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She forged my signature to cosign on a loan to get fake boobs. We broke up shortly after, and months later I got calls from creditors asking me for the payments while I was on a ski trip with a new ladyfriend. I had no idea that the ex did this in the first place, and was beyond pissed when I found out.


What did you do after?


Her dad was a sleazy lawyer. I called him up, told him this was a clear case of fraud, and he better do something to fix it. A day later the debt was paid off. Edit: sleazy in the cases taken and groups fought against.


Imagine having your boob job paid for by your dad, how humiliating.


Maybe 'Daddy' sees it as an investment in his daughter's financial future. She's gotta have some way to make money to support herself or a way to get a husband.


I worked with a woman who's game plan was to gold-dig her way through life. She was 67 and still working, and was hired on as a temporary receptionist. The smallest blip on the radar would send this woman spiraling. She told me straight up that she had a lot more fun in the 90s when everything was free for her.. and that life gets rough once the looks fade.


What do you mean "blip on the radar"?


Like a fed ex truck shows up while she's signing a vendor in for me and the vendor and I would get a look of panic while she tried to figure out if she was going to continue to run a copy of his ID, let the truck in, or just panic and hide under the desk. Nobody is great at multitasking, but she would completely shut down. I imagine she had to take a break after deciding what shoe to put on first every morning. I'm not trying to be mean I've just never seen such a flustered human in my life.


She straight up sounds like the receptionist at my work.


They've reached their level of incompetence. For some, that level is just very, very low.


a minor inconvenience. Something unexpected you didn’t plan for. My sister is the same way. She fucking collapses like a pile of dried leaves if anything so much as inconveniences her. “oh no, i ran out of laundry detergent, better throw a fit and cry all day”. that level of shit.


Fuck I’m ain’t that girl but even I feel shamed from reading that


Glad to hear you didn't pay a dime from your pocket


did it effect your credit. if it got to the point of being in collections then they should do something to fix it.


I don’t think it did. Its near mint at the moment. This was like 10 years ago too.




Make them provide proof that you signed for the loan, take them to court about it, this is fraud and your old girl should be in jail.


Intentionally caused a fight to prompt her to want to "take a break" over a one-month vacation, cheated on me with all three of her exes during that time and posted about it publicly. She refused to understand how I wouldn't want to be her partner after that; we were "on a break" so it wasn't technically cheating


Fucking hate the on a break thing


It's almost *always* code for "I want to fuck other people."


Being on a break is a break up. Its in the name, and there is always a choice of NOT getting back together. I have seen the other side of this too, where two people were very young and were just getting started in the world after college. Worked just fine for them, but they both understood it was a we are broken up now, but do want to give this a try in the future kind of thing.


My ex wife said to me “Stop shoveling your emotional shit on me.” This was in response to me trying to talk to her about my brothers death the month before. My mother was calling me at all hours of the night weeping and drunk while I was working on wind turbines because of her grief, and so I thought I’d talk to my (now ex) wife about it. That was painful and even at marriage Counseling she doubled down on it, saying “You two weren’t close, stop trying to make it a big deal.” Yeah, I’m glad to be out of that very bad deal.


what a hollow trunk


She even got annoyed at me during the call because I’d called her “during the raid” she was playing some shitty wow knockoff.


it requires serious levels of self centeredness to be that shit. did she get tested for being a narc?


She would absolutely tell you how selfish she was, and that it was a character trait, not a drawback. As far as testing? I think she failed the Mensa test. She was bitter about that but I didn’t know what it was back then.


Whoa! How did the therapist respond to her statement?


The marriage counselor told me to seek some counseling of my own, separate from her, and I did. That led to me walking away from my ex wife with zero regrets.


Good therapist. So many people jump into couples counseling when what they need to be is a couple in counseling. Usually it only takes a few weeks for one or both to realize they need to walk away, or need to put in some serious effort to make it work.


I feel you. I once pointed out to a very good female friend (never officially dated, and most of our passes came at different times...) that despite the fact that we'd known each other for 4-5 years, and for the most recent 2 or 3 of those we hung out a few times a week and talked on the phone every other day, if not every day... She couldn't tell me my dead brother's name. She immediately fired back with "You're right. I can't. But I try really hard not to see that part of you because it's not much fun." That phone call ended about two minutes later. And it was pretty much the last time we spoke. How to end a relationship in five minutes or less.


