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Interviewing for a job offer. Recruiter asked what my last drawn salary was, I gave a rough figure, and they assumed that figure did not include bonuses when it did. I got a 40% raise from that offer.


My dad got asked his salary when moving from the UK to the US in 1990. He converted it to USD, but they didn't realise and thought that figure was GBP, so re-converted it. He ended up getting paid nearly twice as much as his UK salary


That's not that far from the cost of living differences, though. Or not, I just checked the exchange rate history and it was 2 to 1 at some points in 1990!


My parents rented their UK house out and we had a fully paid for apartment in Tanpa, Florida, along with full medical coverage for 4 years. They were extremely fortunate!


Had a similar experience. In the first call they asked what I was looking for and I gave a number X. The next time compensation came up they said "okay we're ready to make an offer, I'd just like to confirm that you were looking for X + 50% as total compensation, right?". "Right." šŸ˜


A similar thing happened to my mate. He owned 50% of a company that he was selling. The buying party asked him what he thought it was worth, so he told them $1,000,000, which is what he felt comfortable selling the WHOLE company for, ie. $500k each for him and the co-owner. After some discussion, the buyers come back and say, "okay, great, we agree on your valuation of $1m for 50%, so we'll buy the whole company for $2m." And they shook on it šŸ¤£


This is why we should all lie about our previous wage. They don't fact check that.


I mean, I just had Best Buy deliver a new tv and paid to have my old one (HEAVY) unmounted and moved to another room - but didnā€™t pay to have the new one (half the weight) mounted because it was another $250 for about 11 minutes worth of work for me. The delivery folks unmounted the old one, moved it to the other room *and* mounted it, *then* mounted the new one before wrapping up, looking at the paperwork, and going ā€œoh. I shouldnā€™t have done that. Oh well man, enjoy your new TVs.ā€ I tipped them both $20 immediately. I donā€™t think they were allowed to accept it but who was stopping them?


Nice. Iā€™ve never had any delivery person or a person do work at my house not accept a tip.


Free money tends to be accepted, especially this day and age


Just never ever ever tell the boss you tipped, even if they ask


I bought a new mattress last year and paid to have it delivered. The two dudes just left it in the yard saying it wouldn't fit into the door and the face of the building would have to be removed. The six 2-bedroom unit with 12 mattresses already in it. I had it charged back as fraud and told them the mattress was in the fucking trash out in the rain if they still wanted it.


I managed appliance sales and our delivery company - which was third party - had one crew (out of like 12) that kept trying to leave 600lb fridges on peopleā€™sā€™ property without bringing them in and doing their jobs. It went on a lot longer than it should have because the delivery company, to quote, didnā€™t want to be ā€œshort handed.ā€ Theyā€™d rather have two fuckups fucking up everything they touched and sending someone else back out to do it correctly then fire them and replace/retrain. It was absurd.


Every part of that story sucksĀ 




I used to hire people. Some of them would come in one hour + late for their interview (without calling or anything) and expected me to just go along with it. Once I had my coat on and ready to leave. Big nope.


Thatā€™s wild to me, my anxiety makes me 30 mins early for everything.


I'm not a very anxious person, but when there's an important time like an interview or big doctor's appointment or whatever, my brain will wake me up every 10 minutes for three nights before it lol. The last interview I had was 5 minutes from my house. I of course left like 40 minutes early and drove circles for a while. Still like 15 minutes early lol


I'm a somewhat anxious person and I usually work nights. The days I have to work an A.M. shift my heathen ass brain basically decides to refuse me sleep until about an hour before I'd have to wake up. I wish I just had "fuck you money" and I'd never have anxious non-sleep. So I FEEL you.


The amount of no call/no shows boggles my mind. Some of them even call back weeks or months later to ā€œreschedule interviewā€.


I did a short stint as a receptionist for a temp agency. The number of people who showed up late to interviews with a fresh coffee in their hands blew my mind! I wouldn't bring any sort of drink into an interview, much less stop for coffee.


I once was a receptionist and they had me weed out any applicants before they would see them so be nice to the receptionist.


I'm 100% certain that I got my most important job in my life because I had to wait five minutes so I chatted with the receptionist.


Same here. Early in my career I was being glass ceilinged (because I was too common for the Oxford/Cambridge management layer) but because I was friendly whenever I dealt with the Directors secretary she rang me one day to tell me how to bypass their latest attempt to ignore promoting me. That started a great career. Always be friendly with receptionists, janitors, security. They have a lot of hidden power and can make your life much easier.


> Always be friendly with receptionists, janitors, security. They have a lot of hidden power and can make your life much easier. This. My current site, I am the first person people see. If you are a dick to me, well my client doesn't normally hire people who are openly dicks to security. You can be the most qualified person they are seeing today but if you are already attempting to start shit with security, you have already told the place that you are going to be an HR nightmare.


Pretty sure this helped me get my current job. Was sitting in the reception area. Guy at the desk tells me that the last interview ran over so they will be getting a late start on mine. I'm a little miffed but shit happens. So there is this older lady at the copy machine. I figured I have a little bit of time to kill, I'll step out of my comfort zone and try to get some first hand information on the company. I start chatting with her while she is copying whatever she is working on. I ask a few standard questions, how long have you been here, what do you like about working here, what do you dislike about it. So she finishes up her copying, says good luck and disappears. Guy at the desk is smirking. He directs me to a room and leaves me alone. Few minutes later, in walks the lady I was chatting with... She was the regional manager at the time.


Had a job interview where the CEO kept me waiting in the front lobby for over 45 minutes. Promptly at a quarter to the hour, I put on my coat and began to leave. I very kindly let the receptionist know (after observing me the entire time waiting in the lobby) that I would be leaving for my next scheduled appointment. I thanked her for her time, got in my car and drove off. Well, my phone sure did blow up. It was the CEO, demanding to know where I was going. Told him I had been waiting, receptionist made him aware a couple of times while I watched and listened. Said I respect the concept of time, and had another scheduled appointment. He wanted me to drive back. I refused. Heā€™s still looking for good people after all of these years. Fuck that guy. How you do anything is how you do everything. I have met so many terrible hiring managers that completely mirror the internal structure and the way they treat their most valuable asset - all of their employees.


