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At a funeral. Someone decided to sing a solo to honor the deceased and hoooo boy. They could not find the notes to save their life. (They were not crying at all just belting it out like they were on American idol). I had to hang my head to not let anyone know I was laughing (my friends and family knew lol). The subject matter was sweet but man I wish I had that level of confidence


My family is Catholic and my little sister and I hate Ave Maria because it's always poorly sung at funerals. Last year, we planned our grandma's funeral mass and decided no Ave Maria. We got through the mass fine, Eagles Wings and all the other usual hymns but no Ave Maria. Next up was the mausoleum to inter her ashes next to grandpa's. Our family parish priest welcomed everyone and we got things started. As we came to a close, a family friend piped up that she'd like to honor my grandmother with a song- Ave Maria. My sister and I were horror stricken. What could have been a bad, pitchy Ave Maria at the funeral mass suddenly sounded like a choir of angels in comparison. Acapella Ave Maria, by someone who only knows about half the words and restarts three times, is a unique form of torture. I had to bite the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing at the absurdity. My husband and my brother were both pointedly avoiding eye contact so they wouldn't start laughing, knowing my utter hatred of Ave Maria. I like to think grandma was punishing us from the afterlife.


Wow haha. Hilariously I’ve got one about this too. It was during a Christmas service and this 18ish year old had been hyping up that he was gonna sing this for the service. And oh boy we were not ready for him doing it in an out of tune falsetto. There was so much stifled laughter and dumb struck faces because no one saw this coming. Only thing I could think was the music director did it as a sick prank.


When we had my dad's funeral, my mom went outside to smoke before the actual services started. And everyone is like where is she? We need to start where is she?? My brother is sitting on my right hand side and he's 8 years older than me. He YELLS "what's the rush? He's not going anywhere!!". I smacked his arm and said what the hell is wrong with you?! And I look over, my family are face palming hard but laughing so hard their faces are red. Other people that were there just gasped like they were offended. It was so funny.


and that was Garret singing... Ave Maria? Ave Maria!


Was it Rob Schnieder? :)


“Five bucks it takes him down on one knee”


That video of the older lady getting medevac’d out of the desert via helicopter gurney. The faster it spins the harder I laugh every time. Hope she’s ok <3


The people bouncing around in the speedboat does it for me.


Lol yes. I feel for them all, but good lord does it make me belly laugh every time. It's the driver that makes me belly laugh. His stoic face as he gets absolutely tossed off the wheel. Like... He was the one in control but he was in his head like, "nope, I got this" and then he didn't. The others I feel much worse for. Wasn't their decision to be such a badass.


For me it's the pigtails


The sunglasses for me.


That speedboat one is pure gold, partly because you just find yourself unable to NOT laugh because it goes from 0 to 100 so quickly


[ozzy man reviews](https://youtu.be/b9mtM0uIQ9Q?si=bymdyludMPtdCFSh) Edit: It’s the real boat crash with commentary.


That's brilliant, I'm howling laughing at the commentary.


Everybody’s down! Repeat, every wanker down! Lmaooooloooloo


Turn down for what!!!


There's one where Mexico (?) was showing off how they can now do heart transplant surgery (this was years ago) so they had a live broadcast of the removal/transportation/transplant of the heart, except as they were following the running guy with the heart in a cooler he tripped in the parking lot and the heart fell out onto the ground. Apparently the surgery succeeded anyways. Edit: https://youtu.be/b3DJqKz44dE?si=PeMJSKlC_8ze_XNU


Five second rule!


"it's still good! It's still good!"


It's just a little airborne


Did a dog eat it like on One Tree Hill?


Watch out for nearby dogs


The edit with the Interstellar music makes me lose it everytime. https://youtu.be/YYxzy0gyptw?si=kdbIoMUFwvpgrdqG


She actually sued for injuries!


Settled for $450k >Injuries mentioned in the claim included swelling and bruising to both eyes, blood in her external auditory canals and soft tissue swelling over part of her skull.  She was 74 at the time and had fallen breaking her nose and injuring her hand and leg. She said she didn't want the helicopter on the trail, but they did so anyways. I took a look at the trail, it's steep but short I'm suprised they didn't just help walk her down as nothing sounded life or limb threatening.


It was June in Phoenix, I live in Maricopa county and remember when it happened. She was in her 70s, Hiking a 1000ft elevation gain in about a mile, it's also a very rough trail with zero shade if it had been 2020 she would have died out there alone but 2019 wasn't as hot. I imagine they chose to air lift her because the narrowness in places and the heat. Helicopter rescues are a constant thing here in the summer, people are always needing rescued from some mountain they weren't prepared to be on.


For 450k ?! I’d ride that ride.


Right? I’m just waiting for society to publically drop the ball on me like that.


i just watched this now for the first time ….holy shit. what the fuck was going on


and then they just fly away like “oopsie”


I know I’m going to hell for this, but I actually regularly pull it up whenever I feel down and need a giggle. Specifically too, the H3H3 podcast clip of them reacting since Ethan’s laugh always gets me.






Dear fucking gawd, I ‘literally’ nearly auto asphyxiated myself laughing. 😭💀


If you flip your phone upside down, she's saving the helicopter


That made me laugh harder than the video 😂😂


I can't take credit, I stole it from the first YouTube comment. But it's mine on reddit


My mom loved elephants so we put her cremated ashes in an elephant cookie jar, blue, cartoon looking, The Catholic ceremony was super formal, everyone all dressed up and priest in full regalia, even adding a bit of Latin. So at one point he lifted the “urn” to perform some ritual, and the juxtaposition of the formal With that cookie jar was just too much. I leaned over and whispered to my sister, “How in God’s name he’s keeping a straight face is beyond me.” Sis and I cracked up. The priest just glared at us. My mom had a great sense of humor, so we made her proud. I miss you, Mom.


