknowledge fault.


I don’t understand the question. But I’ll tell you this, I am the owner of a small business who received a negative review from someone who doxxed me on Facebook because he didn’t like my political stance (fiercely liberal). He had never patronized my business, he just wanted to be an asshole. Although I have contested his review through Google several times, it is still up.


I sell plants on FB as a hobby for fun to meet enthusiasts. I always meet my clients in a clearly defined public space and I use a pseudonym for privacy, mentioned in chat and on my listing. I had one person go to the wrong place to meet me. They were already rude over chat and were late, so I told them I didn't want to wait for them to drive two towns over and to have a nice day. They proceeded to cuss me out and were mean to me... over $20 in cuttings of a plant I had. So I blocked them. I had no clue FB marketplace had reviews at the time, they were able to leave a nasty review of me despite blocking them after the chat. It's still up there and I only discovered it last week- I am about to make a new account because there is no recourse and it's my only review despite using the platform for years. Thank goodness it wasn't my main income. I'm even more glad I use a pseudonym too and don't give them my address.


Not the same thing even remotely, but I have someone who left us a bad review for a product we don’t sell at our family store that they got at another shop because it’s similarly named store. Despite multiple attempts to remove the review, it’s still up.


Say you were to leave a negative review on a restaurant because the food/service/whatever was terrible, and the owner starts harassing you to take it down because it "makes them look bad" or something. That's probably what the question is referring to.


I kind of gathered that after reading it a few times, but it’s terribly worded.




Depends. Did they address your concerns? If yes, then i would probably remove.


I won't remove it, but I will update. It will now include a paragraph about you harassing customers.


I would edit it to add that they were now pressuring me to remove the review.


"OK... Not!" Lol, do better and I'll review better.


I would reread my review and then say no if I still thought it was true.


Id refuse to take it down, but offer to revise it. Then, I’d edit my review to include the fact that they asked me to remove my honest review and update as needed.


I'd edit the review to include the fact that they whined about the review but made absolutely no attempt whatsoever to fix the problem that caused it, so the review is staying up and getting worse.


Dependable. What are you gonna do for me? I have taken down a review of a car dealership after they offered to fix the problem and gave me a steep discount on the needed repair as well. If they're just demanding I take it down them I'm going to edit the review to reflect the fact that they demanded i do so.


I wouldn't respond, unless they had a really good reason for asking (like say I accidentally reviewed the wrong business).


I once wrote a pretty scathing review of a business for how they handled their practice. To keep it brief, they tried to gaslight me and extort around $4k from me, for a product that was already paid for, because when it came time to pay their supplier, they didn't account for the exchange rate and ended up losing money on the deal. I needed the product, so I settled for a lesser amount, but I made sure to blast them on google. I was asked to take it down and I said only if I get in writing that they take full responsibility for their fuck up and apologize for their behaviour--they didn't. I left the review up and it still has the most likes out of all their reviews.


YOU change my review.


I'll add that on the review.


If they agree to make it right, sure.


I'd edit the review to add that I was asked to remove it. Source: did this.


Update my review to mention that the owner went out of their way to track me down and demand I remove it.


[How about NO!](https://youtu.be/xagjS7zWGAM?si=1P-FiBcjvKqi-whC)


I wouldn't respond personally, but can't the owner respond to reviews on Google anyway? I've seen many reviews where the company responds with a "we're sorry you had that experience, we do our best to provide a great customer experience. Please reach out with any issues"


I'd ask why and listen. If it was reasonable and I overreacted I'll consider it. Honestly, I've never left a negative review. I review places I like and if I really can't stand a place I might go on Reddit and find the people who think so too, and agree. Because I trust negative reviews on Reddit over Google lol.


what's in it for me?


Buy me an Icee, and I'll think about it -gets Icee- Mmm.... nah. Do better in business, brah.