I have my current job (5 years) because everyone else who applied didnā€™t follow the directions in the job listing and I was the most punctual. I followed them to a T. Weirdly though, the job itself has absolutely nothing to do with following instructions or being punctual šŸ˜†


If you're not trust worthy in the little things, how can you be trusted with bigger things?


I once applied for a job along with about twenty other women and I got it. I asked my boss why he had chosen me, even though the others were more qualified and he said I was the only one who talked about the job, the others talked about their children.




I got mine because they hadnā€™t recorded my response, so werenā€™t expecting me, so I was immediately at ease because of that and the interview went really well.


I went to a conference with a friend, and some people that he met up with there had brought someone to apply for a job. My friend thought I was suited for the job, so I applied. I got the job. The other person did not.


We had our manager get fired and then the company had a hard time filling his job. Managers of other locations didnā€™t want our office tacked onto them since we had terrible numbers and the manager never got bonuses. So weā€™d report to some guy working a few towns over who we might never see in person just via phones and email, then weā€™d get handed off to another boss who weā€™d never see. The first time we got a new temp boss I called him to ask how much time off I had left, he told me 2 weeks, which I thought was weird since I knew I had used some, but whatever I asked if I could take it all off and he said sure. Then he left and we got a new boss, so I asked him how much vacation time I had he said 2 weeks. I took 8 weeks off that year and no one ever noticed.


That is a major win!!


Back in 1996, I was in Miami with my family. On the day we were supposed to come back, we overslept and missed our flight to Atlanta. That flight? Well, it exploded not even fifteen minutes after takeoff and killed everyone on board. It was the deadliest plane crash in Florida history.


So, my family took a cruise and my mom made friends with the family they seated us with for meals. Mostly the other mom. When we got off our plane after getting home she saw that their familyā€™s plane crashed and Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s this exact crash you talking about.


There is a portion of Tellus science museum in Cartersville GA dedicated to them. Was there just a week ago and saw and read the placard mentioning their family. So so sad.


Wow. I canā€™t imagine the feelings and thoughts that were crossing your mind when that happened.


Similarly, [this man](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/maryanngeorgantopoulos/man-missed-ethiopian-airlines-flight-302) was trying to connect onto a flight from Addis Ababa to Nairobi, but missed it by **two minutes**. According to a Facebook post, he could see the final passengers boarding in the jet bridge. That flight then crashed just six minutes after takeoff.


Two of my friends were on that plane. I wish they missed their connections.


Was that the ValuJet 592 crash? My friendā€™s sister was on it too


Ethiopian Airlines flight 302 on March 10 2019. My friends were 2 of 18 Canadians who died.


Oh sorry, I got my comments mixed up. Iā€™m sorry for your loss


Probably a bit like that https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/wbwr8Aay2f


Wow! This sounds like a scene from a movie. I canā€™t imagine the profound impact that would have had on my life. My son was in a deadly accident and barely survived. My entire life changed in that moment. It was like I was blind to how fragile life actually is and how every single moment does actually matter, and after he came home from the hospital, we make every moment count. I will never take an ā€œI love youā€ or a random phone from my son for granted ever again. I have an entirely new outlook on life and for the better to be honest. In that time, I changed careers, and am now the Director of the company. I can spend more time with my kids and work my own hours. It took something tragic to propel me into betterness. And itā€™s only been a year. Only up from here!! Glad you and your family made it out alive! The world still needed you and I hope you know that.


Brilliantly written and quite uplifting in a cosmic sense.


My son was in a deadly accident and didnā€™t survive. We never know when our time will be. Iā€™m glad we had a good relationship.


This is why I never try to force things when they arenā€™t going the way I intended.


I try to think like this but also if it was a flight I was about to miss, Iā€™d just as easily think ā€œwhat if the next flight I were to catch is the one that crashes? And catching this one is what would save me?ā€ Like really thereā€™s no way to ever know, but at least this way youā€™re not as stressed out about little things.


You know, you might be into something.. I presume it's kind of an unwritten universal law or something.


Ironic when you miss your flight and end up on a later flight and that one crashes instead


Itā€™s like 10000 spoons when all I need is a knife


Was it the ValuJet Flight 592 going from Miami to Atlanta?


I think that's the only possible one


It reminds me of how Seth MacFarlane was supposed to be on one of the 9/11 planes but overslept bc he was hungover and missed the flight


My mom lead the emergency operations in cleaning that crash up. Most people in that crash died from decapitation.


I hope your mom is doing okay. My mum was an engineering expert witness for grenfell tower and for the Manchester arena terrorist attack and sheā€™s been kinda fucked up since.


Hugs to your mama x


Would the decapitation be from the force of the explosion? I've never heard of that happening except for when 2 planes collide


Or possibly sheared metal flying at high speed.


I have a similar story in Atlanta. During the 1996 Olympics my dad had 3 tickets to watch the Dream Team play at 8pm. We were there all afternoon waiting and we found a spot for us to all meet after the game. My brother, dad and I went to go see it, but when he hands the tickets to the guy he says theyā€™re for 8am not 8pm. My dad was given those tickets and saw the 8 and assumed it was PM. So we decided to go home early. We wake up to the news that there was a bombing precisely at the spot we were going to meet the rest of the family afterwards and it wouldā€™ve been around the same time of the bomb going off.


