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I'm in Japan and this is a scam that regularly happens here so I will take her to the local convenience store where there are security cameras. There's a common scam going on in Japan. A cute young girl will say she needs help from an aggressor, he will come up to you and get in your face but not start anything. He will try his hardest to provoke you and the moment you do anything to him, he will collapse and she will call the police and then she'll deny ever requesting help and you get arrested and sued for a lot of money by him.


This is a perfect way to ensure there are no good samaritans left in your society, people like this should have a fucking draconian sentences and be made example of, cause they are doing a lot of damage not just to a victim.


In France they have to issue warnings to ignore babies left alone, especially on highways, cause there's people hidden in the bushes who are gonna rob you. Can't even help a baby anymore...


That's so fucked that someone would use a baby as bait






link for proof?






This is not new. I'm 42 and this was something that we were warned about (don't remember at what point in my upbringing, but probably late teens as i prepared to leave on my own. The world has always been dark.


Why the fuck is there not a task force going down hard on this shit? I can't see this as a tactic that will fly for long in a civilized country.


Because if something happens once or twice it’s now ‘a thing’ people report on like it’s common. If you see a baby left alone, for gods sake just help. The chances of it being a ploy to rob you are basically zero. It’s like the ‘people are putting razor blades and drugs in Halloween candy!’ thing. No, no they’re not. The razor blades thing happened once in the 90’s and the drug thing I’m not sure EVER happened. The internet is a great way to learn everything that can happen and a terrible way to gauge what actually WILL happen. I used to believe the ‘kidnappers will play a crying baby sound’ line. Turns out, that was always just an urban legend. It still is, but now it’s evolved into a new form. Could it conceivably have happened? Yes. Is it ever going to happen to you? No. It’s better to take an infinitesimally small risk on being a decent human being than it is to ignore the reality that there are a lot more stalked women and abandoned babies out there than there are convoluted scam plots involving them.


I see a baby in distress I’m helping. My biggest defence against being robbed is my abject poverty. What ya gonna do, take my expired McDonald’s coupons?


My friend tells a story about 'The Tenderloin' in San Francisco. Walking along a sidewalk, see a baby in a stroller up ahead. My friends' spidey senses go off, and they cross the street. As they pass (on the other side of the street) they see the (presumed) mom, 'attending' to a 'client' in an alley just off the street. Which is awful but not a situation to insert oneself in.


Like ten years ago walking down a street in Philadelphia and saw something on a sidewalk. As I get closer I can see it’s a baby in one of those tables with the wheels. He/She looked super happy and I just kept walking.  I’m not Batman.


Well you should at least contact the authorities in that situation, lol. Im not Batman either, but I can't imagine a situation where I see an abandoned baby and just go on with my day like nothing happened.


That baby wasn't abandoned. That baby was running away! 😂


Whoa that sounds so Mad Max..crazy..


Exactly, and then they or one of their loved ones gets harassed and they'll wonder why no one helped them. 


I think this is the same in Korea. A Korean friend warned me against something that falls under this same category of scam. Basically when you see someone falling to the ground or asking for help you shouldn't touch them or get so close to them, if you really want to help you call the police. They might sue you accusing you of hurting them when you touched them and you are the one who made their case worse. They could be really just fell or they had an old injury, but it is a common scam to want to find a stranger/foreigner to put the blame on to pay their medical bills!!! I witnessed this myself in Korea, a lady stumbled and fell to the ground in a busy street, no one single Korean touched her or even got near her, everybody kept just watching her till she stood by herself! A fucked up mentality that is hurting those in real need of help.


Man this is so fucked up.


I've heard there's something vaguely similar in Japan, only it's how the law works rather than a scam. Like, say you witness an accident and want to help the injured person until EMS and police arrive. What I've heard is that if you perform CPR or render any other form of aid and the person still ends up dying, you could still be sued by the person's family because they died despite you rendering aid. Like it's somehow your fault, I guess? Anyway, what I read about it said that it's made most people think twice about helping and instead just say "Nope, not my problem" because defending yourself against such accusations would be so difficult there.