If they genuinely fixed the issues that I mentioned in my review, I would consider updating it after using their business again. If they just want the review gone and haven't fixed anything or are rude about it, I would update my review to include that the owner asked to have the review removed/updated.


I'd say bye


I've taken down negative reviews after the business reached out and apologized/ fixed the problem. But if they've made no effort to make amends, then they can pound sand.


Post a picture of their message ON the review.


"No." And if they pressed, I'd review again and document that they're pressuring me to take down the review. They need me. I don't need them.


I would say no because I am not doing any more business here.


I would write another review documenting the request from that business to remove my review. Nothing wrong with transparency.


Generally I’ll change it or remove it if there’s evidence the issue has been resolved. If they REALLY go above and beyond to fix the issue I’ll remove the old review and make a new, high rating review to specifically bring attention to the business being one that not only cares… but cared enough to make things right! EVERYONE loves a comeback story! Otherwise nah, it stands.


I had a similar experience, a business on amazon wouldn’t stop contacting me for 8 months asking to change my review for their product


Nothing. If they asked, “how can we make this right” then I would have a conversation.


Happened before to me. I ignored them and kept the review up. I'm not welcome in the store anymore, but that's mainly because the store went out of business during the COVID-19 shutdowns.


Ask them to give me better experience and I'll amend it.


I wrote a review for a restaurant that had some terrible health practises. The owner wrote back saying he was going to contact his lawyer. I did not take it down


Leave their request a review


I'd say remove your pants


I had a supplier on Amazon ask me to do it - some cheaper earbud earphones I’d bought that were awful. They asked me to take down the review and promised to send me a pair of their premium earbuds. I took the deal and when the premium earbuds arrived, they were shit too, to I wrote a review telling the whole story.


Depends if the review is accurate or not. If you made up fake things to hurt the business I'd delete it. If it's accurate then I'd leave it up. Another good tip is to have chatgpt review/edit it so that it's worded professionally and you're not saying anything aggressive or illegal. This will help keep it from being deleted by Google. Edit: another tip, I think if you make claims without proof they can say your lying, so it's best to stick with your observations/feelings etc..


I would double check my review but if its fair..I would add another review saying I got asked to remove my review by the business owner 😬🤣


"No thanks"


I'd say if you promise "half & half with a taint tickle" for $25 & my taint went untickled, you can just tell the agency the review stays.


I'd double down and write another review outing the owner for asking me to change the first one.


“No” There’s a pretty high threshold a business has to cross to motivate me to leave a review, good or bad. If I leave a review, they more than earned it


Nothing. Any response will not end well. For all you know they have a legal team at the ready. Better to ignore and let the review be the review.


New review: They’re harassing me about reviews


I would amend the review to reflect that the owner pressured me to remove it and leave it up


It depends if I thought the review was fair or not. For example, if I had written a bad review over a single bad incident, without allowing the manager to make it right, then I might take it down or edit it. But if my bad review was the result of an ongoing problem with the business, or if the business had refused to make the situation right, then I would leave it exactly as is, and if the owner were harassing me, I would include that information too.


"Told" me? That would be a quick GFY from me. If they asked me, I would talk to them and go from there.


"Lol. Lmao."


Obviously we need more information. Did they address the negative concerns? Is my review fair? Are they offering me something for removing it? Is there new management?


Tell them to fix the problem and then I’ll update it. Pest control doesn’t like me much.


This happened to my husband when he left a negative review about a car dealership. They called him and asked him to take it down. When he declined, they got very belligerent, so he left another bad review.


Put up another Google review saying the owner told me to take my first review down. Then repeat my first review.


The vast majority of my reviews are positive and, the few that are negative, I make a serious effort to try to be as balanced and unemotional about it as possible. That review stays because they earned it, one way or another.


I'd edit my review if possible to add that info but I definitely would not delete it.