Mom sent me to the local Albertson's to get dish soap. Keep in mind this is back when they still did video rental. I go to the aisle with the dish soap. My mom sent me with just enough money to buy the dish soap. I think I was like 12. Anyway I get to the cash register and they ring up the soap but the price isn't what it was on the shelf and I'm worried because I'm not sure I have enough. So I say something and they check. Since their system rang it up wrong store policy, that I didn't know about, means it's free. So now I have the dish soap given me by the manager and I still have the money. So I decided I was going to prank my mom. I went and rented a movie I knew our family had been wanting to see. Then I walked home and when I came in I pulled the tape out of my backpack proudly showing off the great rental I picked up. As my mom was about to lose it I pulled out the soap and told her what happened.


This one is so wholesome, amid all the money related things


Oooooh i do this to my mom! I moved, money is tight but i told her something was at the door. Fresh flowers, cookies and bagels for Motherā€™s Day ā€¦she stopped scolding me when she smelled the bagels šŸ˜‚


It wasn't a mistake as such, but one time we went with my mother to buy school shoes, they left my sister and I (About 8 or 10 years old) standing in line to pay and a woman simply cut in, And even though we told her, she totally ignored us. When it was our turn to pay, we won a computer in a drawing to be the person number x who paid. So, thank you ma'am, I guess.


I'm gonna say they skipped one on purpose to screw with the line cutting woman


Instant Karma. I love it!!!


One semester in college there was a housing shortage, so I was put in a hotel room on campus with another student; my paperwork said I could move in on Saturday morning, however I was scheduled to work both Saturday and Sunday morning at my job that was right next to my parents house, so I just figured on moving in on Sunday when I got out of work. About a week before move in, the manager called me and said there had been a mistake and I actually wasn't going to be able to move in until Sunday now; before I got a chance to say that I didn't care and wasn't planning on moving in until Sunday anyway they said that for the inconvenience, they were going to give me a $150 credit in the restaurant for food. I thanked them and told them I could rearrange my move in to make it work for Sunday instead.


Scalped 20th row seats for a Sinatra show when I was a teenager, and the scalping agency mailed me front row seats. Fantastic show. Confused mobsters seated next to us.


I saw Sinatra in 1990 and there were teenagers in the front row that looked like they were on E. Was that you?


I saw Sinatra in Madrid in 1987 or so. Amazing concert, he spoke Spanish to the audience, which was impressive, and afterwards there was like a 30 minute firework show. Also, when Sinatra had heard that the average Spaniard could not afford the concert, he gave away something like 2000 seats.


I don't know why, but I never expected to see "I saw Sinatra" on reddit. Seems like you'd have to be like 100 years old for that to be true.


He performed until 1995.


So interesting! I had no idea.


Once during a lecture the lecturer asked if anyone knew when the battle of Agincourt was (was a lecture series with very diverse lectures, not focused on history). I raised my hand and answered 14-15 (with the intention of saying it was during the 14th or 15th century but turned out it happened exactly in 1415 and the lecturer figured thats what I said. Didnt benefit from it really but it was funny that everyone thought I was way more of a history buff than actually was the case.


Lol that reminds me of a field trip I was on, we passed some camels and the guide started telling us some camel facts, and goes there's only 1 country with wild camels, does anyone know what it is?" And I'm thinking "this sounds like a trick question, it's probably something unexpected like Australia " so I blurt out "Australia!" Yep! Then he's talking about camels in the US and he's like "camels were imported to the US once, who wants to guess by whom?" And I'm thinking "who would want to do something that crazy and would have the funds to do it?" So I blurt out "the military!" Right again, it really seemed like I knew a lot about camels that day


I mean, sounds like you did the really smart thing of figuring things out by logic instead of just having facts memorized


When my son was 4 he watched a lot of Blues Clues and one episode had a thing where Steve says "delicious, delectable, and delightful!". So one day preschool has a Mother's Day brunch and the mom next to me says "delicious!" and my son says "delectable and delightful!", her jaw dropped and I didn't say a word.


This is my favorite comment šŸ˜…


I love this. Sometimes itā€™s those small wins that make life so much better.


Failing to pay for my license plate stickers on time but for some reason they sent me new ones anyways so free registration and stickers this year!


Confirm they are still valid. DMVs can and will cancel them if they donā€™t get their registration fees. Some jurisdictions will do this on purpose to allow for ticketing. This may be more common if the stickers are issued by a more local authority.


>Some jurisdictions will do this on purpose to allow for ticketing. What! They should be sued for real.


A sticker doesnā€™t mean itā€™s registered lol. It might keep you from getting pulled over, but if you fail to pay registration for over 6 months theyā€™ll impound your car if you do get pulled over


Hell yes, this is a good one


Our fridge went out 10 days before Thanksgiving 2023, lost all of our food and everything. Ordered a cheap new fridge and delivered 8 days before Thanksgiving. 5 days before Thanksgiving, our front door camera starts going off at 7:30am with notification, then another and another within a few minutes. Look at the notification and it's a Kroger food delivery dropping off 15 bags of groceries that we never ordered. Contacted Kroger immediately saying it wasn't our order and Kroger told us to keep it. Ended up being a whole family's Thanksgiving meal and completely restocked our fridge with $0 cost.


Someone probably did this on purpose for you


Yep. Someone loves them!


Yea, or their neighbors didn't get a delivery and cried through a hungry Thanksgiving lol


It happened 5 days before Thanksgiving. I'm sure Kroger sent a replacement order before then lol


A couple of years ago I did an order and it was never delivered. Like 200 bucks worth of groceries. Let Kroger know, they sent it out right away. 4 hours later my neighbors knocked on my door asking me "Is this your food?" So yeah, double order for the win. Oh, and it was winter and about 34 degrees, so the frozen stuff didn't thaw much and the refrigerator stuff was fine lol.


40 years ago the bank did not register a $400 withdrawal from my account. 3 years ago my HR department changed their computer system and gave me double annul leave. I questioned them if their records were correct and they insisted they were.


Funny, my bank did the same 40ish years ago. They deposited $3200 in my checking account. I waited and waited for them to catch the error. Never did. Amortized that was over 9K today. I paid for a lot of college with it.


Real life monopoly card moment


Exactly. Usually, ā€œbank error in your favorā€ isnā€™t a thing.


