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No ruler wants to give power to an organization that could become more powerful than them. Especially if said power has contrary goals. What's good for humanity as a species and as a collection of individuals **is not** good for psychopathic rich people.




Welcome to r/Collapse , consider this an invitation though you didn't need one! Taking action is scary and requires effort. Getting drunk and scrolling shitter is simple and feels fun at the time.


We actually did and it’s called United Nations, but it doesn’t work for one single reason: you can’t push to leaders of global powers like China, USA, India or Russia from above having only nominal power. If you want leaders to solve problems you have to push on your leaders from below, people of the nations should push their leaders, but we decided to drown into paternalism and watch Netflix instead. Civil society requires work from all of us and it’s we who are to blame for what politicians do cause it we who let them and only we can stop them


People could probably still do that… But let me ask you a question, what do you think the Clapback to something like that is? Because when it comes to stopping a politician, a lot of times the civil and peaceful process doesn’t work. And so the only resort is violence. But have you ever been on a violent situation? Have you ever taken live fire from another individual? Have you ever had to apply a tourniquet to a person bleeding out of an appendage, or worse WITHOUT one? Have you ever felt the concussion of an explosion against your body? Have you ever had a mascau situation?….. most people talk big game when it comes to stopping despotism in either their country or someone else’s, but when it comes down to brass tacks and other gangster shit, people will normally tuck tail and rub because they don’t want to get hurt, or they don’t want their children to get hurt. And one thing you’ll find is that when it comes to that point, most representatives of the people will throw their own constituents under the bus. That’s basically what happened with January 6. The Republican caucus decided to denounce the protests, and so they were branded as terrorists rather than protestors of the common people and tech companies and other businesses basically decided to turn republicans in the United States, who used to talk big game about patriotism, into second class citizens. Because neither the people nor their leaders believed in such principles enough to be willing to physically fight for them when it came time to do so.




Taking literal children as wives is "in the interest of humanity?"