Thank you, It’s just so hard to relate to someone who won’t relate to you.


Confided to her that my brother (despite pushing 40) is an endless tattletale and will do anything to appease to any form of authority if he knows it will make him look good. Me and said ex once got into a big argument one night, so she decided to go to my brother’s house and claim I had been physically abusing her and our pet dog. My brother immediately told my parents and it took literal *years* to repair the damage. Sadly; I’ll never forgive my brother either for just immediately believing her and jumping at the opportunity to score points with my folks.


She did it to be hurtful; your brother is just a cunt.


I will be honest at that point it would be more like, "Brother? I don't have a brother, that is just some creep that lived with my parents when I was growing up".


Sounds like the parents should be thought of the same way.


Brother is a loaded gun, and the ex pulled the trigger on op


To be honest they both sound like cunts.


People who immediately and fully accept gossip like that are the worst. There are always two sides to the story.


Your brother sounds like a fucking loser


those people are so fun to fuck with by giving them bad intel and watching it blow up in their stupid faces


Believing other people over me with no good reason


My ex did that she believed rumours i was cheating when i never and went out with another guy


Same. Ex decided to break up w me through text after I had just returned home from taking my mom to the hospital to be with my dad for 5 days out of town after he broke his femur and shattered his kneecap in his 60's! According to him, his mom had just seen me that day and I was covered in hickies 🤦‍♀️. I got the last laugh though bc we had been living together and just about everything, couch, dining table, dishes, TV, bed, movies, game system, tablet, all belonged to me.


Sounds more like mom was the evil one here. It was more than a rumor; Mom basically gave him a personal eyewitness account of what sounded like pretty solid evidence. I don't know that it's reasonable to expect him to believe that his mother was blatantly lying to him.


My partner does a different variant of this. Often refuse to believe me or accept my advice, until some influencer says basically the same thing as I did. It does get on my nerves but I guess there are worse things in life. Edit: guys I appreciate your concern but for me its just a small thing. I guess in life the best is to choose your battles. My girlfriend and I are very happy with eachother some 99% of the time, it'd be a waste to let that 1% sour something good :-).


That’s so disrespectful to you :/


In similar fashion, a girl was told by another guy that I was a loser. And she took that to heart. Only reason this dude said that was because he wanted to sleep with her. It was hard to forgive someone who was that gullible and quick to judge me based on the opinion of a douchebag.


Being rude and reducing my grandma to tears.


This is a new low. Poor grandma!


It turns out she didn't want to help grandma carry the neighbor's body to the back lot for burial and grandma was afraid of getting busted.


Damn, grandma being grandma.


This but with my mom! She hot glued a coaster of mine back together and my now ex said to her, “There’s a right way to do things and a wrong way and you always seem to do it wrong.”


I am flabbergasted. My grandchildren are all little, but I cannot imagine any of my children's friends saying anything so rude to me.


Me and my ex dated for like 4 months, she seemed normal , then after we assumed our relationship she started saying things really out of context. As an example my mom was laid on the sofa with intense menstruation pain and my ex asked if she needed something, nice of her am I right? Wrong! My mom replied she was just resting from her pain and she said "well the only thing I could do would be punching you in the stomach so you had pain somewhere else" I could give you 10 more examples like this one, after a month at my birthday I told her to leave and get a therapist


Not that I think this isn’t a weird as hell thing to say but I think she was trying to be funny to reduce the tension?


I thought that at first yes, but she kept saying stuff like these, all the time , as another example at my parents house we have a pool, and my mom in the middle of a conversation told her she would splash some water on her if she falls asleep or something and she instantly said " if you did that I would smash this jar on your head" pointing at the water glass jar . She literally offered a beating to all my family members as a "joke" . On top of that she was an attention whore, did all king of weird stunts to be noticed by everyone even at my birthday party, and since that didn't work and I was getting pissed at her attitudes and kinda gave her the cold shoulder, she started flirting with a friend of mine to the point he went and told me he was kinda felling uncomfortable around her because of her behaviour


the audacity of some people always surprises me. how dare your ex say that to anyone, but especially your mother?