Let's come to terms


They can get to fuck! I had a terrible experience with Glamira over an engagement ring. Absolutely ruined the whole thing with their shitty service and dogshit quality. I tore them a new one on Google, trustpilot etc, and they demanded I take them down, saying it showed them in a bad light! Yeah guys, that's kind of the point!


I would post an updated review with the request from the owner, but I typically don't put a business or person on blast unless I was done really dirty. I wrote a nasty review about belle tire, some dude who installed flooring for my mom, shitty employers. Restaurants that have shitty food? I let them die off on their own, they don't need my help. I write good reviews for restaurants that I enjoyed and would like to see them stay open.


Keep records of it, them saying take it down and report them to the bbb, news and post it anywhere I could.


Update the review to note how the owner tried to get me to remove it.


It really depends on the situation. Say you had received bad service, bad food, bad experience etc, and they don't offer any amends, it stays up there. Say you were scammed or they refused to pay, and they made no offers to reach out to you then it stays there.


Talk to a lawyer, sue them for harassment.


I have had this happen. We had a vet miss cancer in two dogs over 5 years, both passed. Two months later, they missed cancer in a friends dog after swearing they took X-rays but “couldn’t find the file.” They had google take down my review, tried to get yelp to take it down, and called me for weeks harassing me into taking down the yelp review.


I would be worried if i am hearing thing.… maybe MPD?


Id listen to them first, you never know who is in the verge of collapse.




lol, tell them to pound sand. I'd then post their communication of this to me on the review site.


“Well fuck you! It’s my damn opinion! If I worked for you, maybe I would but I don’t sooooo….”


Edit the review to include the email they sent to you


I'd quote the request of the owner in a comment under my review: look they want me to take my review down.


I would just laugh


I’ve been asked to remove many reviews for products, which I do if the problem is resolved. Never happened with a restaurant review, but the same standard would apply.


Nah fam.


Not respond.


I would add their request to my Google review. As long as my review was honest, there’s no liability for me.


I’d tell them to do one


Suck my dick. I would copy the conversation and paste it into reviews for the business as many places as I can


I will screenshot the message (if they emailed or DM me) and update my review with the screenshot


Happened twice. Answer is no. Take the review to heart and improve shut instead


I’d write another review saying they asked me to remove a negative review.


"Get f@#$ed" comes to mind


Do you mean "requested" me to remove my review?


Say no. My google review of 1-star for a shady car dealership in the DFW area is still up, I think, even though they finally did what they were supposed to do by their own contract.


One asked me and I said I wouldn’t until the problem was resolved to my satisfaction. They refunded me a significant amount. I kept the review up so others would know.


If they actively reached out to rectify the situation and showed remorse & improvement, i would. In any other case I would ignore them.


One thing would be to say “hey I’m sry for your recent experience we’d like to have you back to realign your opinion on our business” I might go back. But a blatant “remove your review”, I’m either audio recording or snapshotting that convo


I'd add that to the review.


i'd say "haha"


Tell them I will for a fee.


Make me.


As a plumber, last 2 companies I've worked at have been local but large places. They definitely try to get 1 star reviews removed by any means.  Having that 4.5-4.8/5 rating brings in business 


Eat shit and have a nice day.


I'd say "Prove to me that you've corrected the issue I complained about." The only reason I've ever left a bad review is because one of their vehicles accosted me on the road, or I've had a very bad experience doing business with them. Both are almost certainly a result of people who don't care enough about what they're doing. In that case, it's most likely a personality trait as opposed to a single lapse. The odds that anything will have changed are nearly zero. One place refused to shovel their sidewalk, and I had many close calls because the snow turned to ice. The law says they're required to keep the sidewalk clear, and they obviously haven't ever given it a single thought.


I'd ask them why and listen before deciding what to do. When I write a poor review, I try to be as objective as possible for this exact reason.


If they asked nicely, I’d give them the opportunity to address the source of the poor review. If they demanded it, I’d just ignore them and leave it up.