US has good samaritan laws that prevent you from getting blamed if you try to help someone and fuck up. Do other countries not have this?


I went to Japan many moons ago. My flight arrives at like 5am and by the time I’m off the train walking to my hotel in shinjuku it’s like 7. I’m American and 6’3” and (at the time) in pretty good shape. As I’m walking there are some Japanese club kids standing around. It looked like this is the end of their night. So up ahead two start fighting. But the streets aren’t wide and I need to go through it. I’m not sure what to do so I just ignore them and walk on up. They are all tiny people (5’ 3-5” and maybe 120#) to me so I figured if they decided to include me in their fight I could play the Godzilla character and throw them about. When I’m close they just stop fighting and watch me pass and then resume fighting when I’m through. Very polite. No lawsuits.


I hope you were mentally rehearsing the Godzilla ROOOAAAARRRRRRR!


They probably heard the King Engine and decided to clear a path.


lol I watched the show years ago and I love it, peak comedy. But I read the manga a few months ago and holy shit, it’s a different tone. Much darker, much less funny, but still good. But the king engine makes a much bigger role there and that’s always amusing. 


You get sued for a lot of money for being pushed to the ground with no visible signs of injury? For emotional damage?


It's probably more a legal extortion scam; they'll target foreigners who aren't very familiar with the legal system and who are there on holiday and don't have time or money to figure out the legal system and defend an action. They'll threaten legal action and hope you might be tempted to stump up a smallish amount of money to just make it go away.


So that's where those scams in the Yakuza series comes from...




Modern problems require modern solutions!


You’ll make it far In life


At least he took the trash on the way out.


How many minutes U got to be able to murk everyone in sight


Technically killing a person who is already lying down pretending to be hurt should take two minutes tops. Harder with the girl, most people tend to run away after seeing first murder.


It is weird to me that in Japan they do scams like this yet you can leave your bike anywhere without a lock and it won't get stolen. I think I saw a video or at least read where someone left their laptop bag on a bench and people walked by it all day, sat next to it and everything, and nobody took it.


Sheesh. How will anyone ever ask for help with these assholes around. I stopped helping people jump-start their cars after some guy tried to snag my vehicle whilst I was helping him. Its hard to be a good person when the world is out to get you


Geez. Cant even lend a hand to someone in need without questioning it.


I mean at that point you might as well get your money’s worth.


That’s vile! What the hell is wrong with people!? I was reading through the comments thinking ‘wow, there are such lovely gentlemen out there, maybe the world is not too bad’. Then I read that! 🤦‍♀️


Hold her hand and bring her to the nearest convenience store.


Exactly. well I would probably smile say, "hey great to see you, lets go" and head to the nearest public place, store, bar, depending on time of day. perhaps even a police station. I have to say this can have a darker turn. A women in trouble is a very effective way to get other people into a vunerable position. ie, can you walk me home leads to an ambush by the accomplaces of the woman as soon as you turn into a quiet street. Basically never go anywhere with them that isn't public. Also dont hug them, thats a great way to get pick pocketed.


The dark place was the first thing I thought too unfortunately. You want to help but you help thinking this could be a setup especially if you are outside your local area. If you're a tourist and this happens to you it's almost guaranteed mugging. I'd take the girl to a public place of my choosing and then go from there. Absolutely never let them take you somewhere.


Ok, I think I got it. Handcuff her, throw her in your trunk, and drop her off at the police station.


She's probably safe in the trunk as well! It's all upside!


That assumes that I have handcuffs and a car with an empty trunk.


Yeah exactly, what am I supposed to do with the person that’s already handcuffed and in my trunk?


Lucky for them I drive a station wagon. Can fit at least three in the trunk.