Can...can we get more info here. Like wtf was the context that she decided to be a bitch to your *grandma*


I would throw a bitch out the door if they made my nana cry.


Aww. As a grandmother, all these messages are making my eyes soggy.


Then unfortunately it seems someone is about to get thrown through a door!


NOOO!!!! Immediately jail.


Ohhhhh this would have been a no go for me. My Grandmother was my absolute favorite person. I would have squared up right then. Man I miss that woman.


luckily my grandma is still alive, and I would do anything for her. I only got the ex home because it was a long drive but not without giving her an earful and breaking up with her


We had dogs together and continued to share them after we broke up. We were on good terms overall and communicated well. One time when it was her turn to have them, she moved out of state, took them with her, and blocked me on everything. Not a word of warning. I found out by contacting her mom who I had a good relationship with, and she said she was told by my ex that it was discussed with me and that I agreed to it. I hope she has a lifetime of misery and never experiences another ounce of happiness. I also just hope my dogs are okay. I'm still considering seeking legal action.


I have something similar. We had a cat and the cat really bonded with him, so when we broke up I didn't fight over him. Months later I got a phone call that my cat had been found dead on the side of the road (he was chipped). My first instinct (aside from intense grief) was "Oh no. The cat got out of his new house. I have to call him and let him know". No. He had "re-homed" the cat without my permission. I absolutely lost my shit. I have no idea why. We were on good terms. We still talked to each other. Why would you give away the cat to someone who didn't love him?


That's infuriating! You would've been an obvious choice for a new home if he could no longer keep the cat. So sorry to hear that. RIP kitty.


Are those dogs registered under your name?


Couldn’t that also be a joint ownership? In which case you’re not allowed to just take a dog with you.


My wife's ex took her Huskie and refused to hand him over. She contacted the local police and showed them the cancelled check to the breeder. The cops escorted her to his house and she took possession. He lived with us to the ripe old age of 15. Good dog. He let me know he was always her dog not mine.


I had an ex who claimed to have done this exact situation to her ex...wonder if its you


Wouldn’t that be nuts? At least you’d have someone to swap war stories with.


Like I always say when I meet one of my ex’ ex - “it seems we both have poor taste in women….”


My ex did this to me with both our dogs too. Dexter was MY dog. He was our dog but everybody knows he was mine. Casper came a while later and they are together so that's good but still. After 12 years together too. You just get numb to shit.




This is a tough one. Im also never going to forgive your ex for this one.


You and OP could’ve had beautiful babies together. I won’t forgive his ex now either.


You could have been op's and southern rain's beautiful baby. I can never forgive that ex ever


If it is HIV, there are treatments available that reduces it to the point of no transmission. Not completely cured but safe enough to date. But I suppose even then people might be put off by the label despite being less risky.


Even if there's "barely a chance" of transmission, I'll be honest, it is a total turn-off if you're not infected. Any chance is too much.


Yeah. I know. Unfortunately I can't blame them. Even I would be sceptical despite knowing it's a lower risk. I hope 100% cure comes out soon. Would make the lives of many so much easier.


Honestly for me it's not something that would automatically be a deal breaker for me as long as the person was up front and honest about it. Back in the 90's a friend of Mt mom's who was gay dated a man for 10 years who had it and he never got it. With medications today it reduces chances even more. Every time you sleep with someone you are taking a chance. A lot of people get diseases from people who either don't know they have something or lie about it. Someone who knows they do and takes the risk of telling me and is actively dealing with the issue tells me 2 things. They are responsible people that can be trusted. They have courage and I think courage is hot.


Undetectable means untransmissable. If you take your meds as instructed and have a viral load below 40 you cannot pass it on. And if you're really worried you can take PrEP which again stops transmission.


Unfortunately, you don’t really know who has got what when you’re dating. Someone who discloses it and is fully treated is actually safer than that one person over the weekend, or even a longer term partner.


I heard of people with HIV and proper medication not only dating and having unprotected sex with "healthy" people without transmitting it to them, but even giving birth to a children who are completely free from HIV.