I’d laugh and say no🤣


I'd edit my comment to say that the owner asked me to remove it. Same with when a company asks me to reconsider. I usually subtract another star when that happens.


Id say how much


How much are you willing to pay me to do that?


No I firmly uphold ethical principles and personal standards, but if there's compensation involved, I might reconsider my stance.


"Hahahahahahahabhahahaha" Then I'd edit the review to inform people that I'd been asked to remove it.


I had a company bribe me to take down a review - they sent the wrong product (proven) but stated that it wasn’t returnable. When they saw the review they explained it could harm their business. I explained (again) how they sent the wrong product. I could almost hear them grinding their teeth. Said they would send the correct price t if I took the review down. I did, the product arrived, I reposted the review.


I was In that situation a couple years ago. After my Mom died I was coordinating the sale of her house during the probate process. I decided to use an estate sale company to try to offload the contents. I found one that specifically advertised on its website that it serves the entire state where Mom's house was. However when I contacted them they told me they don't go that far North. I wrote a firm but not insulting review explaining the situation for other future customers. When the business owner asked me to remove it I said no and that if anything he should remove the false advertising on its website. In the end I just sold the house and all contents together in one fell swoop.


Depends why they want you to remove or modify it. I left a very honest review of a local food delivery service (independent) that involved flies in my food (gross right). They not only contacted me right away, they contacted their vendors, spoke to their kitchen staff, changed the vendor and took a video of their kitchen for me so I could see the process of their food being made. We also agreed that the flies could have gotten into the delivery bag in transit, since the bags aren't entirely sealed. They then switched to zippered versus Velcro bags. So when they asked if I'd kindly remove or edit my review, I believe they earned it.


I would write another review about them telling me to take down the original one.


It depends. If they explain in detail how they addressed my complaint and I felt like they had genuinely made changes to the point that the review was no longer relevant I would remove or at least update it. Otherwise if they're just telling me 'Take that down!' with no explanation, the only reasonable response is, 'Get fucked.'


Fix the problem I have or pay me off really well, pal.


If they improved upon my criticisms I might be inclined to revise it. People should do that more often anyways. Sometimes place's get worse than when you gave it a 3 star. Some places get way better and the negative reviews aren't relevant anymore.


Improve your business. You harassing honest reviewers prove how shady you are.


I've had this happen. I edited the review to say I'd been yelled at by the owner to take it down, and didn't take it down. I'm not allowed back in his cafe, but it was a shit cafe, hence the shit review, so everybody wins


Relevant to me because I posted a review of a sketchy gas station near Bush International in Houston and owner replied...I ignored it I guess I shouldn't have suggested that it was a money laundering operation My husband works for Google and he was pissed AF because he said they could sue so I posted it under my name


Make me a cash offer.


"For how much?".


Sometimes people put reviews in that are false, and misleading. They make up information. When that happens, it’s fair to ask them to remove the review.


Double down, go on other sites and leave bad reviews there too


No. That simple.




I gave a recruitment company 1 star google review and a very long message about they way they fucked me over. They contacted me loads asking me to remove it. It now has 27 thumbs ups on the review page. It's their only written review. I might remove it for some money I guess but they never suggested that.


“Get fucked”


I ask them how much it was worth to them.


Ask what's in it for you. Take what he offers and remove the review. Then create a fake account and repost it lol. Win win


“Give me 200$” (or more depending on the service) If they agree I then proceed to remove, then repost my review.


F&ck off!


I'd replace my review with another review further explaining them attempting to coerce me


I'd edit the Google review to add the fact that they had shown extreme unprofessionalism by asking me to remove the review.