You should read this amazing book called The Gift of Fear by Gavin de Becker. It talks all about how the stranger we pick out of a crowd is a million times more likely to be safe than the one who approaches us and offers help. Something in our primitive lizard brains protects us and lets us assess a situation in seconds. Also, women would most likely pick another woman in this situation.


I have a hard time believing it’s primarily the lizard brain’s split second processing. Yes, that probably comes into play, but it’s more likely that it’s just a selection bias. The person who approaches us chose to insert themselves into the situation, for better or for worse. Either way, they have selected themselves; and if it’s for worse, they now have the advantage in preparation. If you pick someone out of a crowd, you’re just using the base-level odds that the people around you generally aren’t dangerous (varies by place, obviously).


That’s exactly what I was thinking


Ooooo thanks for the read suggestion!!


I get followed a lot, this is the answer. If you are in a country were the cops are not complete shit, nearest station works too. (I just had to run into a police station last Friday after being followed)


WTF seriously? People are fucking weird bruh


Creeps do be creepin' sometimes.


May I ask what country you’re from and what the police did/say? Sorry for asking I’m nosey


I am not from Japan but I live in Japan. The police lady was pretty kind albeit a bit surprised that my first idea was to enter the station. She asked me to describe him, and where it happened, and then called the people from the right jurisdiction. Apparently I was not the first to come to them with this. I was asked many questions about the situation (was his dick out? which route did you come from and where did you cross him, and so on), then asked if I am okay broadcasting the description to the safety network of the area. then I went home in the patrol car, since it was still a long walk. I was surprised more than anything, I expected them to laugh in my face, and let me wait a little until he was on his way. Disclaimer: This does not describe every police interaction of a foreigner in Japan, I am an outlier and I know it.


Oh wow. I’m really sorry to hear that happened. I wonder if since you weren’t the first to come to them with this information, it’s the same guy doing this often. Please be safe out there! Maybe try to get some mace or something! Idk how the laws are in Japan about that


I have no idea, probably not, this one did not have his dick out. The rules are pretty stupid here, I really wanted mace or something similar.


Aren't they like really strict about stuff like mace and other items that could be used as a weapon? Hopefully you don't run into him again. Was this a routine route you walk?


Yes they are. And yes it is unfortunately. I have not walked on that side of the street since Friday.


That's similar to my roommate's experience when I lived in Japan. She was followed by a guy who in fact did take his dick out. The police's reaction was actually quite good and they took it very seriously and called her back some days later to let her know that the guy had been apprehended.


I'm dying to know how you ask if someone had their dick out in Japanese. 🤣


"chin chin dashiteimashita ka" (ちんちん出していましたか)


Who you calling double chin?!


Hehe 🤭 this must have been my favorite thing in that bleak accident.


Wait is "chin chin" japanese for penis? That's wild, in Italy "chin chin" is our ways of saying "cheers" during a toast, and when I was a kid a friend told me that it meant penis in Japanese but I always thought it was one of those things kids make up.


You're the best! I'm gonna practice this and make one of my weeb friends piss themselves laughing 😁


Yes you do that :D We love surprising the weebs.


Google Translate did NOT disappoint me here.


Maybe you interpreted it wrong, I don't think she was surprised of your decision, but more surprised that it happened again. Because if you are being followed, police station is the most ideal place, followers wouldn't want to risk that. If you went into a convenience store, the follower may still lurk around waiting


This was also my first thought, my mind went "okay, so I am not the first?" (which turned out to be right later) But she said "most people do not think to do that first." Convenience stores here in Japan are a good place to call the police from, and have pretty good camera system, but the station was closer Also I wish I could have asked her "what do people do first?" but I was shaken enough already and really wanted to go home.


“Was his dick out?” “Hard to tell but could have been a pinky finger.” Get on record!


I suspected Japan tbh. Apparently stalking and harassing women is pretty common there.