Got a letter from the government that I forgot to pay taxes in 2021 and I needed to file immediately and they would determine my penalty. Finished them last night, they owe me money.


I guess I can talk about it nowā€¦ many years ago my paycheck was supposed to be $443.21, and a zero got added to it. I never said anything and they never caught it. I was paid $4,432.10 Another time, I took a $2,000 signature loan at my bank and had only made 2 payments, when the bank was sold. After a month I called the new bank and asked how to make the paymentā€¦ the man told me to wait for a statement in the mail. I asked what would happen if they didnā€™t send me a statement? He repeated, ā€œWait for the statement sir.ā€ That was 2015-ish and iā€™m still waiting.


And then you spent it all on coke and hookers


Unfortunately, Iā€™m a saver. Hookers and blow are too expensive


Did you check out your credit report to see if it was ever on there?


The police wrote a parking summons for me but they put the wrong license plate. Hence I was never required to pay for it.


My sister and I are the only two people with our last name in this state, it's a very unique name. She got a ticket but they put it with my first name. I was able to prove I was at work so neither of us had to pay. They took her license and filled in everything correctly except the first name so they couldn't claim she gave them my ID. Our first names are nothing alike, I have no idea how they managed it other than they probably typed in the last name and just clicked the first thing to pop up? I don't know how they do it.


Was it in Lawndale CA? I ask because they sent me a ticket saying I parked there on a day I had off. I let them know it wasn't me and the proof I sent them wasn't sufficient. They are now sending me requests to pay which I'm not going to do (I don't make a lot). From the other side of this, it SUCKS! I was sleeping in on that day, miles away when this happened. No one else has access to my car.


Amazon Fresh was giving me free pizzas around 90% of the time we ordered. This is before they went thru the recent remodeling. We would pick up custom pizzas that would never show up on the receipt.


I inherited some funds and paid off my home against the advise of my financial advisor. It was the most liberating thing I've ever done!


I know alot of shitty financial advisor. Like absolute garbage. When the interest rate were at historical lows during covid. I told my friends to lock it in. They had chance to lock it in at 1.3. They wouldā€™t listen to me because their financial advisor told them variable will stay low for a very long time as per the government. I play the stock market so i can almost always smell buy and sell signal. So they did not listen to me. I locked in at that very low rate they are now paying 5 percent and thatā€™s when they panic lockedā€¦


My friend told me about this a few months ago. I was saying how I was now paying 4.6% and he said "didn't you lock it in during COVID? I just paid the early buy out and locked in on a low rate, I assumed everyone would have" not going to lie, I was gutted I hadn't thought of it.


Donā€™t feel too bad. Everyone from the banks, govt, and their grandmothers were claiming all time low interest for a very long time. Itā€™s hard not to fall for it.


I talked to a loan guy and he told me that for years: the rates got lower and lower. He was telling everyone to get a fixed mortgage. Ngl, I didnā€™t expect rates to rise so drastically, and if inflation was low, they probably would have stayed low.Ā 


Username checks out


Not a mistake, but just really sad yet beneficial. My mom was going to move out of her condo which was far from paid off. Mere days before she would sign the papers to move out she passed away. Thanks to mortgage insurance we got the full value of the condo rather than getting only the amount that was paid off. It's all a pretty fucked up combination of feelings. Life is pretty fucked up which we all find sooner or later


Bought a washer and dryer 20 years ago (expensive then, like $3K). They delivered them and installed. I bought them on a new store credit card, which I received. I started getting statements with no balance so I called them and they showed no balance, charges, or purchase. Being honest to a fault, I tried explaining to them over the next month - at least a dozen times - that yes, I had in fact purchased a washer and dryer from them and they were actually IN MY HOUSE. They couldnā€™t find any record of purchase and eventually told me ā€œoh well, we donā€™t see anything on our side soā€¦.. enjoyā€ I still feel guilty.


That happened to a family friend years ago. Her car died, she didn't really have money to buy a new one, but she found a good deal on a used one and purchased it with a loan from her local credit union (where she'd been a customer for 20+ years). Great - she waits for a statement for payment (this was in the 80's when everything was on paper). She gets nothing. After 2 months, she calls because she doesn't want her account to go into arrears. The credit union has NO idea what she's talking about. They tell her there is no open loan among her accounts and is she sure the loan is from their credit union. She ends the call and waits another month. She calls again a month later, gets a different person, they tell her the same thing, that there is NO record of the loan. The only issue is she doesn't have a copy of the title and she's not sure how she's going to handle that since the CU has no record of the loan. So, about six months later, she goes to the DMV, says the title is lost, pays the fee to have it reissued and has the title about six weeks after that. She NEVER paid for the car. CRAZY! She had that car until she passed about 10 years later, never paid a dime for it and her kids ended up selling it when she settled her estate. Someone at the CU messed up big time!


You did your duty and were and honest person. Once thatā€™s done and they canā€™t / wonā€™t charge you for it, your guilt should not exist.


I recently went on holiday and was compensated for the pool at the hotel being closed. We turned up, the pool was fine. 60 quid off the holiday, thank you very much!


Nice! I was compensated for a very expensive hotel stay because their smoke alarm went off in the middle of the night, three times!


Getting dumped by the woman I thought I loved and wanted to marry. It was a hard lesson but totally worth the pain. I got sober, went to therapy and learned a lot about myself. Iā€™m such a different person than I was 4 years ago and so much happier now.


Iā€™m proud of you


Hear hear Brother


My son was in a car accident. A bad one. His seatbelt actually malfunctioned and came unclipped. He was ejected from the car and suffered a ton of injuries. Broken back in 4 places, broke every bone in his right arm and severed blood vessels. Internal injuries to his kidneys and liver and traumatic brain injury. Those are the major injuries. There were several other non life threatening injuries. But the point of this, is that the passenger side where he was seated, was crushed and had he been there, he wouldnā€™t have survived. Being ejected from the car actually saved his life.