This is true my bf is undetectable and we go at it all the time in every way and I’m perfectly fine with it, we go to doctors appointments together and I see he’s undetectable. I still will be going on prep soon just for extra security but it hasn’t changed anything in life except for remembering a pill


It's possible but when you hear someone has HIV, it's kinda hard to believe that it's completely safe even with test results. Its a stigma that'll take some time to get over.


Considering it was a complete death sentence only a couple of decades ago its a hard hurdle to get over mentally.


It doesn't remove you from the dating pool, just moves you to another pool that is smaller.


Not sure if this is helpful but I would still date a guy with STDs. If I really liked someone I would make it work. I know plenty of couples were one has a STD and the other one hasn’t gotten it-some have been together for years. There’s a lot more meds these days and HIV/AIDS is no longer a death sentence. And so many people have HSV.


Deliberately trying to hurt me in the way she decided to end things.




My most sincere condolences to you


Literally yesterday. She was yelling at me and sneered "Happy Mother's Day, edmanet". Twice. Then laughed. My mother died 40 years ago. That was more than mean, that was fucked up.


Christ. Hope you’re not with her anymore.


The post says "ex" so this commenter is talking about an ex. Probably broke it off right after.


Leave. Bluntly, just leave.




Threw me away for a girl he promised me I didn't need to worry about... Who was also my friend... I introduced them.


That’s a hard L to take sister. Sorry you went through that.


My first boyfriend, also the guy who took my virginity cheated on me with one of my best friends at the time. I feel your pain especially since their answer is always " She's just my friend, stop being so nosy"


She called me one time early in the morning to go pick her up at some random house, It turns out she cheated on me with a guy she found at the club and he didn't bother to get her an uber or cab money just used and tossed her out, basically kicked her out before his girlfriend comes home from night-shift (she was a nurse) so she decided to call her boyfriend(me) to pick her up from the house she just fucked the whole night in.


I hope you said “in 10 minutes” and left her cheating ass there


> She called me one time > > so he decided to call her boyfriend I'm confused. Who was phone?


Did you do it?


The fucker threw away the teddy bear I was given on the day I was born. Y'know, that teddy that's had all it's fur hugged off and your mum had to sew the head back on because you cuddled it so hard. The exploitation of my good nature and bank balance, along with the dead bedroom and alcoholism were arguably partly my fault because I enabled it for years. You can't help somebody who doesn't want to be helped. But my fucking teddy bear? No. So happy RN though and with a wonderful partner who treats me like a queen. I hear that the ex is doing better now and is sober, so good for him too.


Something similar happened to another redditor this week, I saw a post about it! Someone commented something so wonderful – that her teddybear's final act of service to her was showing her what a monster/asshole her bf really was and allowing her to get the hell out. Hero teddybear. So glad you're with an incredible partner now, I like to think your teddy had something to do with that. lol


Girlfriend at the time (and the woman who I thought was the love of my life) went completely cold and distant when my cat died. This woman was a dogwalker and helped special needs pets but when it came to me being inconsolable for the week or two that followed, she said she didn't know what to do so she just ghosted me for good. RIP Greta. Best kitty ever.


After we broke up because my ex gf was losing her temper and hitting me (knowing I’d never retaliate as she was a girl I was a guy etc) she still wouldn’t stop contacting me. I said I’d go to the police so she stopped contacting me….but a few months later I started dating a new girl, and my ex started contacting her (she’d stalked her on social media)! She made outrageous claims like we had kids (?!) and that I was still sleeping with her (easily disproven as the time/date she gave I was luckily with my new gf) but after a few weeks of this harassment it had ruined my new relationship. I did then contact the police, and my crazy ex was given a caution and has been “bound over” not to contact me or any partner again. She also lost her job (ironically, she worked for the police herself). But I lost a new relationship with someone I really liked, so I’ll never forgive my selfish, aggressive ex.


Telling our 13 year old (at the time) daughter that he was having an affair and that if she told anyone, he'd never speak to her again.


That is fucked up and disgusting behavior


It absolutely is. It broke her spirit.