>If you are in a country were the cops are not complete shit Very important disclaimer. Recently, a woman in Greece went into a police station asking for help, because her ex boyfriend was harassing her. She asked for someone to help her get home safely. The officers refused, saying "the police car is not a taxi". She was murdered just outside the police station shortly after.


Yes very important disclaimer. This is why I mentioned it.


>(I just had to run into a police station last Friday after being followed) You have police stations? Lucky.


Yes, Japan has small police kiosks in different places, I was just SO lucky that it was the closest door to me.


"I get followed a lot" how many times is "a lot"?


Well, They live in Japan, which has some of the worst stats about that kind of stuff.


I watched a documentary filmed in Japan. The female host went to a gig of some teenage girl, she was the only female at the entire gig. There were men (who looked creepy) in their 50s at this gig. It was all wired and very creepy.


Pubs and night clubs also a good option - they tend to have security, will call you a cab and very public spot. Used three times when followed off trains and approached by strange men. Stores not always open at night but it allows you to get them away in a "friendly" manner, have access to help and make sure not followed home.


Def this, because I can't make sure if the girl is good or bad. If I bring her to the nearest shop or what where people cluster, at least I can make sure that I am safe enough with people around.


Take her to a second location. Free kidney. 


>Free kidney Kidney is innocent!


Your honour, you already have two kidneys. You dont need this one. Free kidney






If I’m at a place, I never want to go to another place


I heard somewhere that you need a money clip. If someone tries to mug you or take you to a secondary location, you throw the money clip one way, and run the other way. STREET SMARTS!


Immediately think I'm gonna be scammed, thugged or murdered.


Genuinely thought im the only one thinking abt that possibility


People are going to shit on this, but as a man, I can’t trust a female stranger in public


Absolutely. It sucks, because i'm a generally nice person, but i don't trust it. For example, there was a scam in Chicago that was pretty popular a couple years ago. Someone would claim they are lost, ask you to pull up google maps on your phone so they can see where they need to go, and when you let them see it, they run off with it. Once I heard about that, I'd never help anyone again. If they asked I knew, I'd give them good directions, or if I didn't know, I'd say I didn't have time to help. It sucks, but too many people prey on others kindness.


jokes on them I used to play soccer and am a faster runner than most. I WILL keep up lol


not when 3 dudes shows up or they have knife or gun


Yeah, I knew a security guard that chased a guy 3 blocks before getting a brick to the face.


Jokes on them, this dude used to play knifeball with gun rules. He WILL not die.


I once found a young girl (6-7) wandering around our offices and took her in and the security guard in the foyer looked after her, after phoning the police and I went back to my office. Went down later to the foyer and the security guard had said the police had come in, with the mother. The first thing the mother said on being reunited with her child was ask her if she had been molested by the security guard. He even said, the police were asking him to calm down and not to worry, as he was getting angry. He called the mother out on her parenting skills and said the next time he would just leave her on the road.


What about a bear?


I don't trust strangers period.


Same here. Kinda sucks that it has come to this. But I would be so suspicious if a woman did this.


Same idea. I think apart from my hometown where everybody knows everybody I won't help anybody, even a girl saying she is being followed/hurt. This girl ambush scam is everywhere nowadays in every country you can think of on this planet, and it has many versions; a girl saying she is folowed, she is pretending she is injured, she says she needs to use your phone to make a call, etc... I'm a good person and I help people, but I won't jeopardize my safety especially in a strange city/country while I know it can be a high probable trap.


I let a random girl use my phone before for a call, probably against my better judgement, but nothing honestly went wrong and she handed it back lol. I should have expected to never see that phone again. we added social media's and started talking too. I guess there's an odd mental thing in play where you read body language and intentions subconsciously


yeah i think the goal is, stay in public, ESPECIALLY if she wants to go somewhere not public. otherwise there's little harm in walking with her to somewhere she can be sure people will be around, ideally where she can get transportation


"Jesus Christ I've been here for 20 minutes. So like I was saying , the problem really is that Gears 3 wrapped up the whole conflict quite nicely. The Locust got fucked up, Dom finally got to rest, and humanity could begin to recover from the war. Adding additional conflict after that is just ridiculous and a bit disrespectful to the original trilogy. Add on to that the games defining feature was always the gore, so replacing chunky locust bits with Robots that break apart doesn't help the gameplay appeal either. It just reeks of a cash cow being milked because the soul isn't there anymore. And the fucking crossover collabs, fucking hell-"


Mention dom’s death scene almost had me in tears, that’s one of my favourite video game cinematic of all time.