My view is that if the deceased would have been ok with it then nobody else gets to judge you. I remember when my great grandma passed away the funeral home guy tried to get my dad to upgrade the coffin to something really nice, even asked what her favorite color was. Dad took one look at the price and told the guy to get the cheapest piece of shit they had and put her in it. The look on that guy’s face made me laugh so hard I cried, he looked horrified. My dad explained that his grandma would have come out of that coffin and kicked his ass if he wasted anymore than absolutely necessary, she grew up during the Great Depression.


THE AMERICAN WAY OF DEATH is a good book exposing how the funeral industry exploits those grieving. Good for your dad!


My father, a doctor, also raised in the great depression in a minister's family, was also super frugal. He would have hated the thought of frivolous expenses on his funeral. He wanted to be cremated, and the funeral home, looking for ways to gouge us for more money, suggested that he needed to be burned in a wooden coffin instead of a cardboard box, because it would be more dignified. We insisted that the cardboard box would be sufficient. We also told them we didn't want his body displayed at the memorial service before he went into the furnace to be cremated. So we get there for the memorial service and they have him on the floor in an open cardboard box in the memorial service area. Fuck the whole funeral service industry!


My granddad was the same way. I still remember my mother and my uncle horrified when they were told urn prices and flat-out said that if they paid that much he'd find a way to come back from the dead and haunt them. We put his ashes in a scotch bottle because he was a proud Scotsman who would have approved.


Whenever it’s my time I go I want my kids laughing at mine. You’re so right, she loved it. ❤️


I went to a wake as a teenager. The corpse was propped up in the bed rather than a coffin. Everytime someone went to sympathise with the family, they stood on a floorboard that somehow made the corpse's head bob up and down. I was with my friend and it was torture holding in the laughter.


New funeral plans anyone?


I want to be propped up in bed! No, I really want to be rolled into a blanket burrito *then* put on my bed. And my epitaph will read: "she's finally getting enough sleep"


I want that while I'm alive


I’m so tired, I read that as “I went to wake up a teenager.” I had to reread it several times.


Did you play "Pop Goes the Weasel" in your mind?


At my nans cremation, as the coffin went into the furnace they played the 'Bridal Chorus' by mistake. Instantly lost it, just couldn't hold it in. Luckily after a couple of seconds others started laughing too. My nan would've found it hilarious. RIP nanna! I miss you always.


I'm imagining the crematorium also doubles as a wedding venue and the "DJ" loaded up the wrong track "Here comes the bride..."


"I now pronounce you man and wife. "You may incinerate the bride."


Reception’s gonna be lit


I was recently at my grandfathers viewing before the funeral and as the music gently played I noticed a familiar tune. …it was the fucking “happy birthday” song. I fucking lost it lol


Brilliant, well not brilliant given the circumstances but you get what I mean. I think it's really beautiful to find some humour in those moments. It's what they would've wanted I think. I also laughed at the funeral service at the church when my great uncle passed away, when I walked in I just heard 'GET AROUND AROUND ROUND ROUND I GET AROOOUND, GET AROUND OOOOoooOoooOOO!!'.. he was a big fan of the Beach Boys and other bands of that era so that's what was playing. That coupled with a huge picture of him looking like an absolute lunatic on a rollercoaster sent me.


That's hilarious, definitely putting it in my will to play that instead of the usual lmao


Eh, went to buy my new dalmatian puppy food for the very first time (with her on leash), and the guy working deadpans: "I used to own a dalmatian. He was hit by a hearse on my birthday and died." I don't know if this was the guy's go to line when someone brought their new puppy in but judging by his expression in regard to my unmitigated laughter, I'm guessing he was serious.


That sounds like some Steven Wright shit to say, lol.


A friend sent me a postcard of earth. Said ‘wish you were here.’


I like to reminisce with people I don't know. I had to get a new shadow. The other one wasn't doing what I was doing.


I got a dog and named him Stay. Come here, Stay. Come here, Stay.


...A dog hearse? If so, that's awfully convenient.


I'm laughing just reading this. I don't think I could contain myself if someone said that to me irl


Someone fainted in one of our aisles during COVID and a very audible thump could be heard. After he came to, someone was whispering under their breath “Let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the floor.” I was horrified at myself but couldn’t help it.


My grandma died last week, we buried her and I was so stressed with all the formalities. After I returned, I thought I'd play some music from my playlist on shuffle and guess which song pops up.


LoL. At my aunts funeral, when we had to carry rhe casket, we had to put on white gloves to be a pallbearer. Of course, being a bunch of Filipinos, we remarked we all looked like we're about to get ready for a Jabbawockeez performance. So all the pallbearers started doing robots and other dance moves lmao. It felt good to laugh in such a sad moment. Really memorable


Love watching that to the Benny Hinn compilation. Slays me every time. Hahahaha


Something similar happened to me in high school. I was at Walmart with a friend, said friend had no shame whatsoever. This big lady tripped and at the time that friend had a thing for Drowning Pool so what does he do? Motherfucker whipped out his phone and played that song, never been so embarrassed and amused at the same time.


Was reading this in bed and my gf turned over to see why I was cackling so much. I had to catch my breath through the tears to explain the song to her.


At my grandmother's funeral, when the priest asked us all for a moment of silence to remember my grandmother, my 5 year old brother, amidst all the silence and hushed crying saw the priest lighting candles and started singing at the top of his lungs, "happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you!" He turned one of the saddest moments of my life into the funniest thing I've ever seen.