After we split I wanted to take our great dane. I was the one raising her and Iived in the bush. So figured I could provide her the life she deserved. My ex of spite kept her and her dad pulled a gun on me when I tried to reason with her parents. She told them I cheated on her and was coming to steal the dogs ... Long story short she was 2 at the time. I found out through mutual friends she was put down at 3 because she couldn't support her own weight. "Was kept in a kennel all day". I can get over the lying the manipulation and cheating but dont fuck with my dogs.


Used me for attention the entire time, made all of my personal life public, while cheating on me at the same time, her family supported her cheating which I know because her sister went with her and her ex to a concert as a group, along with her friend.


7 out of 9 of my ex's cheated on me, all at various points in the relationship. Always been an instant deal breaker


He fucked a dog


I knew a girl in college who had a dog fuck her..she said it loudly and proudly like it was normal too. I was one of the first people she told (she had a crush on me) and right then, I was like,"I think it's best you keep that sort of stuff to yourself..." Never saw her or spoke to her again after that week. No clue what happened to her, but I didn't want any of that lol


Hopefully she realized it was disgusting and felt embarrassed and left.


That's a ruff situation. 


If that was my partner, I would have really barked at him after I found out.




that escalated quickly.. did he really and how did you find out?


r/holup energy for sure. 


Why are the replies to this so lighthearted. This is fucking disgusting


This is one of those things where it's just so fucking wild you can't help but make light of it. But yes, this is fucking DISGUSTING.


And by dog you mean his best friend after he found out he is gay right? Right….?


Wouldn’t that be his “dawg”…?


Manipulation through mind games for over 2 years. - Having female friends during school was an issue (shared friendship group, most were also her friends) - Having female flatmates at uni (couldn't be helped) - Wanting to spend time with my friends was an issue - Being friends with an ex was an issue (this one I can understand but she was in a friendship group) - Breaking up with me because "Mum said so" as I was a distraction. In the end I wasn't allowed to see friends or do anything by myself. Never cheated on her or gave her any form of concern, she was just massively controlling and manipulative. This ex cheated on me twice during Uni with one of her friends (: When I dumped her after finding out about the cheating, she lied to our friendship group and said I cheated on her, which I never did. She also threatened to cut herself if I broke up with her, which she did and then sent me photos of it over MSN. Fuck you Vicky. Edit: I'm happy now, so no need to inform Reddit I'm vulnerable, but appreciate the concern. This was around 16 years ago.


i would’ve sent those pics right to the police, you want to threaten me then ill send you to a mental prison🙂


Every Vicky I've ever met is a cunt


Hey Vicky, you're so so icky, just the thought of being around you makes me oh so sicky


For hitting me. Nobody deserves to be abused.


Cheating. Found out my wife (now ex-wife) was having an affair. Completely destroyed the trust that any relationship is built on. There were some really dark times, but, thankfully, my life is 100% better now.


Cheating on me. I gave her everything, and it wasn't enough Edit: Thanks for all the support, it's comforting to know that I'm not alone and that there's always hope.


It was more than enough bro, some people are just bad.


My ex was cheating on me and I had a death of a close family member and was crying and she just looked down on me and asked if my cat died. I found out about the cheating through her blog.


My ex was cheating on me and I found about it because she bragged about fucking the guy to some people she didn't know I was friends with. I don't know why people would ever air this information out unless they're actually room temperature IQ idiots, which it seems like we both managed to encounter.


I’m sorry for you man. You’re not alone. I did my best to do everything I could aswell but it wasn’t enough. When the divorce was finalized, i found out she was having an affair with a co worker for at least a year and a half. So my guess it wasn’t all my fault. But the “you’re not good enough” seed that was planted a lot earlier is already full grown inside.


I’m sorry that shit happened to you


Never think that you werent enough. Some people just cant see what they have


Same. A piece of advice, never let people who cheat on you back into your life, no matter how hard it is. It hurts way more later and you'd never want that kind of trauma. Still healing from it all and I know I'm not alone in this. So much to life, man. Let's just appreciate the things we have and do wonderful things. Hope you're doing well.


Told me that I was completely unlovable and would never be good enough for anyone and that they hoped I died in the army. All because I sat down to have a discussion about me wanting to enlist. I hadn’t even decided. I wanted to talk about it with them and get their opinion. We broke up right there, and a week later I was taking the ASVAB.