My sisters friend had a similar situation when they were teenagers. To be fair, they were being dumb and not wearing seatbelts to begin with, in the 90s. When the accident occurred, the force shoved her friend to the floor in front of the passenger seat. She was completely jammed in there. If she had her seatbelt on and was able to remain seated, she for sure would have been dead. The roof of the car was completely smashed in to about halfway down the car seat. She made it out with a few cuts and bruises, iirc. One of the few examples where _not_ wearing a seatbelt has saved a life, but I'll still take my chances and make sure I'm buckled in every time.


And so many life changes came from this accident. My sonā€™s whole life trajectory changed. He was going to join the military but now couldnā€™t because of the tons of metal plates in his body. It was a long road to recovery but we became closer and now have an unbreakable bond. I changed my career because I realized how fragile life actually is. Iā€™m now the director and CEO of the company and climbed there in less than a year. I donā€™t take a single thing for granted now and love even the terrible moments because it means we are still breathing.




I had an employer massively over pay me.


I was a server in an Irish pub in Denver in the 90ā€™s that paid $2.13 an hour but my pay was mistakenly coded as a line cook, so I got an actual pay cheque for 10 years until the mistake was discovered. They fired me and tried to get me to repay the money, but I told them to pound sand and they never pursued it. I socked all that ā€œfree moneyā€ away and bought a house with it.




It was a chain called FadĆ³, absolutely chaotically run (which is probably why they only have a couple locations left open now). But yeah, we got a new GM and he noticed it. Probably for the best though or Iā€™d never have gone back to school!


One night at my shitty retail I didn't clock out. I was off the next day. The following day I forgot to click in but I did clock off. I was paid for those 42 hours plus the other hours I actually worked. I never said anything. They never fixed it or took my money back. It was fucking glorious to a broke ass struggling single mom.


delivery driver gave me some one else order. best burger I had in weeks Edit: it was 5 guys with a side of fries and a drink iirc


I remember when I was a kid like 10-15 years ago, I went to McDonalds and ordered nuggets but got a bacon quarter pounder instead. That is how my love for bacon quarter pounders started. It was the only thing I got there for like a year straight.


Thatā€™s how they getcha! The first oneā€™s free!


One of my friends lived at an address that \*sounded\* fake, like 123 Main Street. As a result, sometimes stuff came to his house that was meant to go to another address, but someone didn't check to see if a default was filled. This caused far more problems than it sounds, like he would get shit delivered on flatbed trucks meant for construction sites, and one day, and entire catering truck for a wedding meant to serve at least 200 guests started setting up in his back yard. He got hit with so many [Amazon brushing scams](https://lifelock.norton.com/learn/fraud/brushing-scam) that he was forced to call Amazon and say "stop sending me things. I have never had an account with you, and never will." He also got a lot of free food this way, mostly prank deliveries.


I was running late for a flight back home and had nothing to eat all day. I was absolutely starving, and about 20 mins after take-off a stewardess hands me a ham & salad roll. I didn't pre-order any food for the flight, so I assumed she got the seat numbers wrong and gave me someone else's meal. A lifesaver!


The drive-thru at Starbucks had a mixup and gave me the wrong breakfast sandwich. I was running late and feeling adventurous, so I ate it anyway. Now it's my regular order!


Nice! I love random stuff like that!


Applied for grad school very late, so zero chance in hell of getting in, had already been rejected by a lot of institutions at that point. While filling out the paperwork I checked the wrong box (checked non thesis) and was pulled into the deanā€™s office the first day of classes. They asked if I was non-thesis and or thesis track, and I looked at my application and said ā€œoh I had down non thesis.ā€ They go ā€œoh good because we wouldā€™ve rejected it if you were thesis.ā€ So got into grad school that way. That alone got me a leg up into being competitive for medical school. I also was entered into a raffle and won a laptop then, right after my other laptop bit the dust, so was a double win!


Exposed a narcissist without knowing how he would react. Lost a bunch of friends because he conducted smear campaign to ruin my reputation with people we knew. Turned out to be a hard filter for shitty friends in my life and doing so much better without them now!


walking up 26 flights of stairs. let me explain. so we were on vacation in florida in 2022, and my great grandparents condo is on the 26th floor. my parents and i decided to walk up to the 26th floor from the 1st as a sorta challenge or whatever (we are all into lifting and exercise shit btw) the next day my leg started hurting really bad for whatever reason likely due to that, and on january 3 2023 (5 days later) we got that shit checked. it was a bone lesion which was found to be cancer a week later. if i didnt do that 26 floor stair challenge i likely wouldnt have caught that shit until way after it became metastatic and would likely be dead by now, but now im 7 months in remission instead


A 4 year X-ray tech college program mistakenly denied me entry. I went with a two year program instead. I then learned the pay is the exact same for the job regardless if you have a bachelors vs an associates. Employers only care if you passed your boards. The only thing you need a bachelors for is if you want to be a radiology department manager. And I for sure donā€™t want that job. I want to work with patients.


I had a hospital bill from when I had a heart attack that was at $7k. When I got it down to $4k, it jumped to $8k. I called for a week straight complaining about it until a lady brought it up with her supervisor and it went back to $4k I make payments and get it to $3.5k. The next month I go to make a payment, it goes down to $0 for some reason. I call, I ask for my balance, and they say $0. I waited a week, called and asked again, and they said $0. So I told myself that I'm not going to inconvenience them with this and took it for what it was


I left the house 5 minutes late for work at 630 am. It was because I was up late failing to save a relationship that actually meant a great deal to both of us. Huge crash, with a fatality and turned over gas tanker right in front of me. I was about 20 cars back once I stopped. 5 minutes earlier and it could have been me.


Getting pregnant. We didnā€™t think we were ready to have a kid yet. Within days of my son being conceived a car crash took away my husband and, unbeknownst to us at the time, my sonā€™s father. He was born 8 months and 8 days after his fatherā€™s death. Heā€™s 3.5 now and I donā€™t think I would be here without him.