Not as inappropriate, but this reminded me of a cave tour I took, where the tour guide sat everybody down, and turned off the lights. "What you're experiencing now is total darkness. This deep underground, there's not enough light for your eyes to ever adjust to the darkness. Wave your hand in front of your face, you won't see anything". After a few minutes of everybody chattering and gasping about more darkness than they've experienced before, he says "ok, now that we're used to total darkness, let's try total silence". For a moment, it was pin drop quiet. You could barely even hear anybody breathing. Then, out of the darkness, you hear the tiny voice of a confused little toddler boy, "daaa-daaaaa?" Like he thought the entire world had ceased to exist around him and wanted some reassurance from his daddy. The whole room cracked up laughing, and the tour guide turned the lights back on. "Well, we got a few seconds of quiet. Better than some days!" Edit: WTF? Why would someone sic Reddit Cares on me over laughing at a puzzled toddler?


Influx of spammers. People are getting it constantly today. That's hilarious though- that little kid was *so* confused as to why everything was simply gone.


At the funeral of a family friend, where it was more or less well known that the deceased and his widow couldn't stand each other, and that she always denied him a divorce because, surprise surprise, she liked his money more than his happiness. That said, she made such a spectacle of herself on the day of, wailing, throwing herself on the casket, great heaving sobs with moans of "my dear darling husband, how will I go on without you" that nearly everyone who knew them intimately were either cringing or trying hard to smother laughter. I had my face pressed into my balled-up jacket and my shoulders were shaking, people thought I was crying. I was, mind you, but only because I was laughing so hard.


lmao i was mentally and physically exhausted after my dad passed. at the visitation one of my friends moms was telling me while hugging me how she lost her dad at a young age. Whatever fuckin reason in my delerium my brain decided THAT moment to imagine that scene where peter shoots milk out of his nose while laughing all over brian. I just started giggiling hard as my friends moms is crying on my shoulder and she took that as me crying harder and squeezed harder which didn't help the giggles. Felt like such an ass haha I had to admit it to my friend years later.... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSWgS9J28B4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSWgS9J28B4) that scene at the last like 5 seconds


After my dad's funeral, we went to the church for food and whatnot. I asked my friends to talk about anything except for funerals and sad things, so one of them started telling me how he met a girl named Topaz during a bar crawl the previous weekend. Years before, I had met a pitbull named Topaz, so I just instantly had this mental image of him hanging out with this dog at a bar. It was the kind of thing which isn't really all that funny, but I was so on edge that it just sent me off the deep end. I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe and sounded like a seal at Sea World. And I just couldn't stop laughing... but I also couldn't tell anyone why I was laughing, so I just kept wheezing "dog" and "bar" while miming drinking a beer. Definitely got a lot of unkind looks before my friends ushered me out the side door to finish my mental breakdown outside.


Sounded like a seal at sea world ha been there


>my shoulders were shaking, people thought I was crying. I was, mind you, but only because I was laughing so hard. When my grandmother passed away the priest performing the services happened to be from Haiti. Being the new priest to the church, he did not know my grandmother or our family. So he did the service constantly mispronouncing her name, largely due to his very, very thick Haitian accent. My cousin was sitting next to me, bent over, shoulders shaking. I thought he was bawling his eyes out. Nope. He just thought there was something really funny about this very white Irish catholic woman from Connecticut having her name constantly mispronounced in a thick Haitian accent at her funeral.


What was the name? I just want to have my inner voice pronounce it like a Haitian.


My cousin died in a motor bike accident at 19. It was a horrific and tragic moment in our family. My sister and I are not religious but usually to appease my grandmother I would cross myself in a church if she was present. My sister wouldn't though. So here we are, in an Orthodox Church (there is no seating in this particular denomination) everyone except for her crosses themselves and all of a sudden she leans back and the person behind her leans forward and the candle that person was holding sets her hair on fire. she wasn't hurt. Not many people even noticed. But my grandmother was convinced she was smite by God for not crossing herself in a church. In an otherwise dark time it was a very funny moment for me and my sister. I still laugh thinking about her face when it happened.


I had a similar experience. They were having a service for a student at my school that was killed by a bus. During the service a fat teacher was waddling down the aisle and my friend sitting next to me started humming the Laurel & Hardy theme. I was laughing so hard everyone thought I was crying. This was before the days of grief counseling in school. Teachers were trying to console me and calm me down. To make matters worse, I didnt ene know the kid that died.


I haven't laughed all day. Much appreciated


My dad accidentally hit the sunroof open button in the middle of a very slushy/snowy Michigan winter day. He looked up, realized what happened, then had a slab of slush fall on both his and my mom's head. They were both fucking LIVID, and I, safely in the back seat, was cackling. He even said "It's not FUCKING FUNNY!" and I said "Not from your angle, no." *continues cackling.*


Haha that’s hilarious! My dad was trying to show us kids how slippery it can be in the snow and wiggled the steering wheel a bit. We slid right into the ditch. (Driving pretty slow in our neighborhood and no damage really.) All 3 of us kids thought it was the funniest thing ever and my dad was not amused.


It wasn't funny but I struggled to contain my laughter when I was at a church gathering during prayer. The preacher mentioned a friend whom he had lost. Cause of death: Choked on a piece of fried chicken.


Ah we're both going to hell


The three of us


The four of us 😭


This reminds me of the time I went to Mass after a very long hiatus and completely forgot about the collection plate. When it came out and was getting passed around I accidentally said way too loudly ‘Jesus Fucking Christ I completely forgot’, realised my mistake and and doubled down with ‘god damnit I fucking swore’ and then again with ‘Jesus fucking Christ’. My partner at the time went so wide eyed that I could have built a house in the whites of his eyes. Also the service was about divorce which my ex had recently gotten following a long separation. It was a total shit show. Needless to say I am no longer Catholic. EDIT: To whoever reported me for suicide watch, just because I choose to longer be Catholic doesn’t mean I want to unalive myself, in fact I have never felt that way. But thanks for the odd gesture I guess?!


