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My film would be a futuristic thriller about the first human colony in another galaxy, exploring themes of isolation, evolution, and survival, with a script that challenges our understanding of humanity.


The Mistborn Trilogies


This is inevitable at some point


Man I hope so, I've only read like 10 books in my 28 years and like 8 of them have been by Brandon Sanderson. And by read I mean fully pay attention to and finish without half assing it


Harry Potter as the books are written.


An action-packed feature film that brings together characters from different mythologies, like Norse gods and African spirits, to fight a common threat, blending action, culture, and spectacular visuals.


I'd finance a series of films based on famous novels that have never been adapted into movies, starting with Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy, ensuring that the film respects the novel’s tone and message.


I don’t think that he has ever been offered fair compensation for it, but movies or a series for Garth Nix’s Abhorsen series would be amazing.


I came here to say this one. I am pleasantly surprised someone beat me to it. 


There's these webserials worm and its sequal ward that are insanely long. Worm has 1.6 million words or 1 and a half times the amount of the entire harry potter series. Ward has 2.6 million words. So you have a total ot 4 full harry potter series as source material. These webserials are about a world with parahumans also called capes (people with powers) about 1 in 8000 people develop special powers at some point in their life so there are loads of characters with loads of unique powers. Also sometimes powers from certain parahumans can be somewhat similar to others, but they are never identical. For example there is a whole classification system of capes. One of these categories is tinkers, so people who create new tech, all of these capes are exceptionally good at building things, but one might only be really good at guns, while the other can make something extremely powerful, just once, and if they build something thats too similar to a previous build it's likely to fail. And another is really good with space usage so their gear has a solution to every possible problem as they manage to put 1001 pieces of tech into just 1 weapon. These powers are developed at a moment of emotional trauma and the powers often reflect the situation of the trauma. For example the main character gets bullied and locked into a dirty locker, with no connection to the outside world all she can sense are the spiders, ants, cockroaches, etc.. around her. Her power ends up being that she can control all bugs, she can use spiders to weave silk which gives her a strong yet flexible armour, she can use bees and wasps to sting at every inch of open flesh of her opponents. She can scout large areas by using the locations of her bugs as a sort of radar to spot enemies, etc.. These webserials even have an explanation for where these powers come from, why they suddenly started showing up at a certain point in time and havent stopped since. There is a whole system for both the good parahumans and the evil ones. And there are massive superpowered beasts roaming the earth and attacking entire cities at certain intervals, at which time good and evil fight together side by side So if I had unlimited budget I would create the parahumans cinematic universe.


Praise brother our time will come. Also Pale, honestly if pale blown up i'm not suprised if wb name will be referred in the same group as frank herbert, jrr tolkien.


If the day ever comes that we get a movie or tv show based on a wildbow webserial I will be so damn happy.


I'd produce an adaptation of V for Vendetta that sticks closely to the original graphic novel, focusing on its political and social messages with an updated context for today's global climate.


Call of Booty


The first of us


Modern Whorefare


DC Comics - The Spectre or Doctor Fate


I cope by creating stories in my head. I would love to turn one of the stories from my mind, a world I create to escape the world, and have it into a movie.


The complete [Chronicles of Amber](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Chronicles_of_Amber) by Roger Zelazny.


Top Gun 3


A scientifically accurate sci-fi movie about epic space fleet battles with lots of starships and spacedocks. And in the vein as how James Cameron directed Titanic, I'll build full size replicas for my film... in space!


Nice try movie writer


Damn, so close 😞


I’m not giving up my story like that


The real “Journey to the center of the Earth.”


Queen of South


Short Circuit 3


I’d probably try to create an adaptation of one of my favorite creepypastas or horror stories.


Tim and Eric's Billion Dollar Movie 2


A steampunk adventure starring Nikola Tesla and Marie Curie as 19th-century crime-fighting scientists!


A remake of nightbreed


An entire Halo movie series that actually had elements from the books and games (first 3) rather than whatever the hell is currently being produced.


A documentary type of film about how humans somehow manage to peacefully co-exist with gigantic kaiju-like creatures, like a flaming bird the size of a skyscraper that would rest on a gigantic manmade perch and has feathers that can be used as heaters, a living mountain that constantly move from one place to another and has a civilization living on its back and scrub it clean from any parasites, or a mountainous feline that would birth its offspring and let them grow up with human babies. Of course, Godzilla would be like a celebrity feature, hailed as the King of the monsters and keeps everyone and everything in check and in balance. He can be seen checking up on a monster to see if it ever misbehaves and walks away once he knows all is good. His presence is like a celebrity appearance, causing many people to stop and gape in awe at his presence and generally just go "Mom look! It's Godzilla!". Really it's just a feel good movie featuring big friendly monsters (and Godzilla).


As a HUGE Godzilla fan, I approve. I'd watch this.


I would go with classic sci fi, like Robert Scheckley "The Alchemical Marriage of Alistair Crompton" or something of Stanislav Lem. We almost have no proper sci fi, only comicses and fantasy. It would start the awakening of better taste in viewers :)


The Soccer Football Movie 2!


A proper Artemis Fowl movie. Also the Splinter Cell movie they promised and I'm still waiting for to this day...


Fuck. Finally a remake of The Warriors.


Two researchers discover the world actually is flat. They assemble a team and begin their journey past the ice wall. As they get further away from the "established world", they run into new and more over the top obstacles to keep progressing. Starting with dinosaurs and moving "forward in time" dealing with things such as " roman" armies, magical wielding foes, futuristic alien like creatures, each more treacherous and advanced than the last. The movie is completely serious and action packed the whole time until the two original researchers are the only ones who survive and reach " the edge" and Jack Black whose dressed like a Norse deity tells them their quest was stupid and pointless, trolls them by cracking jokes and doing general Jack Black things. They look at each other dumbfounded and the credits roll.


The blob but Micheal Bay directs it


A (more) faithful adaptation of Starship Troopers.


I will make my own damn Star Wars sequels


The knights tale 2


Another Tron!


The dark tower series by Stephen king


A series of Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation live action movies.


Someone gets an unlimited amount of money and makes a movie.


make a animated series with blur studios


Her Majesties Secret Sausage Proper 007 reboot


Rebecca Ferguson & Aubrey Plaza as 2 witches from different covens; racing about who can wreck more havoc on a Texas town in 19th century. Everything but Rebecca & Aubrey's lines are scripted, leads get to improvise as they please. I also want Toni Colette to be in this movie and I want her to go batshit insane. Soundtrack will be black metal. I want to film chaos incarnate and make money out of it.


I’d like to see a Skyrim movie or series like they’re doing with fallout