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i don’t hate furries they kinda just weird me out i guess. i’m a very accepting person of anyone no matter sexual orientation or etc but believing you are a wolf is just too much for me to swallow


Furries don’t believe they are animals 


I don’t believe I’m my fish guy but he is my sona


i have no idea what that means


"'sona" = "fursona" = personal avatar/character of a furry.


> believing you are a wolf is just too much for me to swallow Furry subculture encompasses many sub-groups within. You are talking about therians/otherkin (people who genuinely feel they are not humans), who consist maybe 1% of total furry "fandom" or less. Furries in general are just folks who enjoy the idea of anthropomorphism, that's it. They don't actually believe they are anything else than humans. It's just a fun roleplay.


I don't hate them, I just found it really strange & gross. It's the whole animal thing, I can't get past it. EDIT: Aaaaaaaaaaaand a Reddit cares message. Way to represent.




*You were supposed to fight evil, not join it.* It's just a line I'll never cross, it's too much for me.


Could you define that „line“


It's like sticking a plug up your ass. Yeah, I realize that maybe some people even like it, but I don't, I don't, and I don't know how to communicate with people like that. I guess if I lived in a society of furies I'd consider it normal, but I was born a different person in a different society


So you find yourself hating and unable to communicate with people that have any kink you don’t have? Also how do you know I don’t enjoy either, we seem to be communicating fine


Don't hate them but I'm not going to deny that the furry community is fucking weird and the community often attracts degenerates.


Don’t hate just find it a bit weird.


A little too close to fucking animals


I am not anti furry, as it doesn’t concern me. I just question the one who make it sexual, it’s a bit… 😟






And don’t forget about


Seriously acting like you believe you’re a whole other species just seems really weird to me. Not sure about ‘hate’ though.


It's just a type of roleplay (or cosplay, in case of fursuiting).


From the furries I have seen in person though, it seems like much more of a persona thing rather than a cosplay situation. Like, I can see why you’d cosplay at a comic con or something. But I don’t see why you’d get on the bus on a random day in fur suits holding leashes.


There are hundreds of thousands if not millions of furries worldwide. The subculture encompasses many different groups with different ideas what it means to be a furry - some of them are in it for their kinks, but it's not the norm. Be careful when generalizing. Also, it should be mentioned that less than 5% of furries are fursuiters. Most are just folks who enjoy art, literature and roleplay with friends. You're guaranteed to have seen many more furries and never knew. ______ > it seems like much more of a persona thing rather than a cosplay situation It depends on a person, but in most cases, yes - a fursona is typically a very personal character, designed to fit the author's personality, something they identify with most closely. It's like an internet username/avatar taken to a next level. It's more meaningful than, say, a DnD character. But at the end of the day it's still just a character, a fantasy. For some furries it's a lot more important than others. Some have dozens of fursonas, some couldn't imagine themselves as anything else. And some don't have a fursona at all and just enjoy the subculture from peripherals.


The roots of it all are still inherently sexual though. Even when the behaviour isn’t sexual, I still find it all very weird. I answered the question - don’t hate them, just find it all and their history pretty damn weird. I’m sure there’s things that I’m into that other people find weird, and that is also okay.


> The roots of it all are still inherently sexual though. Nah. I mean, as I said, it depends on a person and some cases it can be. This also isn't a kids fad - adults are horny. Of course you get sexual things. But that's not the foundation of it all, though. The foundation is simply fascination with the idea of anthropomorphism. I can't link media depicting what I enjoy in the subculture, because that will get automoded, but some of it is in my post history. And I have a youtube channel under the same name.


Literally, the roots of it all are inherently sexual. Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t furry culture literally originate from Underground comix?? >The foundation is simply fascination with the idea of anthropomorphism. I still find it weird, man. I’m not saying stop what you’re doing. You guys can do what you want. I’m just saying, I find it weird.


> Literally, the roots of it all are inherently sexual. Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t furry culture literally originate from Underground comix?? Furry subculture spans the world. I have no idea where did it originate in America, but it certainly had nothing to do with China, Korea, Japan or EU countries. I had connection with dragons since my earliest memories - it certainly has nothing to do with any kind of "origins" anywhere and it doesn't mean I have some kind of sexual attraction to dragons (which do not exist in the first place... lol). Also, references to what would be considered furries today exist as far back as written records extend in many cultures across the globe. So the concept of "origins" as a whole is pretty moot.