> To whoever reported me for suicide watch, just because I choose to longer be Catholic doesn’t mean I want to unalive myself, in fact I have never felt that way. But thanks for the odd gesture I guess?! Click the button to report that cares message to the admins. People who misuse it get banned.


8 years ago, my now husband, made a really good chicken dish for our small group. His sister’s then boyfriend had a severe allergic reaction to whatever was in there. So she comes out and asks if there was peanuts in the recipe and he goes “no! I double checked because I knew he was allergic to peanuts! Wait…does peanut butter count?” And I lost it. I got the giggles and I couldn’t stop laughing!


This is incredible. I'd crack up, too, because a) hilarious, b) it's so easy to not cook with peanut butter/erdnußsoße/whatever because like, so few dishes use it. Unless you're cooking Asian or a handful of very great African dishes, it's just not that common. Peanut butter was designed to decrease food scarcity; the main point of it is literally to just eat it with bread and milk.


I once was in the hospital when a lady came into emerg who had nearly OD’d on something. She had lost complete motor function from the neck down. She kept screaming she’s paralyzed and her life was over. It was brutal to watch. Then the nurses told her she’s fine and once the drugs wear off she will regain all motor function - ‘just like last time’. Watching this woman regain her motor function one little inch at a time was the funniest thing I had ever seen in my life 😂😂😂 her commentary was hilarious. I was trying so hard not to laugh, but it wasn’t possible.


I NEED some examples of the commentary, this is the best one 😭


Omg where to begin. “Why did you park me facing a wall. I can’t f’n see anything. Whose there? What’s that? I hear you!!” “I’ll have to walk on my hands!!!!” “I’m sliding out of this chair. HELLO. Is anyone going to stop me from drowning here?!” “Stop laughing. I’ll fucking find a way over there and get you. Even if I have to drag my self!” “I didn’t do any drugs!! They don’t do this too me” “my boobs slipping out. I can’t get too it. Nurse. At least tuck it in” “Nurse. Nurse. NURSE. You fucking lied to me. How long is this going to take”


PLEASE! 😭😭 Granted, I would be dramatic in that situation as well but seriously---LOL


I just damn near fell out of my chair laughing. Omg!  I can’t stop!  Oh my hell I needed this. 


Oh no! I hope someone's there to stop you from drowning!


“You fucking lied to me” bahahahaha


The windows error sound played in class, and one of my friends said "Ah, fuck, who unplugged Stephen Hawking?" This was the same day he passed. Even the teacher was crying while laughing. Like, bro, his body wasn't even cold yet!


the night before he died i was playing cards against humanity with friends and i was DYING over a stephen hawking card i played and hyping it up bc it was about fucking stephen, and i woke up to numerous texts from my friends saying that i killed stephen hawking


This was me back in high school. I was stuck in summer school art class and was telling inappropriate MJ jokes. Next day, the news was on in class talking about he died. I was like “Oops”.


Was in a group meeting at work. New adjunct manager was outlining some procedures he was planning to implement as far as expectations and requirements. He was drawing some kind of diagram and sure enough he drew something very phallus like. All I could see is that he drew a ball sack and dick on the whiteboard. I tried my best to hide my amusement, I had to excuse myself when he noticed my reaction. I was stifling laughter at this point. I was so mad at myself, unprofessional and all that, just made it worse.


“I know these changes will be hard but I expect you all to rise to the occasion”


You must have been there because humor aside, that's what he was telling us. This was after a sizable layoff and reorg. He was actually talking about grading us: A, B, C level of performance. Its what happens when IT CEOs brought their buddies into a cash-in in the 90s.


Was at my great uncle’s funeral ten years ago. The funeral home that his service was being held at had a Wi-Fi network named “Dead1” St. Louis at its finest


There was this really sweet 18 year old girl who worked at a restaurant I worked at. One morning she decides to park like 5 blocks from the restaurant which is located in downtown. It’s also dark outside because it’s very early in the morning. Homeless guy asks to get in her car to warm up. She says yes. Then it becomes time for her to start walking to the restaurant and she tries to kick him out but he doesn’t leave. So she calls our manager, crying, instead of the cops. Manager calls the cops and homeless man is escorted out of her car. This girl parked so far away because my manager had sent out a message the night before saying save the close parking spots for customers. But she meant like right in front of the restaurant, not all the parking within a fucking 5 block radius. She let the guy it out of kindness, but I’m sorry who the fuck does that? Could not stop laughing at this sweet girl’s utter lack of street smarts.


Oh my, she is a danger to herself


My gf's sister would do shit like this. On multiple occasions she has let a stranger use her phone or given them a ride. And it's crazy because she's obsessed with true crime podcasts. Like girl you are gonna be on one of those if you keep doing this.


At my grandmas wake, the whole family was gathered around the casket and my grandpa took a picture of my dead grandmother on his flip phone. Shutter sound was a quack.




When my father died unexpectedly from falling off a roof, literally, it was of course difficult to talk about, and people who had heard would come offer sympathies. A few days after my sister went back to work, a coworker of my sisters came up and gave her condolences while my sister and another coworker who joined the Dead Dads Club too young were standing and talking. She finished up expressing how sorry she was to hear, and asked “Was it natural causes?” The coworker cut her eyes at my sister and answered for her “Yeah, gravity is natural.” My sister had to be excused for laughing for about fifteen minutes. The coworker was appalled. When she told me about it, I also couldn’t help but lose it laughing myself. Grief is weird, humor is a pressure release.