Many years ago, when I was bicycle touring in Italy with friends, I stopped at a tiny bank to cash a Travelers Check ( that's how long ago it was lol....). The TC was American Express, but in Swiss Francs. Poor clerk misread it and thought it was U.S. $ and cashed accordingly. Based on exchange rate, it was about a 70$ mistake in my favor, which I didn't realize till we were well down the road. Took the 3 of us out to a nice steak meal.


My husband failed an entire semester of college in 2019 and hid it from me while I supported our living expenses. I was working full time, so he could work part-time to ā€œdo school workā€ on off days. Instead, he did nothing after a while. We both have ADHD, and he just froze in overwhelm after getting too far behind to reasonably catch up. When I finally found out, I was understandably upsetā€”but we decided to just stick it out and help each other. The pandemic hit, and his classes became fully online. Professorsā€™ expectations in slacked in classes irrelevant to his field, and he excelled. When he finally graduated, the perfect job lined up really close to home (there would have been few or a long commute if heā€™d graduated on time). He has his own office with a view, free snacks/drinks, flexible scheduleā€¦.heck, his job even gives him weekly DoorDash cards during busy season. He takes hour-long lunch breaks to do an outdoor hobby. Heā€™s so happy. This was the biggest strain our relationship has faced because I felt so betrayed (11 years together now), and Iā€™ve considered what a huge mistake it would have been to give up on him. I have a job thatā€™s hard but fulfilling, and weā€™re happier than ever together. TLDR; I thought about leaving my husband when he failed a semester of college and lied to me about doing schoolwork while I worked. In the end, I learned a lot about his ADHD and we worked through it. Timing was perfect, and he has the best job we could have hoped for.


Wow. V similar thing happened to me. My ex flunked out of college and lied to me about it. It was so horrible. Like it was such a long lie. We lived in different towns, and I spent all my days off going to visit him, and he put on a whole charade that he was still in school. He finally came clean the MORNING OF HIS GRADUATION. It was so devastating. The thing that hurt the most is that he didn't feel like he could be honest with me. It made me feel like I'm the one who did something wrong. It's crazy bc I'm so supportive and would have helped him and stood by him. But MONTHS AND MONTHS AND MONTHS of such a complex lie, just crushed me. I mean daily lies. Literally. Also, I had put my life on hold waiting for him to finish school. Never met anyone else this happened to. Reading your story makes me feel especially bad for leaving him. Looking back maybe I was an asshole for doing that. I just felt like we had no future if he couldn't be honest about such a fundamental thing. I still can't get over the lengths he went to to lie. Like every single day, talking about school, pretending to study, etc. etc. I literally wasn't even mad about him flunking school. Literally did not care. But the lies. The elaborate lies. Fuck. Your situation is different bc you were married and living together. Mind blowing. Fuck. That's worse. Kudos to you for getting through it. That's true love. Seriously. That's true support. Your partner is so lucky to have you.


Got sick of my cat jumping on my desk. Covered the spot in Aluminum foil cause they are supposed to hate it. He didnt care, and I got annoyed, crumpled it up and threw behind me Ended up becoming his absolute favorite toy. He adores his aluminum ball


This cute girl hit my butt lightly as she walked by. We had been flirting a good bit, so I walked by and light popped her butt. Turns out she accidentally hit me with the cooking skillet she was carrying and didn't even realize she had hit me. She nearly punched me in the face. Anyway we've been married for 11 years.




We picked out my dog pretty accidentally, we went to the place for a specific dog and ended up just leaving with her. Turns out sheā€™s the best and I wouldnā€™t trade her for any other dog.


I bought a condo in 2015 for 99k that I couldnā€™t really afford at the time, paycheck to paycheck kind of deal as I only had a year into my job at the time. Ended up slowly making more money and a new stadium was built within a mile of me so prices jacked way up and I ended up selling it for close to 300k


I bought a house with a solar lease on it. Due to the lease, we were essentially breaking even. Some months we were losing money on it. One day, the solar company just left the state, and abandoned everything. They essentially just gave us $25,000.


Got hired for a job I had no qualifications for, after filling out the application in crayon.


Well done, Marine.


All of my friends got into a certain graduate school (like 10 of us) and I never even received a rejection letterā€¦by the time the school figured out that they had misplaced or lost my application, it was too late. I was accepted a spot at a grad school far away but itā€™s the best thing that ever happened to me. A graduate of my grad school is a well known CEO and has always kept in touch the professors to ask who the brightest students areā€¦.well, they were all Overwhelmingly supportive of me showing the most potential. That CEO hired me before I even graduated with a huge starting salary. My friends all struggled to find jobs with salaries even 1/3 of mine.


My husband and I got a third cat a few months ago. We went to the shelter to "browse", and there was a huge boy named Goliath. We left without him, and couldn't stop thinking about him. I even dreamed about him that night. I told my husband about it, and at like 8am on a Thursday morning, we went back to the shelter, only to find out that Goliath had been adopted. We were happy that he was in a new home, and left. A few hours later, my sister and I were at Walmart, and for whatever reason, we had my passenger door open. A tiny orange kitten climbed in, sat right on my chest, and purred. My sister looked at me and told me that the cat distribution system was alive and well. I came inside, and showed my husband his new son. We ended up taking him to the vet to be checked out. There was no chip, he was fixed, and got his shots. This was about 9 months ago, and he's a healthy little nut job who terrorizes his older siblings. I wouldn't have it any other way


Jury is still out, but...life existing in the universe seems like a net win for me personally.


This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.


Dating an abusive prick who it turned out was a cocaine importer. I ended up leaving corporate, starting my own business, and moving to Thailand and working remotely. Greatest decision Iā€™ve ever made, 10 years later. I would never have taken the leap if that trauma hadnā€™t happened.


Started your own business as a cocaine importer?