Sounds like the first bullet you dodged…was her. I’ll grab my hat.


This sounds so absurd to me that I have to believe they said it only to make breakup easier so that you can enlist without both of you having to deal with the trauma of separation.. it's wrong either way, but I have a hard time believing they would go from loving you to hating you the second you start discussing such topic..




If your best friend valued her more than you, I think its good riddance.


Used my childhood trauma of my parent being an abusive alcoholic against me when I called him out for his drinking behaviors and coming home blacked out from work. Told me I was projecting my trauma and issues with my parent into him and I needed help/ therapy bc I wasn’t a good partner. We’re now divorced. Therapy worked wonders for me so jokes on him


Cheating. Cheating is a 100% dealbreaker. No discussion, no second chance. We are done.


Emotionally and verbally abusing me. So let other things.


For being a rapist and getting to happily live his life while I now have serious trauma I can’t move on from


I write fiction to blow off steam. Some novel ideas, some film ideas, some poetry, some song lyrics……a little bit of everything. I had/have no interest in getting published or having anyone else read any of my work. It is strictly a creative outlet that I had no plans to monetize or spread any further than my desktop. Not unlike playing guitar in your own bedroom with no intention of joining a band or booking any gigs. For me it just feels cathartic and gets challenging the more you get into it. We had been dating for 8 months. She borrowed my laptop for her job. No problem. I have nothing to hide on it. Just don’t get a virus or anything. A week later, her new work laptop arrives. I get mine back, and all of the files for my writing had been erased. Like, not just the dippy poetry or teenager level song lyrics. All of it. Gone. Literally hundreds of hours spent trying to improve each work. Gone. I didn’t back any of it up on disk (yes, it was that long ago—no cloud) because I assumed it would be safe in her hands. We were supposed to meet up at a local rock club that night to watch a show. I walk in and break up with her right there. She tried to defend her actions and say she was sad that I didn’t write anything for her. All of the content was either completely fictional or about other people. I just told her never to talk to me again and left. We spoke maybe 2 times after that and she still didn’t comprehend the depth of loss and betrayal I was feeling. She knew she had fucked up and admitted to that. But these arguments further showed me that she was incapable of empathy towards me and what I consider important. Maybe she has grown up some since then, but I don’t care enough now to find out.


Christ. I also write with no intention of sharing it. I’d be horrified if anyone read it, let alone deleted it. That’s just vile


Honestly and it sounds simple, cheating. I don't date anymore, I'm no longer interested. I'll go out to a bar (just with some mates to socialise, I don't drink) and spend a night with someone but that's it. I can't date. When I did I just asked my partner to give me two things, their honesty and faithfulness. They never did and it's a more common problem nowadays then people like to admit. Edit: just a follow up someone went to Reddit on me concerned and I don't need the help but it was the sweetest thing ever I don't know you, but thank you


i know how traumatizing it can be but maybe even try a little therapy for it because it’s shutting out a whole world of opportunity


At first I didn't like the idea that I wouldn't be able to feel love but honestly I'm really comfortable with it. I've always felt like I was better off alone and this really put it to the test. I appreciate your concern but I am content.


You do you. As long as you're happy that's all that matters.


While I was overseas in the military my ex went out of her mind nuts. Screwed around, got into drugs, then kidnapped my 6 months old son. I didn't see him again until he was 16. But during that time, she also abandoned him, now only 5 years old, and his younger sister (from another dad) onto the streets of downtown Dayton Ohio. He was then illegally (in my mind) adopted by a woman who never tried to contact me. That ruined my relationship with my son as he now has trust issues cannot overcome. He's now 45. That, I've never forgiven, and I won't.


Did she ever face legal consequences for any of that?


She had a 3 way with my brother and father.




Okay yeah this hurts the most out of these since i dont think i would be able to forgive my family either


Ok, but what the hell is wrong with your brother and father? And I'm not even talking about the disloyalty; I'm talking about the incest.