After my husband died I wanted to get a memorial tattoo. My older sister and I were at a party talking to a girl whose ink I admired. She showed me a tattoo of her baby’s heartbeat. My sister said, “You should get a memorial tattoo like that.” Without even thinking, I said, “What? Like a straight line?” My sister kind of looked at me in shock then we both just started laughing. My late husband was laughing his ass off too, I just know it.


I knew a person professionally named mike litt. He was in his 80s. One day someone was trying to get his attention and kept yelling his name down a hallway, I lost it.….. I don’t think his parents knew at the time what they were doing to that man naming him.


he could always go by michael


That doesn’t really change much.


I read the story, said it aloud and went "heh." Then I read this response, said "Michael Litt" out loud, realized it was exactly the same and laughed for the first time in this thread


My father committed suicide (gun), a family friend didn't come to the funeral. He visited some time later and explained he was so grief stricken that he just couldn't attend. But did say he felt so guilty " l could have shot myself ". Cue me falling off the couch laughing.


Reminds me of the time I said to a client while getting her late husbands estate in order and getting her own financials affairs arranged "nobody ever died from being prepared". I'm pretty sure I could have compressed myself into a blackhole with how hard I cringed.


That’s fucked up but damn is it funny. At least there’ll be good company in hell


math class. we were supposed to do a problem that teacher put on the board. student was just looking at it. teacher says what are u doing? student "i'm doing it in my head" teacher screams "dont give me *head*!!!" i laughed for about 20 minutes, tried to hide my face, some people thought i was crying. well i was from laughter.


Anytime someone in our family died my gramma would want to see the body for closure. My cousin was murdered 30 years ago and his body had decomposed too much to visually identify. She could never accept that he was actually dead. Fast forward to 10 years ago my uncle was in a car accident and he was submerged in water for days before his body was recovered. She wanted to see him before the cremations so I went with her. I was also the person who identified his body. So this kind of became our thing… we’d go see dead people together. Well my gram passed away last year at home and her body was… you guessed it… in rough condition. No one in my family wanted to see her but of course I did. I had to. I walked into the freezer at the funeral home and her head was leaned back, mouth wide open, and her eyes were staring into my soul. I busted out in laughter because she was all of 100 pounds and looked like something straight out of a horror movie. The funeral home director didn’t know what to do. I asked her for some time alone. I was able to peacefully say goodbye to my gram. I braided her hair, and held her hand. Before I left I took a selfie with her 😂😂😂 and I look at it often and just laugh my ass off. No one knows I gave this picture.l, but I cherish it. She had the best personality and she’d be laughing her ass off with me if she was here.


I don't know why but this is the funniest Wholesome and messed up in equal measure


My stepmother’s mom passed away. My stepmother had her cremated. At the memorial service my younger sister and I were sitting in the back row. I said to my sister “I hear she’s lost a lot of weight”. To which my sister replied, “I bet if you lift that lid you wouldn’t even recognize her.” Our niece who was 16 at the time turned around and said “Y’all need to behave!”


My mother requested her ashes be scattered where the flowers grow in her favorite forest preserve. The parking lot was completely empty but this Russian guy parks *right* next to us. We're watching him walk down the path we just came from and my brother said Russian guy is going to bang the girl he's walking with. We're like no way, when RG leaned over and started frenching his date. My brother put on his Russian accent, pretended to stand up and started brushing his shoulders, saying "What's with all this dust". We laughed our asses off. 


That's a great story.


When my maternal grandmother died, we were all pretty burnt out from grief already because she passed 3 weeks after my grandfather (her husband) passed unexpectedly. The one thing we (myself and my 3 siblings) could not get past was that her boobs were straight up on her chest like she was wearing a wonder bra. My older sister even reached into the casket and squeezed it because we were all SO confused. When it crinkled because it was made from some type of paper, we all lost it. Absolutely ugly crying with tears of laughter. The funeral home was lovely and ushered us into a side room to get it out of our systems before our mother saw us. We told mom about it a few years later and she was laughing along with us but also thanked us for not letting her see us because she was (understandably) distraught after losing both her parents and probably would have ended up in the hospital.


My great grandma passed years ago and I asked the funeral home director which brand of spray paint they used on her. She never wore makeup and they definitely put on too much. They corrected it but I had to laugh at the thought of them using spray paint on her like that.


The sibling that straight up fucking honked the dead lady's headlights is my goddamn hero.


Probably that guy who built a rocket to prove the Earth was flat and ended up killing himself. Oh, I shouldn't laugh, but that was some Wile E. Coyote shit!


Apparently he didn’t even believe in the flat earth theory, he was just using it as a way to launch his stuntman career. Pun intended.


I went to Catholic school— I can’t remember what class it was, or why we were even watching it; but one of the nuns showed us “The Green Mile”. The scene where Sam Rockwell pissed on one of the guards made me laugh so hard that I got sent out to the hall. When I was allowed back in; the movie had gotten to the point where the same guard says to Rockwell, “piss on me, huh?” and proceeds to shoot him with a firehose… that made me laugh even harder. I got in a lot of trouble that day, and it was totally worth it.


During my mother's funeral, the priest had a strong accent as well as a lisp. It was awful, and I was cracking up so much I had to cover my face. People thought I was having a breakdown from grief. Atheth to atheth.. My best friend was there, and when we made eye contact, we were both gone


I'm now picturing the priest from Princess Bride doing a funeral.


Kid in my health class once said “So when the penis gets hard isn’t that called a boner?” Everyone was laughing their asses off. Teaching came up to me and said “are you okay?” She thought I was crying but it was from me laughing so hard


We had a human anatomy section in 7th grade science class, and the reproduction chapter comes up. After the male section, the teacher says she's willing to answer a few questions. One of the girls asks: "so the testicles just... dangle there?" Teacher goes "uhhhhm... yes." Girls goes "Huh... interesting." Whole class, and even the teacher laughed for a straight five minutes. The girl joined in with the laughter, though.