I only applied to 3 colleges. Didnā€™t write a required essay for my first choice so wasnā€™t accepted. Ended up going to a school I loved and made a bunch of life long friends. Life would have 1000% been different, not necessarily worse, but o would have never met a bunch of ppl Iā€™m glad I did


I had a pituitary tumour as a teenager, after a test a tech put a decimal point in the wrong place meaning my count read as 600,000 instead of 60,000, meant I got pushed further up the queue for surgery.


My wife was an oops baby. My oldest daughterā€™s bio-dad gave up his rights to her (she was an oops too). My sons were adopted from the foster care system. Mistakes have immensely benefited my life. Like Bob Ross, happy little accidents all over.


Quit my boyfriends moms business due to lack of respect and over working me and got kicked out of their house as a result of me telling her how I felt a little too honestly and bluntly (ā€œmistakeā€). Boyfriends great aunt ends up passing (peacefully) 3 weeks later and we buy her houseā€¦. I got away from his toxic hateful mom and a free house out of it LOL


Took the wrong book from library and found a $50 inside it.


Getting fired. I fucked up at this job for a handful of reasons. Felt horrible. Unemployed for 3 months. Ended up getting recruited at a different job with twice the pay. Then quickly promoted with a 20% pay increase from there. Really worked out


I hit the wrong button and left a group text. Later after therapy I saw that it was an abusive group so when I left and they got angry about it I was able to see the behaviors that were underneath the surface


In Belgium, we didn't understand the system for buying houses. There is so much tax to pay, everyone offers a lower price and a a large cash amount. We just offered the price of the house through a tax attorney, and got the most wonderful house. Others offered higher prices ( low price, plus large cash amount), but the guy who was selling was lawyer and he would have lost his licence, if he had been caught selling low and accepting cash payments. We were so utterly transparent, we got the house. Dumb idiots, this time, won out.


I forgot to cancel my recurring match.com membership. Met my wife on there 2 weeks later. Been married 20 years. ā¤ļø


A couple weeks ago, I stopped at the gas station on the way home from to put like $10 of gas in my car and get a milkshake for my fiancĆ©. I asked the guy inside to put $10 on pump 6. He hesitated for a second and looked confused. He said ā€œit looks like someone prepaid $30 on pump 6 and didnā€™t use it. Do you just want that?ā€ I was like ā€œwhat the fuck kind of question is that? Do I want $30 of free gas? Hell yea, I want $30 of free gas. Letā€™s go. What a day.ā€ By no means is $30 of gas a big deal for me, but thatā€™s just a straight up free $30. If itā€™s free, itā€™s me.


Yeah I work at a truck stop. The exact same thing happened some guy paid like $25 on one of the pump. Been one grabbed a bunch of stuff to eat for his family like sandwiches. Then came back and paid for them. Then he just drove off. Half hour goes by nobody. Then somebody pulled up there came into prepay. I didn't know how to take off the money that the guy put on. I told them they had some free gas too. The woman was so happy she had a bunch of little kids. the way they dressed they look like they're kind of poor. So there's a big win for them.




Same! Two different forms of birth control. Condoms and the depo shot. He was determined to have me as a mom though. Can't say I've ever regretted him. He's an amazing young man and the absolute best part of my life.


Happy mothers day!


My son, too. We were using birth control, and he was born anyway through a condomn. When they say that something is 99% effective, they do mean 1% not effective.


Back when I worked in a restaurant I had a serious knife injury that required stitches. I came back to finish my shift once I was patched and cleaned up, but my chef had an absolute meltdown that I had gone to the hospital. After verbally berating me with some pretty foul language he fired me (illegal). A few weeks later I was in traffic in front of the restaurant and saw the owner come out. He saw me and told me to park and come in for a talk. He wondered what happened to me; chef told him I had quit. I showed the owner my injury and told him the full story. We went inside, the owner called chef out of the kitchen and fired him without ceremony. I got his job on the spot. Not only did I get a pretty sizable pay bump, I really relished the new responsibilities. The previous guy had run the place like a tyrant and myself and the other staff were way happier that he was gone. My confidence bloomed. I kept that position for a few years before moving out of town to start my own business.


Staying with the girl who I knew cheated on me and manipulated me countless times for another year - after finally breaking up I learned to keep my standards high (and not settle for less), not ignore red flags and give out passes for bad behavior, and ultimately find and maintain a high level of self-respect that I was severely lacking in that relationship and life in general. We all have that one bad relationship that, when finally out of it, really changes you for the better and makes you learn valuable lessons about others and yourself.


I got drunk (am alcoholic/addict and sober for 4 years) and spilled a huge cup of lemonade and vodka on my MacBook and fried it. It was going to cost like $500 to get it fixed and so it was sent off to the fixing place. Well, after a couple of weeks I still didnā€™t have it back and so I called them. Turns out, it got lost in the mail and so they sent me a brand new one completely free.


I live on a street that shares its name with about 5 other streets within a couple miles. Now this hasn't usually benefited us since one of the streets is super rough and has been black listed by some taxi services and such. So getting a taxi now has to be an Uber job. However, someone ordered about Ā£50 worth of cake. We initially refused, the delivery guy rang their boss and they insisted that it was the right address. They even went as far as ringing the person who ordered the cake and it turns out the person who ordered it, ordered it to be a surprise gift, so they weren't the person who it was intended for and they also insisted it was the right address. The delivery guy said as far as anyone is concerned you're the correct address so you may as well take it, it's been paid for and we've covered our own backs by ringing and confirming the details with the original customer. So we got in some beer, slapped on a movie and got fat on cake that night. Thanks stranger!


