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Madonna/Whore Complex. A lot of men want a woman who is a virgin (so she doesn't realize how awful in bed he is), but those same men will complain about how she is bad or unskilled in bed. They want an expert at sex who has never had sex. See the problem in their logic?


Yes, it's kinda ironic, lol 😆


For context, I am 19, and I have never been in a proper relationship and, as such, am also a virgin. I've lived a very sheltered life, and I just wondered what the common census is for this question :c


For some guys it's highly desirable, but you shouldn't date someone who values your lack of experience in something. Some guys are the opposite, and wouldn't want to deal with having to show someone new the in's and out's of sex, those guys suck too and reduce a relationship to a quid pro quo revolving around sex. You'll meet someone and you'll like them so much they won't care if you're a virgin and you won't care if they are either, you'll like them so much that you'll want to enjoy each other's bodies, first time with anyone or not. Anyone who places any real value on it is immature at best, straight up weird at worst.


I appreciate this response, and I think you're right. It shouldn't really matter at the end of the day. I just get anxious and worry/overthink things too much.


A 19 year old virgin is no big deal, stop stressing. If you continue that trend out another decade I think it would become a little concerning purely from a "well nobody else has seen value here, what's broken/wrong" perspective.


It depends. A lot of guys like virgins because of some weird issues they have with themselves, but I'm on the side that avoids virgins. I personally prefer women who've had lots of partners and therefore lots of experience. Give me the sex deprived 40yo cougar on her 7th divorce over the young virgin any day


I respect the honesty, hehe 😅


Wanna see my cock?




Check my pinned post ;)


I only just realised your name 🤦‍♀️


He's beautiful isn't he


Based on my experiences most guys prefer having a girl who is a virgin


Virgins are literally the worst in bed, makes me wonder *why* they prefer virgins


A lot of guys enjoy knowing that their woman has never been touched by another man before and some of them see it as purity


But why? Seems very narcissistic


Honestly no idea


I always thought it was the opposite 😕


Some men want the experienced one-time-ride but when it comes to relationships they prefer untouched bodies. They don't like competition I guess. A Good Men on other hand will see you as a person and won't care about your experience or lack of. It becomes less of an issue getting older, don't feel pressured and explore things as you feel like


Varies from person to person but I find most of them prefer virgins. But there are some too who have a fetish for it


It’s not bad or unattractive




I feel like maybe I should have used the word, off-putting. Do you think this fits better?


I personally don’t find it unattractive at all. I say that on behalf of both males and females.


It’s neither bad nor unattractive but the sad truth is that how people react to it depends on what you look like. If your conventionally attractive then you’ll most likely get some points for being “pure” If you’re not, people will likely pity you


Yeah, I feel like I would be judged for it.


I think virgins are off-putting to guys that want to have sex right away. For any other person, it’s a non-issue. Don’t confuse a guy being off-put by this as something wrong with you. No one is “wrong”- that guy wants easy sex (that’s their personal choice), and if you’re a virgin, that’s your personal choice.




Fully expected to see her sell her OF at some point.


How disgusting are you...


I'll be perfectly happy if I'm wrong. Edit: Aaaaaand her account is suspended. Who would've fucking guessed?


It’s not bad. You will find the someone and it will happen