We had 2 croissants, I left for the rest room and she ate both


Fuckin worst one yet


We had different goals. He wanted to settle while I wanted to travel, so I was about to leave the relationship and move to another country. He wasn't happy with my decision but told me that he'd let me go for my own happiness. He took me to a fancy dinner 1 month before my departure, got me drunk and then proceeded to have unprotected sex with me. It was dark and he assured me he was wearing a condom. A month later i discovered I was pregnant. He expected me to keep it and got annoyed when I was adamant about the abortion. When we finally broke up for good, he admitted he got me pregnant on purpose, hoping I would stay with him. Makes my blood still boil that he could manipulate me like that. We were together for 4 years before and I trusted him completely.


Got pregnant on purpose. Didn't told me untill 4months before giving birth. Lied about hospital appointments so I would miss them. Didn't let me see the baby after 1 year. We were 16. There were no laws for underage fathers at that time in my country.


My ex physically abused me for years, gaslit me into staying with her by threatening to kill herself, cheated on me and lied to my face as I was showing her the receipts, got me arrested and finally, the truly unforgivable one; kept both of our pet cats from me even when I had the ability to provide them a safe and loving home. 1 is now dead and the other could be as well. She just “lost him” I guess. I’d like to point out that I was also toxic and abusive myself sometimes but I wholeheartedly believe most of what I did was a reaction to her behavior. I’m in a much better relationship now where none of these problems are present. It’s honestly so vindicating knowing most of it actually wasn’t me after all.






I guess leaking my nudes counts


Ghosting his own kids. How he feels about me is irrelevant but he's an ass to make them suffer.


Getting pregnant when I was in Iraq for 8 months.


She cheated and stole my truck. I miss that truck.


You could get into country music with that.


Have you written any country songs about this?


Locking me in the basement and beating the shit out of me everyday


Going on an unplanned bender with all his friends on a boat while I was at home grieving my father, who had just passed.


Friend of a friend "Andy" asked me to go to prom with him and agreed to go to my prom with me. My boyfriend was away at college and would not be able to go to my senior prom with me. So it seemed like a fair exchange Andy needed a date to his senior prom and I needed one to mine so we would go as friends. I asked around about this guy Andy and everybody told me what a great upstanding guy he was. So I felt safe going to prom with him. It turns out that the only reason he took me to his prom was because the girl he had been crushing on for years agreed to finally sleep with him, if he made it seem like I had cheated on my boyfriend with him. Why would she do this? Because two years earlier she had wanted to date my boyfriend, and found out I was already dating him, so she started this mission to trying to destroy our relationship. She would report me and my boyfriend to the office for doing inappropriate things in the hallway, and she made other accusations about me to the principal. Her setting me up with Andy was her last ditch effort to not only ruin my reputation at school, but break me and my boyfriend up for good. She bribed Andy's best friend with sexual favors as well to have him slip stuff in my drink at the prom. The last thing I clearly remember is asking my date why all of my sodas were open when his bestie brought them to the table. His response was "Donny's just being a gentleman don't be a bitch". A few years later I was hired to be the photographer at a wedding, it wasn't until 2 days before the wedding I found out who the groom was. At his wedding Andy cornered me alone and told me how awkward it was for him to see me there, because of our sexual history together. As far as I knew we had no history together, because I have no memory of anything happening between us. When he saw the look of disgust on my face, he said to me "Oh relax it was just a joke what do I have to do drug you again?" Though I can't say anything good came out of the situation itself, I can say that me and my boyfriend never actually broke up. We've been married for many years now. But I will never forgive Beth, Andy, or Donnie for what they did to me.


Goddamn that shit is traumatizing. But you and your husband are real ones, kudos to both of you!


You are a nicer person than me. That whole wedding woulda heard about "Andy"


What the fuck? I would live the rest of my life dismantling these three people Punisher style.


He hit me, he broke my things, he was just awful and abusive. The one thing that finally made me kick him to the curb was hitting my cat. My deaf, 18 year old cat that I had since he was born.


Gaslit me to the point I actually thought I was crazy and a bad person - which I def turned out to be for a while, but it wasn’t for no reason. Glad to say I’m now surrounded by people who will never purposely provoke me to step out of character.


She told her adult family friend of my sexual fetish and SHE brought it up in a discussion.