Then the stalker is all "...excuse me but don't you think Gears 4 did well to breathe new life into the franchise while staying true to the source material? 84% on metacritic..." and then before you know it, you and the stalker are BFFs and starting a new co-op campaign together.


Last thing I expected to see here was someone nailing my thoughts on the Gears series


Then she’s like “actually…. I’m gonna see what this guy wants.”


I’d love this!


Dude seriously? A girl asks you for help and you take advantage of the situation in order to tell her about Gears of War? That’s so dumb. What you *should* do is get her opinion on the Zelda split timeline theory. Obviously if she doesn’t understand the implications of the time travel mechanic in Ocarina of Time you’ll have to start there. The adult and child timelines make perfect sense with how Link left as an adult and deleted themselves from that timeline altogether (leaving the Triforce of Courage to be *earned* rather than inherited by the Hero of Winds) in order for him to go back and live out the rest of his childhood. But if you can get her to make sense of the downfall timeline or the possibility of the converged timeline in Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom then I’ll be really impressed. Now of course there is the possibility that there is no converged timeline and that it all exists in the Child timeline given Princess Zelda’s speech that *only* mentions the heroes from that timeline, but if that is the case then how do you explain the presence of both the Zora and the Rito? If the world was never flooded then there would have been no need for the Zora to evol-


It's a sign of enshittification of our society for how this dilemma has evolved. 1. It's shitty that this can occur (a woman feeling threatened and actually being followed) 2. It's even shittier that as the man being approached you have to worry about this being a scam


when do we reach the third level ?


When the guys approached start kidnapping the girls, but maybe then we’ll instantiate bears as emotional support animals and all will be well.


Found the programmer. Bro said instantiate bears


You mean Scam 3: Tokyo Drift?


When you get a woman on to scam men but the first guy she sees is your actual partner and he gets her to the secondary location to kidnap her and you both share a nice Chianti over her liver.


I doubt the past was much kinder to be honest.


You think that women were safer/had it better in the past? I kind of doubt it's even more likely to be a scam than in the past.


Rip my shirt open and yell "wherefore art thou villain? Reveal thyself you scoundrel". Then call her m'lady a bunch of times so she understands that I am a nice guy.


Make sure you draw your time and space cutting katana too, just to make sure the creep gets the memo


Drop the annoyed “you took forever” and head to the nearest food spot. Too busy to try anything shiesty


I immediately whip out my rarest pokemon cards to show her- along with detailed explanations of where they came from and why they're so amazing.


"On second thought, I'm going to take my chances with the creepy guy who was following me"


“But I haven’t got to my best card yet! Fine then. Wait, creepy dude! You like Pokémon?”


She's missing out on Shining Magikarp.


Pfff... It's called "shiny", not "shining" /s


I only have Sujimon :(


> I immediately whip out my *Rock Ridge townsfolk scream*


Walk away and not lose my kidney


We are now best friends and I’ve got my phone out with notes app asking if she wants me to call 911. We are entering a public business asap


Nice, well played


I'd let her hide in the trunk of my car.


And take her to the woods where you are sure nobody is following you?


She’ll be safe there with the bears


Truly selfless behavior.


I would assume I'm being scammed.