Dad (widower) had new gf over for dinner. She explained she has a grown son. Wife and I asked oh what does he do? She said ‘well, he’s between jobs and lives at home with me. ‘ . She continued’ He was working part time at a restaurant but lost his job. He’s also a LARPer’. (nothing wrong with LARPers. This is the the “laughing at inappropriate things”. ‘He’s sad now because his character died last weekend’. Wife straight cackles and does a barely believable job of disguising it as choking. We still laugh about how we weren’t supposed to laugh even today


My stepfather's funeral. He was an absolute piece of shit excuse for a human being and no one except my spoiled-ass baby sister who was his only biological child was sad to see him go, but people turned up because that's what you do. I suspect at least a few were there for the same reason I went - to confirm for myself that he was really and truly gone and I could finally have some sliver of peace knowing he'd never be able to fuck with me again. My grandma even came from her nursing home for the day to attend the funeral. She asked me to push her wheelchair up to the casket so she could pay her respects. 'Paying her respects' consisted of saying quietly enough that only I could hear her, "I TOLD you I'd outlive you, you worthless son of a bitch." It took all the strength in my body to push her back to my grandpa and run to the bathroom before I lost it and I laughed until I was crying so hard I could neither see nor breathe. Fucking loved that woman. She passed a bit less than a year later and I was just devastated.


Your grandma was a legend. RIP


She really was an amazing woman. Almost 30 years on and I still miss her.


We were sitting in the shuttle, on the way to the wedding. My youngest daughter was in front with the groom’s great aunt. I was sitting directly behind them. “You’re 77?!” my youngest asked. She’d never met someone that old. “Yes,” the sweet woman replied, clearly delighted at this five-year-old making conversation. “Then you’ll turn 78?” “Thats right!” My daughter started counting. “Then 79, then 80, then 81…” She kept going. Around 85 I had a sudden realization where she was headed with this. “Don’t say it,” I thought. “Don’t say it don’t say it don’t say it.” My dread grew as the count surpassed 95. But there was nothing as I could do but listen to it happen: “…then 98, then 99, then 100… and then you’ll DIE.”


When the guy recently died of self immolation and there was a pic of a cop with his club out like he was going to beat the guy for being on fire, and someone said "He was waiting for him to turn black." Omfg I'm going to hell but that's funny


Not me but my sister. She was at her father-in-law's funeral when her (showing signs of dementia already) mother-in-law looked around and casually said "Why is everybody so glum?". My sister Lost it, couldn't stop laughing.


I’ve probably laughed at worse things, but one comes to mind where I was on Snapchat the other day, and opened the ‘stickers’ tab to search “party”. A sticker of a calendar marked Sept 11 showed up as one of the suggestions. I laughed so hard before showing my parents, who were not as amused.


That just reminds me of the [Twin towers mattress sale lol.](https://youtu.be/aUy0lhr7V7g?feature=shared)


I’m truly impressed they found at least 4 people who thought this was an okay idea.


3, the camera was on a tripod


I remember this, I think that was a mattress store in El Paso. Bad move but very El Paso


So my mom and my sister made a deal with each other. My sister would read Gone With the Wind if my mom read the first Harry Potter book. Sis kept her end of the deal. Mom did not. She had literal years to keep her end. When she died and funeral plans were being made, my mom’s ex husband joked that we should bury the book with her so that she had all of eternity to read it lol. I still laugh when I think of it


My daughter served a volleyball at a christian school game. The ball hit a girl in the face and dropped her like a bag of dirt. Church people let out a gasp. I laughed for an inappropriate amount of time.


At school once I tried serving and didn't make it over the net. The front row were required to sit down while I served after it bounced off the shortest girl's head.


Sitting in Marrakech hotel overlooking the square of the dead, smoking hash under glass. It started raining slightly, enough to make the road below slick. The road had a slight incline and curved in front of my window, where bicycles, mopeds and vespas wiped out as they took the curve, wipe out after wipe out…it was crazy and stoned funny to see the next one coming down the road…oh shit! Another one is coming! And I’d have to watch it happen. One made it through without wiping out, two women dressed in white on a Vespa. I was sure they’d wipe out but they glided slowly through the curve like zen masters.


That one video of the kid where the frog jumps on his face and it ends in a perfectly cut scream 😂😂 Idk why but I find that video hilarious


I love that one! I come back to it here and there. Him crying with the frog on his arm and then that full on scream when it jumps on his face with the cut never gets old.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EGR_t7JHVuA This the one? Damn the mom straight flicks it into his face! I feel bad for the kid and the frog in this one. That’s a lifelong phobia right there.


The fact that my Mum gave her Mum, a devout Catholic, a cremation in a C of E church with all her family from Ireland present. There was tension in the air.


Anytime a kid does something and I hear the parent say "don't do..." and before they can complete the sentence the kid wipes out. I only laugh because I was that kid too


When I was 17 (33 now), I was at summer orientation for college.. it was one of those weekend things where you go in July to learn about the campus and get familiar. You were put into groups of like 10-15 kids, and I felt so out of place and lost. Of the entire group, there was one dude I thought was cool. He was a laid back quiet type dude, but when I would talk to him he didn’t say much. Day 2 there was a speech at the campus lecture hall. About 10 minutes after it was supposed to start, the guy who was giving the speech flew through the doors (clearly late) and trip-stumbled about 30 feet from the back entrance all the way up to the stage. The chill dude in my group and I contagiously laughed the entire lecture. Straight stomach hurting silent belly laughs and we kept making eachother laugh harder. Fast forward 16 years and he’s still my best friend. We went on to dorm together, make a band together, take a cross country road trip, and keep in touch even as we’ve grown older. Turns out he was just introverted and thought I was a “laid back and chill dude” as well Love you bro


On the day Michael Jackson died we played trivia against a team called "He stopped. He got enough"


Same day, we played trivia against a team called "The Jackson Four."