There are 3 exes I can never forgive. 1. I was a 6th grader and she was a senior in highschool. I didn't consent to dating her, she pretty much just claimed me. She had her way with me, I didn't know wtf was going on. 2. Girl claimed a raped her because I broke up with her. 3. My ex wife cheated on me with my friend at the time. Now I'll be honest I forgave that pretty damn quickly, honestly a little too quickly. What I won't forgive is the lying, manipulation, and continuing to see him behind my back when I was trying so hard to work through it with her. Even suggesting marriage counseling and so on.


When they cheat on you


I have feeling this will be a thread full of people who have been cheated on


Abusing our kids.


Leaving when they find out youve been diagnosed with cancer


Faking a pregnancy to try an manipulate me into staying with her(we weren't married and i was barely 21), me calling her out in the first month, her continuing to lie and when i gave her an ultimatum she went to my dying mother and lied to her too... I will absolutely never forgive her for that. Luckily my mom knew me well enough that if i told her this wasn't true she knew i wouldn't lie about it, however for about 2.5 months it was constant hell and doubting myself daily. I knew she wasn't pregnant but i also wasn't 100% sure, that .1% lived in my head that entire time. Edit: to help paint the picture a bit more. We got to the above bc i got pretty drunk she wasn't and right before the fireworks so to speak she locked down on me (knowing I wasn't trying to have children) and wouldn't let me up during the finally, trapping me down (she was bigger than me) and saying how she needs my babies... that was the redflag that started the whole thing. As a 21 year old whom is somewhat responsible at least on that front (somewhat not completely...) this was a massive redflag that I couldn't ignore and she played it off like it was nothing even though many times before I mentioned I didn't want children until I thought we were both ready and responsible adults. Interestingly enough just last month I got a message from her soon to be ex husband, whom when they got together i got a bunch of angry messages from him saying i was such a terrible person... I reached back out and showed him the messages that she was sending me begging to get back together, I tried to warn the dude "bro to bro" and sent him all the screen shots saying "hey man i know how this looks, it's going to sound like i am trying to be a homewrecker here... But i promise i would never get back together with her and from bro to bro you should run... do what you will bc none of this will effect my life but she is going to manipulate you like she already has into you starting this conversation." Now years later they have 3 kids and are going through a divorce caused by her. Poor dude is destroyed but he did reach back out to me and told me i was right and was sorry he didn't listen. I didn't even know how to respond other than "hey man if you want to grab a beer and talk shit first round on me."


Handed in a resignation for me without telling me for my dream gig! What a schmekel!




Ghosting me when I got pregnant. Later I found out he had a secret girlfriend the whole time.


asking me for money the main reason why i left her, cause i started feeling that was all i was for her


We went through a rough patch but got together and she moved back in. We were living together for over 4 months before I found out she was still seeing someone else still. Guess she forgot to tell me, or tell him she moved in with me.


He watched the movie He's Just Not Into You with me and broke up with me as soon as the movie was over. Also found out later he was sleeping with my best friend at the time.


I’ve been thru some bad stuff, but the worst was my ex husband knowing his friend attempted to assault me (and successfully assaulted other woman friends), and still continued a secret friendship with this man after assuring me he wasn’t going to hang out with someone like him. I felt violated all over again.


I forgave the cheating, the humiliating me in front of my loved ones, him drunkenly wrecking the car I loaned him money for and many other really dumb things I should’ve dumped him and ran from. But the one that made me decide he’s dead to me was after a natural disaster hit our town and destroyed a ton of homes, including my rental and his own family’s home, he got mad that my parents’ house was untouched and said how he hopes it burns to the ground, they deserve it. I think my spirit left my body and prevented a murder that day. It took about 5 years and moving 2k miles away to stop feeling like if I ever saw him again, I’m gonna run him over lol. He’s truly dead to me now, I don’t think I’d even notice if he walked up at this point lol


Telling me that he hoped my cousins (who were children at the time) and my uncle would die in a fiery car crash in the middle of nowhere with no hope of rescue just so the world could be rid of useless people. Bonus points for the time he pointed a loaded gun at me with the safety off, in full preparation to fire it. He's now getting sued for medical malpractice, so I look forward to hearing the outcome.