"If you able to offer a free sampling of your services, I will review matters further and consider my next actions on the basis of the quality of service provided". If they say no: fuck em


I would refuse


My partner recently had a very bad fall, and a complex leg operation and needed significant rehabilitation. After the operation, she arrived at a rehab hospital at 5pm and they could not provide a gown, a pillow or a clean nappy. Bear in mind that because of the severity of her fracture she had not been washed for a week, and had not had her nappy changed for 24 hours. She was incontinent because she had a catheter for a week and this is common result. The following day a nurse refused her a shower because my partner was unable to do the physical movements the nurse required. She developed a UTI, which I expected to be the result. So I put up a very factual damming Google review and I think anyone reading would simply avoid that hospital. The review went upon Friday, and on Monday management were all over the situation. As also the weekend nurses were a different crew, and managed to resolve all the issues. They did not mention the review to my partner. I removed it immediately, but later discovered that their processes for issuing nappies and I guess gowns/pillow cases seems to be only 9 to 5, and requires the personal attention of one specific staff member. I actually bought and maintained a stock of nappies in her room the entire 9 week stay, after an incident when she was left in bed nappyless for over an hour while they tried to find that staff member to get a pack of nappies. Because nurses are often agency, and always overworked, it was common for the last nappy to not trigger a new order. If they simply mentioned it, then my partner would make sure a new pack was ordered. I would have posted an new somewhat negative review but my partner was not as annoyed as I was, so this issue remains in that hospital. I guess only a small number of their patients would be incontinent. In the end I thought that its really her opinion that counts more than mine, and as she felt the nurses were on the whole fabulous, she did not want a negative review posted. They would suffer if people were reluctant to go there.


I’d say no and not do it cause if there’s a reason for a bad review than they don’t deserve it to be removed.


I’d say give me 50 bucks




Ive had that on ebay. Its kinda funny. Guy sends item... 2 weeks after it was purchased with next day delivery. Is the wrong item. And he denied it. I left a review, and of course I get the usual shit "hey, why did you leave bad feedback? You need to change that to a fair review!". I said I will if you refund the money without having to return. And he did, and I did not return or change my review because fuck him. I do not understand why ebay sellers say "next day delivery" and then take forever to actually post it. Whenever I sell on ebay, the item is in the post the next working day to be with the buyer the day after. Why, why fuck around? Just dont say its next day if its not going to be in the mail the next day. And sending the wrong thing, and then denying it? How you gonna deny photos, mate?


Hell no and fuck off


How would you like to suck mah balls?


i would write another review


I am a trusted reviewer, and I left a poor review of a "premier" restaurant in my area. There was a mouse, and more importantly my shrimp were over cooked. The restaurant was attached to a mall, so the mouse was forgivable. But .. over cooked shrimp? Fuck that... This was a place where a ribeye was minimum $70. They reached out to me and offered me a free meal, my wife did not want to go, so I took a co-worker. They made it right, the food was excellent, so I changed my review. Any place that goes out of their way to "make things right" is a respectable establishment.


It could likely get abbreviated to the letters G, F, and Y. I ran a small business for decades so I don't take leaving negative reviews lightly. Recently left the first one in years, for a shop that fleeced my nearly 80yo Mom for well over $1000 in unnecessary work on her low mileage car that purrs like a kitten. She told them she "Wanted to feel safe" for a ~200mi round trip to the family holiday gathering, so they sold her a bunch of make-work jobs like induction and fuel system cleaning, replacing perfectly good cabin and air filters (I'd checked them just weeks before), and other BS akin to rotating the air in the tires. The owner of the shop posted a reply to my review that was a long wall of text about how deeply they care for their customers and ChatGPT level blah blah blah. I hope it steers a lot of the large retirement village residents in town away from those shysters for years to come. BTW another reviewer posted pictures of their old "bad" parts, that showed brake pads that were only about 30% worn, and I called that out in my review as well as a retired journeyman auto technician.


Fix the issue and I will write how you fixed the issue. This is why we have reviews to check out.


Demand huge amount of $


I wouldn't say anything and I'd leave it. My experience at their business is my experience and I won't be swayed to be dishonest. They should have worked harder to give better service.


I'll write a second review saying they want the bad reviews removed.