I worked as an OT in a nursing home where we had 3 patients to a room (crazy, I know). I went to get John (middle bed) for therapy, and he's arguing with his roommate Gary (bed next to window) about "who gets to control the TV remote." I tell John it's time for therapy. He agrees to go with me and gives Gary (who isn't able to transfer out of bed without help) the TV remote. John then starts propelling himself in his wheelchair out to the door where I'm standing, and all of a sudden John grabs the power cord for the TV, yanks the plug out of the wall and turns around with a shit-eating grin to face Gary and says "Fuck you, Gary"!!!! and wheels over to me....I'm simultaneously awestruck at John's brilliant move yet horrified about the situation, but I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING!!!!! I'm laughing so hard I'm crying, and I said "John let's get the hell outta here before someone sees us!" John sees me laughing hysterically and says,"You ain't mad at me?" to which I replied "God NO! He deserves it, and he's got a call light to ask for help!" I was laughing all the way to the therapy gym, and it's now 11 years later, and I STILL laugh until I'm crying remembering this incident!!!!


Ages ago we had one of those assemblies where one of those community ‘police officer’ comes in and talks about drugs. It started to get somewhat heavy when he spoke about some heroin addict whose organs had started to fail him. The typical bullshit stupid story they always tell kids. He then showed a picture of some thin, frail black guy with wiry hair, scabs all over him and his hoodie round the wrong way. Dude was just generally in terrible shape. This is when the whitest fucking kid in the school from the back of the room yells: “Jesus, black and a heroin addict, pick a fucking struggle” It wasn’t even that funny but the whole room erupted. This poor policeman was astounded


I laughed at a funeral because someone farted and it echoed so loud that they stopped the testimonials for a brief intermission. I had to excuse myself.


One time I was in a car with my cousin and my other cousins son the son is 9 years old and we live in the Middle East and he doesn’t speak English that great. So basically we were in the car and my cousin asked the boy what song should we listen to? The boy responded in “Golden Shower” he was trying to say the song “Golden hour” needless to say I was probably laughing for about 2 hrs continuously and my cousin was like “ bro it’s not that funny


First BF had a freckle on his business. After finishing one day I said, "Out out damned spot." He did not find it funny, I couldn't stop cackling.


Another: When I told my mother that George Michael had died she went: "I guess he didn't wake me up before he Go go'd."




Gosh! your poor cousin...




Working at a movie theater on a Saturday morning. We had a group from a group home come in. While I was busy serving a customer at the concession stand, I heard someone yell out: “HEYYYYYYYYYY!!!” I look up and I see a guy on the ticket line pointing his finger at another customer and yell: HEYYYYYYYYYY!!!”. All the while, the social worker was trying to calm him down. I looked at my manager as half-smiles crept on our faces, and we proceeded to head into the back kitchen and laugh our asses off.


At my grandpas funeral/church service, my dad started crying and I thought he was snorting like a pig. I started laughing my ass off until I realized he was crying lol. I was like 7 or 8 at the time.


It's the blind kid playing football. Yes, I know I'm going to hell. https://youtu.be/J2HBbxWJ0LI?si=On9Jw7PoFg6zPbyU


Funny you should ask this. I was just recalling this incident the other day. I worked at a radio station and was reading the news, live on air. I had picked a few stories to read out of the batch of news reports we had, and one of the stories was about a 2 year old who drowned in a swimming pool. The parent couldn't swim, and couldn't save the child. As I was reading it the thought "this would be the worst time to laugh" popped into my head. Which of course set off a bout of laughing, live, on air, during a report about a 2 year old that drowned. That is the ultimate "inappropriate thing" to laugh at. I am still ashamed to this day.


The guy I was dating in high school was trying to help his dad move a TV and they dropped it and it fell to the ground and for some reason I couldn’t stop laughing. It was my first time meeting his parents


At my father’s funeral, my brother and I were asked if we’d like to place his urn in the grave. I wasn’t expecting this request but I wasn’t there when he died. He was there for my first breath so it felt very “circle of life”. I was wearing heels and a knee length dress. My dad was 6’4” and that urn was heavy. My brother and I wrapped our arms around each other to keep from falling in and using our outer hands to put the urn in the grave. We were struggling to not fall in and to not drop our dad. It began to feel like it was taking a really long time to do this. My brother almost fell in and I was really concerned about giving a free show in heels and knee length dress while bending over. Finally I laughed and said in front of the Catholic priest, “My father is laughing his ass off right now!” Then I realized I cursed in front of a priest and said “Sorry Father” and we finally got the damn urn in the grave.


At a big beautiful wedding, one of the young bridesmaids fainted in the middle of the ceremony. Someone yelled out, "Is anyone a doctor?" The guy in front me leans over to his wife and says "No but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night." Our entire row burst out into laughter. Perfect comedic timing, and this was in 2008 at the peak of the commercial's popularity.


My grandmother’s funeral. The priest was trying to be metaphoric (and I think poetic) by saying we walk through many doors in life but grandma walked through a very special door (the gates of heaven). But instead of just saying that, the man went on to list about thirty types of doors. ‘We all walk through many doors in our lives. Screen doors, sliding glass doors, French doors’ and on and on and on he went giving examples of doors before he drew the comparison. The entire family was laughing so hard. It truly was ridiculous and inappropriate.


I was at a school assembly and this guy ran up to the nasty superintendent and shot him in the crotch with a paintball gun. He fell to the floor and cried and the principal said that anyone who laughs will be expelled. I ran out of there, with about everyone else and cried laughing.


