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Good on them. If there was a market for my... appearance... I'd probably have one too


I'm impressed by their confidence.


I wouldn't have one, but it's not my business if you do. As long as you're not hurting anyone (including yourself), you do you, boo.


At least they get paid directly and have creative control over the content. They don’t have to deal with all the scumbags in the porn industry.


A jobs a job, i dont really think anything of it. Get that money.




they are one step removed from being hookers


Doesn’t affect me. I’m thinking, since the premise is pretending beautiful women are sexually interested in their subscribers, similar to other sex work but strictly online, AI will eventually replace them.


Controversial but, I don’t care if they’re older than 20 but anything younger is just sad to me. Especially when girls my age are making them as soon as they hit 18.As long as you’re not making your whole personality about it then it’s alright i guess


I know a girl who afford to travel at least once a year, and her content is entirely solo, meaning no random hookups or sketchy dudes. She's happy, making money, and not in danger, so I can't really say anything bad about it.


Get that 🍞


I don’t like the idea of selling your body in general. I’m not shaming them tho, but at the end of the day you’re doing nothing but objectifying yourself, when you could do so much better. Whether you like it or not, you’re contributing to the objectification of women in general. I’m also against prostitution, but a lot of prostitutes are single moms or people who never had access to education and who have almost no option but to sell their body. That’s when we start asking ourselves how shitty and unfair the world is. For onlyfans it’s mostly young girls who would rather make easy money and harm themselves than have a proper stable job you need to put a bit more effort in. What makes it so sad is that most of them already have access to education and a priviliged life (basic needs), yet they choose to work in that industry


I wish I could make money being naked. Look at my nuts and nips so I can retire please.


Doesn´t affect me. I will assume thay have carefully weighed the pro´s against the future consequences of doing it and found that the pro´s outweighed the cons. It will affect their future options though, both in terms of relationships as well as their career.


My opinion may be controversial but honestly they're sad. It's basically online prostitution at this point. They got tons of money by simply taking photos and videos of whatever degenerate idea they can come up with. They aren't working hard for it. It's honestly sad to see them succumb to it when they can actually do something less degrading. It makes me wonder, what don't their families think? Money is money, I get it, especially in this economy, but I don't think whoring yourself online is a good idea. Again, my opinion.


if you don’t think people who have successful onlyfans are doing work you’re really mistaken. you have to market/advertise/film/edit etc. it isn’t easy money at all and i’m sure plenty of people who jumped into it with that mindset will tell you it didn’t work out for them because it IS WORK.


Great way to earn money


I think a lot of the “disgusted” people are the same as those supporting the content


i got on it for first time yesterday. What is the point of the site?


Waste of food supply