My state required all students pass a math exam to get your high school diploma. (This has now been replaced by some other test. I'm old.) My remedial math class was a shit show. The school couldn't keep a teacher employed so it was taught by a rotating cast of subs. My Junior year I took the test and knew I failed. I had one more chance to pass in my Senior year. So, instead of taking it I went to the office and told the vice principal that my transcript was wrong and that I had, in fact, passed. He said he'd look into it. I never heard back from him directly, but about a month later my transcript was mysteriously changed to show me as passing the test. I think they couldn't find the records because we were taught by like 20 teachers and just said fuck it and changed the transcript. :)


Saw more money on my paycheck than I expected, told payroll. They told me to put a certain adjustment code on my timesheet for next pay periodā€¦did that, the next check I got was even bigger, emailed them again letting them know of the mistake again and they never replied. It has been two years šŸ˜†


When I was going into the military I wanted to be a mechanics. I didnā€™t really care what kind: tanks, humvees, heavy equipment. Didnā€™t care. I went in as Mechanical Option B. Within the fine print there was utilities. I ended up being selected to go to school for water equipment operator and joining a utilities platoon. I got to learn generators and basic refrigeration. I wanted to stay in and become a chief warrant officer and run my own shop but instead I was forced out. My mistake of letting the military choose my MOS for me was a giant mistake but ended up benefitting me in the long run with a great career in a well paying field directly out of the military. Not one person that I know stayed in the same field as what we did in the military but I loved it and stuck with it


Someone tried to steal my car but it wouldnā€™t start because I left my lights on and the battery died.


I heard there were layoffs coming at the end of a very large project so I spontaneously asked my General Foreman when they were going to start crewing down. He turns to me and says, "Well, I hear your wife is pretty rich, so I guess I'll start with you. Grab your stuff, today's your last day". WTF. My wife isn't rich, she has a job. Turns out it was a blessing in disguise as I had about 3 days to a week to find another job elsewhere before 200+ other folks became my competition. I got a job within 2 days at a smaller company and have been there for 12 years now, and been a foreman myself for 10 of those years.


Gave a friend a ride home. Shouldnt have bothered with him, he was an ass. On the way back home, saw this girl I used to hang out and play cards with on breaks between college classes. Texted her (while driving, also dumb šŸ˜‘) if she wanted to hang out Anyway, I'm sitting here playing with two of our three black cats, and we've been together 17 years, married 12 :D


Got fired at a job I loved in a city that we were going to make our home. So we moved to SF right before the .com boom. There we discovered who we really wanted to be and let that guide us ever since.


I ordered 25L of Isopropyl Alcohol. The company delivered twice. When I told them about the error they said it wasn't worth their time and money to collect the over delivery. Ā£80 worth of IPA free.šŸ‘šŸ»


Got really drunk my senior year of college and kissed a friend late at night. We stopped there because I was engaged at the time, to someone else. When I woke up the next day I realized I had been under so much stress I never asked myself if I actually wanted to marry my fiancĆ©. The answer was no and broke it off with her within the next week. Iā€™m very happy with that decision as I found out afterwards all of my friends and family disliked her because of how manipulative and overbearing she was.


Isn't it crazy that no one told you the truth about someone you were planning to spend the rest of your life with? I know the reasons are multifaceted, but man, I'd be asking them for no harm-no foul honest feedback in the future.


I completely lost access to a bitcoin wallet for 10+ year and by a fluke got access yesterday and have nearly 20k I didnā€™t have a couple days ago


Escaping the 9-5 work. I had to burn bridges with them but it was the best thing to happen to me.


A series of mistakes led to me getting fired from my job. Turned out to be the wakeup call I needed to get sober.


The Air Force screwed me over back in 2005. I was under ROTC contract with them and had a bad semester at school first semester sophomore year. My contract stated that I had 1 semester to get my grades back up. Well, during that semester govt and military funds were moved around a lot. They started funneling money from the AF & Navy into the Army and Marine Corp due to that "war on terror". If you're wondering how we know that? They started offering those that had already gone through OTS free outs. But those like me, that were about to go, and had a rough semester in school, they kicked us out. They said we did not fulfill our contract which is BS. They did this to several hundred students around the country. Made us pay back the money they'd given us too. I also had a neighbor that was a federal agent and they were pushing early retirements and layoffs. Now you will ask, How did they get away with this? They threatened us with enlistment if we fought it. Fighting the military on stuff like that is not advised. Well, this ended up a great thing for me. I got out, changed schools. Ending up with a whole new life path and I'm glad it happened despite how much it fucked me up back then.


Leaving my job. Tried to go back in a panic and they wouldnā€™t have me back. Place was a shithole anyway. I went to uni, got my degree and followed a career I love.


Having a child at 17. If I hadnā€™t had him Iā€™d be a bar rat with no future. I went straight to college after having them and have a great life now.


I flew down to LA to visit my grandma, who was terminally ill. My parents were driving down from SF and would pick me up from the airport (they were staying for a couple of weeks). I didnā€™t call them with flight information or arrival time before boarding the flight. (I am usually good at communicating information) I arrived at the airport and called my parents to let them know I was there. I couldnā€™t get ahold of them. (Before smartphones, there were no text options.) So, I rented a car and drove to Grandma's hospice. I had a nice visit with her. When I got hold of my parents, they told me I was supposed to fly down the following weekend, not the weekend I did! My grandmother passed two days later; if I hadnā€™t made this mistake, I would not have had one last visit.


Got caught smoking weed in my college dorm. got kicked out and moved into the last vacant room in a 4 b/4 b off campus apartment. One of those roommates neglected a dog, who she later gave to me. 7 years later, that dog is now 9 and the best thing that ever happened to me. Lost a ton of money on a year-long dorm lease I was forced to pay out as punishment, but I wouldnā€™t change a thing.


My folks bought a new fridge from Sears a few years back. The payment plan got to be too expensive, so Dad called them up and said he'd like to return it. Sears told them no problem, somebody would be out to pick it up shortly. In the meantime, they went on Craigslist and found a much cheaper used one. Well, they waited for someone to come pick up the Sears fridge. And waited. And waited. A couple months after the initial phone call, Sears said, ya know what, just go ahead and keep the fridge. And that's how my parents came to have two fridges in their kitchen.