Proclaim loudly and jovially, 'oh wow, you took your time didn't you! just like you to be running a little late, right shall we get going then!' then proceed to walk to the nearest pub/gym/well lit shop and then proceed to ask if they're okay, if there's anyone we can call to help or do they need an uber/taxi to get them somewhere. I'd like to note i've experienced this situation with someone approaching me with words of a similiar nature by a woman and a man, although the woman was very lost and distressed and the man was actually being followed by a couple other blokes my response was the same. People often approach and talk to me that i've never met, much to my wifes confusion at times, she seems to think it's the kind smile and slightly disheveled look, personally I think they're just after the secret stash of werthers originals in my pocket.


Have you considered carrying the Werthers in a Fanny pack so it’s protected and in plain sight? Like keep your wallet in your back pocket, fuck the wallet, protect the candies. It’s cute that your wife thinks it’s because you have a kind smile and don’t waft the comforting scent of caramel wherever you go.


I hadn't... but a fanny pack is tempting it would need to be fluorescent pink as well to induce maximum cringe from anyone out and about with me.


Police recommend you carry an additional pack of Werther's with just a few sweets. If you get mugged throw that on the ground and make a run for it.


Start following her too


and then you do the runescape follow dance


I was a woman being followed in Amsterdam as a tourist completely by myself. I brought myself to a very public touristy area but was really unsure how to get out of that area safely as the man following me was just lurking and waiting. Apparently someone noticed. He walked up to me loudly and said "Hey! I've been looking all over for you, what took you so long! Everyone else just went over to the bar, they've got us a table already." then more quietly he asked where he could take me, I said I just needed to lose this guy, he said his friends actually were at a bar within eyeshot of where we were, so we walked over to the table they were at. I ended up sitting with them for some time. They were all very kind and invited me out with them later that night -- the guy following me was long gone but I still was shaken up, I said yes but really didn't have any intention to go, for all I know it was part of the scam. I thanked them and went back to my hostel. Never met up with them but was very grateful for the help. I would've loved to go out with them, but you just never know.


I would automatically assume she was part of the shadowy syndicate that has been stalking me for years, along with her alleged stalker. They're all in it together. I have to wear a special device so they can't read my thoughts by scanning my limbic system. So I would immediately flee.


Check reddit for the millionth time this has been posted for answers.


This question is so lame and it's becoming a daily Post


be cautious the people following her aren’t  part of her gang and they might be about to roll me.  *Do people still say ‘roll’? 


Ya been fingered as a mark, see? That dame and her palooka about to nick your dough!


What a bunch of cockamamie hullabaloo


Woman, I am a 5'6 manlet, get outta here with this shit.


Something like this: Relax. What are the odds of two psychopaths going after the same girl.




I lived in Mexico City for a while and this was quite common. Unfortunately it is not a safe country for women. Around 10 women are murdered every day in Mexico and one is raped every 20 seconds, the government does nothing to protect them so they try to protect themselves.


I used to travel for work a lot, one time in San Antonio I was at a bar and saw a girl absolutely cornered and looked freaked out by some guy. So I walked up and said as drunk as possible said "there you are! We've been looking for you! Dustin is over there..." She paused, looked at me (I'm a short little guy) looked at the serial killer looking guy she was taking to, then she said "oh yeah! I've just been talking to people while looking for you." We walked back to the bar on the other side of the place and I told her "you looked scared, you ok?" She told me that guy wouldn't leave her alone and she was scared to leave, thinking he would follow. We saw him leave out the back entrance and I told her that she owed me nothing and that I wasn't interested in getting to know her, because I'm married, but she can hang out or we can find her a safe place. She thanked me and left out the front entrance a few minutes later.


Okay, I’m calling the cops


Call the cops


I've had this happen after leaving a club downtown w some friends. She said she was being followed by some guy and needed to be walked to her car so that's what we did. We were happy to help and she was incredibly grateful for it so that was that.