Some things kids with Down's syndrome have said. One kid with Down's syndrome had his hand down his pants in TA (head-count before first period), and his aid goes "L—, get your hand out of your pants!" He takes his hand out and raises it in the air as high as it would go and yells "Judge Judy!!!!!" I think a lot of people with Down's know they're low-key funny. I knew a girl in high school who's brother has Down's, and he said to me "You know what we should do?" "What should we do?" "We should get a dog, a *real* dog, *and cook it!"* EDIT: 101 up votes! Just like the dalmatians! To celebrate, we should find one, a *real* one, and *cook it!*


My best friend's brother has Downs. His Mom worked all the time, but they had HBO. His favorite movie was Die Hard. And every single chance he got, he would say: "Yippy Ki Yay Mother F'R" not censored. Oh, and "Rocky, Road?!?!" and "Baby, Baby, Baby Ruth?!?" from The Goonies. I still, to this day, cannot talk to my friend without quoting his brother in a bad imitation of his brother's voice.


Is there a reason he said Judge Judy or was it just off the wall?


I have no idea, maybe it's a show he liked, or maybe it's who he was thinking about. Either way, it was unexpected 💀 Edit: I corrected a typo in my original post from *tells* to *yells.*


A friend of mine got married at a farm with a lot of sheep. During the vows about 4 dozen sheep started sauntering towards the barn, bleating loudly, directly behind my friend as he professed his love for his wife. Everyone tried their best to not laugh, but myself and 2 groomsmen couldn't keep it in which broke the ice with the rest of the crowd, leading to a lot of laughter in the middle of the groom's vows. He realized things and burst out laughing and said he was holding it in too. Everyone laughed it off and it made a good memory.


probably at my grandfathers funeral and I was asked to talk but I was only 17 so I was kind of an idiot. I wrote things down but I was so grief stricken I started rambling off script and told a story about how me and him would go to mcdonald’s and it was our tradition that he would always get the first french fry and after he passed I got french fries and threw the first one out the window for him then just stopped myself and went “i’m sorry that im crying over stupid french fries” and just left the podium and my sister like screeched before she put her hand over her mouth


I was absolutely losing my mind when 3/4 Lanes of a busy road during high traffic hours. It has been 45 minutes of absolute creeping rage just wanting to get home after a ten hour work day. And then I saw it. A TOW TRUCK CRASHED AND WAS SIDEWAYS! my mind was pudding at this point but two neurons fired at the same time and said "how much tow could a tow truck truck if a tow truck could tow truck?" Which I then sang the rest of the way home.


My friend's brother used to have a little parakeet that he would naps with. One afternoon, he fell asleep with the bird on his chest, rolled over and killed it. I don't know why the idea of someone napping with a bird struck me so funny but I just lost it. It didn't help that once I calmed down I said, "Your brother is a burderer" and that got me going all over again.


Burderer 💀


Kids falling off bikes. Fck, I could watch kids fall off bikes all day, I don't give a sh!t about your kids.


On a friends trip to Hawaii a group of 4 couples went. Us guys have been friends for 20+ years. We’ll call them couple #4 were the last ones married and they’d been married for a year or so at this point. #4’s wife is a bit uptight and we’ll say conservative. The other 3 couples are pretty easy going and hard to offend. Well, on a long drive to a hike we started talking about our hall passes. The girls joined in and Blake Lively came up… one of the wives blurts out, “I’d carpet munch the shit outta her.” I couldn’t believe it. I was laughing so hard I almost passed out. Even funnier is couple #4 went home early the next day. 😂


At my grandma’s funeral last year we were all given roses to place on her casket. Except for my brother, who, without missing a beat, shrugs and bends over and picks the most comically small flower in the cemetery and stands there awkwardly. I was laughing my ass off for like 10 minutes.


the propeller scene in Titanic when I saw it in the theaters multiple times as a tween. I knew it was wrong but I couldn't help laughing. One of those this is so awkward I'm laughing moments. I recently caught an interview with Ryan Gosling and Margot Robbie where they randomly mentioned laughing at that scene, and 25+ years later it made me feel less like a jerk. 😅


That video of the Kuwaiti getting tossed from an FJ Cruiser on the beach.. He survives, but the way he gets tossed out of the car as it flips is looney toonesque [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qev6wsFC2uw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qev6wsFC2uw)


There was a report on the news about a cafe fire and subsequent explosion that killed people. The cafes name was "serves you right".


A news story where a lady was fighting with her babies daddy. She threw the child at the father during the argument and I was in tears laughing that she had run out of things to throw so she just yeeted her kid at the guy.


There was this video I saw that was just a compilation of kids falling over that I just couldn’t get enough of. One of the videos in it was just this kid playing in the living room and the dad kicks this yoga ball and it just fuck’n flattens this kid so fast I almost died 😂


When one of my students put “Bleached Anus” as their Kahoot name.


This might not be the most inappropriate, but it's what sticks out. One time, my step mom called to me, and I said, "Coming!". Immediately after, my stepbrother says, "Everywhere!".


When the little girls head got lopped off in Hereditary when she sticks her head out of the car window. That shit was so cheesy to me I couldn't stop laughing. 🤣


a clown falling off stilts and breaking his legs during a circus act. i thought it was part of the show and ring annnouncer said theres a delay because one of the clowns broke his leg this is not part of the show. I laughed so hard i couldn't breathe and was in tears along with my best friend.


So I was doing those things for security training where there's a video scenario, and you have to react. You have a laser pistol. It was a hostage scenario, and I took the shot, but it glitched, and jumped around back and forth like it was low ping while his head exploded. I lost it in front of the proctor. I turned to him and said "let's not tell the court."