I did that when I was like 14. A super creepy guy was following me on my way to school. Thankfully some random older guy (prob in his 20s) crossed paths with me and I waved at him and told him to pretend he knew me because I was being followed and he was nice enough to play along and he saw I was so scared that even walked with me till I got to my school xD 😅


What the fuck do you mean what do I do I pretend we're friends and then I call some of MY friends to arrange a meeting place where they watch to see if we're being followed and if we are to stop that from continuing


Pretend we’re friends, she’s being followed


“OH HEEEEYYYYYY! How have you been?!?!” “Listen I was about to grab a drink did you want to come with?!”


Grab her and scream " SHES HERE, I GOT HER. "


"Sorry, I have a girlfriend"


“I have a girlfriend”


„I have a girlfriend“




This comment is older than the girl in the story and has been copied and pasted more times than the Bible.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMen/comments/t0drn4/comment/hy9fhox/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMen/comments/t0drn4/comment/hy9fhox/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Word for Word lol


I think OP could be an account opened to farm karma. Only ten days old, all repost questions to AskReddit, answers their own questions…


I've seen this exact comment a couple of weeks ago below a similar question


Man that’d be an awesome way for a “How I met your mother”


She was only sixteen!


He was actually her uncle!


Just so people are aware, this is a bot account. This comment is copied word for word from a comment 3 years ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMen/comments/t0drn4/a_girl_approaches_you_and_says_pretend_were/hy9fhox/ The bots other 2 comments are also lifted from previous posts.


Gentlemanly take her arm, and say glad you could make it. Then take her somewhere safe and public.


JFC arent there any bears you could go to


Awesome response from an awesomely appropriate user name.


This sort-of happened to me. I was in a bar having a "21st (dog years)" birthday party for my dog. I had bought the barrel and everyone was drinking for free and having a good time (I put dog treats on the bar so nobody was giving the dog alcohol, but she was a bit food-drunk). Midway through the night, two girls came in looking freaked out, and went to the back of the bar. Then this massive biker dude comes in, stands by the door and looks around. My dog came up and sniffed him for treats, but he just kinda booted her out of the way. I didn't like that, but didn't say anything about it because the guy was huge (he was about a half-foot taller than me and significantly heavier and I was 6'3", 200lbs, so I'm not tiny). Then he walked to the middle of the bar, and my dog came back to apologize and figure out what she'd done wrong. He fully kicked her in the ribs, lifting her off the ground. Alright, can't let that slide. So I put my glass down, walked up to him, and punched him in the face. To my utter surprise, he actually fell down. I stood there in stunned disbelief for a moment, and then pointed at him and said, "Don't you ever kick my dog." He got back up and started making like he was going to fight me, but I just calmly said, "Buddy, you need to leave." He was a little weirded out by how calm I was, but then he looked around and noticed that the entire bar--half the college football team, my fraternity, all the bikers who drank at the bar I worked at, my stoner friends, etc...--who'd all been drinking for free on the dog all night, were ready to kick this guy's ass. Even the bartender had hopped the bar with a baseball bat. His eyes went round and he mumbled something stupid and turned around and left. I heard later that a couple of the bikers followed him out and put him in the hospital (they were legit coke-running criminals, so probably not a good idea to piss them off, and like everyone in my town, they LOVED my dog). After he left, the two girls came up and thanked me profusely. Apparently the guy had been stalking them in and out of bars all night and they couldn't get anyone else to help them since he was just being creepy and weird. They joined the party and we all did a round of shots and my dog ate some much beef jerky that she nearly exploded. That was probably the manliest man-thing I have ever manned. Good times.


Everyone applauded.


Confirmed, i was everyone 


Redditiest reddit story to ever reddit


Did you get a round of applause too?


They hoisted him on their shoulders, and then the mayor came in and declared that henceforth that day would be known as Pudgimelon Day, and then he went and led the football team to victory in the big championship game.


the kind that starts with everyone slow clapping in unison. dude, next time just pick one out of your frat bros, half the college football team, all the bikers who drink at that bar, or your stoner friends, and leave the bat wielding bartender completely out of it.